Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)

While Draco was busy with the boy, Arianna had noticed Pansy aiming her wand at Draco and preparing to cast a spell on the sly. However, before Pansy could speak, Arianna had her wand pointed at Pansy. "Expelliarmus!" She watched as Pansy's wand was propelled out of her hand, giving Pansy a smirk.

Pansy however wasn't having it and prepared to come after Arianna, fists at the ready. Not having backed down before, the sight of Pansy's fists had her stepping back just a bit while her confidence began to waver. The prepared fists only brought back her memories of what happened to her over the summer
A bolt of some kind pushed Pansy off to the side, and the "Draco clone" pulled back his fist. The wand of Severus Snape was unwavering as all the students but Draco, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna turned. It was pretty obvious that it was expected, but it still cared wait as Draco slowly lowered his hand. The dark-haired Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, member in good standing of the Order of the Phoenix, slowly moved his eyes over the crowd. It was very obvious he was not in the mood for things like what had been going on, and his slow lowering of his wand matched his slow and commanding tone.

"That is quite enough. I will no sit idle while certain students attempt to tear House Slytherin asunder."

He eyes were looking at Pansy and the blonde young man, and the smaller group of Slytherin students. He noticed the few from other Houses, but the guess was they didn't really understand the implications as they were off to the side and not with either group. He then pointed at each of the seven who had been up front, his words even and authoritative.. ending with pointing at Arianna.

"The eight of you will come with me now... the Headmaster wishes to speak to you."
Arianna had been grateful for the bolt that had pushed Pansy away, fearing that she might have regressed to being helpless if it hadn't happened when it did. However she was not happy that Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Luna and herself were being singled out to see the headmaster too when she felt Pansy and the boy were the only ones that should have gone.

With a soft sigh, Arianna turned and began heading for the doors, knowing the others would soon fall in behind or alongside her. Or at least Draco would walk beside her anyway. She would hate to be expelled or even put in detention when all she had done was stop Pansy from attacking Draco, even if it did mean taking the wrath of Pansy herself.
It was not very long before they were all in Albus Dumbledore's office. The Headmaster of Hogwarts was not pleased, and he turned from the window, appraising each student. Snape had made certain that Draco and Arianna were on the opposite side of the line up from Pansy and Dolph, the new student. Dumbledore then looked out the window for the third time. He had them there for the entire time till the Sorting, the older students finishing getting there things away. He and Snape had used their wands, sending the things belonging to all nine of the students before them to their rooms were the elves would put them away. His voice was clear and as assured as Snape's had been, and his words meaningful.

"I had really wanted to sing the school song before the feast tonight, but now it seems I am not in a cheerful disposition."

He was thoughtful for several minutes, slowly turning to face them again. Snape, now the assistant Headmaster, moved to sit down on a chair beside the large desk. It was his deference to Dumbledore's office and position, never needing direction to do so. The Slytherin House Head knew from the older man's tone that he need not speak for a while. He rested his hands in his lap, observant as always as the Headmaster continued.

"I was intending to wait, as always, to announce the Head Boy and Girl for the Houses, and I truly had wanted to as this year the faculty had decided on letting last year there be a vote among the students. I see that cannot wait."
Arianna had never been in Dumbledore's office and the fact she got called in for something like this made her afraid. It definitely did not help that the headmaster kept looking back and forth between the group of students and the window. Nor was it helping her that Professor Snape was there.

She listened quietly to the headmaster, all the time wanting to just reach and grab Draco's hand but refraining from doing so. However, the mention of Head Boy and Girl had her confused and she looked up, having been looking down at the floor in shame before.
Dumbledore then turned, looking at them all again. His tone making things even clearer to all of them as he continued.

"It is obvious that some members of House Slytherin are more deserving of both trust and authority, and this pains me. After all that has happened in the last year, I would have thought the life lessons would have prevented these things. Has not the death of some of your fellow students mattered at all to you?"

He was particularly looking at Pansy as he was speaking, disappointed to say the least in her callousness. His next words were very direct and harsh, but well justified as he did look right at her.

"A successor to Tom Tom Marvolo Riddle will not come out of Hogwarts... be it male or female, or from any House. I tallied all of the votes over the summer, and we have two Heads who are not Prefects."

