Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Draco retired to his room, very focused and setting down to write a letter to Harry. This was about someone he cared about, telling it to people he cared about. He chose one family over another, and he knew they could help him. He sent the letter the easiest way, knowing that Harry would most likely read it tomorrow. He then laid down for a good night's sleep. He thought of his mother, knowing that his parents' marriage was in trouble. But he didn't know how to fix it at all, and he fell asleep dreamless but smiling at how good a kisser Ari was.
As she slept, she began tossing and turning in her sleep. Mumbled words escaped her lips. She was having a nightmare, watching her new friends die or be hurt at the hands of her foster father. The girls being tied up, raped and tortured while the boys all got killed. However, when it came to Draco, that was the one part of her nightmare that replayed over and over, her anguished cries becoming louder until she finally awoke, panting heavily.

Quietly, she crept out her room and headed to the boys dorms. She snuck her way through until she found Draco's bed. She bent down and gently shook him. "Draco...."
Draco slowly awoke, his sleep a very peaceful one at the time. He was not too hard to wake, rather he was opening his eyes when she first shook him. When he realized it was Ari, he looked to the window and realized it was not morning yet.. at least not the part of morning with the sun shining.

"Ari... wha.... what is wrong? Did something happen? Are you alright?"
Ari shook her head. "I'm not alright. I had a nightmare." Tears were beginning to fall down her cheeks as she thought about her dream. "He was after you and the others. He hurt you all." It was obvious how very real the dream felt to her

She was hugging herself tightly, her nails beginning to dig in her arms. "Can I stay with you?" Her eyes pleaded with him to say yes even though she would have understood if he were to say no.
Draco could see in Ari's eyes that the last thing she needed was to be alone with the nightmare she told him about, and as he sat up he stroked her hair softly. He slowly moved the blanket where she could get under it, nodding to her to let her know that was what he was doing. He was very understanding as that was what she needed from him at the moment.
Ari slid in next to him. 'Thank you." She cuddled next to him. "The worst part of the dream was what happened to you. I had to watch as he shot you multiple times with a gun. It kept playing over and over too." She cried, still managing to keep her voice down so as not to wake up his dormmates.

She was a bit embarrassed that she had had to come to him like this but at least she felt safe doing so.
Draco held Ari close, very pleased that she came to him. He used his body to warm her up, wanting her to feel safe. He really cared for her, and he knew that she needed to be protected now, and he was going to do what he knew he could do. He was going to find a way to get her on her own, no matter what it took. He would not use magic, not unless it was the only recourse.
Feeling safe in his embrace, she smiled softly. Her fingers idly tracing over his chest as it really began to dawn on her that he truly did care about her well-being and would do anything necessary to keep her safe from harm. She was enjoying feeling protected for the first time in years. It wasn't long before she began drifting off into a peaceful sleep. "Night Draco." She murmured before sleep took her over
Draco slept very well after that, and he knew that when they woke they would be able to get her back to her room before anything was seen as amiss. He knew that all of his friends would at least understand, even if some of them couldn't help. He believed they could however, especially Harry. They had talked, and after finding out what he Uncle and horrible cousin did to him, and his Aunt let her own jealous of her sister make her do as well, he really understood how good he had it and now in ways he had not deserved a lot of it.
The night passed without further disruption and she awoke early. She looked over at Draco with a smile, before kissing him gently. She waited for him to wake up, wanting to at least say good morning to him before returning to her own dorm to get ready for the day. Sleeping next to him had felt so normal and right. It was something she could easily get used to. "Draco..." She traced her fingers across his chest, watching him as he slept, smiling at how content he looked
Draco awoke, taking a few minutes to get the cobwebs out of his brain. He had slept well, meaning that the dreams he had been having of Ari were very satisfying. He turned and looked at her, smiling as he realized they had slept in the same bed. He moved his hand to stroke her hair, very pleased that she was awake at the same time he was. "Good morning, Ari. Sleep better for the rest of the night?"
"Morning Draco." She smiled. "I slept much better. How did you sleep?" She kissed him lightly before stretching her legs out. She knew that she'd have to head for her dorm soon but she wanted to enjoy the last few minutes she'd have before then. She also knew that she was definitely going to enjoy getting to know Harry and the others with them looking out for her like they had the night before.
"I slept very well, Ari... more so with you here."

Draco didn't want her to go, but he knew that Ari needed to hurry back to her room and get ready for breakfast. He then smiled, kissing her and then hugging her tightly. He looked into her eyes again, very pleased indeed.

"I hope we can try that again sometime soon..."
"I'd like that." She smiled, her cheeks turning slightly red at the thought of sleeping next to him again.

She stood up rather reluctantly. "Are we walking down to breakfast together or meeting each other there?" She wanted to know before she left that way she wouldn't end up waiting in the common room only to find he'd gone ahead.
Draco rose, and he had forgotten he was not wearing anything. He had gone to bed nude, and he stretched a bit as he answered her.

"I want to go with you, as I think we are going to start being expected to be....."

