Love across time

Alex started, though noot nearly as badly as draco, laughing softly."Nothing a shot of firewhiskey wont help."He said finally looking up at tom, looking haggard and annoyed.

Brax smiled slightly as he moved towards Draco,catching him as he nearly fell out of his seat, resting his hands on the other's shoulders, making sure he was firmly in his seat."YOu okay there dragon?"He asked, ignoring the choking sound coming from the other blond.

Alex damn near choked, turning to look at Abraxas with wide eyes, wondering if the older/younger malfoy had a death wish in doing that when draco was already pissed."...lets go."He muttered slipping out of his seat, heading for the door, wanting far away when draco exploded
Tom smiled a little, relaxing a little. "i was worried." he admitted blinking at Alex, looking rather befuddled on what he was supposed to do, kiss the other? hug him? hold his hand? do nothing because of Draconis? he had no clue. he winced however when Brax called Draco 'Dragon' the blonds face turning red, and then purple as he struggled to contain his rage. "...maaaybe i shouldn't have told brax it would be a good idea to call him that..." he muttered sheepishly under his breath as he allowed Alex to drag him off.

"Mister Malfoy." Draco hissed, once he had managed to get his voice back., "you have just crossed a line." he spat, silver eyes flashing much the way Abraxas's would, the way all Malfoy's did when they where pissed off. "one hundred and fifty points from slytherin and four detentions!" he hissed advancing slowly on Abraxas, and not in a good way, his wand out as he pressed it against the others neck. "and if you touch me, talk to me in any way that is not strictly for learning purposes, or attempt to call me ANYTHING other than Professor Medici, i WILL take your precious little cock off, as you seem to not need it for anything other than going after people who are clearly not interested. now GET OUT!" he ordered, the tip of his wand sparking with emerald sparks, warning of pain should Abraxas not follow Draco's orders.
A;ex nodded wincing a little."Probably not."He muttered wincing as Brax walked out of the room, sticking his head back into the classroom to talk to yell at draco."I told him to call you dragon, draconis. After all, it IS your name,without being your name.I'll catch up to you later."He said before ducking back out of the room before the blond could respond, setting a spell on the door so that it wouldn't let draco out for ten minutes. At least that'd be long enough for them to get away. Snarling wordlessly he looked at the two slytherins, sighing softly at the confused look on Brax's face."Upstairs. Now."He ordered before walking past them.

Brax looked at his friend confused, biting his lip. Looking upset. It wasn't often he got yelled at.And had any of them been paying attention, he was embarassingly close to tears."A-Professor?"

Alex snorted a little,"Alex. I'm not a tight ass light draco is, I wont hex you into the next millium for calling my name."He smirked looking at tom, raising a eyebrow, smirking at the idea of how he wanted the brunette saying his name."NOw. Seeing as you cant seem to keep out of fights, we're going outside.Dueling pratice."He said heading for the front entranceway, knowing it would be one of the last places draco'd look for them at.
Draco hissed with rage at Alex's confession and he whipped his wand at Alex, but of course Alex was faster and all Draco got was a shut door for his efforts, Tom gripping Abraxas' shoulder in silent comfort. "i'm sorry Brax, i didn't know he was going to react like THAT!" he admitted biting his lip a little, feeling vaguely guilty for upsetting his friend. "i thought he might sputter a little...not explode..." he glanced at Alex. "Professor Medici is a isn't he Alex?" he finally asked. of course anyone who had witnessed what Draco had would have anger issues. watching your lover get ripped apart simply because Voldemort 'felt like it' was not something that would give a person reason to smile. Draco had never been the same after Blaise had been slaughtered so mercilessly. torn into small pieces and fed to a rabid werewolf pack, still alive and screaming as his legs, then his right arm where fed to the beasts.