Dumbledore paused, doing so as he gave Ron a knowing look and the red-headed boy smiled and nodded. Ron expected something like this, as it was fair in his mind. Dumbledore continued.

"For House Gryffindor, the Head Boy will be Harry Potter and the Head Girl will be Hermione Granger. For House Slytherin, the Head Boy will be Draco Malfoy and the Head Girl will be Arianna Jacobs."

He paused, knowing and expecting what happened next. Pansy erupted.

"That's not fair! I..."

"Have overstepped your bounds time and again, young Ms. Parkinson. I cannot remove you as Prefect, but I can make it where you and anyone else who abuses their post is kept in check. You and young Mr. DiAngelo may leave now."

Dumbledore didn't look at Pansy, who turned on heel, grabbing Dolph's hand. It was the most shocking moment, as one would have expected it from one of the students, especially one of the female students. It was tort and direct... and it came from Snape himself as Pansy's hand settled on the doorknob.

"Now now, Pansy. Don't go away mad. Just... go away."

The door soon slammed behind them, and Dumbledore had a rueful smile on his lips. The giggling naturally started from Ginny, Luna, and Hermione, while Harry and Ron smiled. Draco couldn't help himself, and he blustered with a hearty laugh that infected the other boys.
Arianna had clearly not been expecting to be named Head Girl of Slytherin and was very excited. Though she had to shake her head at Pansy's predictability. It was obvious everyone was expecting her to act that way.

Now Professor Snape's comment for Pansy to just go away brought a huge grin on her face and she was soon giggling along with the other girls in the room. Her giggles soon became full on laughter after Draco started laughing. What a perfect way to show the two rival houses could get along. After much heavy breathing, she soon calmed herself down just enough. "Professor Dumbledore, what about Ravenclaw?" She did know Luna was in Ravenclaw and did wonder whether or not she too had received a role.
"Luna is the Head Girl of Ravenclaw now, as Padma Patil, like her sister Parvati, wish to stay Prefects. They feel they have the right post for their achievements. And with that, I ask you all not to say anything as I am certain young Ms. Parkinson will not. She most likely has allowed her friends to assume she would be Head Girl of Slytherin, so she will baste in her own juices for a while. Now, you need to get going and head down to the Sorting Feast. Perhaps I will be leading us all in the School Song as I had hoped."

He smiled, dismissing them all out the door. He would be along soon, but he did want a moment to himself. Snape was in the lead, not saying anything. This was going to be a most interesting year, and Draco kept silent for now as he was still very pleased. Not only were he and the others going to get to spend time growing as friends, Arianna was going to have more time with him as well.
Arianna was beaming with pride as they walked to the Great Hall. She was going to be Head Girl for Slytherin. She would have guaranteed time to get to know Harry and the others as well as more time to spend with Draco even with their duties. Now as they walked, she grabbed Draco's hand as discreetly as possible and squeezed gently, smiling at him before letting his hand go again.

As they neared the hall though, she calmed herself down since she didn't want to risk giving things away after Dumbledore had told them not to tell. She knew he would eventually make the announcement to the school and would leave it that way.
The Sorting started as soon as the new students came in to the Great hall after the older ones sat down. Draco sat down beside the others who had been with them, having Harry on one side and the other for Arianna. Soon, the Sorting Hat was singing, giving them all a song about the year being filled with tests of character and understanding, as well as tough decisions. The actual Sorting began, as one by one the students are sat on the stool and the Hat sorted each one. Several of the students were shocked, as they had attributes that would have put them in one of two Houses and they got their first choice. A couple, hearing the story of what happened with Harry, got into either Gryffindor or Slytherin, amusing both Harry and Draco to no end. Eventually, all of the students were sorted, and the Head Boys and Girls were announced. Pansy stole a look at Draco, who completely ignored her. She grumbled to no one in particular, and then the feast started.

The food was, as always, excellent, especially a few of the dishes for the exchange students. Draco commented to one of the newer students from Germany how good the bratwurst was, hoping that she liked it. She nodded, blushing that Draco remembered her from the train when he helped her. Draco and the other talked in easy conversation, Ginny asking about his last week before the return for their seventh year. He talked about enjoying London, and having made a few new friends. Ginny then smiled at Adrianna, her questions very interested sounding and honest.

