High School for the Gifted

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Noah chuckled softly. "Teleporter? Very fun. Try not to fall too far," he said, leaning back. "And nothing much, really. Watching you make an idiot of yourself. You?" he asked with a grin.

The teacher up front didn't seem to notice, or take care; whichever one.
Trystan walked into the room only a few seconds before the bell, hopping into his seat and looking at the teacher. He flattened his ears against his head and started to read his book again. It was a rather large book, and every now and then he would scribble something down on the pages. It was very rare to see inside of it though, since he basically gaurded the thing with his life. He kept reading silently as he waited for the teacher to begin the class, hoping it would pique his interest this time around.
"Anyone else? No, maybe, yes? Hmm. Interesting. No one?" The doctor shook his head softly and sighed. "Well then. I am Steven Goldstein, human doctor. Now, you may be wondering, what am I doing here?" The man chuckled softly.

"Well, let's give introductions then! As each of you say your name and tell what you are and what you can do, take a gander at why I'm here. Let's start with... you!" He pointed to Trystan.
Michael cracked his neck, and sat down beside Trystan. The blade carrying speedster, if the files were right. He took out a notebook and started doodling another comic of a moustache-endowed man, a man in a flatcap, and a man in a lab coat and goggles, going through another escapade of the scientist's experiments, this time something to do with, strangely enough, a sentient ball of ear wax, of all things. But in reality, he was just waiting for the lesson to start. He liked biology, but this teacher, Dr. Goldstein... He was familiar, but he didn't know where from. And that disturbed him. He looked over at Trystan, who scribbled something in the large book that he had. Thinking now, he and Trystan had never formally met.

