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High School for the Gifted

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Michael raised an eyebrow as he read a note. He wrote in the space under it, "I'm not psychic, sorry to say. But your actions, they weren't exactly reminiscent of a girl your age. But meeting a shapeshifter, that's not something I expected here, but not surprising. Not many questions swirling around in my head, but you seem to be depressed. At least, that's what your actions tell me. That and tired of people asking why you're stuck in that form. And, in all honesty, I don't care. It's not my business, unless someone makes it my business."

Michael passed the note back, before he returned to his doodles. While he didn't talk much, he did sometimes go over the top with the written word. He looked up and saw the teacher, along with the rest of the class, looking at him. He looked at the problem on the board, and said, "It's forty-two."

Then the doodles continued.
Nodding as he read the note, he added another message to it, waiting for the teacher's attention to turn elsewhere before handing it over, shrugging as he did.

"Not depressed, I know I will get back to being myself. Just sick of the effect guys have on my body, and the way that then intrudes on my mind. I mean, normally I wouldn't give you a second look, unless there was something that made us friends and we hung out. This way, I can't help but trying to see what you look like under your shirt."
Zenku returned to campus, now in human form. He had to stay wary, lest he turn back. The fire fox at his side faded away as he stepped into a math class. He didn't like math, but at least a friend was in here. He grabbed a seat and started to take notes, not that they'd help much, but still. In his free hand, he constantly sent a flame to the corner of his paper, singeing it some.
Michael quietly chuckled at the note before he turned his attention to the board. Apparently he hadn't surprised him like Michael thought he would. Maybe this school would be more interesting than he thought. The bell rang, to Michael's surprise, and the shuffle of students, paper, and bags filled the room. Michael yawned before he turned to the young woman, or rather young man, and extended his hand. He may not have talked much, but he wasn't rude.

"The name's Michael, Michael McBride. You?"
Geralt smiles at the boy, "That depends on who you talk to. My mother insists on calling me Melanie while I am a girl. Real name is Geralt Sobrak. I guess it doesn't matter which you call me, so pick whatever makes you more comfortable." he says, and again almost subconsciously presses his legs together, catching himself in time, "One of these days I will learn to get it all in control." he says with a half smile.
Michael smiled. "Alright, Geralt. It's nice to meet you." Michael shook his hand, and looked around, before he turned back to the young man-turned-woman. "Well, I hope you do. Every person makes mistakes, but we all have to pay for them." Michael looked at the door. Around half the class had left now.

"Hey, uh, despite me walking in here... I have no idea where I'm going. I don't even have the information to get started.." Michael half smiled, chuckling sheepishly.

"Can you tell me where the office is, so I can get the rest of the day moving?" Michael looked around again. He didn't like being in one place, even if it was just standing here. It was a paranoia that had saved his life many times in the past few months.
"Down the end of this corridor, then through the doors to go out. You can't miss it, and if you don't see it, just keep walking forward. You'll feel the bricks eventually" he says, with a laugh. After a moment's thought, "What other classes do you have?"
"I don't know, really. I didn't give them a home address, so they couldn't send me a schedule and my room number. That's why I gotta go to the office, to get my stuff and officially register." Not like he had a home address to give them, anyway. Michael looked around. Almost every student had emptied now. He turned back to Geralt.

"Well, thanks for the directions, and... See you later... I guess..." Michael said, shrugging as he lugged his bags, a messenger bag with his notebook and laptop, a metal suitcase, and a military-issue duffel filled with his stuff, along with him. He attempted to squeeze past a couple of students, but got frustrated, teleporting past them and smashing into a nearby wall full of lockers. He groaned and leaned against the lockers.

"Not," Michael began. "One of my more brilliant plans." God, how he hated the trickiness of teleporting at close range. He pushed himself off the lockers, and walked quickly towards the end of the corridor like Geralt had said. No matter his shapeshifting powers, or his current problem, he seemed nice.

Strange, and wrought by unexpected female biological processes, but nice.
Ninde said:
Blare pulled him on top of her, as she kissed him. Her hands glided over his back, she started to breath heavier. "I...want you to be my first too," she said pulling away from the kiss, only to go right back to it. She guided his hand to her inner thigh.