"How was your summer, Adrianna? Did you have a good vacation?"
She too had enjoyed watching the sorting as many got sorted either into Gryffindor or Slytherin. Though when it came to Slytherin, it did make her wonder how many would end up wanting to keep up the rivalry and how many would want that rivalry to finally end. As the Head Boys and Girls were announced, she was once again beaming with pride.

Adrianna happily joined in the conversation with Draco and the others, listening to Draco a bit dreamily. But then again, he was her boyfriend, wasn't that her right to listen a bit dreamily sometimes. Ginny's questions had caught her a little off guard. "It was alright I guess. I pretty much stayed in the house all day." She rubbed her arm unconsciously, thinking about how her summer really had been. "Can't really call it a vacation. At least here we get to actually go places."
Harry saw the movement, and he looked at Ginny and Luna, both of whom told him what they were seeing. One of the students who had come in during their fifth year, who had refused to allow anyone to see any bare skin, had acted the same. Ron and Harry had been horrified when he had fell in a pool and Hermione and Ginny had talked him into taking his shirt off to dry off. The bruises were large, and he had broke down and told them how his father was beating him. The man turned out to be a Death Eater, one of the ones who died in an operation the Order had carried out. He was now with his mother living when he was not in school close to where Harry had an apartment in London.

Hermione also picked up on it, and nodded to Harry. Potter then leaned in, explaining to Draco what they were picking up up. Draco was able to conceal his anger about it, but he was going to talk to her later. He wanted to protect her, not happy someone was hurting her. He leaned in, whispering into her ear so that no one would listen and she would not feel embarrassed or ashamed.

"Arianna, we need to talk in private after feast. I hope that is alright."
Arianna nodded as he whispered in her ear. She had no idea what it is that he would want to talk to her about but she figured it was serious. She had no idea she had given her new friends such a clue so easily picked up on. She was already finished with her plate, too much of seeing Ron's open mouth full of food had dampened her appetite, not to mention she didn't eat much anyway.

She began to stand up, ready to leave. She looked at Draco with a smile. "Take your time. I'm just going on ahead." She then leaned in further to him so that others wouldn't hear. "If I'm not still in the hall when you finish here, I'll be in the common room." With that she kissed his cheek without thinking and headed out the Great Hall
Hermione had elbowed Ron for doing it again, then turned and gave a knowing smile to Draco. He blushed a little, and finished what he was eating on his plate. He was only mere minutes behind her, but he soon was briskly catching up to her. He was following her to the Slytherin common room, first needing to get to the door with her. It didn't take him long, and he caught her and smiled as he got her to turn around. He smiled, taking her hand and walking the rest of the way with her.

Soon, they were going down the corridor in the dungeon toward the dorms and the common room. He knew that at this time, they were perfectly alone. He took a breath, and he stopped just short of the door. He turned to Arianna, and he looked into her eyes, his own blue ones very bright with honesty as he spoke to her.

"Arianna, I really like you a lot. And I know things have moved fast today, so I am going to take a few things slower than others. I have to ask you something, and I hope you will be completely honest with me."

He waited, wanting the part about honesty to totally sink in with her before he continued.
Arianna had smiled when he took her hand as they walked. Of course he had wanted to wait until they were closer to the common room before asking her what he needed to. Slimmed down the chance of them getting overheard that way. She looked at him when he stopped them, her blue eyes staring back into his own.

"I really like you a lot too Draco. Of course I'll be honest with you Draco. You have my word." She held her word as a promise highly. She always kept it too. Sure the part about honesty had caught her a little off guard, it did make her wonder what he might have heard already. She knew how quickly word could travel through the school so she wouldn't be surprised if someone had passed a rumor about her.
Draco caressed Arianna's face, smiling with a bit of pain behind it. It was not that he was in pain, rather he didn't like the idea of making her feel any by what he was about to ask her. He almost didn't, but he knew she needed to know how much he cared about her. It was strange, caring about someone that you didn't talk to for so long, but he already knew things about her already and he didn't want her afraid any longer.

"Arianna... I really care about you a lot... more than you think or know. That is why I need to know... are.. are your foster parents hurting you?"
Arianna gently held his hand to her face with her own. She wasn't quite expecting his question but she figured she had to have done something to make him come to that conclusion. Not to mention the others had been whispering and even Harry had whispered to Draco before Draco had asked to talk to her after the feast.

