Maybe it's the sand... (Stickyfun/Jugger82)

Feeling him get pulled out of her tent, he growled as he felt the pain in his ankle. Getting up to jump on her to pin her, his face was close to hers, glaring as if he were a wolf taunting his downed victims by showing his snarling, bloody teeth straight to its face. "YOU go make MY tent for fucking it up! I already helped you with the fire, the best you could do is either let me sleep in here for fix my tent little blond dunce!" He said angrily to her as he kept her arms pinned to her sides so she was in a T formation.
"No, you go make your tent back up! You were the one childish enough to start all this!" Temari growled, falling back to the sand as he pounced onto her, pinning her to the ground, squirming around a little. "I'll give you one chance to get off me. I suggest you take it....otherwise I am going to make sure you're incapable of ever having children..." Her knee twitched, well placed and well prepared to slam up between his legs....hard.
Nathan growled as he listened to her, shaking his head. "I'll take my chances you weird spiked hair girl! Whats with these?!" He said as he moved his arm to pull on one of the bundles of hair that she kept on the corners of her head. Before she could hit him in the legs, he straddled her legs, clenching them together as the water snake that had disappeared before began to form again from the vapor in the air and began to tie her legs so she would be unable to hit him. "You're trapped now...some ninja you are."
"Leave my hair alone!" Temari shook her head as he tugged at it, setting some of it loose at the side of her head, shifting a little and growling. She could get out of his grip if she wanted but it was likely to hurt him quite badly. She had been hoping to avoid that but... "Last warning kid, get off me before you really regret not listening" She snarled up at him, starting to flex her arms a little against him.
Nathan smirked as he leaned in real close to her, his face only an inch away from hers as his eyes looked into hers. "What? What're you going to do hm?" He said with a serious and annoyed voice. "You know...I like my women feisty...I think thats why I've put up with you this long...even if its hardly been a day.'ll do just fine." He said smirking before his hands kept her arms clamped down as he shot his lips down to her own.
Temari say the least when Nathan suddenly forced his lips down onto hers. So shocked infact that for a moment she just lay there dumbfounded, unable to react. It didn't last though, and a moment later she managed to roll over and push away from him, growling. "You...bastard!" She suddenly slapped him harshly across the face before suddenly she was the one pinning him to the ground. "You little....I should rip out your tongue for that!" She growled down at him, before instinct seemed to kick in from staring at him like that....before suddenly she found herself being the one to kiss him.
Feeling her pin him down, he glared at her before she had her own lips placed onto his. Kissing her back fiercely, he brought his arms down her shirt to the hems of it and slowly began to make it rise. "I hate you...!" He said through the kisses as he got her shirt over her head. He reached down and began to undo his pants as he continued to kiss her. "You make me so angry...! Yet I fucking want you so bad!"
Temari snarled as the kiss broke in order for him to remove her shirt, her breasts clad in a tight bra beneath, hanging infront of his face. "Asshole, I'm going to kill you after this for even daring to touch me!" She reached down to help with his pants, rather forcefully starting to tug them away. "Or maybe I'll just rip this off and ram it down your throat once I'm done with it"
"We'll just see when we're done huh!?" He said sarcastically as his hard member sprang out once his pants were off. He began to force her pants down, not even bothering to undo them until they were off, leaving her in her underwear. Going to her bra, he ripped it open to let her breasts fall out and he smirked. "My my...this hot-headed bitch is packing some heat." He said tauntingly to her.
Temari grunted as her bra was ripped off, allowing her breasts to spill free. Her bra was clearly a cup size too small, hiding just how big she really was, she probably didn't want the male attention her true chest size might bring. "Feh..." She glanced at his cock, then back up at him. "Well at least it's not too small....though not the biggest I've seen" She reached down between their legs, then grasped his hard cock tightly, giving it just a slight tug. "Let's see if you know how to use it, though I don't expect much from a smart mouthed child like you"
"This coming from you? Ha...I knew you were a slut of a ninja. How many cocks have you seen huh?" He leaned in and smirked. "I bet one of them was your brother Kankuro's, wasn't it? Or perhaps Gaara's?" He taunted, saying that she would have had sex with her brothers. Placing his hands on her hips, he began to move her until her pussy lay on his cock...he began to press his cock into her, in doing so he slowly pressed her panties into her pussy as well.
