Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"yea, he is."Shay said as he drank some more, feeling the rum burn through his system, before heading to the living room collapsing onto the couch. Closing his eyes. Feelign the alcohol strip another layer of his control off he sighed. Intending to drink till he couldn't walk straight."Hey Dray, sleeping next to me tonight. That's enough."he said, wanting just a single night to hold the other man.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "your drunk." he accused gently picking the other up, looking rather startled at his new found strength and gently carried Shayne up to the bedroom, laying him down and then laying down with him, sighing softly. "i have a bad feeling." draco admitted softly closing his eyes. "but i'm not sure what about." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm sure i'll know in the morning."
"You will."Shayne muttered cuddling close, before passing out in a drunken stupor. At peace with the world, and the man he was holding.
morning came quickly for Draco who groaned and blinked awake, feeling slow and stupid as he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes yawning a little as he looked around his head tilted. "huh... nope, still don't know whats wrong." he mumbled staggering to his feet and heading into the kitchen, hoping for some leftovers. Draco couldn't cook worth a damn.
Shay came down a few minutes after,"do you want me to cook?"He asked softly. Suffering from another hangover, but glad he'd been drunk enough to ask the blond ot sleep with him.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "i'd rather go to Harry's house and corner him so i can apologize and then make him cook." he admitted pausing. "no offense." he stated grinning impishly at Shayne. "but Harry is definitely the best cook out of the three of us." he admitted sighing a little scowling. "god.. i keep having this bad sensation." he admitted. "like the time Blaise was about to dung bomb the common rooms with us in it, and the time i was nearly hit by that damn knight bus, like something really bad is about to happen, only...different." he admitted scowling darkly. "i just...don't understand this..." he muttered feeling twitchy and nervous. not many people knew, save Shayne and harry, but Draco had a few drops of seers blood in him. not much, but enough to let him know when something bad was about to happen.
Shay frowned, gripping his arm."Come on, we're going to potter's."He said fear gripping him. Remembering the court day he apparated to the house, walking in without knocking."Potter!?"He yelled, looking around.
Draco blinked, startled as they rushed into Harry;s house, there was stuff everywhere, showing the sighs of a wizards Duel and an intense struggle, there where smears of blood across the floor, and the occasional puddle. as soon as Shayne yelled, there where two loud Cracks, signaling someone, or rather someones, apparating away. Draco rushed into the kitchen, where the noise had originated and let out a scream of horror.

Harry was laying on his belly, a small puddle of blood beneath him, naked and bruised. he had been beaten, that much was clear, covered in bruises and contusions. The Boy Who Lived had cuts all over his body, and when Draco looked closley he could see the word Slut carved into his back. Harry had his hands tied behind his back, wrists crossed his ankles where attached to the floor by transfigured shackles forcing his legs spread, showing that his ass was bleeding sluggishly from possibly hours upon hours of abuse. he had been blind folded and gagged, but from the way his mouth was opening and closing he had also been placed under a silencing spell so he couldn't yell for help.

"harry! oh god harry!" Draco yelled rushing over, gently picking up the boys head and carefully un-gagging and un-blindfolding him, working on his hands. as soon as harry was free he latched onto Draco, trembling violently as he continued to mouth the same thing over and over, too traumatized to even realize he couldn't speak. more cuts had been carved into his body, chest and belly and arms. 'whore, fag, bitch, and other derogatory words had stained Harry's skin, and the floor red. "Shayne, call the authorities!" Draco demanded gently cradling Harry who was still clinging to Draco mouthing the words over and over.
Shayne nodded, apparating away to summon the aurors before returning with a mediwizard and a auror in tow. Taking one look at the scene as the mediwizard looked over the boy who lived, doing what he could. His eyes panic striken and pained.This was to much for a man who'd watched his mother be ripped apart by death eaters, who'd watched them use her broken body for their enjoyment.

Something snapped, something that would never reform the same way, a depth of rage in his eyes as he looked at Draco."I have something to take care of. I'll see you two at St. Mungo's."He said before apparating out, pounding on Blaise's door moments later, letting the sound roll through the house like thunder, not even having to glance behind him to see the storm coming he could hear the lightening. Because Shayne Vako hid a power secret....he wasn't all human. And his fae side gave hm control of the weather, he wasn't the lord of storms just because he could make his oppentants cry a storm in the courtroom.

