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High School for the Gifted

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Sitting on the edge of the steps, she looked to Micheal and grins, "I had the usual male ego thing and was wishing for a larger..." she stop and goes red, "And it kinda grew. Three feet, before I passed out from lack of blood to my brain. I woke up and it was back to normal." Shaking his head, "I was about 12 at the time, maybe 13. After that I started to work out just what I could do, and in about 4 months I had mastered changing myself into girls, as well as even partway into animals."

"I still can't get all the way into an animal, but I can do all sorts of neat things, when I can change."
Michael laughed. He laughed hard. Then he coughed hard. He sat on the steps, trying to regain his breath, minor chuckles still rising up. He looked over at Geralt.

"So, you tried to enhance your Johnson, and you knocked yourself out in the process." Another bark of laughter escaped him. He stopped himself, just barely, and looked at her. "Sorry, sorry. I'm not laughing at you, just..." He chuckled a bit more. "While I've never met a shapeshifter before, I doubt that's how they get their start. Not that there's anything wrong with starting out that way." Michael took a breath.

"You know, when you are able to shift back, maybe you should read some anatomy books on various animals. It might help ease along the process." Michael pushed himself off the ground, dusting himself off. He looked over at Geralt.

"Shall we go to the coffee shop? It's a block or two down, I passed it on my way here."
Geralt looked at Micheal with a smirk, "Yes, I did. Except I hadn't really worked out how to control it, and it grew too fast and far before I could do anything about it, other than pass out from lack of blood to my brain. When I did get back to the world of the sane, I started with more... controllable changes."

Nodding, she stands and dusts her clothes off, and then picks her bag up. Her cheeks redden as it catches on her short skirt, hiking it up further than it already was. "Oops" she said, managing to get it to actually sound as genuine as it was. "It would be good, just ignore that hot chocolate I said before, and slap me if I order it when we get there."
Michael nodded, chuckling. He walked down the sidewalk with her, pondering a few things in the silence between them. He hadn't talked to another person like this in... Well, in the months that he's been traveling. Other than his hacker friends, which was little more than instant messaging, he hadn't had interaction with another human being in all those months of isolation. It was nice, really. Not the isolation, but the interaction.

He took out a cigarette and a lighter, but hesitated, looking over at Geralt. "Hey, uh, you mind if I smoke?"
Geralt shrugs, "Doesn't bother me. I know people who smoke worse than cigarettes" she says as she pulls her phone out, "You know how to stop this from saying that there is no sim in it when there is?" she asks, holding her phone out to him. Looking to him a bit more carefully, she smiles, "You're trying to go for the tough, quiet guy look, when you're not like that, are you?"
Michael chuckled as he lit his cigarette. "Damn. You caught me." Michael took her phone, and slid open the back. He pulled out the sim card, and flipped it over, putting it back in the right place. He slid the cover back on and handed the phone back to her.

"People always make that mistake, just place the serial numbers face down." Michael blew smoke out of his nose as they turned a corner. "I wasn't going for that look intentionally, you know." He looked back at her. "I actually don't talk much. Haven't talked to anyone in a long, long time, so I just prefer to listen."
Geralt giggles, "I put it in any way I could get it to fit and it wouldn't work. Mustn't have been getting it in 'just right' then. Main problem is it just randomly decides it's not there, which makes me then pull it out and play around with it." she says quietly, "But then, I was never good at poking things into tight holes."
while Geralt and Micheal were talking Tina walked into the Coffee shop rubbing her hands. she walks up to the person behind the cash register and orders what she always does Hot chocolate with a peace of cheese cake. She turned when she heard some guy talking to her calling her cupcake trying to get her to give it up to him. she just said in a voice that said piss me off and its over. "A good time you say well I do not think so and if you try touching my ass again you wont be able to give women a good time anymore". He just chuckled then touched her breasts . Tina lost it and let out the claws in her hands and stabbed the guy in the leg close to his crotch and said "still want that good time boy". he shook his head no calling her a freak she let him go and he and his buddies ran out of the shop she sat down in his seat. She looked up to see the guy behind the cash register shake his head.
Zenku git out of class and headed to the coffee shop. He noticed a girl as she clawed someone in the leg, a slight smirk across his lips. He took a coffee, paying the person behind the register. He sat down relatively close to her. Again, he made a fire lotus in his palm as he drank.
Tina looked up at him and at what he could do. she then made her claws go back into her hands and said "what do you want "? she was on edge again for every time a boy got close to her did so just to let her know all they wanted to do was sleep with her. She was a pretty girl she knew that but still she had feelings too.
"Oh nothing really." Zenku replied with a soft smile. The lotus in his palm bloomed, turning into a little wolf. "I just wanted to enjoy a cup of coffee, doing what I do best."
Tina raised an eyebrow at him saying "really you just sat down here to have a cup of coffee "? she took a sip out of hers and looked around the room to see that all the other people watching them closely to see if she would attack yet anther person. she did not tell the boy that she was enjoying his trick .
"Yes, honestly." Zenku said with a smile. He was in a showoff mood, letting the wolf run up his sleeve, across his shoulders, and over to the cup. It "scratched" at the cup, trying to get past. He lifted the cup and it ran under, playing on the table.
Michael opened the door to the coffee shop for Geralt. They had been quiet for the past few minutes after Geralt's string of innuendos.

