Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Harry and Ginny were holding hands, and it was obvious that they had similar plans to Draco and Ari. David was still blushing a bit, Luna a little more forward as her hands were in his and on his knee respectively. Ron was flustered, to say the least, as Draco smiled. Hermione had showed him some of the books she had read over the summer, and knew that Ron was in for a very big surprise from her. That was on his mind as they rode into Hogsmeade, and the carriage slowed down.
Ari smiled as she watched David and Luna. The new couple looked so cute together. She had to hold back a giggle as she watched Ron grow more and more flustered before hiding a smirk of her own. Little did Draco know, she too had seen Hermione's books and so she couldn't wait for the chance to try somethings out on him.
They were soon getting out of the carriage, and they discussed where to stay. There was a open dialog, and Draco wanted to hear everyone else and their ideas first. Hermione liked that, and she didn't have to tell anyone as they all saw it themselves. He also wanted Ari's thoughts, as he preferred everyone having a say.
"Hmm. Frankly I suggest the Shrieking shack." She looked over to Harry, Ron, Hermione mainly. "If that's alright with you guys anyway." Hermione had informed Ari of the memories the place held for the trio and didn't want them to feel uncomfortable if they ended up staying there.
Harry smiled, knowing that the new Inn was very well built now. He nodded, as the fact it was dedicated to Sirius and Lupin's memories was something that would most certainly be very pleasing. Hermione and Ron smile, and Luna and David start to get their things. Draco again was leading the way, pleased as he heard that it was very good for business as it was owned by two of the most important people who lived there now.
Ari was glad her suggestion wouldn't be upsetting to the trio and was pleased that they were going with the idea. She had been anxious to see the shrieking shack on the inside since she first heard about it years ago. Though she knew it wouldn't look like it once did, it didn't keep her from being excited.
Soon, they entered the Shrieking Shack, now a very plush and nice Inn. It was a bit bigger than before, but it was very roomy. At the desk was a pretty young girl that Draco recognized as someone in their Charms class, and Draco smiled and talked to her as they checked in and got their rooms. The others also talked to her, and she told them she had the job there on the weekends as long as she kept up with her classes. She was commenting on how pretty Ari's blouse was, mainly as it was also her favorite color. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Luna talked to her, David smiling until he was introduced or spoken to. He was nice and succinct with his words, but friendly. She was soon giving them their keys as Draco paid for the rooms, then led them up the stairs.
Ari's blouse was mostly showing, though the top was still covered by her cloak. She wanted to keep that part hidden specifically until dinner for she knew it would just wow Draco. True she hadn't quite expected Draco to completely pay for all the rooms but it did make things easier. She continued holding his hand, even as they walked through the halls to the rooms
The rooms were pretty spacious, and each couple had their own rooms. Draco was starting to put a few things into the bathroom, very pleased as he did that. He smiled and kissed Ari, giving her room to get into the bathroom herself if she needed to and putting his things away in the dresser they would share.
While Draco had been putting his things in the bathroom, she unshrank her bag and began pulling things out she would need to put in the bathroom. When he came out, she put her things in, smiling as she thought about how this weekend would basically be a little taste of what actually sharing a home with Draco would be, at least as far as the bedroom and bathroom were concerned. Once done, she headed back to her bag to put her clothes in the dresser, keeping certain items in shrunk boxes hidden under her other clothes so he wouldn't know it was there. She was fully prepared to wow him this weekend
Draco also had a few things he was hiding from Ari, mainly so he could surprise her. He then pulled her to him and kissed her, able to do so very thoroughly as they had total privacy. He moved his hand to her lovely ass, giving it a firm and supportive squeeze on both of her cheeks as he did. He slowly broke the kiss, smiling very brightly at her as he then was just holding her close to him.

"Now that we are settled in our rooms... are you ready to see if the others are as well?"
Ari blushed as he squeezed her ass cheeks, feeling a bit warm after the kiss that accompanied that squeeze. With a smirk, she pulled him closer. "Well, they can wait a bit longer I think. We have a bit of catching up to do." She claimed his lips with hers, passionately. Letting him know how much she wanted him, even getting a little bold and gently groping his cock through his trousers
Draco was a little surprised, but not too much. He was very pleased as she did that, loving precisely how she was toughing him there. He rubbed himself against her hand, moving his head so that he was nibbling and kissing on her neck. He was enjoying what she was doing very much, and he wondered how much time to make their friends wait.

"How far are you wanting to go, Ari? I know how far I will take things, but I want to know how much you are ready for."
"You've been worrying about this all along, haven't you?" She smiled, caressing his cheek with her other hand. "Stop worrying. I'm ready to go all the way with you Draco. I know you wouldn't use me and so I feel safe giving myself over to you fully. Thing is, how long through dinner do you think you'll last?" She smirked and gave his cock a gentle squeeze before backing away. She quickly turned and walked towards the door. "Don't be long darling." With that she left the room and headed to check on the others
Draco only needed a few minutes to come down from the stimulation that Ari had given him. Ari found Harry, Hermione, and Luna ready, Ron helping David finishing up.

