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High School for the Gifted

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"So sad. Looks like she fails today's project already. Record time."

He scrawled out instructions on the board and laid two giant chunks of styrofoam and some paint and clay on his desk. "Go."

Make a model of a plant and animal cell. Use all known organelles, use labels. Simple instructions. Too simple?
((You know your stuff, Skylar. Sweet.))

Michael stared at the clay and the Styrofoam, before looking at Goldstein, then back at the clay and Styrofoam. He was rather... well, he would say confused, but that wasn't really it... He raised his hand, and asked, "Hey, uh, Doc? Do we work in teams, or do we just do this by ourselves?" He had since closed his computer, and placed it back in his messenger bag.
Dr. Goldstein chuckled and sat back. "Y'all work together. Class effort. Those not here fail. This counts for 75% of your grade this semester. Go."

His body faded for a moment as he switched to a black panther, sitting on his haunches and leaning back into his chair as his tail flicked vacantly back and forth. Obviously, there were no more instructions to be given.
Casriel smiled as he lay back looking up at her "don't worry the feeling is mutual trust me" he said as he slid his hands up her thighs his hands squeezing her ass. "so what's it gonna take to get the rest of your clothes off" he said winking at her as he gently smacked her ass pulling her down hard onto his bulge.​
She bit her lower lip as Casriel pressed himself harder aginst her. Smiling she played with the button on his pants, "You show me yours I will show you mine," she winked at him.
(not sure what to post but what the heck she will come back to class)
Tina getting bored with walking around the school listening to her music and chewing gum came black to class to see a black panther form. "well now tech whats up with the cat form i know its you cause it smells like ya". she looked around the room at the clay and said "arn't we a bit old to play with clay"? she was leaning against the teachers desk still chewing on her gum.
Keiji walked into class, as he looked around, he let out a sigh. He didn't feel like being confined by the four walls of the class room. Yet, he didn't have much of a chance, he did need to do well in school, and this was one of his classes. He found a seat in the back where he sat down quietly looking over the rest the students quickly.

He shrugged as he pulled out a book and started to doodle in it a bit. It was a habit of his when he had nothing else to do. He looked up and drew a couple of his classmates sketches in the notebook as he absentmindedly listened to what was going on in class. He didn't really know anyone in the class, but it was best to just be quiet. He hoped though in time he could get to know some of his classmates better.
The panther on the desk that was Steven purred softly and watched Tina, making something close to a shrug. Then he nodded towards the modeling items.

Noah finally walked up, looking over the materials. "Well then. Shall we start, guys?"
Tina just nodded her head and took some stuff and walked over to a desk next to Keiji and sat down. she leaned over a bit and said "that looks pretty who is the girl"? she did not care that she was close to him and being nosy. she was poking the clay with a pencil as well.
((Sorry I was gone for a while. Work issues, I swear...))

Michael looked up at Noah, and sighed. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna have to do it right. Tina, come back, it's a class project. New kid, come hither. You've got artistic skills, so would you mind handling the painting? If not, we can have someone else do it. Trystan, I know what you're carrying, I'm going to have to ask you to lend one to me, we need that to shape the stryofoam. Noah, if you'd be so kind, could you handle the clay? We'll need that to make the organelles of the cells. Now, let's get to work." Michael didn't usually talk that much. In fact, he didn't talk that much at all. But that was a group project for seventy five percent of their grade. Fuck anonymity, he wanted to pass.
Tina got up and walked over to Michael and leaned in close to him and said "what do you want me to do stab the clay". she did not much feel like playing along but what the heck she could hang around for the heck of it.
Noah shrugged and picked up a lump of clay, turning it over in his hands. "This doesn't seem too complicated." He began working his fingers, molding and smoothing out wrinkles as he formed large-scale models of the organelles, one by one. He kept silent, quite focused on getting his part of the work done.
Keiji was started by the sound of the voice, that he hadn't predicted to happen, and well he wasn't pay attention. He looked up at the female who asked the question. He noticed the white haired girl, if his memory served him right, she would be Tina Brown, a female with the power to heal herself as well as some interesting fighting skills as well. He blinked and was about to answer her question when he heard another voice, also mentioning himself as well.

