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High School for the Gifted

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Blare stiffened when he lay his head on her shoulder. Then he blushed and sat up again. "No, your fine, I just wasnt expecting it." She sat with her hands in her lap, she was feeling a little uncomfortable herself. There closeness actually brought a slight blush to her cheeks, she tried to look anywhere but at him.
Trystan sighed, looking at her to make sure she wasn't pulling his chain. His neko side was starting to feel somewhat domestic, and with how this girl had him calmed down, and had reassured him, he felt a loyalty beginning to grow in him. His loyalty was extremely hard to get, and he was surprised with himself. "You sure?" he asked checking her face, looking for any signs she was uncomfortable.
"Oh, yeah we are good," she finaly looked at him and smiled. "So what would you like to do?" She lay back on the bed and stretched out. Giving his tail a playful tug, "sorry that was pay back for the coat earlier," she gave him a wink. Turning on her side proping herself up on one elbow.
He sighed, his eyes roaming over her body briefly, before he looked away with red cheeks. Holy crap, why couldn't he simply stop blushing? "Well, uhm...." He scratched behind his ear as he actually thought about that question. "I.... don't know." He tilted his head cutely before looking back at her.
Zenku was in a classroom, making use of the time to calm himself down. He slowly gained some rationale, and his more animalistic senses subsided. Luckily the teacher didn't call on him during this period, so when class was over, he took off into the forest. Finding a secluded area that he found a long time ago, he calmed himself down further as he slowly changed back to his human form. To further speed up the process, he focused on a small amount of flame, he slowly let it build as his body was now fully human. "Always around this time. Why?" He said to himself, turning the fire into a small puppy-like wolf. he let it dance on the grass, knowing he couldn't start an actual fire.
"Why do you blush now? I didn't even say anythign that time." Coming back to a sitting position with her legs folded in front of her. She lifted a hand to brush a hair away from hsi face, "do I just make you that nervouse?"
"Honestly, by this time, yes." He layed down, rubbing his eyes. "For some reason, everything you say and do make's me blush. Even your scent puts me close to blushing." He kept his hands over his eyes as he talked. "And for a neko to blush at every little thing someone does is considered a great sign of affection." He sighed. "Back at the shop, if they saw something like that, you were removed and taken somewhere not a single one of us there liked to think about." He uncovered his eyes.
Blare smiled at his qords, laying down again next to him. "So does that like me?" She lay there watching him as he covered his eyes. Something took over inside her and she leaned over him. When his hand moved from his eyes, he face hovered just above his. "So if I were to kiss you?" she asked before she slowly touched her lips to his.

