Snape's "Draco-Sitting" Job

Severus followed Draco's gaze to the basket, knowing the boy wasn't being completely honest with him. "I want the truth, Draco. So you can either tell me now, or I'll use the Veritaserum I brought with me." He didn't really, but Draco didn't need to know that. He hoped that if the boy was scared, he would stop his little pranks before someone got hurt.
"I'm not lying!" Draco whined. "He'd take the spider away and probably smack me or something, but you don't have to."

Truthfully, Lucius probably would have spanked Draco he'd of been so furious, something he hadn't done in a while, which made it all the worse. Draco was small for his age, so the man probably wouldn't hesitate to lay him over his knee and never let him have the spider as long as he lived. The boy was glad Severus was not Lucius.

"I didn't mean for it to hit you." Draco lied again. "I won't do it again Severus, okay?" He inched away from the man cautiously.
Severus walked over to the basket Draco had looked at before, taking the Acromantula out. "I will be taking this, and I'll be back with the veritaserum. You better start telling me the truth before I get it." He walked out of the room, hoping the threat of veritaserum worked on the boy.
Draco stifled a "No!" when Severus took his Acromantula, only a small moan of disappointment escaping him. "I'm not lying Severus! Well...I did actually mean for it to hit you, but besides that I'm not lying, really! I guess Father might...spank me if I did this to him, but that's only when I do really bad things. Besides, I would never set my spider on him in the first place."

Draco crossed his arms stubbornly. "I'm not lying, and I don't have anything else to say. So goodnight." The boy looked longily at his Acromantula pet.
Severus turned to look at Draco as he reached the door. He almost felt sorry for the boy, but he needed to make him understand such pranks will not be tolerated. "Once I am able to talk to your father, then I will consider giving the spider back to you. Till then, it stays with me. Good night Draco."

He walked back to his room, setting the spider in a basket before getting ready for bed.
Draco spent the next half an hour coming up with different ways to steal back the Acromantula, but finally gave up and fell asleep. He drifted off quickly, falling into an easy, peaceful rest. That is, until around 3:30 in the morning, when he awoke from a terrible dream.

The boy gasped and sat up, blond hair sticking to his forehead and nightmarish visions of his injured baby Acromantula floating before him. For a second he thought he might cry, but forced himself not. Draco blinked, noticing how dark it was, and felt a sudden stab of fear.

Draco leapt out of bed and ran to Severus' room. Not having any second thoughts, the boy climbed into bed facing the man. He was shivering from fear, but his body was hot. "S-Severus...? Severus...?" He snuggled up against the man's chest, pushing gently on his shoulder. "I had a bad dream..."
Severus woke with a start when he felt the bed move, blinking when he noticed Draco leaning against him. That alone caused a reaction that the potions master hadn't felt in years, but he was determined not to give in to his feelings. He'd lost one person he cared about due to his own mistakes, and he wasn't going to lose another. "Draco, you are thirteen years old. You should start acting like one. Now please go back to your room and get some sleep..."
Severus groaned, reaching to pat Draco's head in what he hoped was a comforting manner. He was glad for the loose pj bottoms he was wearing, as it hid certain parts of his anatomy, for as long Draco stayed where he currently was. "Yes, your spider is safe, Draco. I put her in a basket over by the window."
Draco let go and sat up, looking across the room. He could see the basket sitting there, brushed by the moonlight. "Oh good...she likes the moonlight. Thank you Severus."

The boy smiled and settled back down next to Severus, pulling the covers to his shoulders. He rested his hand softly on the man's forearm, closing his eyes and falling asleep before Severus could say one word about it. The boy was like a soft heater while he sleep, warm and staying by the other's side.
Severus let out another groan, looking over at the sleeping blond next to him. He didn't really want Draco sleeping in the bed next to him, but there was little he could do about it now.

After a few minutes, Severus was still wide awake. He disentangled himself from Draco and went to walk around the manor for a while, hoping the distance from Draco got rid of his little problem. If this was going to happen every night, he would have to start locking his bedroom door after making sure the boy was in bed.
It was a good thing Severus left when he did, or he would have gotten to experience something that would embarass both of them.

The boy tossed and turned for fifteen minutes off and on, in a cold sweat, occasionally croaking out Severus' name (something he didn't realize). Draco awoke in the bed alone, clutching the sheets. He instantly groaned, recognizing that familiar sticky feeling in his underpants. Great.

Greatly embarassed and afraid of someone finding out, Draco crawled drowsily from the bed and went to his room. He removed all of his clothing and slipped into a pair of boxer shorts, bundling his underwear and pajamas up and heading down the stairs. The boy had no idea where Severus was. Usually he'd be anxious to find him, but now, all he wanted to do was get these down to the laundry, quietly and unseen.
Severus was on his way back to his bedroom when he saw the door open again. Quickly ducking into another doorway, he watched as Draco slipped out and went to his room for a moment. He continued watching the two doors, wondering what the boy was doing up again at such a late hour. When he saw Draco come back out carrying his pj's, he decided to follow to see what was going on.
"So stupid..." Draco mumbled to himself, heading down to the laundry room. A drowsy house elf sitting in the corner asked him what he was doing, and he responded with "Nothing, mind your own business."