His eyes traveled to the other male, the one who made the comment and nodded. He was the one with the mental abilities, if he remembered right. "Yeah sure, I can handle the painting," he replied calmly as he got up and walked over. He figured this need to be done, he was in school, and as in rome as they said.
With a smirk Casriel kissed her lips hard before standing up at the edge of the bed unbuttoning his pants. Undoing his zipper he let his pants drop leaving him standing in only his boxers showing off a fairly large tent in the front of them. Placing a hand on the back of her head he pulled her head up kissing her as he dropped his boxers standing now completely nude before her. He stood up breaking the kiss allowing her a complete view of his hard member.​
Karma pouted when he pulled away from their kiss, then smiled as he began unbuttoning his pants. She started to slide her panties down her thighsm throwing them to the side when they were off. Her skirt had slide up her thighs, then he bent to kiss her again. Her breaths were coming faster, then he broke the kiss again and stood naked before her.
"Kenji, you good sir are awesome, and Tina, you can help Trystan and I with the Styrofoam. Ashira, can you and Zenku will focus on helping Noah with the clay? Afterwards, we'll all work on the labels to get this thing done and pass. Hopefully." Michael pulled out several stiff wicks out of his bag, along with an exact-o knife. He looked to the others, holding up the pen-like knife. "I have a legitimate medical license." Well, that was a lie. He just said that on reflex because he had been confronted with such questions before. Besides, it wasn't exactly legitimate. But hey, an illegal medical professional was still a medical professional. Right?
Tina just nodded her head and went to look watching the others while she did so. This class was boring she wanted some fun. She was no virgin she knew that for she did sleep with guys for the fun of it some times. She looked at the boys and a nasty thought came to mind but she pushed it away.
Kenji smiled and nodded as he worked on getting the project done taking a part of the clay, and doing that single part of the project. He smiled as he looked at the others, giving them a warm smile. He wanted to be a help and get to know his classes mates very well.
Noah traced his pale fingers over the clay, leaving every detail he could off the top of his head; checking the textbook when he couldn't. He sighed softly and continued to mold, fairly bored with the repetitive process. Yet, this was a large grade... very large, frankly. And he didn't want to fail. Gods, he didn't even want to KNOW what his father would do if he failed...
Michael worked on the stryrofoam, carving out lines into it that he would later cut out, and he glanced at each of his classmates. While he knew their medical histories, he didn't know a single thing about them... He looked over at Kenji, a new kid who he hadn't seen in the systems. "So, Kenji," Michael started. "What are your... 'talents'?" Well, 'talents' was an understatement for people like them, but sometimes he tried to play things down. Seemed a bit more normal like that.
Keiji looked over and blinked, and then rubbed his chin, his talents were far more straight forward then most. He thought about how to answer the question though. "Well you see, I control can fly, which I can't really show in here, cause I can control winds as it were," he said as he smiled looking over at Tina he took a breath and send a breath that become strong enough to cause the bottom of her outfit to come for a second allowing the class a good view of what was under it.
Tina pushed down her dress and looked over at Keiji and let out a claw from her knuckle not all three from that hand just the middle one she was giving him the bird. she then went back to what she was doing. she was hiding the fact that deep down she had been blushing that they had seen her undies . She always wore matching undies to the color's of her cloths a strange habit she had. she did not attack him which was normal for her instead she was trying to get him to play along.
Keiji noticed the look on her face and smiled at the bird she had given to him. He was amazed at her little habit and walked over and looked at the part she was doing, "Well, I am sure you would like me doing that to you," he said to her with a bit of a grin as he took some paint and applied it to a part of the work they were doing. "Well, now, I seem to be at a lose at what most people can do, I think I know one thing I bet you can do well," he whispered into Tina's ear before moving back a bit.
She blushed and said "trust me you have no idea what i can do ". her eyes had a wicked look to them for a second and she looked up at him and grinned. "I'm sure your dying to find out". she went back to work and pulled out her claw the one she gave the bird to Keiji and used it to cut away some of the part she did not need. She was shaping it really good with her hands. she stood up and walked over to Keiji and got real close to him like she was going to kiss him and whispered "are you man Enoch for a girl like me". she put a stick of gum into her mouth after taking out the one that had lost its flavor.
He smirked as he looked at the white haired woman, she was as talented as he had heard, or rather read about in the computer, but then again all of them were talented. He painted the clay to the right color, on the parts that were finished, when he noticed her walking over to him. He leaned closer, and listened as she made her statement, "Well, we should find out, I think you will be surprised by the answer," he said with a good bit of confidence in his own tone as he looked at her.
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