Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Snape nodded, admiring Ari's boldness.

"Absolutely. One cannot have students practicing so intently without both supervision and affirmation."

Draco smiled, taking Ari's hand as he was very eager not to miss their next class. He smiled when they passed Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione, as it was Gryffindor's turn for Snape's class.
Ari had grinned when Snape agreed to supervise. With a nod, she had turned hand in hand with Draco to walk out the room towards their next class. She nodded with a smile to Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione as they passed. Once they were a little further away, she looked to Draco. "We need to find a way to communicate with the others discreetly. Notes by owl is still a bit obvious. I've read of scrolls that can be used for such a purpose."
"Yes... I also think that we all should keep a line of communication that no one else outside of our group knows about. It is very possible."

Draco had only a momentary contact with Ginny, and he slid one of the two bags of Mrs. Weasley's wonderful treats into Ari's bag.

"For later, of course."
Ari grinned wider as he slid the bag into her school bag. "Of course. But at least we have something to discuss with the others at lunch." She nodded as they reached their next class, remaining silent as the girls began whispering about the couple. Her expression was a serious one as they walked past the group, though she did hear their whispers that she was only just to be another notch on Draco's bedpost. For now, she wasn't going to let that bother her
Draco shook his own head, as he was so tired of the lies. He had not slept with half of the girls they were claiming, and Hermione would take exception. It was not that Hermione wanted Draco, it was just they were friends, and both her and Ron were militant about honesty in relationships. Plus the fact that Draco had told Ron how to really kiss her, and she was beyond grateful for that.

"Don't waste your time bothering about them, Ari. I have something special planned for our first real date...."
Ari smiled. She knew it was silly of her to take the words of those girls to heart even just for a second. "I won't. It'd just be nice if they'd shut up when they don't even know what they're talking about." She shrugged and headed on in the classroom. She wouldn't let the other girls bother her.
Ari was not the only Slytherin girl who was not wanting the rumors any longer, as several of the older girls were telling the others to stop. Draco was sitting comfortably in his seat, waiting for the class to start as he just smiled at her. He was already eager to move on with the day and to also get his homework done. He was already eager for the first trip of the year to Hogsmeade, and he was wanting to spend the time alone with Ari.
Ari smiled as the other girls stopped the ones spreading rumors. She settled in her seat, quill and parchment ready to take notes or complete the assignment. She smirked as the final whispering, from Pansy herself, was stopped by the appearance of Professor McGonagall having changed from her animagus form.

Even though Ari was a Slytherin, she did admire McGonagall for all the duties the woman performed on a daily basis during the year. Being Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor and the Transfiguration professor could not have been easy and yet the woman managed it all well
"Before class begins.. I would like to say something. Along side of Professor Snape, I am extremely disappointed at the lack of education the events of the previous year has given to many of ours students. I also am disgruntled to inform you that pro-Death Eater literature has been found here at Hogwarts.. and at a few of the other schools as well. This will not do, as the making of Voldemort a martyr will not happen."

She was imperious as she then began class, knowing from Draco's nod of agreement that nothing further was needed. He was well aware of this as being a member of the Order had giving him prior knowledge.
Ari had caught his nod of agreement to McGonagall and wondered what that was about. However, she knew better than to even whisper about it in class let alone not to do it in Transfiguration. So instead, she focused on the lesson, getting the spell done correctly within the first two tries. It wasn't easy remaining quiet with her question for the remainder of class but she managed it
Draco was very intend in learning the first Transfiguration lesson, wanting desperately to tell Ari about the Order. He already had ideas in his mind about talking to the order about helping, especially as he was one of the newer adult members. Not newer in that he only recently joined, newer as in recently reaching adulthood. He, along with a number of others, was a member. He stole a very quick look at Ari, letting her know that he had something to tell her before lunch.
Ari nodded in understanding, giving him a look to let him know she had questions. She then returned to reading ahead in the text, making notations on her parchment to have in preparation for the next time Transfiguration met.

Finally class ended and she waited back so that she and Draco could walk out together as they had been doing with their other classes so far. She liked that little bit of them walking together, gave them extra time to themselves.
Draco smiled at Ari, his hand in hers as they walked. On the way, he let her know what he could see in her eyes as she looked at him.

