Snape's "Draco-Sitting" Job

Severus chuckled at the boy's seemingly endless enthusiasm. "Take your spider back inside, and then we'll play your game."

He could feel his body starting to react again as the boy hugged him, part of him wondering if Draco knew just how much he was affecting him. He was considering just leaving Draco to be cared for by the elves, but he couldn't go back on his promise to watch him. But if things continued the way they were going, he might end up doing something that could get him killed if it were to be discovered.
Draco beamed with anticipation, scooping Lady into her basket and bringing her inside. "I'm going to leave Lady's basket open Scormy, just so she can make sure there aren't any mice in the house."

The house elf nodded. "Just as well, I'm afraid the mouse we found this morning got away again. She'll have a fine time hunting it."

Draco returned to Severus, hands on his hips. "Okay, I'm the dragon now. I can fetch things and find things and even do tricks. And I'll only make my bed or pick my clothes up when I'm the dragon, since I have to do what you say." The boy stuck his tongue out and made a hissing, lizard-like noise.
Severus was still where he was when Draco had gone inside, seemingly lost in thought. When he realized he wasn't alone anymore, he looked down at the boy. "You can start by fetching me something to sit in, and something to drink. It's hot out here today."
Draco nodded and responded with a small hiss, bulleting off around the side of the manor. He returned with what looked like a twisted lump of metal in his arms. Marching over to a shady spot beneath a large, twisting tree with an overhang over flowering branches, he threw down the lump. Obviously charmed, it made a strange noise and expanded suddenly into a chair. Next, the boy went to fetch Dotty, asking for a cold glass of pumpkin juice since he wasn't usually allowed in the kitchens.

He secretly took a teeny sip from it before he went outside, sniggering boyishly. "Here!" he called, trying not to spill as he ran back to Severus. Draco handed him the glass and sat down beside him on the grass, flicking his tongue out like a snake. He rubbed his head gently against the man's knee, obviously wanting to be petted for his efforts.
Severus couldn't help but smile at Draco as he watched the boy dart back and forth from the house. Once the boy came back with the chair, he sat down with a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Draco."

When he came back with the juice, he ruffled the boy's hair before taking a sip. He'd decided, while watching the boy, that he might as well give in to his desire. "Don't you think you would be more comfortable up here in my lap?"
Draco closed his eyes and nuzzled into Severus' hand, his hair like warm silk. He jumped at the offer, climbing up into the man's lap and being careful not to spill his juice. He enjoyed the feel of Severus' dark clothes.

"If only Father could give me a tail again. It wasn't permanent of course, but Mother was furious." The boy laughed as he remembered running around like that. Magic really was a great thing.

Draco hissed and leaned forward quickly, taking a quick, gentle nibble at Severus' pale neck. "Dragon bite!"
Severus ran his hand through Draco's soft blond hair, chuckling. The image of Draco with a tail was amusing to picture. "You want a tail? I can give you one but it'll have to go before your parents return at the end of the week."
"Could you..?" Draco gasped, as if this were a free present. He squirmed in Severus' lap. "Can it be blue and purple...? And shiny...?" he asked, remembering the fun he had with it last time. It hadn't been very long, but it certainly fun to show off. It even twitched or moved when he had certain emotions, like a dog's tail or ears. Draco's excited face was about six inches from Severus', his large eyes gleaming wildly.
Severus smiled, getting his wand out of his pocket. Now he just had to remember the spell needed to give his godson a dragon tail. "It can be any color you want, Draco. Now hold still while I cast the spell." Once he was sure he had the right spell, he muttered the words and pointed his wand at the boy. "There you go. A shiny blue and purple tail for my favorite godson."
Draco's face went funny or a moment; it felt like the bottom of his spine was lengthening. Something pointy poked through the back of his trousers and grew to about 12 inches, shiny bluish purple and twitching curiously.

"Wow!" Draco gasped, holding the small tail in his hand, then letting it wiggle. "Thank you!" The boy wrapped his arms around Severus and squeezed with delight.
Severus couldn't help but feel the excitement that Draco was feeling. He wrapped his arms around the boy, kissing the top of his head. "I'm glad you like it, but it's only while I'm here. When your parents come back, I'll have to get rid of it."
"I know, I won't tell anyone." Draco nodded, resting his head on Severus' shoulder. He reached up and fiddled with the small silver clasp on the man's robe, looking curious. He flicked his tail happily and hissed.