"i'm sure you can apologize to him when he calms down..." Tom promised Abraxas. "remember, Draconis burns cold and long, he won't stay hot for long." he teased smiling at him. "and you have to admit, he's pretty sexy when his eyes flash like that, like a star falling from the sky." trying to cheer his friend up as best he could. "and you know, they say fits of rage make a person REALLY tight." he smirked at Brax and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively even as he went beat red for his own boldness.
Alex made a whistle like a tea kettle going off, because he really didn't want to think that."Darling, if your going to make comments like that, you need to make them without blushing. It ruins the effort."He said airily, laughing softly when abraxas gave a hesitant laugh. "Draconis has his reasons for being the way he is."He said vaguely, trying not to react to the memory of those reasons. Not only of blaise, but of his own lover, so long under a crucio that when vldemort let him up there was nothing left of the arrogant proud man lucius malfoy had been. Of course,faced with his upset father at the moment was tossing things off kilter and confusing the medici heir. Shivering a little he sighed as they walked outside, relaxing at the feel of sunlight on his skin, trying to forget the past that was the future.

Brax laughed looking at tom, pooking him in the ribs."You're not so good at this cheering up thing tom."He teased laughing."And he did lok sexy like that...even if I was afraid he was going to hex me."
Tom just blushed harder and stuck his tongue out at Alex, looking pleased with himself for making Abraxas laugh, clapping his friend on the back. "well that's because i don't have to do it often. everyone knows i'm no good at cheering people up, and i don't apologize often either because when i DO upset someone it's usually on purpose." he admitted thoughtfully."people where never my strong suit. that's why it's so great that i have you as a friend because you don't care that i say stupid and insensitive things." he admitted with a smirk at the other. "besides, he wouldn't have hexed you, you could see it, he might have been pissed off, but he still has priorities, and i think in some weird way he's more trying to protect you than trying to push you away." he admitted. Tom wasn't good with interacting with people, but he did see a great deal. Tom always got money on bets, specially the 'who's going to fall in love with who' bets because Tom was just good at reading people. it was one of the things that made it so easy for him to be charming to everyone...everyone but Dumbledore.
Alex snickered sitting down on the ground, leaning back on his hands as he looked at the two friends, for the moment thinking about how best to train them."Draco has a hero complex.He likes saving people.And if anyone's going to hex a student, its going to be me."He said smiling when brax laughed.

Abraxas laughed shaking his head, "You need some bets. I'm running low on spending money,and mother wont send me more yet."He smiled relaxing because he knew while his friend tried to get him in trouble sometimes, as much as he tried to get tom in trouble anyways, and his friend tended to be a insenstive jerk, he really did care for him.And he wanted him to be happy...smirking he looked at the sitting teacher.And he knew just how to do it."You say stupid shit all the time. I've learned to ignore it."
Tom snorted a little as he settled onto the grass, sighing softly. "mmm it's a wonderful day." he murmured smiling as he glanced at Alex. "later, i was wondering if i could show you something?" he had tried to show Abraxas, but the little prissy pants wouldn't be caught dead in a girls bathroom, so that left Alex. and maybe he could even give Alex one of the eggs, with Ssian's permission of course. not that anyone but Tom knew who that was... "i do need some bets." Tom admitted sighing a little. "i need some more quills, and i've run out of parchment again." he admitted, scowling darkly, forgetting for a moment that Alex was there. "it's embarrassing having to borrow supplies from the school." he complained softly shaking his head. "stupid mudblood mother..." he had not learned yet, that in fact it was his father who had been the muggle.

he glanced at Brax and offered the other his most charming smile. "you will have to start the rumors again, people get suspicious if u try to gossip." they had the whole thing figured out. Abraxas spread the rumors of who was falling in love with who, the man was already a horrid gossip, and then the other students got Tom involved, because Tom was always right, and they enjoyed seeing his skills in action. that and they all felt rather sorry for him in his shabby third hand robes and tattered school books.
"I'll do that."Abraxas nodded, feeling sorry for his friend.But knowing better then to offer to pay for things, he'd been sick for weeks after that punishment. Damn slytherin and his pride.Though...glancing at the teacher lounging on the grass as he sat down next to tom he smirked."I'm sure alex'll look at anything you want to show him."He said waggling his eyebrows.