Not wanting to take any chances, the boy pushed his soiled clothes straight into the washing machine. He hoped that the other dirty laundry would merely be thrown in with it, and no one would ask questions.

"Ick." Draco winced, rinsing his hands off in the laundry room basin. He left the room at a run, wanting to get back in bed as soon as possible, but ended up smacking into Severus.

"Ouch! Severus...why aren't you asleep??" he asked in an almost scolding way, wrapping his arms around his bare torso and shivering.
Severus stood outside the laundry room, waiting for Draco to come out. It wouldn't be a very long wait because not even a minute after he'd gone in, the blond came bolting out of the room and right into him. He looked down at the boy, a dark eyebrow raised. "I could ask you the same thing, Draco. I am awake because a young blond boy woke me after he had a nightmare and then went to sleep in my bed. Which leads to my question. What are you doing awake, again?"
"Um..." Draco said quietly, looking up into Severus' eyes as if searching for the answer in them. He stood there for what seemed like ages, his cheeks growing hot. "I had...another bad dream. And...I didn't feel like being in those pajamas anymore."

Draco nodded firmly then as if trying to convince himself, and started back up the stairs. "I didn't mean to wake up, I'm going to sleep now, I promise." He was so embarrassed.
Severus grabbed his arm before he got far, turning him around so they were face to face. "I've had enough of your lying, Draco. Now tell me the truth. Why are you really awake?"

He would probably end up regretting asking that question, but it was too late to take it back.
Draco frowned as Severus grabbed him and knelt to face him directly. He looked away for a moment, feeling ashamed. "But I don't want to tell's embarrassing. I don't ever tell anyone, but sometimes I can't help it...I have dreams and...oh Severus, please. I don't want to tell you, you'll never speak to me." He hoped the man hadn't noticed it was his pajamas he had been carrying, but then again, if he wasn't wearing them, it was pretty obvious..
"Draco, you can tell me anything. I swear I won't tell your parents, whatever it is." Severus meant every word, though the truth would probably something he'd never expect. "I won't think any less of you, I promise."
Draco exhaled and looked straight at Severus, his cheeks pink. "Alright..." he said quietly, as if sharing a secret. "I sort of...had an accident. But, not that kind, you see. I"

Draco leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "I had that accident...that boys get. In my sleep. That's why I had to put my underwear and stuff in the washing machine before you saw." He winced, feeling embarrassed. "I didn't mean to have one, especially your room. I'm sorry Severus."
Severus nodded as he listened, his eyes widening a bit as he realized what Draco was saying. "Have you talked to your father about such matters?"

That was not a conversation he wanted to have with a teenage boy, especially considering he wasn't even the boy's father. He stood up, rubbing his temples as a headache began. This week was turning out to be a nightmare. There was no way he could let the boy sleep in his room again, not if his suspicions about Draco's dream was correct. "Go back to bed, Draco and forget we had this conversation. I will see you in the morning."
Draco hung his head. "Yes Sir..." He made his way up the stairs without another word. The boy fell asleep in his own bed and didn't have anymore dreams, sleeping soundly into the morning.

At around eight o'clock, Draco rose from bed and dressed in his usual dark slacks and short sleeved, collared shirt. He decided not to bother the man just yet, figuring he would be tired after last night. So instead, he took a broom ride outside (unaccompanied by an adult), turned a teaspoon into a mouse, played with it then lost it in the house, then went to his parent's room and began jumping on the bed.
Severus didn't go to sleep right away, thinking about what he should do about Draco. If the boy was having wet dreams, most likely about him considering the boy had been sleeping in his bed, then he knew he had to lay down a few extra rules to prevent anything happening that shouldn't. He finally fell asleep an hour before dawn, and slept till noon.

When he finally awoke, he called for a house-elf to find out where Draco was and whether or not he'd had breakfast, brushed his teeth, etc. After dismissing the elf, he went to get his clothes out of the bag he'd brought with him. As he got dressed, he saw a mouse running across his bedroom floor. Shaking his head, he summoned another elf to catch the mouse and return it to where it had come from, knowing that Draco had something to do with it being in the house.
Dotty, a female house elf, gladly caught the mouse for Severus. "Sir, young Master Draco has brushed his teeth, washed his face and had his breakfast, though now he is jumping on Master Lucius' bed. Would you like Dotty to bring you anything?"

"IS SEVERUS UP DOTTY, IS HE UP??" Draco yelled through the house, still bouncing happily. He had been waiting forever. As far as the boy was concerned, last night didn't matter anymore, he had nearly forgotten it already.
Severus looked up when he heard Draco shout from the master bedroom. "You can bring me a cup of coffee, Dotty, and tell Draco that I would like a word with him."

While waiting for the elf to return with his coffee, he went into the bathroom to change and clean up.
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