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High School for the Gifted

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"oh?' he said at her words smiling down at her 'i was thinking something along the same lines. Who cares what the social standard is why should we let other people tell us what to do and how to act?" As he spoke he leaned down kissing her stomach his eyes looking up at her face as he did so his hand holding her shirt up a bit to keep her stomach revealed.​
Michael wore a grin. "Me? Well I'm flattered Doc, but I'm a man who likes to keep to himself." Michael stared at the teacher, and sighed. "But, as I don't really want to see you after class, I'll just go ahead and give you something brief: I am Michael McBride. I'm a teleporter, as you must've seen earlier, and a telekinetic." Michael demonstrated this by lifting up his pen in the air and spinning it. "I have, from what I've observed of myself, perfect recall, which can be both a blessing and a curse. I've experienced both sides of the coin." He looked long and hard at the teacher. "And you must be a doctor of medicine, but of what area of expertise escapes me." Michael shrugged as he snatched his pen out of the air. "But, what are your powers, Doc? Cell manipulation? Shape-shifting? Pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, matter creation, perhaps even Necromancy. The possibilities are almost endless." Michael leaned on his desk as he wore a cocky grin.

"So why don't you tell us your powers, Doc?"
"My powers? Well, why don't we start with my age?"

"Roughly 2 million years old."

"My powers? Shape-shifting, if you could've guessed. Thats why I am completely human for the moment. The age? Don't worry, my base form is a demon. But why scare the Hell out of you on Day One?" He chuckled darkly and shook his head.

"Good for you, Michael. Who's next?"
Zenku was slight amused at the teachers antics. He might have actually liked him at another time, but was really too irritated at the moment to care. He created a ball of fire in his palm, just letting it burn without shape or form.
Tina still had her feet on the desk and said out loud with out being called on "Well sense we are all talking about our self's i will say if any males in this class think I'm easy step right up and meet my speaical hands ". she drew out her claws from her knuckles.. she then drew them back in and said "i can smell pretty good and hear real well as well sense all my sense are like ten times that of a normal person so if you talk about my body i will know and trust me when i say this i love to mess with people i mean after all my parents decided to create a mutant child from sticking needles here and there cause it seemed they wanted to out do the neighbor". she still chewed on her gum some more and looked around the room and smiled real big and said "but if a man think he can handle me let him try and i shall see if he is man Enoch". she looked at the teacher and added "so your an old man and some demon i take it well if class is over i shall be going now for you bore me with all this lets be nice and get to know each other".
"Old man? Aww, don't be sour, hon. I'm only 2 million. I'm still young looking though, aren't I?" He chuckled softly and shook his head. "Anyone... else? Particularly ones that are still not here?" He clucked his tongue and shook his head.

"No, seriously. Who else? After, we can start with class. Anyone? Anyone?"
Michael chuckled into the silence. "I doubt anyone else is coming today, Doc. Maybe tomorrow, maybe another day," Joe sat up and stretched his arms. "But not today. New kids are coming in all the time, from probably every corner of the globe." He stared at Goldstein. "So can we please start the lesson?" He wanted to get the day over with. He needed coffee.
Ashira sat quietly, and let a small smile come over her lips as she rested her hands out of sight on top of her thighs. Opening one and holding it just off her leg, she looks towards the impatient boy and let loose with her technology skills. Soon, the little computer he had in his bag would begin humming almost silently as she made it add a new file onto his 'desktop', a little riddle for him to solve if he could crack it.

In daytime I lie pooled about,
At night I cloak like mist.
I creep inside shut boxes amd
Inside your tightened fist.
You see me best when you can't see,
For I do not exist

Message me with the answer - The geeky girl
Karma bit her lower lip as Casriel kissed her bare stomach. There was now a pleasurable heat between her thighs. "Mmmm, I couldn't agree more with you," she said before pulling him up so they were face to face. Taking one of his hands and placing it over her breast, she began kissing him.
Michael's brow furrowed when he heard the telltale hum of his computer when it was active. Hadn't he turned it off before he got to class? Shook his head, clearing it as he took out his computer. He opened the lid, entered his password, thanking whatever made him for the memory to remember his fifty two character code, and for the fingers to type it in quickly. As soon as his desktop loaded up, he noticed the file that wasn't there before.

'Nothing should've gotten through my firewalls,' He thought to himself. It was a three terabyte encryption that he put in, no way someone could've broken it without his knowing. He opened the file, perplexed to find not a virus or a worm, but a riddle.

In daytime I lie pooled about,
At night I cloak like mist.
I creep inside shut boxes and
Inside your tightened fist.
You see me best when you can't see,
For I do not exist

'The geeky girl?' Michael asked himself. The young hacker looked back at Ashira. She wasn't necessarily geeky as she was technologically proficient. He closed his computer, and stuffed it in his bag. Taking a piece of paper, Michael wrote down, 'Darkness', and folded it into a tiny square. Letting it fall to the floor, he moved the letter along the floor until it stopped at her foot. Slowly, it floated up until it landed in front of her atop her desk.