"Perverted asshole, I've never seen my brothers like that" She growled and slapped him again across the face with one hand, the other squeezing his cock just a little more tightly. "I've only seen another two if you must know, and they were both way bigger than yours. Sometimes a Kunoichi has to do things to complete the mission...." She growled down at him, then grunted as she felt his cock start to rub against her, grinding against her pussy lips with her panties in the way. "Nnnn....."
"Hey...I may not be as big as full grown adult jonin...but I'm far more talented....especially in some of my jutsu." He said smirking as he reached over to move her panties to the side. Knowing she wasn't a virgin, he knew she wouldn't mind. With one simple thrust, along with him pulling her hips down on his cock, he thrust hard into her, creating a loud 'smack' noise at the meeting of their hips.
"We'll see about that...." Temari smirked down at him and rolled her eyes, then prepared herself for what she knew was coming. Whilst she may not have been a virgin any longer, her training had ensured she was still just as tight as when she had been. "NNGH!" She grabbed his shoulders when he thrust the entire thing in at once, digging her nails into his skin. "Nnnngh....ahh....fuck it's been too long...."
"Its been too long huh?" He said sneering as he began to thrust into the girl, loving the feel of her around his cock and the sounds it made as it slid in and out of her. "Mmm yeah...Its been too long since I've had a pussy like this before. It feels so good around my cock I can hardly stand it." He smirked and went to her breasts, biting at them and pulling on her nipples with his teeth as they continued to make angry sex.
Temari growled as he bit at her nipples, tugging on them with his teeth. "Nnngh...." She squeezed her pussy a little more around his cock, her training giving her perfect control over every single one of her muscles, before she lifted herself up, almost entirely withdrawing his cock from her body, barely leaving the tip inside, before she violently slammed herself back down onto him, gasping from the sensation.
Seeing this, he smirked. "You like rough sex do you?" He smirked and pushed her off. Getting up, he moved over to her and lifted her legs in the air so she was upside down. Angling his cock down just right, he began to slam into her, jackhammering her like there was no tomorrow and this would be the best fuck of his life. "Yeah!? How's is this for rough!? You like it you stupid slut!?"
Temari groaned as she was suddenly rolled over, her hips being lifted up into the air whilst her head was still on the ground, her legs bent backover to come back towards her face. "Nnnngh!" She groaned as he started to fuck her down, starting to pound into her. "Y-you call....this rough?" Nathan had hit the nail on the head though, she liked it rough...she loved it rough... "C-come isn't even energetic!"
Nathan sneered as he stopped moving. He did some handsigns and smirked. "Forbidden Jutsu: Genitalia Growth Jutsu!" Out of nowhere, she would feel a second cock enter into her ass. Nathan grew a second cock just to fuck both of her holes hard. Gripping her ass, he began to pound into her harder and harder, wanting to take his anger out on her like this. "Stupid b-bitch!" He said to her. "I'll fucking rip you apart!"
Temari growled as he stopped, about to kick him in the head as he used some kind of technique she hadn't seen before, gasping as she felt a second cock sprouting from his body and pushing into her tight ass, even tighter than her pussy. "Nnngh! F-fucking moron! Y-you couldn't rip....anything apart! I'm gonna....fall asleep from what you call a fuck!"
(Hm. I think we need to be careful in this RP. I didn't notice the new rules on the website so we have to kind of tone things down a bit. Did you notice them?)
(I KNOW that its April Fool's lol but...still, I'm overly protective about that. BMR is practically my only thing to do when I'm not with friends or doing something important so until announced otherwise...yeah.

Sorry, I'm just like that >_< )
((hehehe, alrighty then. We'll wait for Care Bear to spring his big joke before continuing.
Though I think,
Sex on three wheeled mobile vehicles
Sex within fifteen yards of bodies of water exceeding four gallons or thirteen centimeters in width at the widest point
Sex with orange people

Are fairly big giveaways, hehe))
(I think the sex with orange people is my fault lol. Well, not generally mine but Starfire's cause me and some other guy are in a Teen Titans RP with her lol.

And yeah those are dead giveaways but even still haha. Do you have YIM?)
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