Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

'Well, let us get started with you revealing what you would like to know that you do not. I will only give you the details that matter, even when they are not so flattering to me. I admit that I am still a bit self-conscious but we can always move past that after a short period of time."

He was very pleased, knowing that she was as inclined to share as he was, and he was going to thoroughly relish learning every single thing he could about her.
Arianna smiled. "To be honest, I just want to know you. What you like to do, beside quidditch, of course? Your favorite subject, trivial things like that." She figured it'd best to keep things simple though for now and work their way up to some of the more difficult things to talk about
"Actually... especially nowadays... I like all subjects... particularly the Defense...."

Draco stopped when a first year student fell outside. Some Slytherin students laughed while a couple of other older students chided them. Draco opened the door, and helped her up. She smiled, Draco nodding to her before she left with the two other students that were with her. He gave the students who laughed a look, not evil but rather sharing in the chiding. The two other older students, both five year, nodded and waved. He thought back to when he denounced his father and mother, even after they switched sides. He wanted to stand for something, and now he had a chance.

"Sorry... also... we are going to start up a study group... there are going to be a bunch of us from all four of the houses."

Draco remembered when he had helped with that, something that showed he had really changed. He was hoping that Arianna would be alright with that as well.
Arianna liked Defense as well. The practical lessons made her feel like she could defend herself against anything even if the feeling was temporary compared to when she was at home feeling completely helpless against her foster father. She watched Draco help the student up and smiled, stifling a laugh as he basically aided in chiding the students that had laughed.

"It's alright. It's good to show that all Slytherin students aren't as bad as they make us out to be." A big grin crossed her face as he mentioned creating an inter-house study group. "That sounds excellent. About time there's some house unity."
"Yes... it is.."

The way Draco said it brought back to mind the last time he saw his father and mother, and he took a breath at the memory. He would not even refer to them as Mother or Father, calling them by their first names. His mother had cried, him and his father nearly coming to blows. He left and had a place of his own, and frequently was a guest of more than a few more understanding Pure Blood families who had no issues with those who were not. They got to see the "death" of the selfish boy who was becoming a man of his own, one who now didn't have issues with getting his hands dirty with work. Narcissa sent him letters and money, and he sent polite letters of thanks as he saw them as payment in exchange for not returning. Lucius was not speaking to her either, something that Draco had expected.

He was back to the present, smiling a Arianna again.

"Yes.... Hermione is a Spartan about things, but I have never been so organized with my studying."
She nodded. "Well when the group starts meeting up, I'd like to join. It'll be good to have many study partners." She thought for a minute. "Wasn't Hermione involved in the D.A. fifth year?" She'd heard about the group that under Harry's leadership, had been practicing defense spells.

She looked out the window and saw the train was getting closer to Hogsmeade. "We better get our robes on, we're almost at school."
Draco nodded, and told her yes about her question about Hermione Granger. Draco had grown to respect the Muggle-born sorceress, pleased that she was accepting that he was no longer the "filthy little cockroach" she had punched in their third year. He then helped Arianna get her robes on, accepting help from her with his own if she wanted to help. Soon, they were getting off the train, and he was ready to meet the new year well.
She had always admired Hermione, so she was excited to know she would be studying with the intelligent witch, thanks to Draco. Once they were off the train, she started heading towards the carriages. "Come on Draco. You know how quickly these things fill up." She happened to find an empty one close to them and got in, waiting for Draco to join her.
Draco hopped in, spying Pansy who was not happy. He gave her a very quick but thoroughly intense "it is over, so leave it be' look, then was giving Arianna his full attention.

"So, are there any other specific things you would like to know about me? Favorite anything else, perhaps?"
She noticed Pansy and nodded in acknowledgement before turning to Draco. "Whatever favorites you're willing to share. Favorite book, favorite teacher, favorite color."
"Well the first one would have to depend on what kind of book. Snape is my favorite, and blue is my color."

He smiled, not thinking of Pansy now as he was not going to dwell on her issues with moving on or not moving on.
"Well then what genres do you read?" She smiled as he said Snape was his favorite teacher. "Interesting, I always liked McGonagall more. Though don't tell Snape that." She grinned. "My favorite color is red though."

She wasn't going to think of Pansy either, though it was hard on her not to want to gloat.
"Well, I like mysteries, historical, some of the fantasy that they write... really a bit of everything. I like books with vivid characters. Also, I do like McGonagall myself, and red looks good on you."

He smiled getting used to the view around him, which before he never had appreciated before.
She smiled. Of course she couldn't have expected him to list romance under genres that he liked. Think McGonagall would be willing to teach the animagus transformation? I'd really love to try that." She blushed at his comment about how red looks on her
"We can always ask him. I also need to ask Snape a few things. He gave me so materials to study over the vacation, and I really want to get them back to him."

He patted the folio he had, the leather case something that he received from someone as a gift over the holiday. He saw she was blushing, and he smiled at that as well.
She looked out the window to see the tentacles of the giant squid come out of the lake. She listened to Draco. "You sound like you really adore Snape. Ever thought of asking him to take you on as an apprentice? He might actually do it."

She did have great respect for the professors for being so willing to teach so many students year after year.
Draco smiled, thinking about that. He watched the squid, one tentacle seeming to wave as everyone went past. He turned back to Arianna, her thought a pretty good one and he told her so.