Her head spinning as she had her first kiss, and with a cute Neko boy at that.
The 'cute neko boy' was surprised at the very least. Gingerly he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as he started kissing back lightly. He couldn't believe anything could feel so nice and yet be so..... gentle. His mind couldn't grasp at how soft her lips were, when all he'd known was the hardness of the steel bars of his cage. He hugged her tighter, giving a little more than he was receiving at this point.
SUrprised by the Neko who was so timid before, she pushed herself into him. Her hand smoothed over his chest and slid under his shirt. How odd that in such a short time, they would already be kissing on her bed. She didn't give that much thought, what they were doing felt so good. Then she felt that all to familiar heat creep up her thighs. She pushed herself away panting, "sorry, I..uh..didn't mean to..." she was the one blushing now seeing his shirt pulled up to reveal his smooth stomache.
Trystan bowed his head, blushing deeply and returning to his timid self. "No, I'm sorry. I should have better control of myself," he said looking away. Although, in the back of his mind, a part of him was happy he didn't have complete control over his emotions. Then, he would be a cold heartless bastard. But, fact was he wasn't. And for that, he was glad all over.
"Oh no I started it, it just like the right thing to do." Blare still thought that, her body screamed at her to continue. Looking towards the floor, "I it though," she said turning a deep red color, she glanced back at him. 'Holy crap I never blush, what the hell is wrong with me. He is soooo cute, and i am sharing a room with him.' Her mind raced with these thoughts and her heart raced, as she fought the urge to pull him to her lips once more.
Trystan himself was also fighting the urge to pull her to himself. He had never felt this strongly about anything. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he lost the battle. He quickly pulled her close, kissing her somewhat roughly. His ears flattened against his head, not in fear or anger, but in the passion of the moment. His tail was wagging slowly.
The suddeness of Trystan pulling her into another kiss shocked her. A few seconds passed before she was kissing him back with passion to match his. Her hands were under his shirt again, this time she was working on taking it off of him. Pulling away long enough to pull it over his head she pressed her lips to his again.
The sudden rush of the air touching his skin, and the feel of Blare's fingers against his chest, made him shudder lightly. He started doing the same to her, rubbing her stomach lightly as he slowly slid her shirt off. Things seemed to be happening very quickly as her shirt fell to meet his.
The feel of his hands on her skin sent goosbumps all over her. He slowly slid her shirt off and dropped it to the floor. She was nervous, she had only made to the heavy petting stage. Her hands glided over his stomache and sides. A part of her hoped it would stay at this stage for now, while her primal side hoped it went farther.
He shuddered again as a small breeze made it's way into the room, but the warmth from both o their bodies quickly warded off the chill. Trystan's kiss became more heated, and he didn't know what to do.
Pulling away from the kiss her hand still on his chest, breathing heavy still " don't know where to go from here." She looked into his eyes, "how far do you want to take this?" Her hand continued to explore every inch of his upper body as she waited for an answer. If he wanted to take this all the way she was ready.
By now, Trystan was short of breath. "I... really don't know." He gazed deeply into her eyes, his brow furrowing. "You forget, you're asking a virgin what he wants to do." He started regaining his breath. "But, I think I'd like to see what lies beyond the pleasure you've already shown me."
"Well we have one thing in common then, I am a virgin too" she said blushing. She looked into his eyes, then brushed her lips against his. "I have never really wanted to go beyond touching....until now." She looked at him again waiting for him to give the ok or just take it.
Trystan sighed happily. "Well, I've never even made it to the touching stage." He smiled, rubbing her back gently. "But, let's take it a little further. From what I've experienced, you are the perfect person to be my first." He kissed her, tracing her lips with his tongue.
Blare pulled him on top of her, as she kissed him. Her hands glided over his back, she started to breath heavier. "I...want you to be my first too," she said pulling away from the kiss, only to go right back to it. She guided his hand to her inner thigh.
Geralt makes his way towards his next class, already certain that being stuck female was now messing with his head because of what it was doing to his body. He didn't know what would happen, but he was beginning to no longer care about the effects guys had on him, whether they could tell what happened or not. Sitting down at the maths class, he at least began to feel comfortable with the way he was when he realized that it was probably the first step towards accepting his unknown future.
Michael McBride sat on the bench across the High School he had heard so much about. Maybe somewhere to stay, to help him out with his, er, abilities. He took a drag on the cigarette he was smoking, blowing the smoke out of his nose as he looked around for any passing civilians. No one was out this early, apparently.


Michael checked his watch, seeing that classes had apparently already started. He shrugged, since he was supposed to visit the office first for his schedule and his dorm room. He put out his cigarette and gulped down the rest of his coffee, throwing the cup into the nearby waste bin. Might as well get this over with.

Michael did one final sweep for normal citizens before he concentrated on the other side of the street, disappearing from the sidewalk he was on and reappearing on the school steps. He walked up to the doors, heading through them to see the front desk.

But the best laid plans never survived first contact.

Michael looked around and sighed. "Dammit," he said to himself. Where was the office? He looked around, and shrugged, deciding to head into a random classroom until the bell rang for the next class. Or he could just ask a teacher.

Michael walked to a nearby door, opening it to stick his head inside.

A math class. Damn.

He opened the door the rest of the way, making his way to a seat. The teacher didn't seem to mind that much. He sat down next to a girl, a rather pretty one at that.

But something seemed off about her.

It wasn't her appearance, but her mannerisms, her posture, even her style of writing. They weren't really inline with a teenage girl's habits.

So, either two things were possible. A, she was a tomboy, perfectly reasonable. Or two, she was a dude. Maybe a shapeshifter. With his powers, it wouldn't be so far fetched.

A piece of paper on his desk, Michael did what he always did in a math class; he doodled. He drew several small, poorly detailed characters talking about events with a short wooden pencil. He always thought math would be beneath him; if his teacher could hack into a computer with a eight megabyte firewall base and a twenty-one terabyte encryption program within eleven minutes, then he would listen.

He looked over at the girl who wasn't a girl, and went back to doodling. He would talk to her after class. Or not.
With a sigh, Geralt settled into the back of his chair, legs pressed somewhat tightly together. He was tired of the aching, and it happened whenever he was near guys. That made it annoy him even more. He gave the new arrival a quick look, and a smile. "Damnit" he thinks to himself, "I need to stop trying to flirt with every guy I see", and then returns his attention to the front of the room, hoping to at least be distracted enough with the work.

After a few minutes, he reaches over and hands the new guy a note;

"I know you realise there is something different with me, you give me the same look all the psychic types do. Yes, I am a guy. Yes I am a shape shifter. Yes I did something stupid and am now stuck like this. No I don't like it. Does that answer the questions no doubt swirling through your mind?"
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