Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Harry looked startled by the kiss and then grinned a little his head tilted a little. "alright." he agreed softly. "but after you have to kiss me again, and properly!" he demanded slowly getting to his feet and sighing running a hand through his hair. "and just for the record, almost everything that Oli...that Wood is going to ask for is legally mine." he admitted smirking. "it's all under my name and we used my money." he admitted laughing darkly. "we usually spent his on the quidditch team and vacations."
Shay nodded."Good to know what I'm stripping the bastard of."he said as he moved away, dressing quietly and quickly. Not answering the demand for another kiss, just shrugging as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked deceptively calm and collected in a tux, his blood red hair curling slightly around his face, part pinned up before looking at Harry."Draco stopped by. He's...getting stripped of his things, to stay."He said shuddering a little as he finished getting ready to go. Before looking at the other man."Dress. We have to go."
Harry froze looking shocked. "he's... he's being Striped!?" Harry demanded his eyes wide. "stay!? what the hell do you mean?" he demanded scowling before he shook his head. "i don't want to talk about that bastard right now, i already have to concentrate on filthy Wood." he growled transfiguring his clothes into proper garb for the meeting scowling darkly. "and when this is over i think i'm going to go home and drink." he decided sighing a little. "figures my life goes to hell all at the same time."
Shay sighed softly,"nevermind."He said sadly, taking harry's arm, apparating them to the courthouse."I'll buy you that drink when this is over. We're just doing the beginning things today, there'll be more later."He said before walking into the courthouse, staring at who was sitting with Oliver. Really. The man couldn't be that stupid.Well...he did cheat on Potter. Maybe his lover was the only lawyer he could afford or wanted."Zabini."he drawled as he walked in, taking his seat across from them. They had a few minutes before the judge arrived.
Harry sneered a little at the large black slytherin who smirked at them as they took their seats Harry smirking little. "morning Wood." he chirped, snickering at his own little joke, Oliver turning a shade of purple in anger and glaring viciously at harry but stayed silent. Harry had been a little worried with Zabini being there but when they mopped the floor with both Wood and Blaise harry had relaxed, harry ended up with everything, and because Oliver was technically not Jobless yet, harry didn't even have to give the man any money. Oliver kept getting more and more infuriated, and by the end he had stalked from the room, breathless with rage Zabini just as furious at having been outclassed and out lawyered.
"I'm not done."Shay smirked as he stood, looking at the judge."Your honor, Mr. Zabini should be dismissed, as both a lawyer and from this case, because he has crossed the bounds of what a lawyer is supposed to do, and is sleeping with his client."

"Is it true Mr. Zabini?"The judge asked lookign at him. Ignoring the look of self satisfaction and anger on the red head lawyer's face. Wondering what the man had against the black man.

Shay smirked as he looked at Blaise, raising his eyebrows. Daring him to lie.
Blaise went still and silent his eyes widening as harry gaped. "YOU BASTARD!" he yelped at Wood who had gone white with horror as Blaise closed his eyes. " is.. not a lie.." he finally admitted gritting his teeth hard. "i have slept with Mr. Wood previously, though i have no since he has become my client." not a lie at least, but he was well aware he was still going to be pushed off the case, because while Oliver had not hired him as his lawyer until last night, Blaise had slept with Oliver yesterday morning.
The judge nodded slightly."Mr. Zabini you are dismissed from this case, and barred from practicing law until further notice. Dismissed.I expect to see you back in my courtroom in a week Mr. Vako, Mr. Potter.""The judge stood walking out.

Shay smirked as he stood, turning to leave, giving the other slytherin a look."You should know better then mix business with pleasure."
Blaise snarled at him and lifted his nose into the air. "and you expect me to believe that you have no slept with Mr. Potter!? everyone knows you are a whore." "i take insult to that!" Harry snarled. "i am not the one who's cheating in my relationship! are you not ALSO married Mr. Zabini!?" he demanded the black slytherin baring his teeth at Harry before stalking out the door. "Mr. Vako and i have had no sexual activities of any kind, our relationship is strictly business." he stated sternly glancing at the judge. "and i think you should know that Blaise isn't the only man Mr. Wood has slept with during his marriage to me!"
"I'll keep that in mind mr. Potter.And Mr. Vako has never been anything but professional. Good day."She said before walking out.

Shay smirked as he walked out with harry."And round one goes to Vako."He said laughing softly."Want to have dinner with me at my house, and I'll get that drink for you?"He said, trying not to take Blaise's words to heart, but it hurt.

