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High School for the Gifted

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"It's something best described in private. But let me say this much, my other talent is fire manipulation." He didn't like talking about his past too much. Too many people risked a lot just for him to make it this far.
Geralt nods again, "When... I don't have something screwing me over, I can shape shift. Completely, not just looking like someone different." he says, "But... my own stupidity means I'm not able to shift right now. Or for the next 7 months."
"Wow. I guess we're similar in some ways. I can shift fully at will. IR if my emotions get the better of me." He put a hand up and a small flame took the shape of a lotus flower. "But this, I can control for the most part."
Geralt smiles and nods, "That's... Pretty" he says, "I... kind of teased a male friend a little too much, and didn't just get him worked up. I got me too, and the next thing I realized, he... came in me. Even though I didn't intend it to happen, I didn't really see him that way, I couldn't help it. Then as soon as I felt him finish, it set me off..." he continues to explain, "But then I fell asleep, and so did he. We were exhausted, and when I woke up, I couldn't shift, I was stuck like this, with these..." he points to his breasts, "These. They look like they belong on some adult movie star, not a 16 year old."
The petals of the lotus flickered away, turning into a wolf and a witch. They held a baby between them, looking happy. "That was me, before things started to go wrong. My father was hunted down when I was 3. My mother died soon afterwards. I still don't know how. I discovered my powers at 7, but I couldn't control them. I actually killed a few people, they told me. But I never remembered how." His fire acted out what he spoke. It focused mainly on him when he had burned a house down. "They thought it was an arsonist, but I was just scared and alone."
"Wow," he says, "The best claim I have is shoplifting and making them look for a 13 year old boy..."
"But some very nice people were able to help me, so I got lucky." The fire shifted into an exact copy of Melisa. "But nowadays, I just do it for art."
"Art is good, but... Some say that the body is art, and if so, then I was a master artist." he says, the ego starting to show through, "This isn't even how I really look, but... It's me until I can give birth."
"Well I know a few things that might be able to speed up that process if you're in a hurry." Zenku shrugged his shoulders. "And there's nothing I would need in return." The fire turned into a dragon flew up above them, then burst out into a mix of small fireworks and dragons that faded away.
He shakes his head, "Would it be bad to say that even though it has ruined my life, I *want* to be pregnant?" he says slowly, "I... It does things to me..."
Zenku arched an eyebrow. "What kinds of things?" He asked, generally interested now.
Geralt shakes his head, "I shouldn't say." he says, stepping forward to the boy, "But I would like to find my dorm. I was given 17."
"That's down the hall from us. I'll take you there." Zenku stepped closer to him. "Or is there anything else you need to do beforehand.
"What do you mean beforehand?" he asks, inwardly frowning as his mind immediately moves to the dirty thoughts. "I haven't seen the school yet, so I don't know where anything is."
"Then I guess we should start with the dorms." Zenku took her hand and teleported, arriving at Dorm 17 in seconds. "Another one of my talents. I think I inherited it from my mother though."
Blinking, he looks around, "Weren't we just... I mean, We were outside..." confusion reigning over his face and his mind. Looking up to Zenku, he shakes his head, unable to shake the new images coming into his mind, "Uhm... You..." he says slowly, but stopping, "So this is my room. Which is my bed?"
"Take your pick. It's currently not in use, so you could have either one." Zenku rubbed the back of his head, nervous. "Well I should have warned you, I can teleport. I'm sorry."
"Nice." he says, and then dumps his bag on the bed nearest him, "But now what? When do classes start?"
"About another hour I think. Angel boy had his alarm set so I just woke up too." He sat on the opposite bed, creating another lotus in his hand.
Blare landed right in front of the school doors. Dropping her bag as she looked around. "Hhmm, this should be interesting," she rolled her eyes. Turning she grabbed her bag and walked through the doors, her long coat almost got stuck in the door.
"I see" he says, "Well, I think I should take a nap before class. I've been on that damn bus since yesterday."
Trystan chuckles lightly as he lets his hood down. His ears were flicking this way and that. "Well, it's not exactly an anthro, and I'm not exactly very yiffy." His eyes roamed around the school, or what he saw of it. "I'm guessing all you know about neko's is what you found on the internet, right? Well, not all of that stuff is true. The one's that are seen are what give us that bad name." He shakes his head, looking at the new boy. Without a second thought, he gave the new guy a small nod, flashing him a friendly smile before his eyes fell on the girl with a long coat. Seeing it was going to get stuck in the doors, he darted forward, yanking the piece that was going to get pinched out before the door closed.
"Well if there's anything you need, the other dorms are down the hall. I should get going then." Zenku bowed and walked out of the room.
Blare felt the light tug as someone touched her coat. Turning quickly she sees it in the hand of a boy with fox ears. SHe looks to the coat in his hand then to his face, "is it customery to pull on others clothing here." She raised an d eyebrow, "don't get me wrong I like tearing clothes off to, but I atleast wait until it's called for." She stepped closer and slowly pulled the frabric from his fingers.
He raised an eyebrow, letting the fabric go. "Well, this specific piece of clothing would've been caught in the door."He looked away though, a blush starting to form on his cheeks. "And had it not been for my light little tug, you're jacket might've been torn off anyway." He nodded, turning and starting to walk towards where the dorms were, still a little confused.
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