Maybe it's the sand... (Stickyfun/Jugger82)

"My orders were to follow you on this mission and to assist. I can't assist outside of sex without knowing exactly what we have to do but...whatever." He shrugged as the water clones turned into water that went into his flask. "Damn...I can't use water clones out here. Guess I'll have to actually fight out in the open then." He said shrugging. "After you Temari." He pointed in the direction of south.
"If you call that little diversion last night as assistance then you really don't know what you're doing with it....maybe when we arrive in town I'll buy you a whore for the night so you can practice....lord knows you need it" She glanced over her shoulder at him and smirked as she started to walk away, her ass swaying a little more than it had yesterday, as if she was teasing him now and enjoying every second of it.
And in fact, Nathan didn't mind this sort of teasing. It only riled him up enough to have his juices just boil for her. He wanted her so badly, even more than just the random fucking that they had last night. He watched her ass the whole time they walked, ignoring the part about him needing a whore for practice. Eventually he would get bored of her ass and would walk beside her as they walked. "So gonna at least tell me the name of this town?"
"There isn't any official name for it. As I said, the town isn't on any maps. The nickname for it is 'The Den''s basically a hub of criminal activity. Drugs, prostitution, smuggling, name it and it probably goes on there" Temari shrugged slightly. "Started as a little bandit outpost and the town just sort of grew around it before anybody could realise it"
(Nostalgia lol.)

"Place like that doesn't even deserve to be considered to be on a map. If people go...well....lets just say they probably won't be coming back." He said as he followed her. After an hour of walking, he finally got annoyed. "Ok seriously. We've been walking for too long now. We should have hit it by now." He was sweaty and his clothes weren't that much clean anymore from soaking his sweat. "Dammit its too hot out here...we have to find this place soon."
"What are you talking about?" Temari raised an eyebrow. "The place is pretty far from the Sand Village, we'll arrive tomorrow at the earliest. What, you thought a couple of hours of walking and we'd be there?" She rolled her eyes, seemingly perfectly fine even in this heat, though her clothes were likely somewhat lighter than his. "Come on, we've still got to walk the rest of today, then we should arrive in town about midday tomorrow"
Nathan grumbled as he trudged along after her. "Alright alright whatever...but you should have told me that this would be a two day trip...I would've left these clothes behind and packed lighter. I only wore this because its my usual wear inside the village..." HE said as he wiped some sweat off of his brow. "So then..." He said as he followed after her, after taking off his shirt to reduce heat. His muscles were clearly seen. "What exactly was it that caused you to kiss me hm? Was it cause I kissed you first? I hate you, but I love how much I hate you."
"I seem to recall that I did tell you it would take a few days to get here after we left the village. I did try to tell you before we left, but you were rather too busy mocking me weren't you?" Temari glanced over at him and frowned, looking away when he removed his shirt. "Perhaps next time you'll listen to me..." She shook her head, then rolled her eyes. "I didn't kiss you. I told you, I used you. You were just a tool, a stress toy, nothing more"
"Yes yes. A stress toy. Whatever you call me, I don't care. As long as I'm hitting some pussy during this whole trip, I don't care...even if its all spaced out and used like yours." He taunted with a sneer. "My little comment about you and Gaara still stands my associate. Prove me otherwise or I'll keep bringing it up because I'm convinced of it."
Temari clenched her fists, though suppressed the urge to break his nose for the time being. "....I wasn't referring to your comments about Gaara if you must know..." She frowned. "And you really are a pervert if you honestly think I'd do such a thing with my brother. Still, it would certainly be preferably to you...."
"Just shut up already." He said as he patted her head. "Look, until we reach the town, why don't you let me...carry you the rest of the way?" He said smirking to her. He picked her up into his arms, though he had her ass resting on his arms as he held her, her legs on both of his sides as he smirked to her. "Might want to wrap your arms around me you hot-headed bitch. Lest you slip out from under my grasp."
Temari blinked as he scooped her up, sitting there for a moment before slapping him hard across the face, leaping from his grasp and landing ably back on her feet, resuming her walk. "Don't touch me, you're not worthy of touching me without my permission. The best you should hope for from now in is a slap. Last night was a one time thing, stress relief. Now that the stress is relieved there's no need for it to happen again"
He rubbed his cheek as he listened to her and shook his head. "Oh Temari you pain me. One time only? But I loved the feeling of your body against mine...even if it wasn't for sex." He winked at her. "Ah well...after you miss ninja. I'm sure we've still got a looong way to go before we set foot in the village." He said shrugging. "Lets hope no bandits sneak up and rape you when you least expect it." He said laughing.
