Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Snape went through the day's lesson with ease, loving that the class was attentive. Pansy would get her notes from Dolph, who was writing down word for word what Snape said. Draco was very pleased with Ari, as she had taken care with giggling. Disrupting Snape's class was never a good idea, and he had time for her to have fun with him later. He knew that her first weekend in Hogsmeade wit him would be good, and he had something very special planned for then already.
Soon class came to an end and the students began packing up and leaving. Ari thought briefly she saw Snape wink and smirk at her and Draco. But when she looked again, Snape had his usual expressionless face on and just nodded at them as if to say go on already. Shaking her head with a smile, she grabbed Draco's hand and walked out the room.

"Well that class might have just made my day. Well other than what happened in Dumbledore's office of course."
Draco then pulled Ari into another dark area, kissing her very warmly. He did an even more thorough job of it than before, wanting her to feel him pressed against her as he did. He kissed her for several long minutes, not expecting her to try to fight it as he knew she had to know he really did like her that much. He caressed her hair and shoulders, not letting his hands move too much over her back.
Draco had a way with kissing and Ari sure wasn't complaining nor would she be anytime soon. Of course it would be hard to complain with him currently kissing her anyway, not that she would. She kissed him back, wanting him to know that she felt just as strongly for him in return. Her fingers teasing his hair, her hand cupping his face as she pulled him as close as possible
Draco slowly broke the kiss, knowing they needed to get to their last class. He smiled, his face still very close to Ari's as he spoke again to her. His tone, a husky and dominant one, told her nothing but the truth.

"I know that we have not been together but a couple of days, but I want to be with you so very much. I want to do things that men are supposed to do with women."

He smiled, slowly taking her hand and walking to their last class of he day.
She had hated that the kiss had to end but she understood why. Hearing his voice after their kiss, so husky and dominant, made her breath hitch and her cheeks redden at the thoughts that ran through her head at his implication. She was turned on as well from the heat of the kiss and knew it was for the better that they had a class to get to still.

"Wait for me my dragon. At least give me until after our first date." She cupped his cheek tenderly, pressing her lips to his gently before pulling back. She then allowed him to take her hand as they walked to their final class
Draco smiled, nodding as he lead her. Charms class was one of the most chaotic at Hogwarts, but it was fun as hell. Draco loved it, especially as they were all allowed to work together. When they get there, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and David are there. Luna is a bit in shock, as David's laptop is working even there.

"How in the.....???" The pale blonde girl shook her head, confused about the entire thing.

Ron, with a surprising bit of brilliance, shrugged.

"Well, he did build it with magically treated parts... I think it is similar to what we learn here in class."

"Yes.. but it took him four years to build it."

Hermione smiled, David blushing. Such a task would be hard for a full fledged wizard, but as a "sorcerer", or someone born with his magical abilities already on since birth, it was simpler for him.
She was glad to see they had one class with the others at least. Though she was just as shocked as Luna to see David's laptop working in the classroom.

She never noticed Hermione give a look as if to ask Draco about what went on in Dumbledore's office, though Hermione did notice the change in Ari's personality compared to when Ari and Draco had left the Great Hall after lunch. Hermione figured though that Draco would probably let Ari tell what happened when she was ready and was already prepared to let the subject drop if need be.
Professor Flitwick came into the class room, and everyone, especially Draco, quieted down out of respect. Flitwick was one of the few model students that had graduated Hogwarts, and there were always things to learn from him. Flitwick was one of the members of the Order, and he and Draco had a number of heart-to heart talks over the summer, something that Hermione had talked about at lunch before the two of them had been taken away to Dumbledore's office the second time.
Ari turned in Flitwick's direction, ready for class to start. Charms had always been one of her favorite classes because more often than not, they were practicing over taking notes. She preferred the hands on experience since the notes wouldn't be able to get her the correct wand movements of the spells.
As class began, Flitwick lead them through the exercises for the day, enjoying how everyone, especially the group that Draco and Ari were in, was getting into it. It was the controlled chaos one expected it to be, but all of them made real progress. Draco paid attention to all that Flitwick said, as he wanted to do charms for special needs and occasions.
Ari herself paid close attention to everything Flitwick said. She knew charms were just as necessary in the wizarding world to know as Defense against the dark arts. As usual, she had no problem casting the charm
Draco didn't have trouble, but he wanted to know as much as Flitwick could share with them. He loved all his classes, but this one, with so much practical experience in the classroom, he really liked. Soon, everyone at the table had done all the work that was needed of them, and they moved on to a few other things they needed to do.
Ari was smiling. Especially when Flitwick came by and gave their whole group house points as they demonstrated the charm on each other in turn.