"Do I need to go fetch something else? Do you want me to do a trick?"
Severus wasn't at all worried about Draco saying anything to Lucius and Narcissa. The house-elves, on the other hand, might be a problem. He just needed to figure out how to keep them quiet about what he and Draco do over the next few days.

"Why don't we go inside? It's cooler inside, and there is a trick I want you to do."
"Oh good, I'm super good at tricks!" Draco assured Severus, trailing after him. He tried to keep up while simultaneously looking curiously at his twitching tail. It made him feel so giddy to look down and find that.

The boy looked up and saw Severus going into the house, dropping his tail to run forward. He came inside and stuck to the man like a shadow, anxious to show off his skills.
Severus lead the way through the manor to his bedroom, sitting on the bed and looking at Draco. "Shut and lock the door. I can't have any of the house-elves interrupting us while I have you perform this trick."
Draco hurried up the stairs after the man. He obeyed and locked the door behind them, feeling giddy.

"Alright, what is it?" the boy almost whispered, catching on to the secretiveness. He sat on the edge of Severus' bed and swung his legs back and forth.
Severus had already removed his cloak and shirt, leaving just his trousers on for the moment. He had to do this slowly so as not to frighten the boy. "Come over here and undo my pants for me. They seem to be a little stuck."
"What're you doing?" Draco giggled, going over to Severus. It was funny to see the man's bare chest...he was built rather nicely though. His smaller hands worked the button of the man's trousers apart, and unzipped them halfway.

"Is that...good?" he asked quietly, a pink blush forming on his cheeks. His short tailed wiggled. "That wasn't the trick, was it?"
Severus leaned back and watched as Draco unzipped his pants for him. "No that wasn't the trick." He reached into his pants and pulled out his semi-erect cock. "For you to do the trick properly, I'm going to need you to stroke this for a couple minutes. Can you do that?"
Draco clapped a hand over his mouth at the sight of something so unexpected, stifling a laugh. Severus, however, was not laughing. "Oh..." the boy spoke, blushing harder. He'd never seen anyone else below the belt, except for once when he'd walked in on a startled Lucius.

"Um...alright." Draco nodded, his tail going rather still. He reached forward, his pale fingers settling on Severus' hardness. He then moved his hand awkwardly, sort of petting it oddly. Before, when Draco was alone, he had wrapped his whole hand around himself and moved it up and down for a while. Did Severus want that...or was he jumping to conclusions? Draco could feel the vein pulsing slowely beneath the skin, an looked up at the man as if checking for approval.
Severus had his eyes closed, a look of pure pleasure on his face as his erection grew harder. He wrapped a hand around Draco's and started moving it up and down. "Do it like that, Draco."

When it was fully erect, Severus opened his eyes and reached across to help the boy out of his slacks. "Now this is where you do your trick. Are you ready?"
Draco's heart pounded as he did his "trick". He felt embarrassed...yet, it didn't feel entirely wrong. Something about seeing Severus close his eyes and make that face. It made the boy feel like he was doing something right. Was this feeling extremely good to him...? Draco felt he just might explode if someone did that to him.

He watched as the member grew increasingly stiff in his hand, the end now shiny with moisture. A fresh wave of heat crossed Draco's cheeks when Severus tugged at his own trousers.

So this was his trick. "What shall I do..?" Draco asked, feeling shy and letting go of Severus.
Severus opened his eyes and looked down at the blond boy. "Come sit in my lap, Draco. I promise you that you'll like this trick."

He reached down and spread the pre-cum all over his erection, his lustfilled eyes still on his godson. "You will have to stay relaxed though for it to really work."
Draco wasn't exactly sure how he was going to sit on Severus' lap and avoid other things. Maybe if he sat facing him, he wouldn't end up putting bum right on the man's arousal. That might make Severus uncomfortable.

So, Draco came forward and climbed onto the other's lap. He stopped then, and sat sort of on Severus' knee, not sure what to do. He frowned slightly, and his tail twitched.
Severus had anticipated Draco's reluctance, and moved him forward so their bodies were touching. "Don't be afraid, Draco. I won't hurt you. I promise."

As much as he wanted to fuck the boy senseless, it was still too soon for that. He would just have to settle with rubbing their groins together for now.
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