Maybe it's the sand... (Stickyfun/Jugger82)

((I don't use messengers I'm afraid, my schedule tends to be too erratic for them to be a reliable roleplaying medium))
"This coming from the girl who can't even speak correctly!" Nathan roared as he began to pound harder and harder into Temari. "Yeah, you like that!? I'll make you regret ever wanting to take jokes so seriously! I'll rip you apart!" He said smirking to her. "Your ass is so tight, I can't believe it."
Temari moaned loudly as he started to pound her harder, now this was what she had been craving.....oh god she had needed this for so long...a good, rough, hard fuck. And for it to be like this.....a cock in both her holes from the same guy, god it was heaven! "Nnnngh! W-well.....believe....this...." Temari grunted, then squeezed down, her ass and pussy getting even tighter around him.
Feeling her ass and pussy tighten around his cock, he could hardly even move it around inside her. He had to gain enough strength just to thrust it smoothly into her without him wiggling it through, which made it slower. He felt like his dick's skin would begin to tear if this kept up..."I'm gonna cum Temari! I'm gonna fill you up nice and big you bitch!"
"D-don't you fucking dare! Y-you don't....have the cum in my pussy!" Temari groaned and growled at the same time, arching her back and pushing her hips up a little further as her own orgasm was rapidly approaching. "Y-you pull.....out the one in my pussy.....y-you can just....c-cum in my's more....than you deserve! NNGH!"
Nathan just laughed at what he heard. "Temari, who's the one piling down into you while you lay helplessly down there, taking it all? I can do whatever the hell I want and there isn't a thing you can do about it! But don't won't get pregnant. I've been killing my sperm with my chakra so there is no threat...ready or not, here I cum!" He said before he pressed both of his cocks deep into her pussy and ass, filling them both with his dicks and seed as it spewed out, overflowing and falling down her body, past her breasts, and onto the floor near her head and hair. "You're a dirty girl."
"I said....p-pull it out you baaaaAAAHHH!" Temari never got to finish her sentance as Nathan rammed himself in as deep as they would go, the sensation triggering a mighty orgasm in Temari's body. Her ass and pussy became even tighter, gripping his cocks so tightly that he wouldn't be able to pull them out even if he had wanted to. The sensation of that hot cum inside of both her holes, overflowing from her body and running down her stomach and over her breasts and face....oh god it felt so good! Temari howled in pleasure from the force of her orgasm, juices squirting up from her pussy onto Nathan's chest and face as she came hard.
Nathan wiped his face as he felt her juices land on it. Normally, he would have been annoyed but the sex was too good. It relaxed him and eased him of his hate for her...for now. He felt that he couldn't pull his cocks out of her, but at least the one in her ass disappeared to let her ass have a better hold of the seed that was inside of her. "Whenever you want, just let my cock go so we can get some rest Temari. Cmon, you aren't that much of a slut to have me stay inside you even after orgasming?"
Temari panted softly as she started to relax, her grip on him loosening and allowing him to pull his cock away. Temari groaned softly, then moved her leg back up, placing a foot against Nathan's face to push him away, though at least she hadn't kicked him. The Sand Princess grunted as her body fell back to the ground, cum slowly pouring from her ass and pussy onto the ground between her legs, though a few moments later she started to sit up. "....Feh....this doesn't change anything" She started to gather up her clothing, then head into her tent, closing it off behind her. "And don't even think of trying to get in here!"
Blinking as he saw her close the tent behind her, he sighed as he shook his head as he looked to the stained sand down below him. "Back to square one I guess. Dammit where am I gonna sleep..." He muttered a bit annoyed as he walked over to the campfire and kicked it out. He was used to the cold, his affinity was ice after all. Shrugging, he laid down in a clean area of the sand and went to least he got some sex out of tonight and something to taunt Temari with later.
Temari just cleaned herself up then pulled on some underwear before getting herself into her sleeping bag, falling asleep quite quickly. A rough fuck like that always did tire her out. Ok, Nathan was a jerk, an asshole, least he was a good fuck....not that she'd ever tell him that.

The following morning, Temari woke early as normal, yawning and slowly sitting up, grunting slightly as she remembered the previous night. "Oh yeah....ugh...." She shook her head, then quickly pulled her clothes on, before coming out of the tent. "Time to wake up you lazy bum"

Temari just cleaned herself up then pulled on some underwear before getting herself into her sleeping bag, falling asleep quite quickly. A rough fuck like that always did tire her out. Ok, Nathan was a jerk, an asshole, least he was a good fuck....not that she'd ever tell him that.