Not exactly a text message, but it would do.
Ashira giggled quietly as she looked at Micheal study his computer. Sure, he had turned it off, but she could make anything do anything she wanted, provided it had a circuit. The note floating to her desk was an unexpected manner to return the reply, but she shrugged and read it. Smiling, she sat back in her chair, looking straight to him as she made his computer screen display her next words to him, and nothing he did would be able to stop it.

Correct. You like riddles do you?

She then lifts her wrist and points to her PDA, and then the words on his screen vanish and are replaced with more:

This will be less likely to get us in trouble, my ID on the new network I attached to your computer is Gashra

At that, the words on his screen vanish, and she lets Micheal have control of his computer once more.
'Well... This is unexpected,' Michael thought to himself as the messages appeared on his screen. He opened up the window for a chat with Ashira. I do like riddles, but one pervades me so. How in Odin's name did you get through my firewalls? Michael pulled up another file to hide the chat, a medical study he hadn't had the chance to read yet. Something about how kids getting hyper off of sugar being a myth.
Smiling as she began to make the reply come up, she could barely contain the laugh. She didn't want to get in trouble but this was too funny for her.

Easy. I am making the screen itself, not the data, display this. As to saving the file, firewalls are easy to get past if you know how to play with the hardware. I just made it save a screenshot of what I put up. It's kind of like some guys, just put on the right clothes, the right dance, and they'll do anything to get you in bed, and you shoot them down before they get the chance. I do that with your computer. I'm a tech-whore aren't I? *laughs*
Michael chuckled silently.

Well... I wouldn't say exactly a tech-whore, per-say. But now I'll have to reconfigure the mother board. Again. Michael thought for a moment, then remembered her trouble with invisibility.

You know, I could probably help with your invisibility problem. It's probably like teleportation; all it needs is plenty of concentration. I may have only done a few successful teleportations, but that really isn't the point. So if you need help, I'm your man. Kinda. Maybe... Yeah, I'm your guy for help.
Ashira blushed. She just realised she'd been flirting with him, and now she was nervous. It showed in that she suddenly vanished, her entire body disappearing. What would amuse everyone else is her clothing vanished too, except her underwear. Oddly, it stayed in place. While she did not realise this... wardrobe malfunction, she made her next words to Micheal appear.

I.. Don't know what to say. Most people just try to make use of my skills with machines and things, not try and help me with my invisibility.
Because I already know your capabilities with machines. I can tell that, with a machine, you gain great confidence. But you may want to calm yourself, as you have a slight... wardrobe malfunction. Michael thought for a moment, then began typing once more.

If you wish, I can help you out with your invisibility. Just ask, and I'll lend what little expertise I have.
If it had been possible for people to see her face, it would be bright red now. and she looked down, a muffled cry escaping her mouth. Moments later, the underwear vanishes too, and some new words appear on the screen.

Sorry! That would be nice, I think. I don't have much... concentration. I don't have to concentrate with technology so I guess that's why."
He smiled as his hands clasped firmly over her breast his lips touching hers. He kissed her hard his tongue slipping through his lips pressing at hers as he squeezed her breast firmly. His mind ran as he thought about how good of a year this year could end up being. He couldn't believe that on his first day something like this was already happening.​
Tina wanted more fun then watching the teacher wait on other students and two people mess with a computer so she got up and walked right by the teacher and said "yea you do look young teach and handsome for some one so old but I'm leaving next time make class more fun if you want me to stay". she was out the door and down the hall way looking for someone to talk to or something fun to do.
She arched into his hand as he messaged her breast. Her own hand sliding under the fabric of his shirt. Parting her soft lips to allow his tongue to play with hers. Thinking to herself that if she had know this would happen she wouldn't have put up so much of a fight. She began doing away witht he buttons of his shirt, sliding it down his shoulders.
Casriel shifted slightly removing his hand from her breast to allow his shirt to come off to reveal his lightly muscled pale torso. Very faint scars were visible in a few places on his body some looked to have come from a gunshot others from knives. He slid his fingers under her shirt pulling up ever so slightly slowly peeling it off of her before leaning back down and capturing her lips with his own.​
Karma traced a finger tip over the scars, looking at him with confusion. He did give her an explenation just yet, instead he peeled her own shirt off and began kissing her again. She let her hands roam over his chest and back, parting her legs so he could lay between them. Moaning softly at times as he now messaged her bared breasts.
Casriel sat up looking down at her with a smile on his face "I think i'm going to enjoy my time here" he said as he leaned down to one of her breast taking her nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around it. One of his hands slid down her body gripping onto her ass as he rolled to the side pulling her so she was straddling him. Looking up at her he felt the large bulge in his pants being pressed against her.​
Taking in a sharp breath as Casriel took a nipple into his mouth, "I know I am going to enjoy it for sure." Giggling a little as he rolled them over so she was stradling him. The bulge in his pants pressed against her already wet panties. Leaning down she trailed kisses over his chest and up to his neck, grinding into him. "Mmmm, i want you so bad right now," she whispered into his ear.
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