"Oh believe me bandits have tried it.....I made sure they were incapable of raping anyone ever again...." Temari couldn't help but smirk just a little proudly as she recalled. That had been satisfying....putting those damn bandits in their place....making them completely regret their actions.... "Like I said, we should arrive there tomorrow. When we do get there though, keep your mouth shut. Any smart ass comments and we really will have every cut-throat in the place after us"
"Yeah, lest they try and attack you if I say anything that makes their little mind confused." He said chuckling to her. He reached past her and gripped her breasts, massaging them in his hands as they walked on. "Mm...still so soft Temari. Cmon...You want to pump my cock? You can do it if you want...We can just be partners with benefits...what do you say?"
Temari yelped, then turned around and punched him to the side of the face, twitching angrily as she glared at him. "You little....I told you not to touch me you perverted!" She twitched and growled, then turned and folded her arms across her chest, starting to walk again. "If Gaara knew what you were doing he'd probably kill you himself...."
He flailed back a bit upon feeling the impact of the fist. "Jeez...I wouldn't really care what Gaara would do to me if he found out because I already know what he'd do to me. Why do you think I keep doing this even after knowing you were his sister? He put me on this team for my personality being the exact reason. I'm here because of" He said before embracing her in another hug from behind. "He thinks if I'm on the team then you can finally get over Izanagi or whatever the hell your partner's name was who died."
"I told you not to mention him again! Do not mention my last partner do you understand?!" Temari suddenly stopped walking, just staring straight ahead of her. "Say or do whatever else, but don't mention that....." Clearly that was a very sore subject....not something she would ever be ready or willing to discuss in any kind of situation. "This is your last warning alright?"
Hearing her, Nathan just watched as she continued walking until she stopped. Hearing her, he sighed as he wrapped his arms around her once more. "I'm sorry Temari. I won't mention it again. Ha...seems we really did get off on the wrong start. I'm supposed to help you get over him by having you fall in love with anyone, and I chose myself when I saw how beautiful you were in your picture your brother showed me. But it seemed we eventually grew into enemies because of me."
"....Such a stupid idea sounds more like something Kankuro would come up with....probably put the idea in Gaara's head...." She shook her head and sighed softly, then resumed walking. "Just....forget about it alright? It was never going to work no matter who you were or what you said......I can't just move on so quickly.....he meant a lot to me....and there's not another person like him in this world...."
Nathan frowned as he walked beside her. "But Temari, you haven't even given this a chance with us starting over like we are now. How do you know I can't live up to Izanagi? I know no one can replace him in you heart, but Gaara worries for you and thats why I'm here, to help you cope. To be honest..." He said as he rubbed the back of his head. "...I really want to just get to know you and probably become more than just partners with you. You're beautiful, no one with looks like yours should be hurting like you do. Though...try not to lose that hot-headed personality. I like it." He playfully knicked her shoulder gently.
"You can't live up to him because nobody can..." Temari shook her head. "I know Gaara's worried, but he has to learn I can take care of myself and deal with my own problems" She sighed, then rolled her eyes slightly as he suddenly started getting rather sappy. "Geez....don't go getting stupid ideas will you? Look, it's just not going to happen, get that into your head so you don't get your hopes up. It was a one time thing alright? I was stressed...I needed something....that's all it was...."
"Heh. Can't blame a guy for trying anyway." He said shrugging as he continued to follow after her. "As painful as it sounds to just be a 'stress reliever', I'm alright with it. Maybe I should get you stressed more often...that bit of rough sex we had was amazing. Nice and raw...never had it like that in a good while." He said smirking as he cupped her breasts in his hands once more as he hugged her from behind. "So...? Stressed yet?"
Temari twitched, then turned around and whacked Nathan on the head again as he cupped her breasts, though this hit wasn't quite as hard as previous ones, intended more to force him to let go rather than really hurt him. "Quit doing that! Next time you do that the fist will be going into your 'other head', and not in a good way! Got it?" Her eyebrow twitched at him, before she turned and resumed walking. "Another hour and we'll take a break for some lunch"
Nathan rubbed his head as he listened to her. "Alright alright sorry...but I can't help it. My hands are like breast seekers...and yours are the closest." He said chuckling as he walked with her. "Another hour hm? I could go for something to eat in a bit...wait..." He began to look through his bag for something and his face held disappointment. "Crap...I did...I left the fucking food summoning scrolls in my tent..." He said sighing. "Should've packed actual food...scrolls are pretty much useless..."
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