Snape's "Draco-Sitting" Job

It didn't take long until there was the unmistakable sound of an exploding cauldron coming from Neville's table. If Potions hadn't been a required course for the younger students, Severus would have banned Neville from his classroom during his first year.

Getting up from his desk, he strode between the tables toward Neville's, completely unaware of what was about to occur. After inspecting the now ruined cauldron and deducting points from Gryffindor for Longbottom's ineptitude, he turned to head back to his desk. Just as he was taking his first step in that direction, his foot connected with the foot snatcher. The look on his face as he glanced around the room was definitely not a pleased one, especially considering half his students were laughing while the other half just looked shocked. "20 points will be deducted from both Houses unless the person who did this comes forward!"
Harry's smile immediately diminished. Hermione gasped. "But Sir! That foot snatcher could have been hiding in here for days!" She kicked Harry under the desk. No way Gryffindor was going to lose that much.

"I agree Sir." Harry nodded, a strange glint in his eye. Even if he wasn't laughing, his eyes seemed to be. Even Draco was sniggering, hoping dearly that Snape wouldn't be able to get the trap off, therefore gaining permission to kill Potter.
Severus turned toward Harry and his friends, glaring at the three of them. "It wasn't there before today, Miss Granger. I made sure to have this classroom cleaned out a couple days ago and if it had been here then, I would have seen it. Should I deduct another 10 points from Gryffindor for your insolence?"

It took a few minutes, and several charms, for Severus to finally get the foot snatcher off his leg. Once it was off, he walked back to his desk and set it down before turning around to face the class. "Someone better come forward, or I will deduct 5 more points from your Houses for every minute you are all silent."
Hermione quieted herself immediately, glancing at Harry with disapproval. How could Snape do something so unworkable? Now there really wasn't going to be an easy way out.

"I saw Potter set it loose." Draco piped up immediately, crossing his arms. "Fell right out of his hand, didn't it Crabbe?"

"Liar!" Harry retorted, narrowing his eyes. He turned to Snape, raising an eyebrow. "I was busy brewing, obviously."
Severus glanced over at Draco, nodding. "Thank you Draco. 10 points for Slytherin."

He turned his attention back to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Since you three think it is so funny to play pranks when you are supposed to be brewing, I will take 10 points each from Gryffindor. The rest of you finish your potions."
"But Sir!" Hermione gasped, looking equally stunned as Ron. She immediately looked back into her cauldron, not wanting to do more damage.

Harry looked back at Draco, giving him a tremendously threatening look. Just like Draco to ruin all his fun. He couldn't help but glare at Snape before he went back to work. By the time class was over, Harry was fuming.

He decided to take the leftover ingredients, slipping them into his robe pockets. They might come in handy later... At the end of class, Harry snatched his bag up to leave as quickly as possible, shooting another displeased look in Snape's direction. Now he'd have to earn those points back.
Severus kept a close eye on Harry and his two friends for the rest of the class, knowing that they had indeed had something to do with the foot snatcher. He also knew that Harry would try another prank, though he doubted it would occur during that class period.

At lunch, George was waiting for Harry outside the great hall. When he saw his classmate approaching, he waved, a grin on his face. "I hear you used the foot snatcher on Snape.. Way to go, Harry!"
"Yeah, 'cept I got 30 points taken from Gryffindor. Foul git. Draco ratted me out of course...said he saw me do it. I know he didn't see, he was just guessing, but of course Snape believed him."

Harry spent the next Potions class being completely silent. He played no pranks whatsoever, only concentrating on properly brewing his potion. The only crime he committed was a bout of giggling promoted by small enchanted notes being passed by Ron.

Draco of course, wasn't about to let it go. "Sir, Potter's got another foot snatcher!" he cried out suddenly, making Harry gasp in surprise. He most certainly didn't!
Severus was just walking back to his desk after examining everyone's potion when he heard Draco say that Harry had another foot snatcher. Any other teacher probably would have taken points away from Slytherin for such an outburst, but Severus was not any other teacher.

