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High School for the Gifted

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Jul 11, 2010
This school is home to the gifted. People of all shapes, sizes and background. Wheather you have supernatural powers or you are a supernatural creature you will be accepted at this school. Enjoy your stay at the school.

Ok I don't care about post length but please no text talk.Β 
Have fun
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Room list
In these dorms hold two people.

Boy rooms:
Zenku Hiromoshen
Noah Blackheart
Jameson Albright

Girl rooms:
Shasha Nailo
Masami Amaya
Kimiko Shimizu

Profile Outline
Grade: (9, 10, 11, 12)
Sexual Preference: (Straight/Bi/Gay)
Shasha got of the bus after her summer break and now it was back to school. This was Shasha's second year at this school and Shasha felt more at home at the school then she did at home. Shasha was carrying a backpack and another bag with cloths. Shasha's parents were wealthy and gave her a good amount of money to help her during the school year.
Jameson stretched his arms as he got off the bus, yawning loudly. He had managed to sleep the whole way there, and still looked like he was a little bit out of it as he lifted his glasses and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He dragged at bulging duffle bag behind him, a messenger bag hanging around his shoulders, and also apparently stuffed nearly to the breaking point. He adjusted his white long-sleeved shirt then began to make his way towards the dorms. He dug into his pocket to find his room assignment. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that told him he would be in room 7. He was eager to unpack and prepare for the start of his 3rd year at school.
Shasha reached the dorms and found her room quickly and started to unpack her stuff. Shasha wondered who her roommate will be. Shasha was putting her clothes away into the dresser without even opening it.
After checking in and getting his key, Jameson trudged to his room, ready to get things set up. He had managed to cram everything he would need into two bags, and needed to go ahead and get his room ready. He finally reached it, and unlocked the door to step inside. It was just like his room from the previous year, which meant he already knew where everything was going to go. As the door shut behind him, he got to work, putting up posters, unpacking clothes, placing various odd and ends on the desk and nightstand. About an hour later he was finished and lying back on his bed with his stereo pumping out some music.
Amaya had fallen asleep inside the bus it took her a while till she understood the have reached the high school. It was her first year in that school so she basically didn't know anyone. In her life she grow up alone as her parents were traveling around the world about her business. She had to hide her powers around people, and she hadn't many friend around her. With a naive and easily tricked personality that was hidden behind her coldness, she descended form the bus. She walked towards the accommodation facility to find her room. She was supposed to be in room 10. She walked inside the place searching for her room.​
Shasha finished unpacking and walked through her door heading down to the mini store to pick up some stuff for the mini-fridge in her room. Shasha didn't use doors but just walked through them with her powers.
Noah groaned as he started his third year at the school. It always managed to screw him some way. For instance, last year managed to burn half his wardrobe after the school's winter dance. That had pretty much gone south quickly. Well, he was lucky to have no roomate last year. Because that wouldn't have ended well.
The demon held his duffel over his right shoulder as he wandered down the hall.
He took out his key and unlocked the door, dumping his duffel on one of the 2 beds within. He slumped onto the window sill, digging through his bag.
Amaya soon reached room N10 she didn't know who would stay with her but she seemed that she didn't care. She opened the door and looked at the room it looked cozy and clean. She closed the door behind her and reached the wardrobe and started placing her clothes in it. Then she let her notebook at the desk and sat for a bit at the bed to gather her thoughts.​
Zenku looked as the students walked of the bus. He stood up, tightening the strap on his backpack. He snapped his fingers and a flame sparked in his hand. He snapped again and the fire died. He kept snapping his fingers up to his dorm. He opened his door and placed his bag on a side of the dorm. He pulled out his headphones and listened to Mind.In.A.Box-Shades
Shasha bought a case of pop and some chips and headed back up the stairs and she saw a new girl walking into the room beside her's. Shasha walked over to Amaya's door and knocked lightly on the door.
Amaya listened at the door knocking softly almost not hearing. As she got up from the bed and walked over the door and opened it slowly. She looked the girl and tried to crack a small smile as she wasn't good around people. she greeted the girl in shy tone holding the door and lending her back on the doorway.​
Noah arced an eyebrow.
"So I guess your just going to ignore me?"
He chuckled lightly.
"That's fine, Zenku. Don't mind the demon."
Noah dumped his stuff on his bed.
"I'm Noah."
"Hello I'm Shasha, I'm going to be your neighborer for this year and I noticed you are new. I was wondering if you would like to join me in my room and we can have a little party. I will also be inviting other people so you won't be the only one." Shasha said with a friendly smile.
Amaya raised her big black eyes and looked at her still smiling softly, she nodded at her "I'm Amaya,nice meeting you!" she spoke. "sound a good idea, thank you for inviting me. What time would the party start?" she asked still a bit shy. She felt a bit happy that she was invited she started liking the new high school more than the old ones.​
"Well when ever you are done unpacking just drop over to my place. It is a pleasure to meet you Amaya. I'm just going to talk to the other people." Shasha smiled
Amaya nodded again "ok then when ever i'm ready I'll be over. Thanks again for your invite" she thanked her and waited for her to go before she closed the door slowly, and getting back to sit at the bed.
After a little while Jameson started to get a little antsy. Lazing around listening to music was great and all, but he felt like walking around to see who else lived in the dorm. He hopped out of bed, slipping on a pair of flip-flops and grabbed a pencil that sat on the nightstand next to his bed. He always liked having something to fiddle with and use his powers on, especially since it worked as a great ice-breaker. He walked out of his room and changed the pencil to the density of latex, stretching it out between his fingers as he walked towards a pair of girls further down the hall.
Shasha looked over at Jameson and remembered seeing him last year but she never got to know him that well. Shasha walked over to him and smiled.
Amaya show Shasha reaching at Jameson before she closed the door saying nothing. After sitting a while on her bed, she walked over the closet and picked up some clean clothes to were as she was tired from the trip she would need a bath. Soon she checked the bathroom and got in the tube, after taking off her clothes she let hot water clean her skin. She would some times try her power around and freeze the water playful as she was taking her shower.​
He smiled back at her, the pencil back to regular wood, though now it was stretched into a twisted shape. "Oh hey, I think I remember you from last year, um... Shasha, right?" he said, recognizing the petite redhead from the previous year. He hadn't ever talked to her, but he knew she was fairly well liked around school. "So what can I do for ya?" he asked cheerfully.
"Zenku. But I guess you know that already." He said, smiling sarcastically. He pulled out a set of black gloves. He put them on and walked out, leaving his bag on the bed.
Shasha smiled at Jameson, "Yes thats me. Your Jameson right? I'm having a small party at my room. If you want to come your more then welcome."
"The one and only!" he replied, immediately interested. First day back and he would hopefully get to enjoy a fun party with at least one pretty girl. "Sounds like fun, you can definitely count me in! When do I need to be there, and what room are you in?" He hoped this would help get the year off to an enjoyable start.
Zenku heard someone shout party. He walked in that direction. He saw some upper classmen and decided to pull a fast on. He snapped his fingers, and a flame shot forward to the ceiling above them.
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