Mostly because he was a whore, a whore who'd been trying to outrun being in love, yet, the very love that he'd run away from, was killing him slowly. Running his hand through his hair he sighed, his face clouding over as he thought about draco, pain and love making his chest hurt.
Harry sighed and shook his head. "no i'm sorry." he admitted smiling sheepishly at Shayne. "your right." he admitted biting his lip. "we... i think, i would like it a great deal if we could go on a date, a proper one, after... after everything is all done with." he admitted looking at Shayne. "what do you say?" he asked, hope in his eyes. he didn't want just a one night stand, or a week long fling... he was tired of crappy relationships, he wanted him and Shayne to have something real, harry wanted to love Shayne as much as he had loved Draco and, more than them, harry felt a real connection with Shayne, and he didn't want to fuck it up if he could help it.
Shay offered a small, heartbroken smile before nodding."I'd like that."He said before stopping, "But before you commit to doing should know, Draco's disowning himself from his family...and staying with me for a few weeks."He said in a rush, pain on his face. Pain and torn between. Because something had been damaged when Draco'd talked to him, but with harry...he felt he could love. Love without feeling like he should be ashamed of it. Swallowing hard as he nodded,"I'd like to date you...but... you'll have to be patient. I've only been in love with one person before."He admitted blushing a little, his eyes hopeful, wanting Harry willing to take the chance on him.
Harry smiled a little and reached out and gently squeezed Shay's hand. "we both love Draco." he stated softly shaking his head a little. "i'm scared of what would happen if we had met on other circumstances." he admitted laughing a little as he sighed a little. "why is Draco... no, i don't want to know." he cut himself off sighing a little. "take all the time you need Shayne." he murmured smiling lightly at him. "i know what it's like to love two people... it's a pain, both int he ass, and in the heart. don't feel pressured alright?" he asked softly gently touching the others cheek. "i should go..." he admitted. "before i kiss you like i promised myself i wouldn't." he smiled a little at the other and vanished with a crack, never noticing the angry eyes watching his every move.
Shay smiled slightly leaving, never noticing the angry person who'd been watching them. Feeling easier as he apparated to Malfoy Manor, sure that Draco was still around.Walking inside he smiled slightly, whistling as he followed the sound of raised voices. Stepping into the study, he looked at the two Malfoy men, tilting his head."Are you done playing snap and snarl yet?Cause I want to have a drink to celebrate."He said smiling at Draco.
they both turned to stare at Shayne and Draco nodded. "all that's left is the spell." he admitted turning to face Lucius. "well!? stop wasting my time!" the youngest in the room demanded and Lucius snarled waving his wand at Draco. "be a fag then." Lucius hissed ferally. "you are no longer welcome in this family!" he snarled as Draco cried out painfully as he collapsed, clutching his chest as the spell too it's effect, his platinum blond hair darkening into dirty blond, his skin darkening a little, his body filling out, his Black genes overriding his Malfoy genes as the recessive took over. even Draco's Malfoy appearance was being stripped from him, he looked...better, like that actually, he looked less like a girl and more like a slightly feminine man, he did keep his gorgeous silver eyes though. "have a good life Lucius Malfoy." Draco stated, climbing slowly to his feet, the Lord malfoy sneering. "you as well Draco NoName." the name hurt, but he lifted his head proudly and stalked over to Shayne, his blond hair turning darker and darker with every passing moment, changing into the black that was the Black family signature. "...tell me honestly." Draco demanded once they where out of Lucius's earshot. "i look hideous don't i?"
"No, you actually look less like a girl.I like it, Draco Vako."He muttered kissing him lightly as they left the manor, slipping hsi arms around the blond and apparating to his estate, not even noticing he'd added his own name to Draco's. Having already decided to share everything with the man who was closer to him then anyone else, it didn't even occur to him to hesitate in sharing his posessions.
Draco flushed hard as he realized that Shayne had gifted Draco a last name looking almost startled. "i..i..uhm... ok." he muttered softly blushing brightly, because as hard as he'd tried to hide it, he'd been scared that Shayne wouldn't like him anymore now that he wasn't a matter how stupid it was, he'd still been scared. "listen...shayne i.. i need tell you something." he admitted as soon as they had apparated into the others kitchen tugging himself free of the other and sitting down in a chair running his hand through his now jet black hair. "i... i..." he closed his eyes. "i love you, but.. i..i also.. i love...someone else..too." he admitted, sounding almost heartbroken. "i know thats..just WRONG...but..i..." he sighed a little. "i don't even know anymore.
