Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

Ari was fascinated with all the aspects of the Order, from history right down to the help with muggles. All the information made her want to join even more and do her part to help out against Voldemort's ideals. She started asking questions at the right moments. But all in all, she just wanted to join and was anxious to find out how and when she could
They ate and talked, they consensus being that they would talk to Professor Snape about when they could get an idea of both asking the Order for help and when Ari could join. Draco nodded, getting Ari to try some of the things that he liked as he wanted them to have a lot in common.
Ari giggled but eagerly tried what Draco suggested. She looked to him with a grin. "You know, I'm going to have to ensure you get to try some muggle foods when this is all said and done." She kissed his cheek before returning to her plate. She rolled her eyes at Ron eating with his mouth open once again before sharing a sympathetic look with Hermione.

Suddenly an owl flew overhead and dropped a note right in front of Ari. When she opened the note and read it, her eyes widened in fear. She then held the note out to Draco to read.

"Ari, please report to the headmaster's office after lunch. Your father is waiting there. -Professor Snape" The note read
Draco is not happy, showing the note to the others. Draco then wrote a note telling Snape what he needed to know, as well as what Draco knew that no one else knew. Draco was going to have to do something, as he was not going to let the man hurt her again. The man being at Hogwarts opened the door to exposing him to magic, and perhaps that could be to great advantage right then.
All Ari could do was look down and begin grabbing up her things. She remained silent as she did so, focusing more on what might happen once she reached the headmaster's office.

Professor Snape nodded in response to Draco's note before standing from his place and making his way towards the group's table. After all as Ari's head of house, he had to show up as well. "Come Ms Jacobs, Mr. Malfoy. We need to get going." He took the time to study Ari and noticed she was actually trembling slight in fear. Something he was sure Draco had not noticed
Draco took the signal from Snape after he had stood, taking Ari's hand into his own. Snape had already dispatched a not to the Ministry, and he knew that it was only a bit of time before someone would be at the School soon. Snape deliberately took his time leading them to Dumbledore's office, and he had already informed the Headmaster of what he knew now. Both men were able to conceal their outrage, and they sent word that a Ministry official on the matter was needed. They received a very immediate reply, and as Draco held Ari's hand, the workings of the Ministry were moving in her favor.
Arianna kept her eyes down as they headed to Dumbledore's office. She had tensed up and unconsciously tried to pull her hand free of Draco's as if she were afraid of being reprimanded by someone for even holding hands with Draco, let alone looking at him or Professor Snape. She had no idea of the notes between Snape and Draco and sure didn't know what Snape might have told Dumbledore. When they got to the statue guarding Dumbledore's office, she didn't even look up or say a word.
It was quiet, and after Snape gave the password and started up the stairs, the sound of Dumbledore's voice is softer than usual. He could still be heard, but now Snape was beyond not worried about why the Headmaster was livid. He knew, and when he paused at the door, he turned and looked at Ari, his own tone very level but with a hint of compassion as he spoke to her.

"Ms. Jacobs, the Ministry has already sent a representative from the Office of Muggle Affairs.... who is hear with a member of the office of Family Services."

He then opened the door, the room inside quiet. Her stepfather was in a chair, and obvious look of fear on his face. It was the fear a guilty man has when he is trapped in his own lies.
Ari had looked at Snape in shock and surprise at hearing that Ministry officials were in the office already. Especially since she hadn't told Snape what was going on. She then glanced to Draco and smiled gratefully before clearing her throat and holding her head up. She wanted to smile at the look of fear on her stepfather's face but instead smirked more of a trademark Slytherin smirk. The first real sign she belonged in Slytherin.

She then nodded to the two officials from the ministry before addressing Dumbledore with silent gratitude.
The words from the Ministry official were short and sweat, and confirmed precisely what should be. She was being liberated from the home of her step parents, and the Ministry was allowing funds to be allotted to help her live away from the School.

"Mr. Malfoy has already stated that he has a place that you can live, and the Ministry will just be checking to make certain that you are not harassed in your removal of your things from this... man's... home. The Ministry, as well as Family Affairs, will be doing a thorough investigation. I hope that you will not find it too troubling if you are questioned later."

Snape said nothing, but the fact that his eyes said he wished the man could be stuck in Azkaban was enough.
Once again, Ari was completely shocked at the news that Draco had a place for her to live. She wanted to just throw her arms around him and kiss him but she decided to wait until later, when they were alone.

She nodded as the official mentioned they would check in to make sure she didn't have trouble removing her things. "I understand you will need to question me, however I must request that I may be allowed to have one to two people sit in for emotional support." She glanced to Snape and Draco.
Snape made a counter offer, showing he had been observant of many things.

"Gentlemen, as I do not intend to interfere with the business of the offices both in the Ministry and Muggle authorities that you both hold, I ask to make a suggestion. Myself and young Mr. Malfoy here will be present, and I think that asking your questions here in the safety of Hogwarts will be most suitable to insure that no one outside of those who know these things will hear anything more until the proper action is decided on."

