Snape's "Draco-Sitting" Job

Draco let himself be pulled forward, allowing his legs to wrap around Severus' waist. He was feeling a bit embarassed by now, noticing the thin line of hair under Severus' bellybutton, and then more darkness where Draco didn't have much but blond peach fuzz.

The boy had a feeling that Severus was planning to make him have another accident like last night, but he didn't know for sure. He was starting to feel a stir down there, and willed himself not to get hard. In front of his Godfather?? He'd die of embarrassment!
Severus wrapped one arm around Draco's body, his other hand moving to stroke both their cocks together. "It's okay to let yourself feel pleasure from this, Draco. It is perfectly natural, what happened to you last night."
Severus continued stroking them together, despite the small hand holding his wrist. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about, Draco. Look at me. I'm not embarrassed by what we are doing."

After a few more strokes, he removed his hand and placed his godson's hand where his had been. "Your turn. Just do what I had been doing. I won't get mad if we make a mess."
Draco grit his teeth as he felt himself harden in Severus' grip. He couldn't believe how wonderful and embarassed he felt at the same time. It was rather confusing.

The boy obeyed, panting heavily and clutching the sheet. He wrapped his hand as best he could to mimick Severus, his legs quivering against the man. Moving his hand up and down, Draco began to shake. The feeling of their hot flesh pressed together, Severus' being even harder and hotter, was driving Draco up the wall. Of course, his climax came out of nowhere, as boys usually don't last very long. His tail twitched and he pressed himself into Severus, letting go. He wrapped his arms around the man and, out of instinct, thrust against him a few times, finally crying out. Sticky warmth oozed between them, and the boy whined pitifully, still shuddering and clasped to Severus.

His cheeks were pink, and his blond hair stuck to his forehead.
Severus once again closed his eyes, letting his desire take over as he thrust up into his godson's small hand. With their bodies pressed so closely together, he could very easily tell when Draco was close to climax. Just the feeling of the boy's body shuddering in orgasm was enough to send the older of the two into his own climax. He wrapped his arms around Draco as well, holding the boy against him as he too came, the hot sticky mess coating both their stomachs. Maybe tomorrow night he would try something new with his young godson.
Draco, panting and spent, fell off Severus and onto his back, the bedspread caressing his spine. The slippery, pearly lust drippee down his stomach and thighs, and he gazed up at the mine, his ears going pink.

"I think my dream was sort of like that." he finally said, tail wiggling. "Except more of a feeling...instead of seeing it, you know." Draco pushed his blond hair back, looking down at himself and making a face.

"Why'd you have to have that much come out of you?" he laughed. "Just look at what you did Severus."
Severus laid down next to Draco, glancing over as he explained the dream he'd had the night before. "It is completely normal to have dreams like that, Draco. Do not be afraid of them."

He couldn't help but laugh at the question Draco posed, glancing at the boy's stomach. "You are still young, so you won't be having that much just yet. But you do need a bath. You can use my bathroom to clean yourself up."
"Okay." Draco nodded, taking his advice. He was glad Severus understood. The boy rolled from the bed and grabbed his clothes, going to the bathroom. "That was one strange trick." he said mischeviously before shutting the door.

Draco couldn't help but thinking about what they had just done while he washed himself. He decided to take a rare shower, not wanting to sit in dirty water. As the water rolled over him, he began to think about Severus' hands... Soon, the boy was hard again, and took care of that propped up against the tile wall. It happened again when he was drying himself, and he just couldn't ignore it. After panting and standing bent over the sink, he finally came again, amazed at how fast it was.

"Done!" Draco smiled, emerging squeaky clean, and with a slighty naughty smirk.
Severus was still laying on the bed where he'd been before, though the sheets were clean again. He had his eyes closed with a hand pumping his erection. The walls between the bedroom and bathroom were thin, so he'd been able to hear everything that went on in there, and all it had done was make him hard again. He hadn't wanted to alert Draco to his situation, so he thought taking care of it himself was the best thing to do, except now he had an audience though he didn't know it.
Draco immediately hushed himself, crossing his arms and watching intently. He watched Severus move his strong, willowy hand up his straining length, observing how he teased the end, slowed, then picked up speed.

He didn't want to let him know he was there. Draco watched the flushed tip of his member, waiting for him to cum. Severus looked so handsome, laying there, panting softly with his dark hair splayed out. Draco willed himself not to get hard again, using a hand to cup himself through his pants as he concentrated on the man's actions.
As Severus laid there stroking himself, he had the strangest sensation that he was being watched. He knew instinctively that he had to be Draco, as a house-elf would have made their presence known immediately. So, instead of stopping, he decided that he would give his godson a bit of a show. While he continued stroking himself, he moved his other hand underneath himself and slid a finger inside himself. As he did that, he moaned out Draco's name, his eyes never once opening.
Draco's small mouth formed an "o" shape when he saw what Severus was doing. He knew that touching yourself felt good, but...what was that the man was doing? Didn't that feel just aweful?

Draco blushed when he heard his name, feeling himself twitch under the cup of his palm. Was Severus aware that he was watching? He wondered how it would feel if Severus did the same to him...probably weird. I mean, why there?? Draco's blue eyes wandered over the man's motions, lingering at his pulsing lust. It was much thicker than his...intrigueing, really. The boy found himself envious of the man and his attractiveness.
Severus added another finger, imagining it was Draco's young body that was around his fingers instead of his own. He could feel himself quickly approaching his climax, and he moved his hand up and down his pulsing cock. Just before he came, he opened his eyes and fixed his gaze on the boy standing just outside the bathroom, mouthing his godson's name as thick strands of cum spilled from his cock.
Draco watched in awe, blushing furiously when Severus looked his way. It was too much for him to take. He watched the man cum thickly, squeezing his thighs together. One leg turned slightly inward, the boy shuddered and came right in his underwear, shutting his eyes.