"Bliase."He growled, letting the words echo the thunder as lightening struck, waiting for him to answer.
Harry was in fact mouthing just that. 'Zabini' over and over just 'Zabini' and 'wood' over and over and over as he clung to draco, screaming anytime the doctors touched him. he had to be sedated in order for the doctors to heal him the best that they could, in the end he had three broken ribs, a great deal of blood loss, internal bleeding, a torn prostate, a bruised neck,explaining why Harry suddenly couldn't make any noise, despite the silencing spell ending, and a cracked skull, not including the cuts, scraps, bruises, and other horrid injuries the Golden Boy had sustained.

the door opened and a sleepy looking blaise stepped out looking as if he'd just woken up from a nap, a dark scowl settling into place. "what the hell do you want!? haven't you ruined my life enough already? fuck off!" he demanded, moving to slam the door into the others face. he should have known that someone would go after him, they should have killed harry before they'd vanished but Wood had to be a pansy about it. Blaise could always tell everyone that Oliver was blackmailing him, it wasn't untrue.
Shay's scowl darkened as he stopped the door from slamming in his face, casting and slamming the taller man into the hall wall so hard he heard the satisfying crack of bone."You have issues of me fucking up your life, you don't know what fucked up is yet."Shayne frowned slamming him into the floor just as hard."Stay away from me or harry, otherwise I'll serve you your heart on a platter, do we understand each other?"He asked looking calm. "Goes for Wood to, anywhere near, I'll kill him. Pass it along."He said before calmly walking out,aware of the rain slashing at his skin, feeling the sting of hail before he apparated to St. Mungo's, walking through the halls searching for Draco and Harry.

He was standing in the eye of the storm, calm, collected, but it would only take one wrong word, wrong look and the slaughter that would follow would be devastating. He needed to see Draco...he needed to find the balance Draco had given him the one time he'd nearly lost control last time when his mother died. He needed Draco.
Draco was sitting next to Harry, who was laying on a bed, a soft pair of hospital pants the only thing that covered him as nurses checked the IV bag that fed into Harry's arm, feeding him a mix of blood replenishing potions, calming drought, and sedatives to keep the golden boy from attacking the doctors until after they had made sure that the boys brain was undamaged from the heavy blow. harry had been cleaned and healed completely, not even a scar remained from the attack, it almost looked as if nothing had happened. Draco was on his feet the second Adrien walked in his eyes filled with worry, not for harry, but for Shayne. "come here." Draco ordered, gently wrapping his arms tightly around the Vako, holding him tightly, he knew that look. "i'm here for you." Draco promised softly. "i will always be here for you."
Shay shuddered a little, making him sit down before sinking to the floor, resting his head in the man's lap, wrapping his arms around his legs. Pressing most of his body into the other man's he swallowed hard, not saying anything."It's raining."He said, sounding amused, sounding pleasant, the words giving no intent of the trouble brewing under the surface. But with every moment that Draco held him, every moment that he wasnt hurt, or draco wasn't, or harry wasnt moaning in pain, he let the rage go. Slowly. "You wont never are."Shay said sadly after a long moment. It was half true. Draco'd been there when he really needed him, but the small wonders, the small hurts, had been his alone, even when he wanted to share them. Because he hadn't wanted to scare the man away from him.
Draco gently ran his fingers through Shayne's hair silently comforting the other. "i'm always there when you ask me to be." he pointed out. "i can't be there for you if i don't know your hurting Shayne." Draco complained softly closing his eyes sighing softly as he shook his head. "i made a decision today to give up who i am, remember?" he asked softly gently tipping Shayne's chin up with a finger, his eyes, calm, loving looking down at the other. "even if it hurts me, i want to do everything i can for you now, you and harry." he muttered softly. "i'm tired of chasing you both away and making you hurt, i want to make you heal instead."
Shayne offered a slow, hesitant smile as he looked up at the blond, leaning his face into the touch. "Don't hurt yourself."he said turning his head to bite at his fingers softly, before laying his head back down, the rage gone calm and collected. "I broke Blaise's ribs."He said after a moment, needing to tell him. Because Draco knew, as well as he did, the damage could have been worse. Could have left him faced with a Azkaban sentence. And knowing the blond would probably fret if he didn't tell him what he did. Draco really did have a overactive imagination.
Draco sighed softly, looking relieved. "that's all? good i was afraid you where going to murder him." he admitted gently running his fingers through the others hair jumping as Harry groaned softly, a whimper falling from his lips shortly after. "d..Draco...s..shay?" he pleaded, sounding completely terrified as he groped blindly on the bed, Draco leaning forward and clasped his hand in Harry's. "it's ok Harry, were here." he promised Harry relaxing at the contact. "i screamed." Harry whispered trembling again. "i screamed and screamed but no one came... they where... they where.." he shuddered again and sighed softly. "i kept picturing it was you." he mumbled softly, not giving any clue as to if it was Draco or Shayne he was talking to. "but it just hurt so much..."
Shayne poked his head up over the edge of the bed, before getting up so he could look down at the brunette, the coldly dangerous look back in his eyes, though it wasn't nearly as bad as before."Do you want me to do something about it?Blaise is already suffering broken ribs. I could make it worse. Or visit oliver, make sure he really doesn't want to see me in a courtroom."He said reaching down and gently touching the brunette's face,"Your will is my command."He muttered, the words of a promise, of a commitment he'd only ever given Draco before. Traditional words of surrender for the storm lords, but he hated submitting that way, was a rare event when he actually said them. But in this, he was willing to do what harry wanted, even if it made him death's weapon, using that finally honed temper to slide a blade between Blaise and Oliver's ribs
Harry shook his head a little. "no." he whispered softly. "don't hurt them.' he mumbled softly. "when, i get better i'll have them sent to azakaban." he mumbled, the sedatives kicking back in. "i love you." harry murmured softly. "and i',... gonna marry you... and then Draco c'n be our wife." he mumbled softly, slipping further and further into dreamland. "'n we can...wild...threesome...zz." Draco was blushing violently as he listened to harry and he glanced at Shayne, looking about one word away from busting into laughter. "well... Harry certainly has a...vivid imagination huh?" he asked, trying to hide the emotion that had welled up at the idea of being married, the three of them together... it could work....maybe.
Shay snorted laughing, though the image was enough to startle him back from the rage. Wrapping his arms around the blond, he kissed his head."Yea..."He shrugged a little, his heart hurting. Because even knowing the blond loved him, accpeted him, he was still hurting. Maybe it would work."You are so the one wearing the dress at that wedding though."He teased sitting down in the chair, pulling the blond in his lap, needing to hold him, tucking him tightly against his chest, a little harder then normal, but he needed that right now.
Draco allowed it, because he wanted to be touched too, needed to be held as he gently tucked his head into Shay's shoulder and closed his eyes. "still...Harry will recover." he admitted nodding. "he has to. he's too strong not to." he admitted smiling a little. "you wait and see, he'll be up in no time, cracking witty and perverted jokes and attempting to molest us both while he's getting so smashed he can't even say his own name." Harry just liked to be drunk, who could blame him?
Shay nodded, holding him tighter."Good. I'd hate to have to go to court alone."He said,"Next time we're going with. Just in case Blaise and Oliver both come."He demanded, knowing in a fight he'd be able to handle them and keep harry safe, but if he had to, there wouldn't be enough of the two left to fill a cup.Sighing as he relaxed.

