Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Ari had made sure every mark was shown that was possible. First starting with the one that had given her away to Draco and the others on her arm. She then showed some on her legs and finally ended with many on her back. The ones on her back looked like marks from a belt. "Do I have to appear at the trial too or is there not going to be one?"
The woman, whose name was Meredith, shrugged her shoulders. She was going to be very honest with Ari, as she was certain both her and Draco would appreciate it.

"That actually depends on him. We suspect no, even though we know you will have to testify if so. He does not need to have too many details out. It really is best that he accept a deal and plead out. That means you will never see him again, as he will be convicted and registered as sexual offender."
Ari nodded. "I will be informed if I will be needed to testify, correct?" She sighed. "Does this mean he would be placed in azkaban or in a muggle prison?" She hoped it would be the former to make it as hard to find her as possible. But she could understand if azkaban wouldn't hold him because he was muggle.
"Actually, as it does involve the abuse of a foster child who is under the direct authority of the Ministry, Azkaban is where he will be sent. They now have a block to house Muggles who commit crimes against Magic users. We will inform you if and when you have to testify."

Soon, the two were gone, and Draco and Ari were able to return to their friends.
Ari felt much better knowing that her foster father was going to the wizarding prison. Part of her hoped silently the dementors would drive him insane but she kept that to herself. Holding Draco's hand as they went to join their friends, smiling just as wide, her head on Draco's shoulder.
They talked that day, and over the time they could Friday, about the trip to Hogsmeade. Draco whispered to Ari about wanting them to have their first real date just the two of them, but also that he wanted to be totally alone with her. He had been thinking about making love to her, and he was very pleased with the idea of making that happen very soon.
Ari was excited about the trip to Hogsmeade. The first real date with Draco and just being alone with him. Even with the molestation by her foster father, she was happily anxious for the first time she'd have intercourse with Draco. She knew he'd take his time and would be patient with her because he knew the truth about her. What more could a girl possibly want?
They had all planned carefully, as they were four very healthy teenage couples getting ready for time in Hogsmeade. They all packed carefully, and they were going to head out that day during their free period they had for last period that day. Draco was waiting for Ari, as they were going to meet the others just outside of the School. They would grab dinner in Hogsmeade, and of course all split off in couples that first night. Draco was reading a book that Hermione gave him, and he was checking for Ari every few minutes as he was eager to see her. They would get their rooms they were staying in first, then decide when to head out for their dates, but he also knew they would make certain that she was comfortable being alone so soon with him first.
Ari had been with the other three girls in the bathroom getting ready for their quadruple date in Hogsmeade. All of them wanted to look nice as girls do. They did each other's hair and makeup, helped each other pick out what to wear. Ari's hair was done in simple curls, her outfit being a simple blouse and skirt. She also had on a pair of short heels. All four girls had agreed to keep their cloaks on over their outfits until they sat down to dinner so they could really wow their dates. Each girl had gone to meet their date separately and so she made her way to meet him, her bag shrunk in her cloak pocket.
Draco had already shrunk his, and he also had a few other things with him for the night. He smiled at Ari when she came to him, hugging and kissing he for a few minutes. When he took her hand and started leading her in the right direction, he was very relaxed which was mainly do to being with her.

"This is going to be a very fun weekend, Ari my dear... a very fun weekend..."
"I've been looking forward to this since the first day." She smiled at him before looking ahead once more to keep an eye out for the others. She of course knew what was likely to happen with them staying in Hogsmeade overnight but she welcomed it just as much as she would welcome whatever would happen while they were out during the day
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, David, and Luna finally were there. David was a little nervous, but then Luna had been the one who asked him. They all were ready, smiling as Draco first took Ari's hand and then headed out so they would be on their way to Hogsmeade. Some discussion about where to have dinner was thrown out, as well as if they were going to eat together or have separate dates.
Ari looked at Draco as they walked. She figured he had something in mind that he wasn't telling. "What do you have planned Draco Malfoy?" She smiled at him so that he'd know she didn't exactly expect him to tell her but she'd like it if he did.
"Well.. actually we all have it planned."

Harry chimed in, not wanting Draco to have all the credit or blame no matter what would happen.

"We have a choice. We are thinking either about a group date, at least for the dinner part of the night... or separate dates for each couple. We have not really discussed the full pros and cons of either, as we were waiting for you four beautiful ladies to give us your ideas."
The four girls giggled. Ari looked at Harry. "Well, I think we should do a group dinner date. This way we'll all have one last meal together before splitting off. Not to mention, us girls worked hard to look good tonight, we'd love to show you all at once. Much easier for us to talk about the reactions later, right girls?"

The other girls nodded their agreement before bursting into giggles again
Harry and Draco smiled, looking at each other. David was whispering to Ron, who blushed brightly but nodded. Draco then got exchanged looks with all of the rest of them, and they all nodded in agreement. He then turned to the four girls, smiling again.

"A group dinner is perfect, as it will be a great start to our weekend."

He took Ari's hand again, leading her first with Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, David, and Luna behind in that order.
Ari set off into a new round of giggles as they walked. Her head leaning on Draco's shoulder. "I know we haven't done much yet, but today is just perfect. Unknown to the others, this was actually her first time in Hogsmeade, her foster father having never allowed her to go before. But she didn't want the others to know she hadn't been there.
Draco did know, but he didn't say anything for the simple fact that for now, it was their secret. He held her tightly, caressing her shoulder as he moved with her heading toward the carriage that would take them to Hogsmeade. He, Harry, Ron, and David helped the girls into the carriage, and soon they were on their way to their wonderful weekend there.
Even though she'd been on the carriage ride between Hogsmeade and Hogwarts plenty of times, it never ceased to amaze Ari. Seeing the tentacles of the giant squid lifting out of the Black Lake, watching the passersby. Like always, she looked out the window, mainly to keep herself from shouting in excitement.
Draco actually waives to the squid, and somehow, it waves back. It was not magic, as Draco had seen the squid before. They ride was going well, with Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and David telling her things. Hermione told about how she decked Draco, who owed up to totally deserving it.

"Although.. I take exception to being called 'a little cockroach'. I only have four limbs."
Ari giggled. "Not her fault you disgusted her as much as a cockroach does. The blame for that is all on you. You were pretty cocky back then. Not too far a step from a cockroach, actually." She joked
Draco nodded, bowing to realistic memories. He smiled though, at ease with the entire idea of that being in the past. They were drawing closer to Hogsmeade, and he was already having a very particular craving.

"Hmmm.. what should we have with dinner... Butterbeer or Firewhiskey?"
Ari gently rubbed Draco's thigh with small circles of her thumb. "I think we should save the Firewhiskey until tomorrow night. Let's drink butterbeer instead." If he paid attention, he would realize the circles she was making was to a sensitive spot on him that she'd happened to find out to tease him one day and be able to understand the real reason she wanted Butterbeer the first night.
Draco was loving what Ari was doing, so he also though Butterbeer was a better idea. He wanted his wits about him, especially if that night was going to be that special for them both. They all agreed, and Hermione was very happy on that as she then whispered something to Ron, whose eyes got very large. She smiled mischievously, and said nothing else for the rest of the ride. Hogsmeade was in sight, but it was still very much in the distance for the time being.
Ari giggled as she had seen Ron's eyes grow big and already had an idea of what Hermione may have whispered to Ron. She leaned close to Draco and watched Harry and Ginny and Luna and David.
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