Snape's "Draco-Sitting" Job

Dotty nodded and headed for the kitchen to fetch the coffee. Draco jumped all the while, singing a song that was nearly lost in his heavy breathing. Jumping on beds was hard work.

Before the house elf gave Severus his coffee, she went to fetch the hyper boy. "Draco, Master Snape wants a word- The boy was off like a bullet. He checked the man's room, and when he wasn't there, went knocking abnoxiously loud on the bathroom door. "SeverusareyouinthereDottyhasyourcoffee!!" he called.
Apparently one bath wasn't going to enough to ease the stress that Severus was feeling now. Taking a few deep breaths, he finished washing himself and got out, wrapping himself in one of the robes that was in the bathroom. Once he was somewhat decently covered, he opened the bathroom door and fixed Draco with a glare. "There is no need for you to behave like this. Would your parents put up with such behavior?"

He walked past the blond boy, taking a seat at the table near the window so he could drink his coffee. "Have a seat. We need to discuss a few things."
Draco giggled when he saw the man in a robe, an article of clothing that didn't exactly command discipline. His smile disappeared when he looked up at Severus' glaring face. He seemed to shrink a bit.

"I'm just being happy..." the boy grumbled, following Severus and sitting down on the floor. "What's got your scales ruffled? Its not even midday yet!"
Severus took a couple sips of his coffee before turning his attention to Draco. "I wanted to discuss what happened during the night. Do you remember what happened?"

He sipped the coffee again as he watched Draco, waiting for the boy to answer his question.
Draco winced when he heard the words, getting up from the floor and sitting in the chair almost opposite Severus. He did remember last night, but he didn't want to.

"Yes Sir...I do." Draco said quietly, folding his hands nervously in his lap. "Are you...angry?"
Severus could tell Draco was nervous, probably as nervous as he himself felt. "I don't think it is a good idea for you to be coming into my room in the middle of the night like that. It was fine when you were younger, but you are nearly a man now, Draco. Such behavior has to stop. Do you understand?"
Draco scrunched his face up. "But...I'm not a man Severus! I've only just turned thirteen...and I'm one of the smallest boys in my class! Goyle is my age but he's bigger and taller. I bet you can barely even feel anything when I got in bed! You just don't like're making excuses." The boy crossed his arms nd glared with all his might.
Severus groaned audibly, leaning back in his chair. This talk was not going at all like he'd hoped. Leaning forward again, he looked the blond in the eyes. "Listen to me Draco. If I didn't like you, would I be here watching over you?"
"I don't know, would you?" Draco sneered, leaning forward as well so that their faces nearly touched. "I don't understand why I cant sleep with you! Last night doesn't happen all the time, and you weren't even there! You probably don't even know what I was talking about! You don't know're making excuses!"
Severus could feel his headache returning, and he stood up to move away from the table. "Draco. you are not the only boy who has experienced dreams like that. I know it is hard to believe, but I was young once too. While it is true that I may not know who you were dreaming about, but I have had similar dreams when I was your age. It is just a part of growing up."
"Mm hm." Draco replied suspiciously, kicking his feet against his chair. "Well, it doesn't happen very often, so I don't see what the big deal is. No matter, I want to sleep with you again tonight, I get cold. If you don't let me I'll...I'll..." Draco glared, his cheeks pink. He looked about as threatening as a small, angry ferret.
Severus turned around to look at Draco again. "Believe it or not, it's true. There was a girl I cared about when I was a student at Hogwarts. It didn't matter to me that she wasn't in Slytherin. She still meant a lot to me. Even now, I still think of her though she died years ago."

He wasn't sure why he was telling Draco this, since only two people knew of his feelings for the mother of Harry Potter. Himself and Dumbledore, and he hoped Draco wouldn't press him for more information.
Severus took a small step back, looking down at Draco. "Let me get dressed, and then we can play with your spider. Where did you get it anyways?"
"Okay, I won't look." Draco said, getting the spider from the window, then going to sit down with his back turned. He opened the woven basket a tad and looked inside. "Hi there, Lady." he smiled, petting her leg gently.

"Father gave her to me for my 12th birthday, but they take a long time to grow. I wanted one when I saw Lee's. She's really nice...never bites. Doesn't have an teeth or venom though."
Severus shook his head, getting dressed as he watched the boy play with his pet spider. Once he was dressed, he laid the robe across the bed and walked over to stand next to Draco, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I see. Well do you want to bring her outside for a little while?"
Draco smiled up at Severus and nodded. He picked up the basket and skipped downstairs, then pushed the back door open to the green yard. It was a fairly bright, yet cool day.

"She never runs away from me, cause she knows I feed her nice things...and I'm really nice to her." Draco nodded, letting Lady out of her basket onto the grass.
Severus smiled back, following Draco out to the backyard. "What are you going to do with her when she gets too big to be kept inside the manor, Draco?"
"Well...I know my father doesn't like Hagrid, but...Hagrid always likes big scary animals. I'm sure Lady will always be nice, but she'll get big... Maybe I'll set her loose near his hut when she's getting big. Or leave her on the doorstep."

The boy pushed his blond hair out of his face and laid on his back, watching the creature. "Do you have a pet, Severus?"
Severus looked at the baby Acromantula. "Giving her to Hagrid might be the best option. I can take her with me when I return to the school and make sure he gets her before students arrive.

He shook his head in response to the question. "No I don't have any pets. I wasn't allowed to have any growing up, and I don't really have the time now to properly care for one."
"Not allowed?? I would have snuck it in." Draco smirked, scratching the spider's fluffy, surprisingly soft body. " Apparently she'll get all prickly when she's older. Right now she feels soft as a rabbit."

The boy sat up and looked at Severus with a grin. "Does my hair feel soft too?" Draco asked, offering his head forward.
Severus smiled a bit at Draco's statement. "My father would have found out and I would have been in trouble. He was a very strict man, probably more so than Lucius is to you."

He looked at Draco, reaching out to ruffle the boy's hair. "Yes, your hair is very soft. Let's hope it doesn't get prickly when you get bigger."
Draco pressed his head into Severus' hand like a puppy, enjoying the feeling. He broke into laughter at the man's statement then. "Ugh...I hope not." he replied, standing up. "If he doesn't shave he gets prickly. Shaving is dumb...and girls do it too! I don't need to shave."

Draco said this with a proud expression. "You never look prickly to me, Severus." the boy nodded, reaching up to touch his hair. It was long, straight, and seemed to slither softly through his pale fingers. He then lingered on his cheek curiously. "Not prickly here either."
Severus smiled down at Draco, ruffling his hair a bit more. "You may not need to shave now, but you will in a few years. Just another part of growing up."
"Yes, I suppose." Draco sighed, not looking forward to that. "Do you wanna play another game Severus?"

The boy came forward and hugged Severus around the middle again, talking into his robes. "I could be your pet dragon." he offered. Draco was another name for Dragon, hence the Draconifers spell. Lucius sometimes called him his "little dragon", like muggles calling their child "tiger".

"I won't bite hard! And I'll do whatever you tell me to, like a real pet!" Draco explained, tugging at Snape's robes excitedly.
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