Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Ari pouted in mock hurt. "You never told me you went to the States?" She then playfully hit Draco's shoulder with her menu. She too had been to the states but that had been when she was just a child. She knew that side of the world had changed much since she'd been there and she would love the chance to go see it for herself.
"Ouch.. you didn't ask.. but we are all planning on going back.. perhaps over one of the holidays.. or after we graduate."

They all nodded, making it clear that Ari was invited as well. Hermione smiled, having a idea.

"We should start in New Orleans, Draco. She would love it there."
"Well excuse me Darling for not thinking that Draco Malfoy would ever have gone to the States. Though going would be a good way to celebrate graduation."

Ari listened carefully as Hermione told her idea. "What's so special about New Orleans?" Sure she knew a bit about New Orleans and had been there, but she'd never actually gotten to explore it as a kid, always staying in the hotel room not making a sound while her foster parents went around instead
Hermione smiled, loving that everyone was letting her tell Ari. When someone did that, she knew it was because they liked the way she told things, and she was right. Draco, Harry, and particularly Ron, loved hearing how she explained it. David, having not been their either, listened as well.

"It is one of the hugest magically affected areas of that nation. There are others like it, and a lot of minor ones, but a few major ones like it. There is a lot of potent things there, and one can find potion components in the most unlikely places. Also, the culture is rich, as is the food... and there are many historical sites as well."
Ari listened intently as Hermione described New Orleans. Sure she'd heard and read about how they did voodoo supposedly but she didn't think it would have such a large magical population.

"Which are you more excited for Hermione? The culture or the historical sites?" She thought she knew the answer but she wanted to hear Hermione say it anyway
Hermione blushed, as she almost was embarrassed to admit. Ron smiled, as he obviously had gotten to her a bit.

"Actually, she was as crazy about the food as I was, for different reasons of course."

Hermione held her head up high, despite blushing.

"There is a lot of the city's history linked to both the culture and the food. In fact, all three are interlinked with each other, and in some ways so is it's magical properties."
Ari giggled at the thought of Hermione being as crazy about food as Ron, even if it was for different reasons. Of course she was back to listening completely as Hermione explained the connection. "Well, I'm definitely interested in going now, even if I hadn't been before."

Looking back at the menu, she giggled. "All this talk of food reminds me why we're here with menus in our hands in the first place. We should see about ordering."
A collective nodding is achieved by her words, and they all look through their menus. Harry decided on herb-crunchy breaded lamb chops with angle hair pasta, as he has said he needs a break from potatoes. Ginny had her eye on a very large order of the Tagliatelle alla Bolognese, citing that they mix rabbit, venison, veal, and lamb into the grind for the sauce. Hermione went with the nut-crusted fish with herb chips, which Ron would share with her as it was, according to the menu, "a lover's plate". and Luna and David decided on the love boat sushi from the kitchen.

Draco smiled at Ari, curious as to what she was going to get.
Ari blushed slightly suddenly feeling her choice to be very simple compared to all the things the others had decided on. Her choice was a simple baked meatloaf with a cheese center with steamed mixed vegetables as the side. She never had experienced eating in any restaurant other than a simple one and so she didn't feel ready for something more high-class just yet.
Draco was very understanding, as were all of them. They were not better or more cultured, as they just had the experience she had. Draco leaned in, his words in her ear very understanding as he spoke to her.

"it is alright, Ari. Some things are just good because they are, not because they are fancy."

He himself ordered a mixed plate of sausages with herb chips, as he just wants a good plain meal himself. He then placed his hand on her thigh, knowing that she would understand that there were going to do things that night that she would learn were for love and only love from then on for her.
Ari smiled and nodded gratefully at hearing his words.When he placed his hand on her thigh, she blushed slightly again but for an obviously different reason than before. She was starting to relax again now that the orders had been placed.