(alas, i have returned!!)
Trystan blinked, his brain going into it's frozen mode again. For a minute, he could only rub her inner thighs gently, breath, and kiss her back. Then, with a rather large smile, one that outdid any other smile he had, he started to slowly move his hands up, getting closer and closer to her entrance.
Geralt went back to his room. Skipping classes on his first day wasn't the smartest idea, but he was struggling to cope with the sheer number of males he had to deal with. He began to doze off, his mind wandering all over the place. After a while, he awoke, flustered and sweating. And the crotch of his pants was soaked. "Damn" he mutters, and tries to clean himself up, at first thinking he'd stressed himself into wetting the bed, before realizing it wasn't that, and then changes the sheets quickly before getting into a shower.

"Why couldn't I have some power that didn't screw with my head?" he mumbles, frowning and glaring at himself in the fogged up mirror. After drying himself off, he sits back on the bed, completely naked and not caring at that moment. He was lost in thought, and after a while, it dawned on him. He needed to stop moping around about his situation, and make the most of it. He could learn a lot from this, as well as using it to his advantage in situations that were going bad. With that, he sits up with a smile. He'd still use the 'real' him for name, but it wouldn't bother him so much any more about being called a girl. Accepting his situation, instead of trying to fight it, would be his key.
[okay do not know if the room is taken but she will be in room six i guess ]
Tina brown looked at the school and grunted then looked back at her bike. she gave a sigh and pushed open the doors. she went to the principals office and sat down. She tapped her fingers on the desk while he got her room key and locker number and the combation to it as well as her list of classes. When he got back he handed the stuff to her saying "welcome to the school have a great year". she got up rolled her eyes and said "whatever". she walked out of the office and headed to her room looking rather bored. She walked into her room and sat on the bed looking around the place. She showered and got dressed into some warn out jeans and black tank top. she rubbed her hands were the metal was and sighed. she soaked them for a bit in some soapy water . they was kinda hurting her. she soon turned off the water and then let the room to wounder the school.
Slinking quietly from his room, Geralt smirked. He would begin to embrace the form he was in, half thinking of himself as a girl now, and then he should be able to get some sort of control over his body. Her. So now thinking of herself that way, she headed to her next class.
Michael sighed as he walked down the hallway. He had received his room key, locker number and his schedule, yet had no map. Great. Michael pulled out a small device, mostly just a screen. It was the Map Panel, or MP, that he made long ago. Helped him out with the last several months. He pulled up the newly downloaded schematics of the school, which he had... "procured" from the principal's main computer. Well, he used the computer's access to the server, and... Nevermind.

He followed the map to his room, opening the door with his key. Michael whistled at his room. It was nice. Large, spacious, and a small counter with a plug. Michael smiled at that. He set his bags and suitcase next to his bed, laying down. He sighed in both relief and relaxation. He had gotten far enough ahead of them to give him his two years here.

At least, he hoped anyway.

"Well," Michael said to himself. "Might as well get to know this place, eh?" With no one to respond, Michael sighed. "I should really stop talking to myself."

Changing out of his current attire, he soon put on a black long sleeved tee, the sleeves pushed up, a pair of jeans, and a pair of pointy shoes. Oh, how he liked his pointy shoes. He snatched his gray flatcap from his new dresser, and put it on his head, feeling complete. The young hacker grabbed his messenger bag, which had everything he would ever need inside, and walked out the door, wandering into the empty hallways.

He was sure to expect a number of surprises, he was sure.
Walking up behind Micheal, she grinned. She slapped a hand on his back, "Hey. I did some thinking and now I will still be screwy in the head, but at least I'm not fighting myself anymore." she says to him cheerfully. Dropping into step beside him, she looks to him with a grin, "I figured that I may as well accept I am stuck like this and I should be able at least have some sort of control over myself."

Peering at his bag, she tilts her head a bit before continuing, "That's a bit bigger than most kid's bags. What's it for? Carrying your victim's bodies around until you find somewhere to dump them?"
Zenku walked out of his class and prepared for his next. He walked to the dorms, passing a few groups of students. He grabbed a second set of books and a red backpack with a fire design, putting the books in the bag. He checked the time and teleported back to his next class.
A hand clapped on Michael's shoulder, making him jump. He quickly turned, only to see Geralt. He sighed. "Christ, don't do that to me." He said, a slight chuckle coloring his voice. The young shapeshifter fell into step with Michael, which provided a kind of feeling of kinship. They both probably knew what it was like to be different. Probably not in the same sense, but close enough, right?

