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High School for the Gifted

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Sighing nervously, Ashira took a deep breath before gently stepping through the gates to the school. She didn't like being a 'new girl', but when you suddenly vanish just because something scared you, people take notice, and when they take notice, you can't lead a normal life. After filing through the administration building and dealing with all the paperwork, she tried to make sense of the map she had been given of the campus. Pen and paper things always puzzled her, but give her anything electronic and she could make it do anything at all she wanted, whether it was capable of it or not.

She held out her small PDA, which she had made herself and was worn like a glove over her left hand and up her wrist, however only 3 small straps went to her hand, holding the entire thing snuggly into place. Her PDA then scanned the map, and within moments had highlighted the path to her room. Depositing her bag on her bed, she then started walking towards the class rooms, trying to learn her way around while classes were out.
((Should we... Should we do a time skip or something? Go to the next day, a few hours later, or even a week? There are too many characters in multiple places, each having their own thing going on, and not interacting. I think it would be a better experience overall if we all had our characters already settled into things, and interacting as classmates. They don't have to have associated in the time being, but it might be better if they interacted in a classroom environment. Like a group project.))
(i agree with you on that one wont get much time on this week but when i can i will post)
((Great. I'll, uh, I'll post first. If anyone objects, speak now, or forever hold your peace... No? Alright-y, then, let the games begin! Or posts... You know what I mean, right?))

-- One Week Later --

Michael yawned as he walked down the hall of his corridor into the lounge the school had provided. He yawned again as he sat down at the center table, taking out his laptop and a hard drive. He sipped at his coffee again as he powered up. He looked around, then looked at his watch. It was five-thirty in the morning. He shrugged as he sipped his coffee again. No one was really supposed to be up, but people probably were. The students here were strange like that.

Joe saw that his laptop had powered up and started hitting his keys, entering lines and lines of coding into his computer, their meaning only known to one who was a member of the Hacker Matrix, the global group of hackers fighting those behind the scenes. Michael heard footsteps echoing throughout the hallway, but presumed it was one of his dorm-mates as he closed out of his coding program. He opened up a few files, and worked on a few assignments for school.
The footsteps that Michael heard was a dorm-mate's for it was Tina's for she had just gotten out of bed. she walked into the school's Lounge with her own cup of coffee as well as a box with a egg omelet in it. she saw him and walked over to him saying "hey". she sat down beside of him . she had gotten to known all the kids in the school and only a select few she had really liked.
Michael glanced over at Tina, then returned to his work. "Hey," He replied as he took a sip from his coffee. She was probably one of the few he had extensive interactions with, seeing as they were partners in Biology. Speaking of which, Michael pulled up a new medical report a hacker friend of his had sent him, discussing a new kind of sterile, toxin-free slap-on adhesive base to close most wounds. Apparently, this large bio-tech firm called BioWorks Incorporated was going to sell the finished products at high prices. Michael brought up the chemical map that his friend had sent him, and smiled. Looks like he could make this out of most things he could get out of a hardware store.

Michael looked up at Tina, and his mind wandered to the first day he saw her. Namely the blood on the floor at the coffee shop.

"Hey, Tina," Joe started, taking a drink of his coffee. "When we first met each other, in the coffee shop, there was blood on the floor." Joe connected his laptop to the hard drive, then turned back to Tina. "And I noticed that there was a bit of blood on your hand. Did you stab someone?" Joe had hacked the school's databases, and read up on his dorm-mates. Powers, names, blood types, allergies, etc., stuff he thought he would need to know if any of his dorm-mates had a medical emergency. But there were no histories, no background facts, more than likely to protect the school's students and their families from the more... violent aspects of humanity.
Tina put down her food she had finished and took a sip of coffee before she answered him saying "yea just some boy in the leg who tired to touch my ass no big deal ". She looked at Michael and his computer and made a mental note that he was always with the thing. she did not care for computers for all it did was remind her of her past. she looked down at her hands the pain had gone away but not the memories and they brought her pain all by itself.
Trystan awoke, shaking his head as he stretched in his bed. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, needing some coffee. He made his way out of his room after getting dressed, and wandered to the lounge, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He looked around, his ears flicking this way and that nervously. His roommate strangely disappeared, something that made him nervous. Now, he kept two knives with him at all times, concealed within the folds of his somewhat baggy clothes. As he sat in the lounge, trying not to be noticed as he started reading a book.
(Ah, finally back into this... :3 )
(Also, if no one would mind, I could play the teacher.)

Noah just sat up as his alarm went off, shutting it up quickly. He stepped out of bed without hesitation. He was a demon, and at that, a demon that required no sleep. Neither was he really able to sleep, anyways. He grabbed up a pillow and fluffed it before chucking it at his roomate, Zenku. "Wake up, wolfey. Rise 'n shine." His black demonic tail swayed behind him as he went to brush his teeth and throw on some better (and darker) clothing. Looking more like a medieval assassin in his black garb, he pulled up his hood. Of course, his pitch black halo remained above his head. He stretched and smirked to himself.

(Outfit mentioned is the clothing he is in for his pic in the OOC.)
((You being the teacher would be perfect. But what teacher? Biology?))

Michael chuckled. "No big deal? Tina, that's considered a very big deal. That could be considered armed assault, not to mention the cops would add lethal intent because of your powers. Maybe even murder, if you stabbed him in the wrong place." He sipped at his coffee as he glanced at Trystan. He didn't know why the kid always had a knife or two on him, no matter what he did to conceal them. Though medical files did suggest heavy scarring all over his body, that could be some clue. Michael looked back over at Tina.