The two men nodded in agreement, and they left, taking Ari's step-father with them.
With the two authorities gone, Ari felt free to express her gratitude towards the three men before her. "Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore..." She began, looking at each of the two older men in turn. "Thank you both so much for acting on such short notice. I really do appreciate it."

She then turned to Draco. "And you, Draco. You were wonderful. I know now it had to be your doing for Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore to be able to act so quickly. I couldn't wish for a better boyfriend." Even though she knew they were still in front of the two professors, she didn't care and gave him a big kiss on the lips, not a dragged out one, but one that would show how grateful she was just the same.
Draco blushed, both Snape and Dumbledore right there watching. He was not ashamed of the kiss, rather he was worried that his more than affectionate hold on her shoulders would reveal more than that. When they parted from the kiss, Draco is humble as he turns to the two faculty members.

"If my use of my membership in the Order has been a misuse...."

"The Order is not just for those with magical ability, nor just when they are participating in the world of Magic... rather for any who need us. There are those of the Muggle world who are part of the Order... and justice is not just about magic."

Dubledore's words are profound, and Snape gestures toward the door.

"You both need to hurry back to class... I will be along shortly."
Ari blushed and nodded to both Professors. "Thank you both again." She grabbed up her things and started for the door before then turning back to Professor Dumbledore. "About the Order.....?" She wasn't quite sure how to ask about joining. She silently hoped one of the two professors was a Legilimens and could read her thoughts, even though she figured that the chance of one or both of them being such was extremely low. However, her look did basically give the okay in case either of them was.
"The Order of the Phoenix, young Ms. Jacobs, is always in need of members of the young kind. There is always a need for fresh minds and new ideas, as it is never stagnant."

Snape allowed himself a wistful grin, something he allowed himself more often in the more recent days. Both men nodded Draco led her off to class, knowing that one should never attempt to be late for one of Snape's classes.
Ari smiled as she and Draco headed off to class. She understood why Professor Snape couldn't be seen entering the classroom with the two and that was fine with her. "So Draco, tell me about this place that I can stay." She was anxious to know exactly where she'd be living. She knew pureblood families like his had multiple manors all over the place.
"Well, if you don't mind... you will be staying at the manor I am using on the coast. It is quiet, with the ghosts only moving things around to be helpful or to remind you they are present. Also, to be fair... It is very much a place I want to spend some very intense time with you."

Draco was being forward, but then he was not thinking Ari foolish. He liked her, and wanted to be with her as was natural for young people their age to do.
She almost stopped in place at the shock of where he said she could stay at but remembered they were headed to Professor Snape's class after all and continued on with a blush.

"So we'd be living together? That would definitely be a good way for us to really get to know each other and spend time together just the two of us. I'd love that and I'd be happy to stay there."
Draco laughed softly, seeing that he didn't have to do too much convincing. He walked a bit faster though, not wanting to miss Snape's next class nor be late. He was soon grabbing the desks they were going to be sitting in, smiling as they sat down.

"I will tell you all about where you will be staying after class. We just made it, I think."
Ari nodded with a giggle before Professor Snape swept into the room, his cloak billowing behind him as always. All gossiping had stopped once he entered and there had definitely been some rumors since Ari and Draco had left the Great hall earlier.

Pansy aimed a small stinging hex at Ari after class had begun, causing Ari to yelp loudly in pain. Ari had glanced through the room, hoping for some sign of who had done it but only caught the other guy that had been with Pansy the previous day snickering. Ari shrugged it off as she doubted the poor boy was capable of such a thing
Draco was not pleased as he spotted Pansy, but he let his smile tell her just how much he "appreciated" the stinging spell. He whispered something, aiming his want at her, and he watched Pansy start to sneeze. The Fit spell made her have the kind of fit that was most embarrassing to her, and it eventually caused the disruption in class he wanted it too. Snape slowly looked at Pansy, as he knew the spell well. It only afflicted those who have done something selfishly wrong, waited until it subsided enough to send her to Dumbledore.
Ari giggled as Pansy sneezed over and over, even though she couldn't pinpoint the spell, she did know its purpose. Under the desk, she squeezed Draco's hand in gratitude before shrugging and turning back to watch Snape's reaction. She figured that Snape would know the spell as well and she looked for any minute signs of amusement.
Snape didn't disappoint. He wiggled his wand, sending a box of tissues to Pansy.

"Ms. Parkinson, I suggest you go explain to the Headmaster precisely why you are having a Fit."

Pansy was soon gone, a bit of giggling from several girls in the room. Snape looked around, not showing he knew who did it, but his words hinted.

"Well, it seems that she is Fit to be tied in the Head."
Ari had to keep from a second round of giggles as she heard Snape hint that he knew who had cast the spell on Pansy. She knew the other students wouldn't understand the hint and that's what made her cover her mouth to block the new set of giggles. She carefully went back to taking her notes as if nothing had happened
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