Michael looked up when Goldstein picked Trystan to introduce himself, paying attention now.
Tina walked into class late and looked around the room with a smile on herself. she had been running around the school were all in class . she was listening to some music and had the headphones in her ears. she took them out and looked at the teacher and thought "A male teacher this should be interesting". she walked to a random chair and sat down next to a girl who seem to fade in and out. she saw that the desk in front was empty so she put her feet on it and put some gum into her mouth.
Casriel walked down the path to the school his bag slung casually over his shoulder his shirt slightly parted his pale skin showing beneath. He took one last drag of his cigarette dropping it to the ground and stomping it out before turning towards the main office. He had received a notice from his PO telling him that if he wanted to remain a free man and not end up in jail he had to attend this school for special cases. He walked into the office making his way to the counter speaking with the woman behind it. She handed him a stack of papers and a key to his dorm room informing him that classes were already in process for the day but since he was late he had the day to get settled before he started in the morning. He slipped the keys into a pocket of his tight black jeans turning to leave looking down at the map in his hands.​
Karma watched as another student walked into the office, he seemed polite as he asked for his schedule and key. He was frikkin hot, she made a mental note to get to know him better. She arranged her top so more of her breast showed and pulled the mini skirt a little higher. Then as she walked back to the desk she purpously bumped his shoulder in passing. "Oops, sorry sometimes I can be so clumsy," she said with a sly smile.
Casriel looked up from the map looking at her his eyebrows raising as he took in her form. "feel free to bump into me anytime' he said winking at her 'i take it you go here?" He let his eyes fall to her breast as he stood talking to her allowing them to linger for a moment before returning to her face. His smile lifted one side of his mouth as he thought about how this school year might not be as bad as he had thought it would be.​
"I will keep that in mind," she winked back at him. She saw as he took in every inch of, then his eyes lingered on her breasts. "I just got here today," she said as she looked him over as well. His shirt was unbuttoned revealing his pale skin beneath it. Playfully she pulled on the fabric peaking down it, "i like your shirt, though I think it would look much better on the floor."
Trystan barely glanced up from his book, looking the teacher in the eyes before returning back to his pages. "If you really want to know my name, watch me. Otherwise, you know nothing." He smioled pleasantly before giving all his attention to the book, waiting to ehar what the teachers response would be. He didn't like others knowing his name, or what he could do. He was very shy, which helped him keep to himself like he was taught to do. He wasn't one to hang around people that much, but he didn't seem very dark, just shy.
"Same for me' he said laughing lightly at her words 'maybe you'll just have to find that out for yourself someday". He looked down at his map an idea forming in his mind "say since we're both new here would you like to help me find my room?" he said with a wicked grin on his face.​
She bit her lower lip at the thought of finding out what his clothes would look like on the floor. "I guess I will have to work on that then." She peaked over his map when he asked her ot help him find his room. Another sly smile formed on her lips, "I would be happy to help you find your room. What is the room number?" she asked as she moved beside him. Pressing against him as she looked over the map somemore.
"You will see me after class, Trystan," he said, the last word attracted to an eerie tone. He shook his head and pointed to Michael now. "You, boy. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class, and take a gander at who I am?"
"while according to the gal behind the counter i'm in room 13 which looks to be somewhere over here' he said pointing to a corner of the map 'so we just need to make our way over there and we can see what this place looks like on the way". He noticed that the walk wasn't that long of one and looked forward to what might happen when they got there. "so what brings you to this school?" he asked starting to walk to the door opening it for her.​
"The Police," she said with a giggle, "they and my parents think I am out of control." She noticed the walk to his room was a short one, and could wait to see what happened once they got there. As he held the door for her she walked though it, grabbing his free hand. She pulled him through the door, the tug causing him to run right into her. "So what brings you here?" she asked has their bodies touched.
He chuckled, flicking his ears as he caught the last note of his name. He scribbled something down in his book. 'Goldstein, eerie knowledge of my name." After that, he put his pen away, flattening his ears against his head once more and making him look like a normal person. Idly, he scratched his nose, wondering who was next to introduce themselves, and putting even more thought into what he'd find out after class about this teacher.
He laughed a little at her answer "actually the same thing brings me here' he said a slight shock going through his body as they touched 'my PO decided this was the best place for me to be. Apparently this school can help turn me into a model citizen or something". He let the door shut behind them as he walked with her down the hall. "they said there was something special about this school any idea what they meant?" he asked looking over at her as they turned the first corner.​
She walked with him down the hall way still holding his hand. "All that was said for me was that i better bust my ass at this school, it my last chance." She let her fluffy fox tail tickle his back through his shirt. "So your guess is as good as mine to what they meant. They rounded the first corner, it was a long hallway, with about 20 rooms. "So what should we do after we find your room?" she asked as she slid her tail under the pack of his shirt.
Looking to the front of the room, Ashira stood quietly, blushing as she shimmered a lot more noticeably now, becoming quite visibly transparent even though her clothes remained unaffected. "I... am... Ashira" she says quietly, barely above a whisper, "I am a technomancer, and can kinda go invisible, but I don't know how to control it yet. Only happens when I'm nervous, scared, or embarassed."
He felt a shiver at the touch of her tail "wow how did I miss that before' he said shaking his head his eyes falling on her breast 'oh yeah that might be why". When she asked what they should do he just smirked at her "not entirely sure but now i'm curious about just how special you are' he said his eyes roaming over her as they walked up to room 13. He pulled his key out unlocking his door and letting them both in, he looked around the room noticing it was completely empty "looks like I don't have a roommate so its just us here" he said smiling.​
Karma giggled a little as he suggested that her breast distracted him. "Are you saying you missed a black and white fluffy tail, because of these?" she asked as she cupped her own breasts smiling. They reached his door as he unlocked it she snaked her tail between his legs. When he opened the door there was nothing saying he even had a roommate, both beds were empty. "Mmmm, alone huh?" she asked as she jumped onto one of the beds, she chose the one closest to the window.
"i'm saying that that could be a strong possibility" he said his eyes locked on her chest as she cupped her own breast. He felt her tail and raised his eyebrow watching her as she jumped onto the bed. "so what would you like to do my dear?" he asked shutting the door behind them walking up standing next to the bed looking down at her.​
Karma gave him a wicked smile, "my name is Karma by the way, and there are a few things I would like to do." She raised her arms over her head as she relaxed into the pillows. "But if I did those you wouldn't think very highly of me." Her shirt rode up with the action of raising her arms revealing a nicely tone stomach with a piercing though her naval. "So what would you like to do should be the question"
"I am Casriel Boone' he said bowing slightly 'its a pleasure to meet you". He watched her carefully as she stretched feeling the urge he reached out and placed a hand on her stomach gently running his fingers over her bare skin as he sat next to her on the bed. "oh and what ideas would those be? why would they make me think any less of you?" he asked looking up at her face as his fingers still gently roamed her stomach.​
"Mmmm, because they are thoughts a lady should not have about a man she just met." She returned the gesture of his touch my sliding her hand under his shirt. "What i really want to do is get to know you in a more intament manor."
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