Two days later Shay cuddled against the pillow he was using on the floor, having had the fight with draco who got to share the small hospital bed, and even though the blond had insisted he have it, he usually waited till the blond was asleep before switching spots with him. Wincing a little as he rolled on his back, staring at the cieling. Hoping Harryd wake soon. Needing to know he was okay.
Harry had fallen into a mild coma, the doctors had explained that it was a purley mental thing, a way for harry to deal with the mental trauma of being raped, but it was still very frightening, the boy who lived screaming loud enough to wake the dead if Draco and Shayne where not touching him at all times, at least one of them had to stay with him, curling up with him on the bed or holding his hand morning noon and night. the doctors had even allowed it, saying it would be better for the healing process for Harry to have someone he could depend on.

Harry sighed softly on the third day, the day of court to be exact, his emerald eyes fluttering open and blinking at Draco. " look like Sirius." he mumbled, too sleepy to really register anything, dopey from drugs and waking up from a coma. "you died your hair, ;s pretty." Harry mumbled, clearly liking the way Draco now looked. "wheres Shay? 's he in jail?" he asked sounding worried. "i hope not, i don;t want him to be in jail, even if he did kill Blaise." well someone was certainly misinformed.
Shayne grinned,"You are such a pretty boy Dray."he teased sitting up looking at them over the edge of the bed."And I haven't killed either blaise or oliver."He said getting up with a slowness that said he was stiffer then he was willing to admit. Sitting on the edge of the bed he looked down at him. The unspoken yet hanging on the end of the sentence. Having only waited because of three reasons, he was going to rip them apart in court...and he didn't want to go to jail, and Draco had managed to keep him calm long enough not to go after them.
Draco grinned smugly, still looking sleepy as Harry smiled at Shayne, just as pleased to see him as he was to see Draco. "you shouldn't kill them." Harry stated simply yawning a little. "because i'm pressing charges." he admitted reaching out to grab Shay's wrist, trying to drag him onto the bed too Draco snorting.

"awake for five minutes and already trying to get us into bed, pervert." "so? you know you like it." Harry teased back, easily relaxing back into the normal flow of things. "i'm bringing up the charges in our next court day." he admitted nodding pausing a little bit. "that's in two days right?"
Shay winced a little as he shifted to lay down next to the brunette, his head resting on his hand as he loked down at him. For having been as worried and strained as Draco, he still looked like he'd just stepped off a photoshoot set. "It's today. I'm going in long enough to get a delay..we've managed to keep your attack out of the papers, so I'm going to go break the news to everyone, and make sure Wood looks like he swallowed shit. Really, if I can't kill him, ruining his day is going to be the next safe bet."He said, smiling at Harry. Another reason he'd managed not to kill him, he was going to destroy wood, take everything from him down to the last knut.
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