"I will think about it, as I have be eager to ask about that since last year."
Arianna nodded with a smile. "I hope he'll take you on." She looked out the window quietly for the remainder of the ride. Once the carriage reached the castle, she jumped out the carriage and waited for Draco. She was a bit unsure as to how he would want them to walk in since it seemed they only just got together. However, she did hope she wouldn't seem overly excited due to being his girlfriend.
Draco was getting down from the carriage when he heard a commotion, and he never liked when that sort of thing happened those days. He was moving to where the commotion was taking place, several people there. Pansy, it appeared, was now the leader of the one side, with Hermione in charge of the other.

"Oh my, this is looking to be very good."

His words were very amused-sounding, as he was so very interested in why Pansy would want to rile Hermione up. What he also noticed was that there was a couple of new students there. one of them, about Draco's height and build was being very close to Pansy. He was most likely wanting to take his place, and for some reason that amused Draco more.
Arianna shook her head as she watched Pansy attempt to rile Hermione up. They hadn't even had the sorting feast and already it seemed that the new students were going to see an example of how Slytherin got its reputation of being the dark house. It did amuse her how the one boy seemed to resemble Draco in height and build and was hanging on to Pansy.

She was starting to wonder if Pansy had caught on in the carriage that she and Draco were now going together and this was an attempt at trying to win Draco back. Arianna scoffed in amusement. She couldn't really believe that doing something like this would get her back with Draco, could she? This sort of thing did go back to the stories she had heard over the years of Draco messing with the "Golden Trio" as Harry, Hermione and Ron Weasley had all been dubbed but so far Draco seemed like he had given that up especially since he was now on friendly terms with Hermione
The argument was escalating, with the two that were part of Draco's old crowd on the side opposed Ron as two younger new students cowered with Ginny and Fred moving them out of the way. Draco's "twin", with a slight accent, told him that he may be a transfer student. The blond looked at Harry, who had said something, and spoke for the first time.

"What did you say?" It was just enough of an accent to make one think he was from the Continent.

"I said at least Draco had class when he did things like this, and waited till the Sorting feast was over." Harry was not budging, Draco having talked him into returning to seventh year. The swing happen, and the fist was in motion when Draco was there, the fist slapping against his palm. Draco closed his fingers on the fist, holding firmly as he sideway glanced at Harry Potter. Hermione smiled slowly, Ron already had his fists balled up but down for the moment. Draco was calm, but a number of students knew whose side he was on. Several other Slytherin already moved closer, most of the house not happy with Pansy and the new boy.

"Please tell me I am interrupting, Potter."

It was spoken with a slight friendly endearment to it, like to old friends who shared a secret.
Arianna had felt concern for the younger students and was glad those two were being moved to safety. She beamed with pride as Harry made his comment about Draco having had class, even though it did reveal that the stories of him messing with Harry and the others was now proved true, it didn't matter to her now.

She did gasp as Draco stepped in the way of the other boy's punch, effectively blocking it from harming him or Harry. She also was a little worried that most of Slytherin would come down on Draco for taking Harry's side but when she saw that the anger of the house was aimed at Pansy and the new boy, she sighed in relief.

Arianna couldn't help but smile as she heard how Draco acknowledged Harry. It was clear that the two seemed as if they had always been close from the get go even though they had not.
The other four prefects moved and were standing beside Draco, not because he asked them but because it was obvious what was going on. Pansy, having lost Draco, was stirring up trouble and was trying to be the leader of her little group. It was the last thing that they needed, as half the House was on probation. Other members of the House were moving into the group of other students who were behind the others. It was obvious that things were pretty well going to be only between the two groups of four, but it was also clear that others were not happy with things. About a fourth of the students of House Slytherin were undecided, not moving as they wanted to see what was going to happen.
Arianna not only moved to join Draco and the others, she moved to stand right next to Draco. She glared at Pansy's little group. Something about Draco was giving her the confidence she needed to stand in front like this when normally she would have stood off to the side or in the back of the group forming. It was slowly pissing her off that some of her housemates could act so stupid at all let alone the beginning of the year. She looked over at Draco and smiled, not quite ready to grab his hand but yet leaving her own hand in his reach should he choose to grab hers.
The new boy had yet to back off, and it was obvious that it was now Draco and him "playing chicken". Several faculty members were now watching, many with great amusement but two of them not as much. The War was over, and Voldemort was dead, along with more than a few Death Eaters and some others. No one needed to take up the mantle of the madman, and one figure was not pleased at all about what he was watching. He scanned the crowd, the hand on his shoulder letting him know what he was thinking was the right thing. The face turned, and Albus Dumbledore nodded. Sometimes things like this needed a direct action.

Meanwhile, Draco had stepped closer, little noise as he pushed the arm back toward the other boy. It was really sad, as he really did look quite a bit like him. Draco had a touch of pity, as he obviously was taken with Pansy and not knowing he was most likely a ploy to instill jealousy. The accent, now clearly a lilt on the side of mid-Continental Europe came out as he tried to push his arm and make Draco's move.

"Yho are going to move bauck, Yes."

It was not a question, but Draco smiled, giving a familiar response that brought a giggle from Ginny Weasley.

"You wish."
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