Shay winced as the words cut him to the bone, swallowing hard as he nodded, turning away to start making dinner. "Try dating potter. After all you can.You're free to do what you want."He said with a careless shrug, the words cold, the only way he could keep from crying. Because he loved Draco enough it hurt to even hear him mention someone else. Wondering if he could live with the coming weeks. Or if his sanity would be intact at the end of it.
Draco jerked looking startled. "how the hell did you know!?" he demanded before sighing rubbing his face hard. "i don't know." he admitted shaking his head. "i just... i love you both... and your both my only friends... and i..i don't want to ruin my friendships with either of you." he snorted a little and hung his head. "of course, i'm already doing that aren't i?" he asked softly looking up at the other. "it would be so much easier for us all of you and harry dated each other." he admitted sighing a little. "at least then someone would be happy." he grumbled softly closing his eyes. "i'm sorry, i'm still suffering from the effects of the spell, my common sense isn't active right now." he admitted grimacing a little. "of course i never had much common sense, it was all potion smarts and being an ass. at least i know i'm good at being an ass huh?"
"You have a nice ass, for a ass."Shay teased before turning to face him, swallowing hard."Potter asked me out.And I said yes."he said quietly, looking at the floor, "After....after we settle his divorce."He said sotly, pain in the words. Because he was still in love with Draco, but Draco'd ripped him to shreds in saying he didn't trust him not to tell Lucius, didn't want to even try. "You didn't deserve to be screwed while you were drunk.And I'm sorry."he said before wincing when he heard the sizzle of food, wincing as he looked at the burning chicken before tossing it out, slouching against the counter, resting his head in his hands.
Draco snorted a little. "i'm sorry i said the things i did... i was just... i was just really hoping to god i hadn't... that it wasn't you." he admitted shaking his head. "i was scared of what you might think of me i guess." he admitted running a hand through his new hair again, his hand trembling a little. "i mean...honestly it's not the first time i've woken up naked on your house after a one night stand.." he admitted grinning sheepishly. "only i wasn't supposed to tell you that, what the hell is wrong with my tongue!?" he demanded scowling a little. "i'm acting like... oh hell." he groaned slapping his hand into his face. "i'm a black now! that means i can't keep my goddamn mouth shut! i'm going to have to learn how ton control this before i get in even more trouble." he grinned sheepishly at Shayne. "so..uh...nice weather huh!?"
Shay winced a little."You were naked in my bed, and I didnt; know it?Thats cruel."He said his voice muffled from where he was resting his head against his arms, shivering a little."Draco....I want to trust you. I do...but you lied to me."He said softly, raising his head to look at him, longing, pain,and love in his eyes. That look showing the heart Draco'd broken, shattered days before.
Draco sighed a little and dropped his eyes and nodded. "i know." he admitted softly biting his lip. "i just...we can..still be freinds right?" he asked, hope in his soft voice. "i know that i can...never fix lying to you but.. i don't want to lose you as a friend." he admitted softly looking up at Shayne, pain in his eyes as well. "i was idiot and i'll be the first to say it...i made wrong decisions trying to keep myself from pain, and trying to protect the few people i cared about from suffering at the hands of me and my father. they where stupid decisions, wrong decisions and i can't change them... but i.. i was trying... trying to protect you and harry." he admitted staring down at his hands now. "i don't expect you to forgive me, i wouldn't... but could i at least try to make it up to you?"
"I've already forgiven you, it just...hurts."He said softly getting up kissing the blond's head before pouring himself a drink, sighing softly. Well, at least if Draco was going to stay with him, maybe he'd just stay drunk. It'd make dealing with how hurt he was easier. "And make it up how?"He asked, smirking as he raised a eyebrow taking another swig from the bottle of sweetrum in his hand.
Draco smiled a little at the other and shrugged his shoulder. "i don't know.. we've already established that i have bad ideas." he pointed out sighing a little shaking his head as he scrubbed his face with his hands. "you come up with an idea and let me know, i think that will work better." he admitted looking a little worried. "Harry's probably still pissed at me though huh?" he asked softly closing his eyes. "i can't really blame him..." not many people knew it, but harry could hold a grudge for a very long time. but was quick to forgive once he paused long enough to let the other apologize. it was getting harry to wait around to be apologized to that was a pain in the ass.
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