Michael looked at Geralt, who was staring at his messenger bag. "That's a bit bigger than most kid's bags. What's it for? Carrying your victim's bodies around until you find somewhere to dump them?" Michael hoped it was a joke. He chuckled nonetheless.

"Nope. Just my, uh... special bag of tricks." 'Oh, great, the Mysterious Stranger bit. That never gets old.' Michael thought to himself. It was kind of a cliche. Michael looked over at Geralt, intending to strike up some kind of conversation.

"So... What'dya do to get stuck in your current form?" Michael asked, and he mentally berated himself. Geralt probably didn't want to talk about it. Whatever, he had said it now. "And how'd you know about the school?"
"I shifted to show a friend what I could do, and then started to tease him a little, I don't really know why, but the next thing I knew, we were in bed and it was too late to stop. He came as i was about to open my mouth to ask him to stop."

"I fell asleep soon after, and when I woke up, I was still a girl and could't change back. As for the school, my mum found it."
"Ah." Michael said. He could put the pieces together. "I see..." Michael stayed silent. He really didn't know what to say in this situation. So pregnancy stopped his shapeshifting abilities... Well shit. Michael pulled out a few small strands of metallic thread and began to spin them together. A nervous habit for when he didn't have anything to say. Entirely appropriate for the situation.

"So... how many months in are you?" The only thing that had to come into his mind was that? Michael began to think he was more screwed up in the head than he had thought.
With a laugh, she can only shrug, "Two months the doctor said, the other day. I'm not showing yet so I'm barely there." she smiles, "Besides, if it weren't another life that would be affected, you could call this a lesson learned about knowing what your powers can do before using them to tease virgin guys."
Michael chuckled at that. "Yeah, maybe." Michael had finished halfway with the thread, which happened to be a wick. He sighed. Oh well, another wick in the "Prepared Jar". He continued to meticulously intertwine the metallic threads, but looked up and noticed that they were at the school's front door. Michael shrugged, continuing to twist the threads. He might as well get it over with. Then a thought occurred to him. Michael looked over at Geralt, and pointed his thumb at the door.

"Hey, I was going to grab a cup of coffee before I hit the electronics store for a coffee maker. Wanna join me?" Michael had finished the wick, putting it in his pants pocket. He might as well kill three birds with one stone; make a friend, get a cuppa Joe, and get a coffee maker. Hell, maybe they had that new server in the "private" selection. That would make four birds.
"Make it a hot chocolate for me and it's a yes." she says, and then furrows her brow only a split second. She hated hot chocolate, why did she ask for it? "What's that?" she asks as she finally notices the threads in his hand, looking carefully as she tries to think of what it could be. Leaning in closer, she presses against him to try and get a better look.
"Hot chocolate it is then." Michael said, opening the door for her. But he had noticed the furrowing of her brow. She didn't really like hot chocolate. Then why did she order it? Curiouser and Curiouser. Then it struck Michael. Pregnancy, within two months, can affect the future mother's diet infinitesimally. It wouldn't be like when she would be six months in, begging for, he didn't know, a pickle smothered in peanut butter maybe? Michael shuddered. Those two should never go together.

Michael finally noticed her question, and saw her looking at the wick. "Oh." Michael said. "It's a wick."
"A wick? What for? Do you make firecrackers or things?" she asks, not letting him answer before she gives him a friendly jibe, "Boys will take anything they can bang." she pokes at Micheal's side and walks through the door, turning to face him as she passes through, "What's wrong? You just get a scary thought, like seeing your mum naked?"
Tina went to her locker and opened it and smirked when she saw the books with a animal print covers on them. she pulled them out and shut her locker door. she carried her books to her first class of the day. she walked into class passing both Micheal and Geralt. She did not say a word to them instead she sniffed the air getting their scent. she then found a chair and sat down rubbing her hands. she hated the fact her mom and dad experimented on their child.
"Uh... Sure. Lets go with that." Michael said, a fake grin on his face. Like she needed to know he made wicks for explosives. Michael heard her next comment, and shuddered. That should not be a mental picture in his head. Especially after what had happened.

Michael walked outside, catching up with Geralt. But, alas, he was cursed without anything to say. "So..." Michael began. "How'd you first find out about your powers?"
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