Alex snickered laying back,closing his eyes. Wondering if he could convince Tom to let him by him some school things and new robes. Not only did he deserve them,but he was driving draco up the walls with not having proper clothes."I'll go where you want me to."He smirked slightly, wondering how he could convince the blond slytherin to leave him alone with tom. After all, their kissing had been interrupted the night before.
Tom smirked a little and nodded to Alex. "we should go now, before someone finds a way to stop us, Abraxas needs to spread some rumors anyway, AND you have to finish that essay remebure?" he demanded of the malfoy. "your not cheeting off of me AGAIN." he complained with a small scowl. "your perfectly capable of doing tyour own trasfiguration work." he stated sternly before he stood up and brushed his robes clean, smirking at Alex. "i hope you don't mind going into a girls bathroom." he teased leading the way, as proud as always, stopping to help direct the first years on a few occasions, they always smiled brightly at him and scampered off, even the teachers beamed at him as he passed, no one was there when they got to myrtle's bathroom though, save myrtle. "morning Myrtle, how are you feeling today?" he asked pleasantly, the girl sniffling lightly as she poked her head through the door. "oh Tom! i'm doing alright, are you going down that hole again?" she asked sounding worried. "you should be careful, i heard something down there!" "it's ok Mur, really it is." he promised offering her a super sweet grin, one that made her blush and giggle and straighten her clothes. "i'm even taking the DA professor with me this time, see?" he asked grinning at Alex as Myrtle giggled. "i do see! well alright Tom." she agreed before sniffling again. "you will come and see me again?" "of course myrtle! always!" Tom promised. "i know i'm graduating this year, but i'm going to try and be a teacher soon, i should be able to come and visit you ALL the time!" he promised grinning at her winking at Alex as Myrtle beamed and vanished to gloat to herself about being 'freinds' with the great Tom Riddle.
Alex twitched a little as he watched the byplay, frowing hard at tom's back as he watched the slytherin heir open the chamber. After all, he'd known the man long enough, and knew potter long enough to know what the hell was waiting for him at the end of the tunnel. He'd gone to school here, he knew what was in there. And dammit, if the idea of going in there with the heir wasn't a turn on.

Smirking as he stepped closer, he wrapped his arms around Tom's waist, lowering his head to nuzzle the brunette's neck, hands gripping his hips firmly."You, were flirting with a ghost."He pointed out, "Should I be worried about competition?"He teased a hand sliding from tom's hip, slender fingers spreading across the man's stomach, his whole hand practically covering his narrow chest as he pressed tom back against him.
Tom smirked a little as the hole opened up at Tom's hissed whisper of 'Open, a small snicker leaving his lips as he leaned back into Alex. "i was only flirting so she wouldn't tattle on me." he admitted. "besides, being that i'm the one who killed her i thought it better to be nice." he admitted. "of course, no one knows that it was me." he admitted. "everyone thinks that it was that fat Oaf Hagrid." he admitted looking rather pleased with himself as he looked at Alex's reaction. "Stairs." he ordered with another hiss, the tunnel grating and scraping as stairs appeared. "don't worry professor, nothing down here will hurt you." he promised, taking Alex's hand and leading him down the stairs. "i keep her blindfolded most of the time, being a parsel her gaze can't affect me, but it can leave me with a pretty damn good migraine." he admitted looking ever so pleased to finally be able to show someone his secretes. "Ssian! come here pretty lady i have someone for you to meet! Tom chirped in parsel, a soft feminine grumbling coming from the tunnel as the Basilisk, just as massive as when Harry faced it, appeared in the stairwell.

