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High School for the Gifted

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"How to be a girl? I thought you were one?" Zenku was thoroughly confused by the comment. Ears started to sprout from his head, wolf-like canine ears.
"Not a problam," Blared smiled stepping now to the side of Trystan that the fire was put away. The girl goy came back looking a little flustered. Curious, "whats going on in there that makes"
((Woops accidentally deleted reposting))

Looking to Zenku, he begins slowly, stammering most parts of it, "I am a shape shifter. I ah shifted to this, and got a bit stupid. Now I can't get back to being male or do any shifting until the baby is born." he says, and then turning his attention to Blare, "It seems that guys make... me get... all... uh..." he pauses and then lowers his voice, "You're a girl, you know what I mean, right?"
Zenku just faded into the background. He really didn't want to believe it, but he knew it would be true. His ears drooped as he felt something poke the back of his pants, his tail. He tried to remember what day it was, but couldn't quite figure it out. The nervousness just made the tail grow, till it poked out the bottom of his pants.
Trystan looked at Blare, then back at the 'girl'. Before anyone could notice, he took in a deep breath, scenting the air. The scents were all tangled, with demons, shapeshifters, and the such. He had never had this many scents, with such a diverse pallet, all at the same time. It was making him giddy, almost like a fine wine.
Geralt blinks and stares at the movement along Zenku's pants, sighing almost audibly in relief when it was only a tail. Only a tail? he wasn't getting surprised by things as much unless they just caught him off guard. With neko-fox next to him, a guy suddenly sprouting ears and a tail didn't seem strange. What did surprise him was the subtle changes he suddenly found himself noticing in the wolf-ish boy, changes that... No. He had to stop thinking like that. Where he used to have girls appearing, he was getting guys. And a... "Oh crap" he squeaks and makes another move for the toilets, hopefully keeping the scent of arousal from wafting to the neko's nose.
Zenku's nose became more sensitive. The mix of all the scents, demon, human, neko, and everything else that roamed the halls. What stood above the rest was the scent of arousal. Zenku teleported into the restroom. Slowly the rest of body became canine, becoming a wolf. He punched one of the walls in the stall, it warped around his fist. "Fuck! Not again!" He shouted. He checked what day it was and realized what time of month it was. He would be his weakest, his least controlled over all of his abilities. "Why now?"
Trystan blushed heavily as the scent of arousal permeated the air. He knew exactly where it was coming from, since his specialty was tracking. He looked away from the shapeshifter, nearly jumping out of his skin when the other boy punched the wall.
Creeping back out of the toilets, Geralt tries to sneak past the remains of the group, hoping to get to his room and hide. His first day and he was already embarassed. He never used to have this trouble. "Only because I got stupid, didn't control myself." he thinks to himself. He stops when he sees the results of the wolf-boy hitting the wall and is unsure of what to do.
Zenku turns and see's Melisa. He couldn't help but pick up her scent, he had to get away. He teleported, trying to reach his room. Instead, he appeared behind Melisa. He tried again and he ended up next to the neko. Finally, he appeared in the hallway, away from the scents.
"Uhm... Trystan?" he says, giving up on going to his room, it made no sense for him to go. "How... do I say this?" he mumbles, "I can't control myself... Well, the way my body reacts I mean. I.. apologise if it causes you any discomfort or awkwardness or whatever."
Trystan looked at Melisa. "Listen, don't sweat it. Normally, I don't blush alot, but today. Eh.... either way, it should stop bothering me soon." He made a slight bow, and turned to walk to his classes.
(Sorry my internet froze :( )

"Actually, I find that i can control my emotions around men quit well." She saw the blush on Trystans cheeks again, then the other boy punched the wall. Trystan almost jumped out of his skin, Blare put herself between them, "hey are you ok, he wont hurt you, you know that right?"
Geralt shakes his head, "It's not the emotions I can't control. It's... The other bits. Getting flushed, my... uhm.... Thighs get hot."
"Maybe it's just because you are pregnant too, I hear a lot of girls become straight nymphos when pregnant." Blare continued to watch Trystan to make sure he was going to be ok. Then she saw him walk off towards the class rooms. "Hey um, I'll catch you later ok," running off after Trystan.

"You really get uncomfortable in tose situations don't you?" she asked. Slowing her pace to walk beside him.
Zenku saw the neko and followed him. His (Zenku's) scent was different than before, complete canine and a more stronger musk. He brushed by, heading into his first classroom. Maybe whatever was being taught would keep him distracted.
Trystan nodded, not saying a word when Blare came up beside him. He froze in his tracks when the other passed by, and his ears raised in confusion. Wasn't this boy, Zenku, the same as when he saw him? Besides the ears and tail, but the scent was alot stronger. How strange. He looked into Blare's eyes, his own eyes somewhat wild with fear now. He had smelled something like this before, at the shop he was in. It brang back so many bad memories, it was a wonder he wasn't breaking down right now. "Come, hurry." His voice was rushed as he took off down the hallway, in the complete opposite direction of the class Zenku just walked in.
Blare took in a breath before she ran after him again. SHe looked back at the boy named Zenku, something about him was making Trystan nervous. Finally catching up to him she grabbed his hand to slow him down. "Hey, what wrong, I mean we are pretty far away from him now?"
He looked at Blare, starting to calm down now simply by being in her presence. "Sorry... about that outburst. It's just I've scented something like that before, in one of the stores I was in." He ran his hands through his hair, scratching his ears nervously. "Listen, I can't talk about it here. Someone might hear it, and I can't let that happen. Not if I want to stay in this school."
"Alright then, lets go to our room." Blare took his hand again and started walkig towards the dorms. "That scent you speak of I have smelled it too, but I can protect us just fine." SHe looked at him and smiled, "he isn' the only one who can play with fire."
Trystan sighed, hiding his shaky hands in his pockets. "Yes, let's. And it's not the fire I'm worried about." He looked at the ground, walking towards their room. When he opened the door, he peeked in, making sure there was no one inside. "Like I said, although I don't like fire, it's not the fire I'm woried about. It's the threat of me being taken back." He looked out a window, trying to get his hands steady.
"Taken? By who?" Blare walked to the window and looked out, no one was there. "Who are you afriad of if not the fire?"
"Do you want to know where I was before I came here?" He took in a small breath. "I was kept in a shop. Not like a grocery shop or a corner store or anything, but a pet shop." His eyes got that far away look. "It wasn't one of those gentle pet shops either. These guys were cruel in the worst way. The only reason I still have my virginity is because of my instincts." Realizing what he just said, a deep blush came onto his face. "Anyway, I was one of their best 'toys' and me breaking out probably cause alot of problems for that shop." The blush faded. "Now, I need to make sure I don't go back."
Blared pulled Trystan to sit next to her on the bed, "hey don't worry. KNow one is going to take you anywhere you don't want to go." SHe put an arm around his shoulder, then turned his face to look at her. "I promise even if I have to do the ass kicking," she smiled trying to lighten his mood.
Trystan chuckled lightly, his eyes brightening considerably. I guess this answered the age-old question on wheter or not neko's and demons could get along. Before he knew what he was doing, he layed his head gently on her shoulder. It only took a small second though before he blushed profusely and pulled up, sitting straight. "Uhm... s-sorry. Lost my head for a second there." It seemed as though he was back to his normal self. All that remained was to se whether or not he placed his trust in someone too early.
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