Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Ari smiled and couldn't help but kiss Draco on the cheek gratefully that he was helping her. She was glad for him and such great friends. She then proceeded to ask Hermione about the inter-house study group, before asking each of the others questions, simple ones to get to know them better. She even suggested that at the first Hogsmeade weekend, they all go together.
Everyone agreed about the first weekend in Hogsmeade, especially with the fact that they would be able to do so together. Hermione also gave Ari the times they all decided to work on the study group, poetically in the same place that they all trained as part of Dumbledore's Army.

"We can also practice there.... Professor Snape said so." Luna stated that as Snape was still in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts and he wanted to help the students.
"Sounds good to me. Extra practice is always good." She smiled at the fact that they would have a place to practice spells besides the common rooms. "Too bad we can't practice potions too. It would make things loads easier." Though of course she knew it was no real problem for Hermione and Draco
"Well, Draco could ask Snape about using the classroom for that."

Hermione was teasing just a bit, as they all could, and would, be asking together for Snape's permission to use the room, as well as his help. Draco and Hermione were skilled, but they also knew that Snape would not be professor of Potions if he was not even more so. Draco laughed softly, teasing back at Hermione as he replied.

"Or you could flirt with him."

Everyone else, even Ron, laughed softly about that, hoping no one offended Ari.
Contrary to what the others thought, Ari was laughing right along with them, rather than being offended. "I don't know if Hermione's flirting would do it. He might not be able to look past the "insufferable know-it all" he thinks of her as being. Maybe we can find a girl in Slytherin to work their charms on him. He might be more favorable then."

Obviously, she wasn't volunteering herself, she was just thinking about the fact that though Professor Snape was more helpful towards their getting together to study, he did still favor the Slytherins.
Draco pondered how he was going to speak to Snape, knowing that if he were merely in the lead, Hermione's asking would not be as bad. He did think that about Hermione at times, but he also knew that in his heart, Snape was a good man. He knew because the man asked him to become part of the Order.

"This is a choice, but I do know that you are not like your parents. You know that things have to change, and as long as HE is still a threat..."

Draco had stopped Snape, not by being rude, but rather by letting him know how much he understood what he was being asked to do.

"What do I need to do, Professor Snape?"

He came back to the present, nodding to Ari and looking at everyone at their area of the table.

"I am certain we can talk Professor Snape into helping us with Potions."
Ari nodded. "Shouldn't be too hard." She looked at the time and noticed it was time for class. "Guess we better get going if we're gonna be in class on time. Guess the next time we'll all see each other is at lunch." She stood up and prepared to go. Though she looked at Draco to see if his class was going to be the same as hers
Draco stood up, knowing full well they had the same class. Soon, they were walking to class, Draco holding Ari's hand as he led her to their first class. He real quick pulled her into a darkened area, kissing her real quickly before he returned to leading her to class. They were not going to be late, rather they were going to be a bit early as he knew they were ahead of the others going to be there with them.
Ari blushed from the moment he kissed her all the way until they reached Ancient Runes. She led him to a couple of seats as they waited for the rest of the class to enter. It still amazed her at some moments that she was with Draco and he was turning out to be what she truly expected of him not what she had heard.

However, she was eager to get through classes and was practically almost bouncing with impatience for it to start
The other students were soon in the classroom, and the Ancient Runes professor, Bathsheda Babbling, entered shortly after and began class. It was a very good thing she was married, as Bathsheda was a very much a dead ringer for American actress Gail O'Grady. Fortunately, she was happily married, and most students were more focused on her instruction than anything else. Draco took detailed notes, able at the same time to also work on how to approach Snape about the Potions work they wanted to do. He smiled at Ari, knowing that she was enjoying the reality that they were now dating.
Ari diligently took down notes as well while Professor Babbling lectured. To say Ari was enjoying the reality that she was dating Draco was an understatement. She had officially become one of those lovestruck girls that doodled in the notebooks her first name paired with his or their names encircled in a heart. Of course, this was all while she was taking notes too.

She smiled back at Draco, squeezing his hand at one point when the professor's back was turned before going back to her notes. She already knew Draco was likely working on how to approach Snape. Not that he had much time to figure that out as they would have Snape next.
Draco smiled when Ari squeezed his hand. That was something that reminded him of why he liked her so very much, as she was just that special to him. He knew all about her, about her real family, and he was going to help her to get to know herself. Not just because of who she was born to, but rather because she had a right to know who she really was.