"Oops." Draco smiled innocently. He giggled and ripped all his clothes off, taking care to wipe himself clean, then went to the bedside. "Why don't we just change the sheets and sleep like this tonight." the naked boy suggested with a smile. He blushed, then leaned forward to kiss Severus awkwardly on the mouth. "Thank you for letting me watch.."
Severus sat up, grabbing whatever he could reach to wipe himself off before pulling the sheets off the bed. He knew it was unlikely that he would be able to convince Draco to sleep in his own bed, but at this point he wasn't even sure he wanted to sleep alone. Glancing over at Draco, he nodded. "You can sleep in here tonight. But can you go get some clean sheets for the bed first?"
Draco nodded and went to fetch more bedsheets from the hall closet, and also to slip into a pair of white cotton underwear before the house elves caught him with no clothes. He came back and helped Severus change the sheets again, mostly getting in the way and tugging at the wrong ends.

When they finally had it on correctly, the boy climbed up and slouched onto his stomach, cheek against the bed. "I feel so...tired." he murmured, his pale body still quite spent.
Severus wasn't the least bit surprised that Draco didn't know how to put sheets on a bed properly, since he had house-elves that did the work for him. Still, it got a bit annoying whenever the boy would pull at the wrong parts of the sheets, not that he would complain. He was still looking forward to sleeping with his arms around his godson.

Once they were done, he climbed into bed and pulled Draco close, not at all concerned by the fact that he was still quite nude. "If you are tired, then sleep, Draco." He kissed the top of the blond's head, then closed his eyes to sleep as well.
The boy snuggled against Severus and closed his eyes, tail resting between his legs. He slept very soundly that night, once in a while letting out a small murmur. Severus was warm, and his skin was soft, making the boy feel safe as he rested.

Severus would awake the next morning to find Draco lying there, watching him with steady blue eyes. He was intrigued by the man; he found him very attractive.
Severus slept just as soundly, for probably the first night in a long time. It felt good to have someone to share his bed, even if that someone was his godson.

The rest of the summer went by quickly, and before anyone knew it, it was time for school at Hogwarts to start again. Severus had returned a week earlier to get a start on his lessons for the first couple weeks, but now he was sitting at the head table as the new group of first years were getting Sorted into their houses. He would occasionally look over at the Slytherin table, making sure that his godson was behaving himself.
Draco was of course doing his usual combination of eating, talking to Crabbe and Goyle, and making faces at Harry Potter. Really, he hardly ever got in trouble for bothering him, so why stop?

"Git..." Harry grumbled, turning away and going back to his pudding.

"We've got double potions tomorrow." Hermione reminded, making Ron groan.

"Yeah, I know." Harry sighed, looking over at Professor Snape with a plain expression. "I figured I might off myself before then."

"Oh stop it."
Severus ate quietly, occasionally shooting glares at the new DADA teacher. Normally, he wasn't all that upset about being passed over for the position, but this year the job had been given to a man he detested. He remembered the werewolf from his student days, since Remus Lupin had hung around James Potter. To make matters worse, Dumbledore had asked him to prepare a potion for the man to keep his lycanthropy under control.

George sat down next to Harry, putting an arm around the kid's shoulders. "Fred and I have some new items you can use on Snape. We can give them to you later, if you want."

When dinner was over, Severus returned to his quarters in the dungeons to check on the potion he'd been brewing. After giving his cauldron a quick stir, he got into bed and went to sleep. He wasn't exactly looking forward to having two Potions classes with the Gryffindors, but perhaps he'd be able to finally put the Potter brat in his place.
"Thanks guys, we'll swap in the common room." Harry smiled, taking a swig of pumpkin juice. Since third years were allowed into Hogsmeade, Harry had a feeling that fun was in store...

Harry woke the next day, jammed all the Snape-bothering supplies he needed into his leather bag, then headed of to Divination. A bummer that was, but it was far less trouble than trying to avoid Snape's temper.

When he did get to double potions, he found Ron and Hermione waiting in front of two cauldrons. So, they weren't even allowed pairs for their first potions.

"Hey Ron." Harry whispered as Snape began instructing in his usual drawl. "Watch closely. Today should be amusing...met Fred and George last night for some- The boy hushed himself as Snape drew nearer, listing off ingredients.
Severus walked around the classroom as he instructed the students on the potion they would be making that day. As he passed Harry's table, he glanced into the boy's cauldron to see how well his potion was coming. He already knew how it would turn out, what with Hermione standing next to him and whispering instructions into his and Ron's ears. He would just have to keep a close eye on those three.. Walking back to the front, he sat down at his desk and started working on the next class' lesson plan while the students made their potions.
Harry waited for Neville Longbottom to undoubtedly make a mistake, before he quietly dug something from his bag. Snape swept past him in his bat-like manner, irritated with his accident prone student.

Trying dreadfully hard not to smirk, Harry tossed the foot snatcher on the ground and let it crawl towards Professor Snape's robes. It would place itself in the correct spot, and when the person came along, act like an animal trap and close it's jaws on the shoe (not sharp of course). It would have to be removed with a simple prying charm.

Harry winked at his two friends, turning around and waiting for the howl of surprise.
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