Her hand rested on Draco's thigh in return but only for five seconds before gradually moving it up. At the same time, she acted completely nonchalant but of course when she had eye contact with him, he would see her feelings of love for him in return
Draco was very pleased, Ari's hand moving up his thigh as the waitress left to put their orders in. A round of both butter beer and fire whiskey was brought for them all, and Draco led everyone in a toast to their last, and hopefully best year so far. Ginny also toasted new beginnings of another kind, not overly expressing that was about Ari, but she smiled and all of the girls let Ari know they wanted her there with them.
Ari smiled and joined the toasts. She herself toasted house unity, with a smile to all the others. All the while keeping her other hand hidden on Draco's thigh. She'd noticed a couple other waitresses attempt to give the guys flirty looks, herself and the other girls being quick to shut them down with glares in return of course. Finally their waitress came with the food. Before Ari dug into hers, she moved her hand up to where she knew Draco's cock was and squeezed gently, looking sideways at him before winking and beginning to eat
Draco was able to maintain, but he did smile at Ari as she touched him the way she was. Eating his food, he already was primed for later that night in their room, very glad that Madam Rosmerta had the rooms soundproofed so that they could enjoy themselves. He was eating at a nice pace, both enjoying it as well as being realistic in his digestion.
Ari enjoyed herself, eating her food at a nice pace. Not too slow that it would hold the later activities up. But not fast enough to choke herself either. The food was really delicious and she was feeling a bit extra happy after some butter beer and fire whiskey. Of course, she couldn't help but glance at Ron to see if Hermione had at least tamed his eating habits for while they were out.
Ron was getting better, especially over the chewing with his mouth open. Both Harry and Draco had gotten onto him about it, making it very clear he really needed better table manners. The more sophisticated things were not covered yet, but he was getting better. Ginny was proud of her brother, as Ron was trying. David, like Draco and Harry, was very keen on observing the manners that mattered, and soon they were looking at desserts to share or to have each.
Ari looked over the desserts and saw a few that would be good to share. She looked over to Draco to see if he was interested in any of them. As far as she could tell, she wasn't sure what he was thinking about going for. Draco sure was a mystery to her sometimes.
Draco leaned in, speaking softly and teasingly to Ari as he discussed a dessert selection.

"Although I doubt that any of them will taste as sweet and creamy as you, the various puddings are really good. Other than the Spotted Dick, there is bread and butter, various bread puddings, and custard desserts galore."

His hand was on her thigh, sliding up and teasing just at the very top while the others were getting theirs.
Ari blushed as he teased her. "Well, they all do sound really good. However, I don't think I'd be able to finish any of them by myself." She fluttered her eyelashes flirtingly. "My darling Dragon, would you be willing to share something delectable with me?" A tone of sweetness to her voice as she used her pet name for him
"Well, Ari.. we could have one sent to our room.. and we can share it there."

Draco was hinting, wanting to be alone with her very soon. He smiled, very pleased that she wanted to share a dessert with him.
She grinned, a very Malfoy-esque smirk on her face as thoughts ran through her head of what they could do in their room with the added treat. "Oh yes. A very good idea. Let's have it in the room." She leaned in closer. "What do you think is sinful enough?" She practically purred with a hint of lust and love in her voice
"Well, actually.. there are many... perhaps what we need is not just one..."

Draco was in the mood to spoil Ari, as he was spoiling his friends. He knew that she had to be stuck on what she wanted, so he was wanting to give her a taste of more than one thing.
She giggled and blushed. "My Draco, you're going to spoil me like a princess tonight, aren't you?"

The thought of more than one dessert, especially in such a way as what they were thinking, was making her hot in the right places.
"The bread and butter pudding.... the Spotted Dick.... and perhaps a good tart... splitting those three will give us both energy and inspiration."

As Draco said that, Ginny did it again.

"I'll just bet it will."

All of the others laughed, especially after Harry goosed her on her hip.
Ari couldn't help but giggle as well as smirk.

"Why Ginny, don't act as if you and Harry don't have plans, let alone ways to keep up your energy."

She knew Ginny had been planning to do some things with Harry especially since Hermione had shown her, Ginny and Luna all the book at the same time
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