He then realized, and blushed, suddenly grabbing for a robe, and covering himself.
When she realized he was nude, she could only blush in embarrassment, turning away to let him cover up before looking over her shoulder.

"Say no more. I'll go ahead and get ready. Meet you in the common room in ten minutes." She smiled before heading back to the girls dorm to get ready for breakfast.

It didn't take her long to shower and get dressed in her uniform. Her hair brushed and pulled back into a low ponytail, she grabbed her bag and headed to the common room to meet Draco.
Draco was more than grateful at the way that Ari handled his nudity, as he had been doing a lot of that lately. He was of age, and there were no rules about having to sleep in bed clothes. He was showered, dressed, and even shaved. He knew from a reply that Harry sent that there were things to be discussed. He hated that they would still be separated into Houses for the classes, as there were things to be discussed between them all. He combed his hair and was going down to the common room, all of it taking him less that ten minutes. He waited in the room, going over the list of things he had read up on over the summer.

He and the "gang", a term he was still getting used to with him attached to it, spent time over the break getting to know each other. One thing he was very happy about was meeting Hermione's parents. He was getting used to the idea of thinking of them as people not Muggles, and he had fun with all of them when they and their families, sans his and Harry's, went places. He used some of his funds to help Harry with a place of his own, something that the two of them had a meeting of the minds on. Harry called him "Malfoy" as an answer to Draco sometimes still calling him "Potter". Things were different, especially after he denounced Voldemort in the middle of the Battle. With lives on the line.. with everything at stake, Draco made a choose in the heat of the moment... and he was better for it. He had not looked back.

Draco was then back to the present, still holding what he had been holding in his hand. It was a box that held a platinum chain with a particular symbol on it. One of the other students, a half-blood from Ravenclaw, had given it to him when they all had accepted an invitation to play D & D at his house. Draco had fun, and realized how much he had missed. He smiled to himself, hoping to see David at breakfast as well.
As Ari made it to the common room, it occurred to her that she didn't have to go through this year alone. She actually had friends as well as a very understanding boyfriend to help her get through it. She knew the stories about Harry, Ron and Hermione and knew that when they set their minds to something, they did whatever necessary to get it done. So she knew she was in good hands with them all. She was grateful to them too, even though they had yet to do a thing for her yet but she was grateful. She trusted them and Draco and that was good enough for her.

When she saw Draco waiting for her, she smiled before walking next to him silently and taking his hand in hers. "Shall we go Draco?"
Draco nodded, taking Ari's hand and walking toward the door to head to the Great Hall. As he did, he somehow knew that their friends would be soon where they would meet up and get to share breakfast.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny meet Luna and Cho and they head to the Great Hall as well.
Ari smiled as they walked towards the Great Hall. She too hated that the houses would have to be separate for classes but they didn't have a choice. "Hey Draco, thanks again for last night. I really appreciate it." She knew some of their housemates and students from other houses were all looking at them with interest. The majority having never known that Draco had split from Pansy even with the previous day's spectacle outside the castle
Draco looked at everyone looking, smiling. Several of the girls whistled low, as there had been rumors floating around all night, but still hearing the reality was a major moment.

It was at that moment that Pansy came down, and the silence spoke volumes. Draco looked at her for only a second, then turned and led Ali out. All eyes turned to her, Pansy stewing and brooding more. She was going to have to learn a lot of things, and Dolph was late as it was.

Draco soon found David, and he stowed his computer into his bag. There were rules, and the fact that computers were allowed to a degree was something that made him smile. Draco introduced Ali to him, David smiling as he nodded to them both and offered his hand to shake hers.
Ari shook David's hand with a smile. It was nice to see muggle devices in the castle. Even if they wouldn't work all the time in the castle. The looks from the other students did make her blush a bit, as well as wonder what sort of rumors had been floating around. She shrugged them off and looked for Harry and the others.
Draco didn't care about rumors, as he was very happy to be leading Ari to breakfast and also to talk to his friends. He was not worried about the trivial things, rather he was focused on the good. He soon found a set beside Hermione, Ron on the other side of her with Ari on the other side of him. David sat beside Luna, Harry on her other side with Ginny on his. They were at one end, sitting literally boy girl, boy girl, and so forth.
She couldn't help but giggle as she noticed how the seating went. It really was funny yet cute at the same time. Even though the day was starting out good, she figured that Draco would want to go ahead and inform the others about Ari's secret as soon as possiible. Especially since that would mean they'd come up with a course of action sooner. She looked at Draco and gave him a nod of approval for him to go ahead.
Draco spoke in low tones, explaining what is going on but keeping things very soft. He didn't want the girls to lose their appetites, and he also didn't want their conversation to draw undesired attention. His subtle way of putting things was enough, and they were soon all letting Ari know that all was going to be alright. Hermione would get in touch with her parents the first chance she could, then find out what could be done that they knew off. They all started digging into breakfast, Draco helping Ari get the things she wanted. All of the boys were being gentlemen, very pleased that they were all couples now.
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