Maybe it's the sand... (Stickyfun/Jugger82)

Temari slurped at Nathan's cock, lapping up his pre-cum and swallowing it more eagerly than she would have liked. She let out a muffled moan around his cock, beginning to slowly lift up from his cock. She didn't have any intentions of swallowing his cum, so the moment his cock began to throb she lifted up, suddenly beginning to sit up completely on his face, her fingers going to give his cock one more squeeze.
((Bump to get my post showing))

When she began to sit on his face, his tongue still began to lap up her pussy like a dog to water. When she reached forward and squeezed his cock, it shot its hot seed all over her body in large amounts. Some landed on her face, the rest of it hit her body, mainly on her breasts and Nathan's mouth closed as he spoke through his teeth, so none of his seed would get around his mouth. "How do you like that then?" He said before pushing her off. "Thats a good girl. I hope you enjoyed do what you want with that stuff all over you...just don't use it against me, or I might just publicly humiliate you.
Temari let out a squeal when Nathan's enlarged cock began to spurt plentiful amounts of cum all over her body, the sensation of his hot cum against her skin being enough to trigger her own orgasm, her pussy beginning to spurt juices all over Nathan's face as she cried out in pleasure, her body continuing to be covered in his cum, until they were both finished. The sand princess panted for a few moments, then collapsed forward onto Nathan's stomach, panting heavily, not able to respond to him.
"Ew..." He muttered to himself when her cum-covered body landed onto him. "Gotta take a shower after this..." He murmured before picking her up and taking her to the bath. "Might as well do it together." He said as he stepped into the shower and turned on the cold water to awaken her. "Come on. Wakey wakey already. Get your ass up girl." He said to her, but being gently with her body. He knew she was tried...especially after what had just happened to her.
Temari squeaked when he picked her up, moving her to the shower whilst she was only half awake. When the cold water hit her however, she let out a sharp yelp of surprise, suddenly fully awake once more. "A-asshole...." She growled, leaning against the wall, still not quite having the strength to turn around and punch him. "You.....feh...if you hadn't used that stupid cheap trick....just wait until it....wears off..."
" wore off when we were having sex." He admitted to her. "It doesn't last long. We were doing foreplay for too long and it wore off during it. You were acting on your own...that little trick I used on you only lasts five minutes for a quickie and enough time for me to get the hell out of the place that the victim was in."
"Y-you're lieing...I would those things if that hadn't worn off..." Temari growled, looking away from him as she tried to focus on the water of the shower. "'re just....a perverted little bastard....using tricks like that on's better than raping them.'re....a disgrace. You''re nowhere near the man....your brother was..." She grinned slightly. "He....he knew how to please a woman the real way...with his hands....and his cock.....that puts you to shame.....he was...a real man, not a scrawny bitch like you"
"Meh, that may be true but everyone has their own way of doing things." He shrugged. "Now take your shower and get dressed Temari. I don't want you to be all sluggish when we go out to accomplish the mission. Got it? But first..." He had a disappointed look on his face that was more to himself. "What was the mission...again...?"
((Apologies for the delay >< Life keeps throwing me curveballs))

When he asked what the mission was, Temari suddenly twitched, her previous arousal beginning to give way to her usual anger and bad mood. ".....What did you just say...?" Slowly, now making no attempt to hide her body, Temari turned to face him. The expression on her face however was much more likely to instill fear that would cancel out any arousal her body might cause. "....You forgot the mission.....? You...forgot?!"
(No worries Sticky :] )

Hearing the sudden venomous tone in her voice, Nathan turned to look at her and blinked. " only told me once, and it was pretty brief. How was I supposed to remember? Isn't it something about escorting a VIP or stopping some kind of drug ring or something like that..." He said as he seemed to be in thought. Shrugging, he began to put on his clothes. "You still need to shower you sticky little girl. So cool off and wash off."
"So what if I only told you once?!" Temari whacked him on the head before he could quite leave the shower. "A ninja should always pay attention! Even if you only get told your mission once you should commit it to memory!" As he was dressing, Temari threw a bottle out of the shower and into the back of his head, before pulling the curtain closed to obscure his view of her. "Now get out of my room! If you're still out there when I'm finished showering then I'm going to kill you!"
Feeling the bottle hit the back of his head, Nathan rubbed the part that hit him as he glared at her. "I'm not leaving. This is OUR room. Not yours." He said bluntly as he left to the bedroom portion of the inn they were staying in. Laying down on the bed, he looked up to the ceiling...not able to remember the mission for the life of him. His mind was stuck on just how pathetically horny Temari had become from that small little jutsu he pulled off onto her. The thought brought a smile to his face as he closed his eyes, waiting for her to come out.
"It's MY room, I told you to go get your own! I paid for this one!" Temari growled as she washed herself off, frowning as she eventually managed to get the sticky remnants of his cum off of her chest, then sighing as she slowly ran her hands down herself. She hadn't shared a bed with someone in months...she had only just gotten used to sleeping alone. Back when Ichiro was still alive they always slept together....she always held him at night.... The princess quickly shook her head to clear it, this boy may have been his brother but he certainly wasn't any kind of replacement. this boy was just some hormonal and annoying brat that was beneath Temari's attention. Once this mission was done with then she would never have to see him ever again.

Once she was finally done with her shower, Temari sighed and turned off the water, stepping out and grabbing a towel to dry herself first, then went to pull on her clothes and head back out into the bedroom. A scowl crossed her face when she saw Nathan on the bed, before she stormed over and suddenly grabbed the sheet he was laying on. With a violent tug she yanked it out from under him in such a way as to throw him across the room, before quickly grabbing one of the pillows and flinging it at his face.
Nathan opened his eyes when he heard the shower door open. He looked down, only to see Temari about two feet away from him, compared to the distance of how far away the bathroom was to the bed, this surprised him in a way that made him jump. He went flying across the room when she pulled the sheets and he hit the wall hard, only to fall down limp as the pillow landed on his face. He groaned from under it as he pulled the pillow off his face and rubbed his bleeding head. "Damn girl...we're you THAT angry that I was still here...?" He said as he looked at his blood stained hand.
"Of course I'm angry! I told you to go get your own room!" Temari frowned, sitting down on the bed. "Feh, well if you absolutely insist on staying in here don't even think you're coming near the bed. You can sleep on the floor with that pillow I threw you. Maybe if you're lucky there'll be a spare blanket in the closet" Temari just pulled the blanket on the bed up over herself, turning her back on him angrily. "Now clean yourself up and go to sleep, we've got a lot of work to do tomorrow!"
"I actually prefer to sleep on the floor." He said as he stood up and watched her. "Jeez...where does all that anger originate from? Spoiled princess...." He murmured as he walked over to the bed and snatched the covers from her. "Maybe if YOU'RE lucky there's an extra blanket in the closet. You get the bed, I get a pillow and blanket." He wrapped himself into it and made sure it hugged his body as he laid down on the ground, his head on the pillow as he lay next to the bed.
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