Michael choking on his laughter and his cigarette smoke didn't help.

Michael had walked into the coffee shop, and saw quite a bit of blood on the floor. Along with a few shocked onlookers, but the employees seemed unfazed. He noticed two students sitting together at a table, but his quasi-investigation was paused by a most wonderful smell. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans, and of espresso. Michael walked up to the counter, a slight grin on his face.

"Hey, can I get a large cup of coffee with two shot of espresso mixed in, and..." Joe looked to Geralt. "What do you want?"

(Sorry for being away so long. Busy work schedule. But looks like we have more people in the mix! Yay!)
((It's alright))

Geralt looks at the board for a moment, "Banana smoothie, with a little malt in it" she says with a bit of thought, "And you, Mister Mysterious, what was your problem back there? If you choke so easily, maybe you should stop smoking cigarettes." she then gives Micheal a smirk and moves over to a table in the corner and plops down in it, back against the wall and her feet dangling just off the edge of it.
Tina looks down at the little wolf watching it run around on the table. she looked up at the boy and said "that's a nice little trick there ". she looked down at the wolf on the table before taking a few more sips of her coffee. she looked over as the door opened and saw two people walk in a boy and a girl. she did not give them much attation as she went back to watching the wolf and sipping coffee.
Zenku smiled to himself, letting the wolf roam about. It hopped from his table to hers, looking up at her with blue eyes, little sparks of flame jumping about. He heard others coming in, but that didn't really matter to him. He wanted to play with the girl in front of him, already having a good time.
Michael looked at Geralt as their orders were being made. "It wasn't the cigarettes that were making me choke, oh Master of Innuendos." Michael glanced at the students, then at the small wolf of fire dancing around on the table they were sitting at. Most definitely students of the school. He looked back, and saw that their orders had arrived. Michael picked up his coffee, and motioned to the two students. "Hey, wanna go sit next to them?"
Geralt shook her head, "Ah, no... the guy there... I... uhm... Last time I was near him I got damp pants." she says quietly, sitting up properly to take her drink. "I'm not scared of him, but if I get... close, I... uhm... well..." she doesn't finish her sentence, her cheeks turning a bright red, almost the same as the little wolf that was dancing around.
Michael nodded in understanding. "Alright, then." Michael motioned to another table, and sat down. He took a sip of his nice, hot coffee. He sighed in content as he felt the caffeine enter his system. The hacker looked at Geralt and took another sip of his coffee. "So..." Michael started. "What'd you do over the summer?" Was there really anything else to talk about? Michael had no idea, really. Unless she liked to talk about computer programming, medical studies, or chemical compositions. He doubted it.

Last girl he met who liked those things was insane.
Tina smiled at the wolf dancing around and with one claw coming from her hand she placed the claw on the table near the wolf to see what it would do . She then looked at the two that came in getting a mixed scent of female and male of one kinda interested her for a second . she turned to the boy who made the wolf and said "let me guess your from the school too your a mutant"?
Zenku smiled warmly. "From the school, yes." The wolf scratched at the claw, doing no damage. He backed away then hopped onto it. "Mutant would be an improper term. More like supernatural creature." It played on the claw briefly, then hopped off, running from her cup, up to the claw and back.
She looked down at the little fire wolf and smiled and put the claw back into her hand. letting yet helped with the pain. She knew the pain was going away and soon she wont feel it when she brings them in and out. "well I just came to the school due to the fact I got kicked out of my other one for stabbing a boy". she said eying him to get a reaction.
Zenku raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's not the worst you can do." He suggested, shivering as he thought about the nights where he killed and burned people. The little wolf hopped onto her hand, not burning at all, only sightly warm. He smirked, letting it walk up her arm.
she let out a shiver like she was cold but in reality it was from the wolf walking up her arm. she did not flick it away and said "actulay i can do worst but he was not wroth it i rather kill someone that seemed wroth it ". she watched the wolf for a sec then said "someone smells nice in here". she was trying to drive him nuts. she was starting to like this boy which would be a first. she looked at the other two that has came in earlier and wanted to get a better look at the girl whom seemed to let off two different smells when it comes to gender wise this of curse made her interesting and when it comes to someone being two genders she wanted to see if a girl can actually have a dick or vice versa.
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