All the fun and practicing going on, time sped by quickly and soon class was ending and they were preparing to go to the great hall for dinner. Rather than grab Draco's hand, she pulled Hermione, Ginny and Luna ahead of the boys so she could start talking date preparations with them.
Draco hung back with the boys, a bit of talking about other things going on. David was really nervous, as there was a certain girl he liked, but he was asking the help of the others. Draco was able to answer him while still watching Ari and the others. He caught Harry once or twice staring at Ginny's behind, and they laughed softly over that. The most intense thing about them being ahead was they gave them a view of four of the best looking asses at Hogwarts.
After Ari had gotten the advice she needed from the other girls, Luna started talking about how she liked a certain guy and was asking help from the other girls. Ari gave her answers while still glancing back at Draco as they walked. She also noticed how Ginny and Hermione did the same to Ron and Harry and she couldn't help but giggle.
They were very close to the Great Hall, and Draco was certain they were going to take their seats beside each other. He moved and took Ari's hand, leading her at the same time Harry and Ron did the same with Ginny and Hermione respectively. David and Luna sat together, not certain what to make of everything just yet.
Ari giggled as did Ginny and Hermione at how cute David and Luna looked together. The three girls could easily see the attraction and chemistry between the two and were happy for Luna that things already seemed to be working out
Draco moved his hand to Ari's thigh, caressing her there. With all of the things going on in the Great Hall, no one would see him slowly push her skirt up just enough so that he could caress her flesh there. He went no further than her lower inner thigh, his way of showing that he did have self control.
She bit her lip slightly as he caressed her thigh, in attempt to keep her breathing under control. She didn't want the others to get an idea of what he was doing to her, after all, she recognized he was trying to keep it secret and discreet. Ari also appreciated that he had self control, though after a while, even that simple contact was growing too much. She gently grabbed his hand to stop him, also discreetly giving him a look to show that she did like it but wanted to hold her self control as well.
Draco nodded, and commenced to eat. He removed his hand, squeezing hers to know that he was getting the message properly, and very pleased at how she was letting him know what she needed from him. It was a very welcome change from other relationships with females outside of their little circle.
Ari smiled, happily enjoying the familiar setting of sitting at a meal with the others. She felt more at home with this small group than she had in years at home outside Hogwarts. Deep inside, she hoped she'd forever have this security, especially knowing her new home was to be with Draco.
The next couple of days sped by, as classes and classwork was dealt with and experienced. Thursday, during their free period, it was time for Ari to talk to the two people from the Ministry. They were very delicate, the woman and the first man that had been there to remove her foster father. Draco was allowed to be there with her, to allow her someone to be there for support. Most of the group waited, as they all had the same free period off on both Thursday and Friday, and Hermione was helping with the plan for the weekly trip to Hogsmeade. The woman asked her questions, being as understanding as possible, but needing the details to convict him.
Ari was as helpful as possible in answering the questions, giving every bit of detail she could. "I do have some extra proof, if there's some way to document it or photograph it." She was referring to marks her foster father had left on her. Sure she was nervous about showing them in front of Draco, but he was also the reason she had the courage to offer to do so.
The woman nodded, producing a digital camera. It had been magically treated, and they used it and magical means to record all of the marks on her. Draco was upset, but only because they were given to her when she was molested.
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