Maybe it's the sand... (Stickyfun/Jugger82)

"Once again your own idiocy...." Temari sighed and shook her head. "How did you even make it this long as a ninja? You seem to make all the most basic mistakes. You don't secure your tent, you don't properly secure your food, you get distracted by absolutely anything...." She sighed again, rolling her eyes. "If it'll shut you up then I'll give you some of my food.....otherwise I'm sure you'll never stop complaining..."
"Ah screw you." He said as he sat down at the fire. "Forget it, I don't need any food...and I survived this long as a ninja because of my skills. I've yet to show you even a taste of what I can do, but whatever. You don't really care for me enough to really give a damn about what it is I'm able to do, correct?"
"Don't need food huh? Just keep telling yourself that and see how long you last in the desert" Temari rolled her eyes as she sat down, pulling a food bar out of her bag and starting to munch on it. "Skills or not I'm amazed you've lasted this long at all. The way you act I'm surprised you haven't pissed off the wrong person and gotten herself killed"
Nathan shrugged. "Meh, destiny has its course, or the fates have decided for me to live, whatever you people believe in. I don't believe in none of that crap, only chance and reason." He said as he leaned back and watched her eat, not feeling too hungry at the time. "Still...if I do get hungry, I can think thing I could eat out."
"Only chance and reason huh? Then the chances of you living this long really were against you....I'm amazed you've lasted this long" Temari rolled her eyes, taking another bite of her food bar, then twitching slightly. "Don't even daydream about that. If I see one lecherous look on your face then I'm gonna re-arrange it"
"Too late...already thinking about tasting that succulent sweet nectar from those beautiful pink walls...I can feel my tongue already sliding across the opening before poking at that little hill at the top of it before my lips plop down to suck out the sweet nectar from the cave...Mmm..." He said just to tease her.
Temari couldn't suppress the growl of anger upon hearing his words, taking a last bite of her energy bar before her fist crushed what was left of it into dust, her eyebrow twitching as her eyes suddenly locked onto him. "Do you want me to kill you little boy?"
"Ooo~ Just think about this Temari...maybe I want you to hit me. Maybe I want to feel the pain you cause me...maybe I'm a masochist and I want you to hurt me oh so fucking much." Of course this wasn't exactly what he was. He was just trying to wierd her out just to annoy her some more. "I want to feel the pain you can dish out on me...I thrive on it and thats why I want to fuck you so much...!"
"Well maybe I will hit you if you keep asking for it, but believe me, the place I'm planning on hitting you will make sure you don't want to fuck anything for quite some time...." She narrowed her eyes, glaring at him angrily, occasionally clenching and unclenching her fists, making it rather obvious just what she had in mind.....painfully obvious, in more ways than one...
He barreled back a bit. "Aye! Take a joke, take a joke!" HE said as he covered his balls with his hands for a bit before moving over to her. "Then allow me one little thing...Then I'll leave you alone on the subject for good..." He leaned in and whispered into her ear. "Kiss me like you did Ichiro...I want to know exactly how much you loved my brother..."
"....Your...." His brother?! Temari found it near impossible to hide the look of shock on her face....this she really wasn't expecting. Ichiro had mentioned a younger brother was this kid....? Gaara certainly did have a rather strange sense of humour...not to mention irony...he did this on purpose, had to have. "I....c-come on you can't ask me to do that. If I'd known you were his brother...." She shook her head softly, suddenly feeling rather confused.
"If you knew I was his wouldn't have slept with me, correct? Even if it was just 'to relieve the tension' or whatever you said." He shrugged as he continued to walk on. "Fine then. Don't kiss me...but..." He turned to look at her. "I'll still tone down the talk about you in sexual manners." Though he would definitely still grope her and get her nicely done body in his grasp somehow. A sneaky way that hid his lust was when he suddenly went behind her and hugged her...just like his brother used to do, but he didn't know this. His arms, as they wrapped around her, were just under her breasts. "Sorry about that Temari."
Well, at least he was going to tone it down.....even if it was only a little that would be ok. The way he had been acting before was one thing, but to know that he was her dead former partners brother? That made the whole situation just a tad more uncomfortable really. "Good.....and if we get to town and you're still all worked up then there are plenty of women there who'll be more than happy to satisfy your needs for the right price...." She shook her head slightly, then yelped when he suddenly hugged her from behind, though at least this time he wasn't just all out groping her. "'s fine alright? Just...forget about it now"
He smiled as he pulled away. "Alright then...though...When we get to the town, try not to get too jealous of the other women tending to my ever whim and desire. I'm sure guys would fuck you too if you get that horny from watching I won't even touch you because you don't want me to...EVEN if its for relieving stress." He said sneering before walking on ahead of her. "Try not to stray too far behind flatty." He teased.
((Apologies for the delay, I've been swamped with work and life lately x.x))