He spun around to look at Harry, walking back over to the table. "That's it, Mr. Potter. You have earned yourself a detention. I don't want to hear of any more pranks being played by you after this. I will expect you back in here for your detention after dinner tonight."
Harry was fuming. Oh yes, he would get back at Draco for that one. "But Sir, he's lying, I don't even have one! Isn't picking favorites a bit risky're...a teacher?" he argued at Snape's back, his voice quieting when all the Gryffindors shook their heads warningly at him. Harry closed his lips.

Draco sniggered with Crabbe and Goyle, absolutelg enthralled with the Gryffindor's bad luck.
Severus shot a look over at Draco's table. "You can stop laughing, boys, unless you all want to join Mr. Potter in detention."

He turned his attention back to Harry, smirking. "As you can see, Mr. Potter, I don't play favorites as you have just suggested. Now you will stop passing notes with Mr. Weasley unless you want to add another detention to what you already have."
Harry stomped out of class when it ended, Ron and Hermione rolling their eyes. When would Harry ever never went well with Professor Snape.

Draco stayed behind, shooing off Crabbe and Goyle before sitting right on Snape's desk. "I can't believe you didn't go to Dumbledore...could have injured you." the boy sniffed snobbishly, thinking of Harry. "You're too soft on him." He just loved complaining to Snape, even more than he loved complaining to Father.
Severus got up after all the other students left and shut the door before turning to look at Draco. He didn't want anyone to listen in on their conversation. "I could have gone to the Headmaster, but I have something much better planned for Potter. Now you should probably get to your next class, Draco."
Draco frowned a bit. "Good. Potter deserves it." he nodded. "Hm...well fine, if you want me to leave, I will." The boy deliberatly came between Snape and his chair, leaning up to force a sudden kiss on his lips. "See you later."

Harry tried to enjoy himself as much as possible during dinner, knowing that he'd be miserable in a few hours. He almost choked on his potatoes when Draco sent a toe biter at him from under the tables. So...Draco had some supplies of his own?

While everyone headed back to their common rooms, Harry had to follow the Slytherins down into the dungeons, taking a right towards the classrooms when they took a left. He knocked on Snape's office door with a lazy expression. This would
Severus was in his office when Harry entered the classroom, though he had the door open so he could hear when the Boy-Who-Should-Have-Died (even though Snape was the only one who thought that) entered the room. Getting up from his desk, he moved into the classroom, taking a seat at his desk. "Shut and lock the door Potter. It is time you get the discipline you are lacking."
Harry sighed and shut the door behind him, slipping the lock in place. "Um...whatever it is you're planning Professor..I really need to be back at the common room soon."

Harry hoped it was something like copying lines; he could do those very fast and be done with it. Besides, he was planning on more mischief tonight..
While Harry was doing as he was told, Severus was removing his robe and shirt, leaving just his pants on for right now. "You will be able to leave soon, but not until I am done issuing your punishment for your actions this morning."
Harry rolled his eyes, waiting for Snape to get out whatever materials he would be needing. He was surprised to find that nothing would be needed.

"What are you doing..?" the boy questioned suspiciously, leaning against the door with his fingers brushing the lock. Why he was suddenly staring at the pale chest of Severus Snape, he didn't know.
Severus approached Harry, undoing his belt and pulling it free of his pants. "Your father made my life a living hell when we went to school together, and now I get to return the favor. Only it's going to be a lot worse for you."
No Severus was not going to use the belt on Harry. He had other plans for the troublemaking Gryffindor. Tossing the belt onto a nearby table, he muttered a couple spells to close and lock the door before Harry could escape. "You are still in detention, Mr. Potter."
Harry turned swiftly and shot the man a distrustful look as the door locked itself. Something was strange. What was the git thinking? Harry sighed inwardly when Snape released the belt.

"If I'm in detention, then why don't you put your shirt back on, Professor?" the boy suggested uneasily.
Severus shook his head, unfastening his pants. "I decide how you serve your detention, Potter. Now why don't you take your clothes off so we can get on with your punishment?"
Severus moved closer to Harry, pressing his hands against the door. "Well if you won't, then I'll do it for you."

Muttering a quick spell, he smirked as Harry's clothes disappeared from his body. "Now there is only my pants between us, Potter."
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