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High School for the Gifted

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SHe smiled at the blush the started on his cheeks. 'Maybe I will have some fun here.' She followed as he walked away, "well the name is Blare, thought you might want to know that before you try taking my clothes off again." Smiling as she waited for the blush again, it was cute.
This time, the blush was deeper and more visible. He looked away, coughing lightly as he tried to think of what to say. How does one reply to that and not sound perverted. "Uhm..... well....." His brain had frozen. This woman had gotten him extremely flustered in a very short amount of time.
Blare laughed a little, "hey it's ok, I will learn you name someway." He was getting so flsutered at her words, it amused her. Walking beside the fox boy she wondered where her dorm was and what she could say next to see him blush again. "So what dorm room is yours?"
With a quick shake of his head, he was able to regain his thought. "Actually, that's a very god question." He looked at a little piece of paper he had in his pocket. "I think it's room 13." Looking back up to the girl, he quickly put the paper back where it was. "Is there anything else?"
Geralt walks out of his dorm room, and then, getting dressed into some fresh clothes, he gets ready to head out to class. His nap may have been short, but he felt a whole lot better. It was only after he'd gotten dressed just how little his clothing had left to the imagination. "Why do I always do this?" he asked himself, "Ever since I got stuck like this, I've dressed to show off. I don't have time to change again now." Ducking out into the hall, he smiles, "Time to see what mischief I can cause with the hot guys," he thinks to himself, face-palming again at the effect being female was having on him.
Zenku stopped by his room before heading to his first class. He hoped at least on of the people he had met would be there. That way, things wouldn't be as boring as they were his freshman year.
"Well I guess if you are busy I could find something else to do." Blare got the feeling he was bored already, she pulled out a piece of paper to look at her room number. Laughing hard as she read the number. "Well it would seem you won't be getting rid of me after all." More laughing as she handed him the paper the read Room 13. "Nice to meet you roomie."
Trystan raised an eyebrow. It was just his luck that this strange woman, the one who made him blush, would be his roommate. He sighed, looking around. "Well........ do you know where the classes are going to be?" He was looking for some type of excuse to get out of here before this girl could make his cheeks turn red again. "Oh, and since we're roommates, I guess I should tell you my name. My name's Trystan." With that, he turned, hoping they didn't have the same classes. If they did, he had a feeling things were going to be quite awkward, especially since nobody flirted, or even talked to the neko at any of his other schools.
Running past the boy with the fox-like ears, he stops suddenly, "Wait.. are those real? Or can you just make them appear?" he stops, so caught by surprise she doesn't even think he could be being rude or mean to him. "Sorry..."
He jumped back in surprise, flattening his ears for fear of being beaten. Then, realizing the person wasn't a threat, he let his ears hop back up, oving them this way and that. "Yes, these are real. And I can't make them disappear since they're attached to my head." His eyes roamed over the girl's body. She looked like a girl, but the scent was off. She didn't smell very feminine at all. "Um.... may I ask exactly why you smell like a guy?"
Geralt goes red, another who figured out he was a guy, "I'm a shape-shifter, or was. It turns out that it isn't just my appearance that changes when I shift, and well, I kind of teased a friend one night after I shifted into looking like this. I don't really know what happened to push it too far, but the next thing I knew, my fingers were digging into his back and he was... Let's leave it as that when I realized what was happening it was the same moment he finished." his eyes move down, almost as if it were habit, they go straight to the neko's crotch which only made him blush harder than he had before. "I was too exhausted to shift back, and kind of went to sleep, kind of passed out. Anyways, when I woke up, I couldn't change back. So. I tell mum I can change how I look. And that I'm stuck as a girl. So she takes me to a doctor, as her daughter 'Melanie'. He says nothing is wrong, I am perfectly healthy. Two months later, another doctor says I am two months pregnant."
Blare shook her head as her new roommate Trystan turned and walked away. "He will have to talk to me sooner or later." A girl ran past her and stopped to talk to him, poor kid was scared to death. Taking a few steps closer incase he needed back up, "hey you ok?" then he suddenly looked to be ok. The aura the girl gave off was all wrong. Curiosty made her stay at least for the asnwer to Tystan's question.