"The point is, you can't just go around stabbing people willy nilly. Punch him in the face, it'll be counted towards self defense. But you can't punch him more than once, so punch him hard." Michael sipped at his coffee, only to see it was empty. He stared at the mug for a moment, as if trying to shame it into refilling, before he relented and walked over to the coffee maker, and poured himself a cup. He then walked over to the stove, still half amazed that they had one. He looked back at his two roommates and motioned to the stove. "What do you guys want for breakfast?" He looked up at the clock. "It's, like, six o' clock, so we've got enough time. Though with my luck, I'll be late."
Trystan sighed, looking up at the clock. Realizing it was six, and almost time for classes to start, he sat up and put his book away quickly before walking hurriedly out of the door. He tried to remember what class he had, but it was too early in the morning for him to remember anything. He looked around, searching for any of his classmates, hoping he could remember who they were.
Tina just shook her head at the boy Micheal and said "the police do not miss with me and they know I wont kill the person well so far I'm careful about that". she stood up and looked at the clock and the boy walking out the door rather fast and giggled wondered what got into his pants. She turned back to Micheal and said "besides how many boys would want to try and touch me again after a stabbing and a scar to remind them what happens when they do try". she walked over beside of him and said "so far no boy here has tried that maybe word gets around faster then i think". She got herself a cup of coffee and drained it rather fast as if it was a shot of liquor. She put the cup down and said "not really hungry but thanks but looks like to me I'm going to be late for i do not care for classes too much".
Zenku shot a ball of flame at the bathroom door. As cheery as he could be at times, hey was pissed. It being so close to full moon, he was very unstable in every sense. Emotions, powers, and most definitely temper were all out of sync. He grabbed a black hoodie with some jeans and threw it on. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, grabbing a camo messenger bag before heading to the cafe. He unknowingly had his canine ears showing, but he could have cared less.
"Ooh, someone's feisty today," he teased as Zenku went out the door. What? He was a demon after all! That was his job, essentially. The fireball didn't even make him flinch, really; even if it had hit him, he seriously would've just let it wash over him. He grabbed his back and walked out, shutting the door behind himself as he walked down the hall.

He whistled softly as he walked right on past Biology, before stopping and walking backwards for a moment until he reached it again. Walking right in and taking and seat, there was yet a teacher to be seen.
Ashira slipped quietly into the room, still uncomfortable with her abilities in spite of being in a school purpose built for people 'like her', and then took a seat in the furthest corner from where most people had taken up residence so far. Her nervousness could be seen already in her slightly shimmering skin as it half faded, and came back, only to fade a little again a moment later. She couldn't wait until the technology related classes, where she would be able to just zone out and focus on the work, even if it did mean she finish those classes in 10 minutes.
Zenku gave Noah the bird, then continued onto the cafe. Grabbing a coffee and a donut, he walked to biology class. Already on a short fuse, he just wanted to go through the classes without snapping on the wrong person.
Michael sighed as multiple people just came and went in the last few seconds. He just gave up arguing with Tina, he just hoped that the cops didn't take her out next time she pulled something like that. He looked around, and only saw Ashira, a girl he had seen only a brief amount of times. Mostly due to her partial invisibility, but also because she kept to herself a lot. He nodded over to her.

"Hey, you want breakfast? I'm not gonna cook if no one's gonna eat."
"...Hmm. They better hurry up," a British voice came from literally no where to the students in Biology class already. The teacher stood from beneath a lab table in the back, textbooks that he had been digging out in hand. He laid the stacks in the front of the classroom.

The off thing was, he seemed completely human. He appeared in his mid 30's, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, whistling to himself softly as he drew out his name on the white board. Dr. Goldstein, the writing spelled out. "But you may just call me Steven," he said aloud after writing it. He would introduce himself again later when the rest of the class arrived.

He smelled human, looked human, tasted (if anyone went that far) human, and had no apparent powers. So... how did he fit into this school?
((So... I'll just have Michael run to Biology. That's cool, right?))

Michael sighed as he walked back to his laptop, checking the time. His eyes widened as he realized that the clock on the wall was slow. Very slow. He shut his laptop and grabbed his stuff, and screwed his eyes shut, teleporting to his room. He opened one eye when he didn't feel any pain, and looked around to see his room, very much intact.

"Whoo! Didn't smash anything!" He always had trouble when teleporting; just couldn't get the whole 'physics don't matter' concept in his head. He took off his sweats, and switched into a red t-shirt, blue jeans, a pair of sneakers and a black baseball cap before he picked up his messenger bag, now heavy with his laptop, and teleported to the Biology room. But something was amiss.

It felt like... He was laying down, and the ground was... Michael's eyes widened as gravity took him, and he fell onto a lab table, and bounced onto the floor.

"...Ahahahaoooow..." Michael groaned from his place on the ground. "I'm okay." He said as he pulled himself up. He looked at a kid with a black halo above his head.

"Sup." He said, standing up fully. He cracked his back, and saw the teacher at the front and waved. "Well hello..." Michael looked at the board. "Dr. Goldstein?"
Karma tried to pull free of the officers grip, when he yanked her out of the back seat. Her parents grew tired of her behavior and first sent her to a group home. She made a few attempts to run away only to be dragged back. When she turned eighteen the group home washed their hands of her.

Now she was here, being pulled towards the school office by the biggest police officer she had ever seen. She smiled at the other students as they passed, knowing she wouldn't be here long enough to make friends. When the man reached the office door he shoved her inside.

"This is Karma Laceym I have come to check her into school." Karma folded her arms over her chest waiting for the receptionist to hand her the thick stack of papers, that would include her dorm number and classes. The officer then proceeded to fasten her new electronic braclet to her ankle. "If you try to leave this school, the braclet with shock the shit out of you." With that the police officer left with a huge smile.
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