"Hmph, the guys in that town wouldn't be able to afford how much I was worth" Temari folded her arms and rolled her eyes, then twitched as he called her flat, kicking a rock right up into his ass rather hard. "Oh like I'd be jealous. If anything I'd feel sorry for them if you did get desperate enough to pay some poor woman to sleep with you" She twitched and grumbled, glancing up as on the far horizon a town began to come into view.
"Yeah yeah whatever flatty." He said as he rubbed his ass from the rock being pelted at it. Walking into the town, he looked around it for a bit before looking to Temari. "Alright flat breasts, whats the mission objective now? You said you'd tell me when we get to town and look! We're past the gates so we're officially in town!"
Everytime Nathan used the word flat, Temari kicked the rock into his ass once again, each time just a little harder than before. Fortunately they reached the town however before she could kick it hard enough to knock him off his feet....just.
"Hmph....let's find somewhere more private first shall we rather than discussing these things in the middle of the street? Come on, we'll go get some rooms at a hotel or something and talk there. And no, we're not sharing before you even think about asking"
"Damn you." He said playfully as he walked with her to a hotel. Paying for a room with his own money, he brought her to one of the regular rooms and locked the door behind him when they were both in...Fortunately the room only had one bed and no couches. "So...whats the whole point of this mission Temari? I don't like to be kept in the shadows. We're supposed to be a team, even if we hate eachother so."
Temari rolled her eyes as she followed him, frowning as he led her into a room. She'd get her own once they were done here. "Team or no team, if I'm ordered to keep it a secret then I follow those orders. Now....we're here to track down a human smuggling operation. Prostitution is one thing around here, but there's a slave trade beginning to crop up aswell and we need to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand. We'll need to investigate the town for a few days, try and blend in and then try and infiltrate the operation. We need to know we're getting to the very top before we take it out"
Nathan nodded. "Slave trade? They sent just two ninja to stop a whole slave trade op? Sigh...Oh well then." He murmured as he sat down on the bed. "Say Temari..." He said as he patted the bed. "Wanna take the bed and I'll get the floor? I don't mind." He said smiling to her...but he had some dark deeds he wanted to do to her...right then and there, whether she chose to take the bed or not. "Its late already. We should get some sleep you know."
"Two ninja should be all that's needed if you're any good. If you don't think you're up to the job though, then feel free to leave" Temari shook her head, then rolled her eyes. "Dream on. I'm going back to the front desk to get my own room. You think I'm going to share a bedroom with a complete pervert like you? That's only going to happen in my nightmares" The girl turned her back, moving towards the door in order to leave the room.
Nathan sneered as he performed some hand signs to create a ball of glowing purple liquid. Sneering, he sent it flying at her, hitting her body...the scent strong. The liquid did nothing but hold the scent...the scent would act as an aphrodesiac and cause lust within her body. "Are you sure you want another room and not share one with me?"
Temari stumbled when she felt something hit her back, splashing over her. She growled at first, turning around to face him before stumbling slightly. "Wh-what..? You...." She shook her head, resisting the aphrodisiac. She had been trained to resist such things after all. "You bastard....trying such a cheap trick on someone like me..." She took another step backwards towards the door, reaching for the handle. If she could just get out of the room....get herself alone so she could focus and dispel this.

It seemed rather more forceful tactics might be required to really get Temari going, given her resistance and her personality after all.
Nathan sneered. It at least slowed her down some. He walked over and took her shoulders before throwing her onto the bed. "I don't want to fuck you...I just want to watch you masturbate in front of me...thats all." He said sneering to her as he reached for her clothes and forced them off of her body until she was naked, putting up with any resistance she was giving. "Just masturbate and I'll leave you alone...unless you want some more of my thick dick inside of you."
Temari squirmed when he grabbed her, but her attention was so focused on fighting the affects of the purple fluid covering her clothes that she couldn't put up as much resistance as she normally would. "N-no!" She gasped as she fell to the bed, then yelped when he began to forcefully remove her clothing, growling and attempting to resist, though it wasn't enough to stop him. "F-fuck you! No way I'm going to do that!" She quickly covered herself up with her arms and hands, hiding her body from him.
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