"this is Ssian Alex. she's my friend." he admitted, gently stroking the snakes chin. and indeed she did have a very nice blindfold over her eyes. made of silk and satin, it was clear Tom had spent a great deal of money on it, caring more for his pet than he did for himself certainly said something about Tom's love for the great beast. "she's promised me one of her eggs!" he admitted grinning. "they won't be purebred Basilisk, but i think that it would suit me more to have a mixed breed. i'm going to name her Nagini." he grinned at Alex. "i bet if you asked very nicely, she'd even let you have one, if you want one, she has almost sixteen of them."
Alex smiled, not reacting like a normal person would at his....friend admitting to murder. After all, he was a death eater. He'd seen worse death and done worse then set a basilisk free. Smiling slightly as he walked forward he stroked the giant serpent's hand.Aww pretty lady, you are beautiful.Is he correct lady, my I adopt one of your children as my own?I teach here, it would be nice to a have a protector against... some of my fellow teachers should it come about. he hissed softly, wrapping a arm around tom's waist, pulling him snugglly against him. Before letting go.Dammit, he was not jealous of the snake for the attention tom had apparently paid it. No, he was not.
Tom smirked as the snake lifted it's massive head, flicking her tongue against Alex's face, tasting him before she offered him a nod. "if you are a friend of my Hatchling, then you are a friend of mine." she purred before backing out of the way so they could get in, Tom chuckling a little as he leaned into Alex. "mm your warm." he murmured, sounding pleased as he nuzzled the other man's chest. "i love it when she calls me Hatchling." he admitted. "sometimes i almost wish she WAS my mother." he admitted as he continued to drag Alex down the stairs. it was in much better shape, and there was a living room in the far corner, and a huge nest int he other with gleaming emerald green eggs laying in it. "this is where i come when i need to get away, there's a bedroom in here too, and even better it's outside of the castle wards, since the founders didn't know about it. Salazar made it after all."
Alex nodded a little looking around."It would be a nice retreat."He said smirking a little before a sad look crossed his face, tightening his arms around the other boy."I didn't know my mother either, and my father... was a harsh master, even when he was present in my life."He shrugged a little, cringing away from the memories of lucius, "Of course Slytherin choose his hiding spot well."He smiled a little as he walked to the couch, collapsing down on it in a artless sprawl, pulling tom down with him, holding him close. Nuzzling the boy's neck,seeking comfort. Pressing a kiss to bare skn he smiled."You're pretty warm yourself."He teased
Tom beamed, proud of himself. "i had to steal all this stuff too." he admitted. "mostly from muggle places. i go home during the summer and shrink them and put them in my pocket." he didn't explain how he managed to do that without alerting the ministry though. "i'm sorry about your mother." he murmured softly. "and your father too i guess." be bit his lip. "i wish i knew my father... he must have been a very noble person, he was the heir of slytherin you know." it must have killed Alex to know that Tom Senior was nothing more than a muggle man who abandoned Merope, that his mother had been the pureblooded one. the mother that Tom always felt had abandoned him. he grinned as he was pulled down onto the couch and snuggled into Alex, sighing softly as he got comfortable in the others grip. Tom wasn't normally one for physical contact, but with Alex, he just couldn't seem to get enough. of course even as older more insane....very insane, Voldemort, the Slytherin Heir had always had a thing about Alex, always needing the man close by, needing to touch him and simply hold him in place, sometimes very inappropriately, though the snake man hadn't been able to rape Alex, due to the fact that 'it' had long since ceased functioning, it had still been pretty bad. but this tom, this tom was sweet and calm and innocent and almost....adorable.
Alex swallowed hard, pressing a kiss to rumpled brown hair, his chest hurting at the idea. Because he knew just how the heir of slytherin came to be, and it would kill him to tell tom. So...he didn't. Though he really wanted to, it would kill part of tom, to destroy that dream. And he couldn't. So...he'd slip past it for now. Though shivering a little at the memory of how the older voldemort treated him, he was enjoying the attention of the young student."Well, now you wont have to steal things. I'll get you presents."he muttered shifting his hold, drawing the brunette closer."Anything you want."He muttered kissing him slowly, curious fingers wandering the brunette's body, though he refrianed from sliding them into the other's robs.
Tom smiled a little before he frowned a little. "but i like to steal." Tom admitted simply. "it's... it's like taking a part of a person, and making it mine." he paused again. "i don't really know how to explain it." he admitted snuggling tighter into Alex, reaching up and snagging a hair from the man's head, smiling a little as he tied it around his pinky finger. "there, see? now this is a part of me too." he stated. "i took it from you, and made it mine...and that means part of you is also mine." even as a child, Tom had an obsession about OWNING things, owning people, though he didn't seam to understand it was weird of wrong. "i do like presents though." he admitted grinning. "but, i think your the best present i'll ever have." he admitted, leaning into the nice hands that stroked him like he was a cat. "mmm...hey Alex? where did you get those eyes? and how do i get some?"