The following morning, Temari woke early as normal, yawning and slowly sitting up, grunting slightly as she remembered the previous night. "Oh yeah....ugh...." She shook her head, then quickly pulled her clothes on, before coming out of the tent. "Time to wake up you lazy bum"
Nathan awoke groggily and slowly. He stood up and stretched as he looked around and felt the immediate heat from the harsh sun that overpassed them in its slow course around the world. "Damn...some night..." He said as he held his head as it had some pain in it. "Great...I got sand all over my do you people live with so much sand? You're used to should've been the one to sleep outside, not me."
"I'm royalty, you can't expect me to sleep outside" Temari went over to her bag, starting to pull out some food for her breakfast, though only enough for her. "You can't tell me you weren't expecting to not get any sand over your clothes can you? Or are you really that stupid?"
"Well I could only keep my chakra up for so long in my sleep." He said motioning to the wet sand around where he had slept. "I guess my chakra finally gave out during the night as I kept myself concealed in that water orb...Ah well." He moved over and snatched the food from her before walking away, taking a bite. "This is the Sand Village's delicacy huh? Not bad. Not bad at all."
Temari blinked as he snatched her food and walked away, before she suddenly punched him in the back of the head, snatching her food back. "Eat your own damn supplies instead of mine!" She frowned and snapped off the edge, then took a bite for herself. "Or were you actually so dense you didn't bring anything to eat? Oh please don't tell me you're that dumb...."
"Well I HAD some supplies in my TENT which blew off into the desert because of YOU." He growled as he watched her eat. His own stomach began to grumble. "I would say the only thing I have to eat is your pussy but its pretty much destroyed and defiled now with my cock and seed. I'll pass on that." He taunted. "Still, hurry and eat so we can get this mission over with. The sooner the better as I'd rather find a new partner than to stick with you."
"Feh, you couldn't destroy anything, let alone my body. Like I said last night, what you did could only just be considered gentle. If you really think that was rough then you're even more naive than you look" Temari took another, slow, bite of her food, savouring it as if she was mocking him. "Well why don't you go look for your tent? There's a lot of rocks around here so it probably got caught on one of them, I didn't blow it that far after all"
"True but the desert was windy last night. My tent was more than likely blown even further. Whatever. I'll just eat off the land LIKE A TRUE NINJA and SURVIVALIST." He said to her before turning to look in the direction of the sun. "Ok so this way is east....exactly what direction are we supposed to travel in?"
"A true ninja comes prepared in the first place" Temari held up her food. "They can survive off the land if they need to, but real skill is not having to do it in the first place" She chuckled slightly, then slowly sat down on a rock. "We're heading south. There's a town there that you wont find on any map. That's our destination"
"Finally you tell me more about the mission at hand. I guess that little fucking we had really made you feel for me." He taunted as he looked to the south. "South huh? Sounds good. Lets hope no wild animals decide to try and eat us. I heard there were also some bandits out here as well...just let me handle them. Wouldn't want you to break a nail."
"We already said I would be telling you about the mission before I decided to use you to relieve my tension" Temari rolled her eyes, then finished off her food. "Why should we hope there's no wild animals? You scared of them or something" She chuckled, going to start taking down her tent. "Keep up the smart ass comments and I really will rip off that little cock of yours"
"As painful as that sounds, it wouldn't change much as you've seen first hand that I can grow it back." He said laughing at her. "And no. Its not that I'm terrified about them. Its just the last thing I want to do is kill an animal that is only trying to eat us for food or protecting its young. Whereas bandits are the ones I'm really annoyed about. Murdering for money and sex, it sounds like my line of job if it weren't for the murder bit."
"Bandits are nothing. Just idiots who snatched up weapons and started waving them around, no real skill" Temari shook her head as she started to put her things away in her bag, then hoisted it up. "Alright, let's go. We're probably a few days travel from the town yet. I can tell you more when we get a little closer. Right now you know all you need to know"
"No. I don't. You'd best tell me now before I decide to use you again." He said sneering to her. "And it won't be just me'll be many others." He did some hand signs and from the water in the sand, two water clones were formed and they stood on the sides of Nathan. "Well? What are you going to do? Tell me or we'll just abuse you until you do. I'm not going any further until I know more about the mission."
Temari had taken a few steps before he started speaking again, turning and raising an eyebrow. "Water Clones? Oh like they'll last long out here. Look, they're already starting to evaporate" The girl just turned her back and started walking away again. "I can't tell you anything more yet. Orders are orders. You keep insisting you're a real ninja so you should know that we have to have secrets, and you have to follow your orders"
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