"Trust me.. Ron is working on things.. and the chewing with his mouth open thing is one of his only things he has left to really break himself of."

Hermione loved Ron as much as Ginny loved Harry, so it was pretty obvious she was working with him as much as Harry and Ginny were. Ginny came out of her and Harry's room, smiling with her hair well brushed and down at her shoulders. She kissed Harry, his arms moving around her waist as he did. Soon, Ron and David came out. David was much better dressed, and the cleansing spell left a light clean scent in the air. They smiled, David looking still a little flustered. Ron must have had "the talk" with him, something that made Ginny roll her eyes. Not that it was bad, rather that a boy of David's age having to have anything clarified for him being a bit weird but not in a bad way. Draco soon joined them, his arm around Ari's waist as they were ready.
Ari had giggled at how adorable David looked being all flustered. Though now that she thought about it, she understood. It was one thing to get "the talk" from your parents. Another thing entirely to get it from a friend. When Draco's arm wrapped around her waist, she smiled at him, leaning into whisper. "I see you regained your composure in time to join us." With another giggle, she kissed his cheek, stepping slightly in front of him as she gently cupped him just to tease him a little more.
Draco laughed softly, loving Ari's teasing. Soon, though, they were discussing where to have dinner. Draco was very pleased that they were ready all close to the same time, and as he spoke, he made it very clear that he was expecting everyone to enjoy themselves.

"I am open for any suggestions concerning where to have a very good meal tonight."
Ari grinned. "Well frankly, I think that since it was one of us ladies who suggested we stay here for the night, it should be fair and one of you guys should choose where we have dinner at." She smiled as Ginny, Hermione and Luna all nodded in agreement before looking at the four guys.
Harry and Ron pondered the thought, David abstaining from the vote as he couldn't make up his mind. Draco wanted to hear the ideas from the other two, and as he looked at them, they both offered their thoughts.

"Madam Puddifoot's is always good."

Harry had a distinct favorite, but Draco couldn't argue with it as the food was good. Ron had a twinkle in his eye as he spoke.

"There is always The Three Broomsticks."

Hermione elbowed him, a sly smile on her face.

"We all KNOW why you would pick there...."

Harry, Draco, and David all laughed softly, as Ron's crush on Madam Rosmerta was now a legend at Hogwarts. Draco even thought that she knew, but he also knew that she was taken... by a younger man no less.

"The Hog's Head is not noted for being overly clean, but the food is good. Also, the Shrieking has its own dinning areas."

Draco was smiling, as his offerings were just as possible and worth the look.
Ari thought about all the possibilities. "Well the Hog's Head is a place where not many Hogwarts students are expected to go, so it would be thought that if we wanted to discuss certain things without being overheard, it would be a good place. However, eating here is also good say any of us need to be excused for whatever reason, it's much easier to come back up to our rooms. How about you boys take a vote on the two?"
They did vote, and Ari's points were well taken. They decided on eating there, and Harry and Draco, Ginny and Ari respectively in hand, led them all to the dinning area. It was very nicely built and decorated, Madam Rosmerta there as she also was co-owner of the Inn. She smiled at them, waving in a knowing way at Ron, who blushed as she led the to their table. All of the boys pulled out the chairs for the girls, and it was obvious that, though casual, the food was going to be very good.
Ari couldn't help but giggle at the knowing wave from Madam Rosmerta and the now blushing Ron. "Careful Ron or your face might become as red as your hair." The other girls giggled as well, all thanking their respective dates as the chairs were pulled out for them. She kissed Draco's cheek before turning to her menu to determine what she wanted
Draco was very famished, knowing that everything had to be good if Madam Rosmerta was a co-owner. The menu was very detailed, and had dishes from all over the world as well as Britain. In fact, the menu had a few pages in the middle after the tri-fold was unfolded while reading it, and Hermione remarked with surprise.

"Two and a half pages just for desserts?!?!?"

Luna giggled, Ginny flipping to the back to see. The half page above the beginning of the desserts alone was for the beverage selection, and symbols were for each different kind of cuisine the dishes were from, as the food, after being divided into appetizers, soups, salads, breakfast, lunch, and dinner sections was mainly divided by the kind of meat that was in them.
"Whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves everyone. We did come here to have dinner and that needs to happen before we can even think of dessert." Though she blushed, as her mind went completely to another type of dessert, one that involved Draco on the bed, naked.....Ari shook her head to clear her mind since they still had to get through dinner first before moving on to that type of fun
Draco nodded, pointing out the selection.

"There are dishes from all over the world... Let us look at the appetizers first. There are a number that are big enough for all of us.. or we can assemble our own combination. That is one of those cute American concepts that actually is a good idea."

Harry and Ron laugh, as they both remember going with Draco to the States for a couple of weeks.
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