"I sense you have questions, and not just ones about our relationship or how we are going to be able to help you, Ari. I am glad you have things you want to ask me, and I do hope that you are prepared for all the answers you get. Some questions, though, always have more than one answer, so please be prepared."
Ari nodded. "Well for now any questions on how you and the others are going to help can pretty much wait. I trust you all that you'll come through and that's enough to hold me. As for the answers you may give me to my questions, I told you on the train to feel free to hold things back if you feel you're not ready to tell me and in this case that still stands. So I'll be prepared to take the answers you'll give and willing to hold on until you're ready to share more."

She then looked around for signs of any other students that might eavesdrop on them before taking a deep breath. "My questions right now involve Professors Snape and McGonagall. Professor Snape just seemed too prepared for our questions as if he knew you wanted to speak with him before class was over. Why was that?"

"My second question involves McGonagall. I noticed the look you shared with her at the beginning of class as if you knew something others didn't about the things she addressed. Can you please explain that?"
Draco found a spot on the wall, and he found a spot close by, walking by it three times in order to call the Room of Requirement. When it appeared and opened, he led Ari into it. He smiled as he set his bag on the table, taking a breath as the door shut. He knew it would open where they could just walk into their next class, so he was quick with the answer.

"Ari.. I am a member of the Order of the Phoenix, along with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, David, and a number of others."
"The Order? Of the Phoenix?" She looked at him in confusion. "What is it? Who's over it? What professors are involved?" She was highly interested in learning about the order. Or at least, whatever Draco was able to tell her about it anyway.

"What's required to join? How do I join?"
"Well, they are the main opposition to the Death Dealers, and anyone still allied with those of Voldemort's ideas. I will have to introduce you, but I want you to know that there will be duties, especially in these times. They also can help with the other situation.. with your father."

He told her that, wanting her to understand that they had legal powers as well as magical ones.
She nodded in answer to his replies. "So is it okay to assume that some employees of the ministry are in the Order as well?" Ari sighed a bit, though she was hopeful that the order could add on to the amount of help.

"When's the soonest you can introduce me? At one of the meetings or what?"
"Well, I have introduced you to some... and others are here. Yes, there are members in the Ministry, and they will be able to help, I know it. We have to get to class, but I am very certain I can get in touch and have a more formal introduction as it were."

He smiled, kissing her softly and letting her know he believed that everything was going to be just fine.
Ari nodded and hugged him, kissing him back. "I really do appreciate everything you're trying to do for me Draco." She sighed in content and leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked.

She couldn't wait until lunch time when they could sit and talk with the others again. She was getting bored with being stuck with nothing but other Slytherins. Draco being the exception of course.
Soon, they were done with their next class, and they were heading to lunch. Draco held Ari's hand the entire time, and he was very pleased that he was going to enjoy another meal with her, and with their friends. He was very pleased, and amused, that she was very eager to get to know all about him and his friends. He also was glad she was very pleased with learning more about him as well.
Once they reached the great hall, she looked for the others so she and Draco could sit with them. She partly wanted to discuss plans for dealing with her foster father, but she also wanted to discuss with them more about the Order. When she saw the others, she pulled Draco over to sit with them
Harry, Hermione, and Ron saw him first, and they already had their seats saved when they sat down. There were not a whole lot of students in there yet, and Draco was pleased to sit with Hermione on one side and Ari the other. Hermione took a quick look in Draco's notebook, smiling as he lessons on it had obviously helped him.

"Well done, young Mr. Malfoy."

She giggled, loving that she was rubbing off on him. Ron was very pleased that all of them were doing better already, Hermione having taken the time with all of them. Draco was soon talking to them about the Order, whispering softly about how the Order could help Ari, as well as the fact she was asking about being a part already.
Ari had giggled over Hermione's comment on Draco's notes. She did feel better knowing that Hermione would be there to help should she need the help with assignments. She couldn't help but continue giggling as Ginny had relegated stories to her about Harry and Ron always going to Hermione for help and Ron even having her do his work for him.

However when Draco brought up the order, she grew quiet quickly, wanting to hear everything him and the others said about it.
Harry started first, giving Ari some of the order's history. He did so quietly, as Hermione had cast a Jabberwalky over them, so that they could talk in private. Hermione and Draco gave a bit more information, Ron, Ginny, and the others being quiet for the time being. Hermione brought up the legal powers of the Order, and going into the fact they have helped a lot of Muggles with students who are needing legal matters.
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