Jack looked away for a second, his blush hitting hard. Gah, what was it that caused him to blush so much? He'd heard it was regular for neko's, but this was ridiculous. "Hm. Interesting story. Anyway, would you happen to know where the classes are?" He noticed the girl from earlier and blushed even deeper. 'Alright, this was just waaay too much,' he thought to himself, trying to figure out why he blushed at the simple sigt of this girl now.
"It depends on the one you're in. I'm... ah well my mum thought it would be funny to make me take sex ed again, since now I need to pay attention to the bits I didn't the first time at my last school..." He looked up to the boy in front of him, finally drawing in his entire appearance, "Uhm... Gotta go." he says quickly and runs off, almost crashing through the door of the toilets.
He raised his eyebrow as the girl...... or boy..... dashed off to the bathrooms. He shot a questioning look at the girl behind him, hoping he knew why she... or he.. had run off. Once again, his ears went down, but only by a little bit.
Zenku turned a corner and found a fox neko and a girl. He over heard Melisa about a sex ed class and watched as she went to the restroom. "So I take it you two are looking for classes, am I right?" He asked, playing with a small fire in his palm.
Blare stared wide eyed at the explanation, then he or she ran off to the bathrooms. Trystan looked confused, "morning sickness hun." With her bag still in hand, "uumm, as far as classes go they are down that wing." She pointed to a long wide hallway with lockers along one the wall. "Did they send you a map with your room number?" She pulled out hers to show him, "if not you can use mine, Ihave a pretty good memory so I know where stuff is." Feeling not so much in the mood to tease him anymore, "or I could show you around."
Sitting in the toilets, Geralt was trying to settle himself down. The closer he got to males now, the more effect it was having. Unless he was just letting what his mother told him get to him, she had been right. Some pregnant women do get excited easily. If it didn't settle back down, he was going to be late to class, but at least he could hide this better than an aching, throbbing... Groaning as soon as he gets to that part of the thought, his mind fills with images that make his self control fade again.

He struggles to his feet, and goes over to the wash basins. Splashing some water on his face, he calms his breathing and walks back out. Straight into the girl and the fox-like neko. "Oh..." he says, "Sorry." and tries to get to his class as quickly as he could.
Zenku looks at Melisa in confusion as she walks off. He looked to the other girl with an arched eyebrow. "What's with her?" He asked the fire turning into a snake. The flames traveled around his hands, small amounts flickering like it were a tongue.
The neko sighed, noticing the girl's change in mood. He was sort of happy, but quickly started to miss the teasing. "Well, it's your call. I can memorize stuff pretty good too." He looked at the girl that had just run into him, and he watched as she stumbled off to classes. Then, he looked at the girl infront of him, and then at the boy with the fire snake. Upon seeing the fire around the boy's wrist, he took a step back, his ears flattening and a growl making it's way from his throat. Fire and him weren't exactly the best of friends, so his fear and dislike of it was only what could follow.
Stumbling into the class room, Geralt frowns. A room filled with guys, including a male teacher. Just what he needed. Especially now that he was in an agitated state and just trying to last until he would have time to be alone again.
Blares eyes followe his to the boy with fire around his wrist, and smiled at the little growl. Shaking ehr head, "perhaps you could put the fire away? My friend here doesntseem to enjoy it much." Placeing a hand on Trystans shoulder as she stepped between him and the boy with fire.
For some reason, the girl's touch calmed him. The effect was instantaneous, and his ears found themselves in their normal position. He nodded at Blare, thankful she was here. Another tiny growl emanated from his throat, but it had less fear in it. Had he not been in the presence of another person, he probably would've done the most primal thing he knew of. He would've pressed one of his ears against her hand, which was a sign of affection.
"Oh I'm sorry. I have to do it so often, and I do so much it's more like a habit now." The flame turned to a lotus, then withered and died away. "Name's Zenku." He said, putting the hand he used to manipulate the fire in his pocket.
Geralt goes back into the hall, avoiding the class for now, and walks back to the group, "Can I ah... stay with you guys a while?" he asks, figuring 2 guys and a girl around him would be better than a room full of males. "I'm sorry if I get wierd. Two months and I'm still learning to be a girl, and how everything.... reacts to things differently."
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