She looked at him, half right at him, half downward, not wanting to see the look in his eyes even though she could tell he genuinely cared about her. "My foster father is...." Tears slowly began trickling down her cheeks
Draco was now very aware that what they all figured out was happening was true, and he moved Arianna into the common room. He sat her down in one of the chairs, the soft green lighting something that he was used to as they were under the lake. He held her hand, his voice understanding as he reached out his other hand to caress her lovely face and wipe away her tears.

"Arianna, I am here for you... just tell me what has been happening at home. I am listening."
Arianna allowed him to lead her into the common room. The tears not stopping now that they had started. "It all started the year before I got my letter from Hogwarts." She sniffled a bit before continuing. I had started showing signs of magic and my foster mother just started ignoring me and giving me these evil looks. My foster father out of the blue hit me when she was out shopping, saying it was my fault that he wasn't getting any from her."

She didn't look at him at all, only staring into the fireplace. "It started being a constant thing, happening whenever she went out. She knew it was going on but turned a blind eye. Then after third year, he started creeping into my bedroom, saying things like if she didn't give it to him, I'd have to because I owed him. He's been raping me and continually beating me since. It's why I don't go home for the holidays." She was full on crying now
Draco Malfoy had done many things wrong in life, but what he was hearing made him both angry and sick. He took her in his arms and hugged her, not letting go for a while. He was very slow on breaking the embrace, his desire to communicate how much he cared also amplifying how much he wanted her to know it was not her fault. He soon was looking into her eyes, letting her see more of the emotion he was feeling for her.

"Arianna... you are never going home again. I am going to take care of this, I promise you. I want you to be what I know you are, and I will help you and so will the others."

He smiled, then kissed her slowly, his hand caressing her hair as he did so.
When he took her in his arms and hugged her, her arms slid around his neck as if she was afraid he might disappear. Just a look in his eyes and she knew that he meant what he was saying, even though she had no idea how he was gonna make sure she never went home again, especially since she did still have stuff at home.

She had opened her mouth to ask him how he was going to take care of things, let alone how were he and the others going to help her but he had prevented her questions by kissing her. Her own hands moving through his hair as she kissed him back. For the first time in years, she was starting to feel loved again.
Draco's kiss was long and thorough, his mouth on hers with his tongue slowly moving inside of hers and tasting her there. It was a passionate kiss, something he never really had with Pansy ever. He continued for several long minutes, slowly breaking the kiss after the time had passed. He then smiled at her, his words soft and guiding for her as he helped her beside him on the couch.

"I can see questions in your eyes, Arianna. Don't hesitate to ask me anything before we retire to our rooms."
Arianna was now blushing at the end of their kiss as she sat beside him on the couch. "You're right. I do have questions. One, how are you going to take care of this? He's a muggle. We can't touch muggles with magic unless authorized by the ministry. Second how are you and the others going to help me? He still has enough control where he can demand I come home for the holidays if he wants to." She trembled at the thought of what might happen if she did have to go home during the break.

"I do have one last question though. Can you call me Ari instead of Arianna?" She smiled now even if it was just a soft, shy one.
Draco was honest, smiling as he answered Arianna's questions one at a time, though not precisely in order.

"Alright, Ari. First off, magic is not how we are going to take care of your parents. They both need to be handled the right way, and that is the muggle way. Two, there are certain things that can be done, and I know who to talk to about that. Also... they are your foster family, so they do not need you to call them mother or father. If we have to, we will use the legal road, and there are those in the Ministry who will not sit back for this sort of thing."

He stroked her hair, knowing soon the both of them would have to turn in for the night. He helped her stand up, and he spoke again.

"Tomorrow is our first day of classes, and I know you will not want to miss a minute of them."

Draco knew what to do , and he was going to need all of his new friends help on this one.
Ari nodded and listened quietly as he spoke. "Thanks Draco. It means a lot that you're willing to go through so much to help me. I don't want to be a burden on you or any of the others. She started walking towards the back of the common room where the sets of stairs leading to the dorms were.

"I'll see you at breakfast." She pressed her lips to his for a gentle goodnight kiss before turning and heading up to her dorm. She changed into her nightclothes and got into bed. She easily fell asleep with a smile on her face
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