Alex rolled his eyes a little at the idea of stealing. Well, as long as it didn't get to bad, he figured it wasn't so horrible. Not compared to other things. Stealing another kiss before he answered."My other form is a serpent. I spent so much time in it"He swallowed hard, closing his eyes as a memory trapped him. Forced to stay by the very man he was holding because tom had been fasnicated with a animagus who was a serpent, and wanted to see how he'd react to being stuck as a snake. Swallowing hard he shuddered before continuing."to much time in serpent form to come all the way back. My eyes are stuck like this."He said shifting a little, a small distressed whimper escaping as he held the man closer, as if he could keep this tom, this man from changing by sheer force of will.
Tom blinked, looking startled. "oh, i'm sorry." he muttered softly, gently stroking Alex's cheek. "i didn't mean to upset you, that must have been very.....distressing." he muttered pausing to look for the right word. " never have to do that again." he murmured, smiling a little. "i'll have Ssian kill anyone who tries to make you go into your animagi form for me." he decided gently, hesitantly killing Alex's neck. "i won't let anyone hurt you...your mine now." he decided, giving the others neck a little nibble. "mine to hold and mine to talk to and mine to please." he purred, similar words that Voldemort had often spoken, but now there was a new tone, a loving tone instead of a possessive one. "and i'm yours." and that part was new too. "yours to teach and yours to own." he decided nuzzling the other again. "ok?"
Alex started at the familiar words, before a hesitant hopeful smile curled his lips at the rest. Smiling faintly as he looked at the man in his hold he nodded,"Okay."He smiled pulling him into a kiss, shifting laying back as he pulled the other on top of him, holding the brunette snuggly against him, kissing him, tangling his fingers in the other's hair, holding him close. Hissing ever so softly like a snake, because he knew how arousing the older riddle found it, he assumed the younger would find it just arousing.
Tom smiled as he snuggled more firmly into Alex, moaning softly as the fingers tangled in his hair, blushing a deep bright red as he realized he had indeed made that noise. he couldn't help it! his head had always been sensitive, so very sensitive, he moaned again at the sound the other was making, swallowing hard as his eyes flicked open to study the others face before leaning forward and kissing him hard, his tongue prying the others mouth open. a quick study, and of course a few 'confiscated' books and magazines from some of the other students.
Alex moaned sofly as he tangled his tongue with the other's, shifting a little, smirking because he knew he was going to embarass the other, but he couldn't help it. Spelling tom's robes off silently he smirked as the other settled on him in only his slacks and shirt, glad that the many layers weren't between them anymore. Smirking as he trapped the brunette's hip in his hand, pressing him down, moaning softly at the press of tom's ass against his hard cock.Hmmm that was heaven. Leaning back for a moment he studied the man with lust dilated serpent eyes. Hissing softly.Awww your so pretty lovely. So pretty. And so teasingly innocent. he hissed running his fingers through the other's hair, realizing just how sensitive the other was to it.
Tom moaned again at the others moan and gasped, twitching when he found his robes spelled off, leaving him in a muggle t shirt and faded jeans with holes staring in the knees. he blushed harder when he felt the others hardness pressing into him, but the only thing he could manage to feel was arousal so heavy he felt like he needed to puke again. "ah..." he ground his hips back into the others cock, shivering intently as the cloth pressed against his tight little hole. he had never realized how sensitive that area could be, A..Alex... please. e wasn't sure what he was begging for, but he wanted something, arching into the hands on his scalp, fingers digging into the others thighs with a needy little pressure. "please."
Alex smirked a little, shifting his hold on the other, lifting him up easily, resting his hands on the other's hips before switching their position."Please?"He teased shifting swalowed hard at the sight of the worn clothes. Deciding to raid draco's closet when they got back. It wasn't like the man ever wore his muggle clothes anyways. Smirking he shifted the other's shirt up, kissing his pale stomach as he undid his pants. Raising his head to study the teen for a long moment, trying to decide just how far to take it. Before nodding absently smiling as he lowered his head, sliding his mouth down over the brunette's cock, taking his time making sure the brunette'd enjoy his first blow job. Remembering what draco had said. After all, he really was a blushing virgin.
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