When Babbling assigned their homework, Draco was very pleased and recorded the assignment in detail. He then realized the perfect way to ask Snape, and he let Ari know as he smiled.
Ari grinned as she scribbled down the homework before the professor dismissed them. She quickly but neatly put her things up in her bag before waiting on Draco. She held her hand out to him again, not wanting to seem too clingy like she likely would have if she had just grabbed his hand. At least that way, he knew he had a choice with her.
Draco was loving holding hands with Ari, and he had to admit his thoughts were.. a little primal. But not so much he was forgetting the little things. He was very eager to get to the weekend, but until then he would relish every class, and already had other moments planned. He was just going to have to find the time to make certain that everything they did would mean something.
Ari was in bliss with something so simple. She was anxious for Snape's class, partly because she was curious as to what they would learn today. The other part was because she was wondering how Snape's reaction to Draco approaching him in regards to potions help would be. She smiled as they were once again first to class
Draco stole another kiss from Ari while they waited, enjoying doing so for several minutes. It was mere seconds after he broke the kiss that Pansy came in, dragging Dolph behind her. She sat with him on the other side of the room, stealing looks at Draco. He was not looking at her at all, rather busy waiting on the class to begin.
It was as if Ari knew Pansy was stealing looks over at them. She pulled Draco in for another kiss, practically holding it until the rush of other students came in. She broke the kiss slowly, smiling at Draco, but also wanting to have a straight face when Professor Snape came in the room which wasn't long after. His robe billowing behind him like always as he walked in the room
Snape turned around, as he, like the Slytherin he was, felt a bit of the air in the room. He looked around slowly, only picking up up Pansy's distress slightly, he began the class, telling them to all turn in their books to the first chapter of the year. He was very keen on teaching the lesson, but mid way through the class he could tell that Draco was wanting to discuss something else. Of course, that was because of a slight movement of Draco's hand that was a signal of the Order.
Ari listened closely to Professor Snape's instructions. She hadn't noticed Draco's hand movement signaling to Snape that he wanted to talk, due to her attention all being on the lesson that Professor Snape was giving them. Even before Snape could assign homework, she had her notebook ready to write it down, figuring it was likely to be an essay knowing Snape.
Draco also wrote down the homework assignment that Snape gave them, very pleased to get into the school year already. Ari was very eager as well, and it was very good that she was so much like the person he really wanted to be around, much like the others who had welcomed the new Draco into their lives. Snape was thorough with the quick review as well, knowing that, with a few exceptions, all of them were ready to move on to the material for their seventh and final year. Those Snape didn't think were ready were not mature rather than not knowledgeable.
She noticed that class would be ending soon and looked to Draco. "Did you want me to stay in here with you, wait outside or just go on to the next class? Either way is fine with me." She smiled, knowing she had in fact been honest that either choice would have been fine with her.

Already, she began packing up most of her things, glancing back at Pansy who seemed to be glaring daggers at her.
Draco leaned in, his words very soothing as well as loving when he spoke.

"I want you to stay with me... also, don't bother over Pansy. I told her to her face that she was not getting Head Girl when I unfortunately ran into her while I was visiting a friend in Belfast."
Ari couldn't help but smile. "I'll be glad to stay with you." Her smile turned into a slight smirk when he mentioned how he had told Pansy that she wouldn't be Head Girl. "Well we both know you were definitely proven right on that note. I'm not worried at all about her. Unlike her, I'm not the type to abuse my position."
Draco nodded, and soon it was just the two of them and Professor Snape. Draco moved closer to where the professor was standing, and he turned to face the both of them.

"Mr. Malfoy.... Ms. Jacobs.... Is there something you wish to ask me?"

Snape's tone was very gentle, as a favored pet snake's would be when caressed properly. Draco then presented the request, and Snape listened intently. It brought a smile to his face, and knowing who was in the group also made him pleased. He had yet to applaud Hermione Granger for her brilliant idea, but then he was hard pressed to change some mannerisms whole hog.

"I think it is a very good idea. We cannot have students blowing up parts of the school, now can we?"
Ariana listened both to Draco and Snape as they discussed the idea. Then an idea suddenly came to her. Even though she knew it hadn't been discussed with the others, she hoped they would understand the importance of it and stepped forward. "Professor Snape, I was wondering if you would also be willing to supervise the practice sessions? Not just the potions part but also in our spell practicing. That way we would have someone there to help us fine tune to the best possible point of execution of the spells."

Of course, she knew he was busy with other duties but she hoped he would be willing to help them even with that.
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