Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"Later. I like it like this."Shay smiled stepping over, drawing his own hair clip out of his hair and tying the man's hair back out of his face."ready?"he said, his own red hair falling in soft curls around hsi face. once again looking deadly elegant, instead of somene who'd been sleeping in a hospital.
Harry swallowed thickly and pulled away from Draco and tossed his head high looking as proud and undamaged as he ever was. "yes." Harry stated simply, he still walked with a slight limp, but that couldn't be helped, the doctors had been able to heal everything, but the soreness in harry's ass and back had remained, there was nothing that could fix that but time and rest. Draco swallowed thickly, looking as worried as harry felt gently taking Harry's left hand and squeezing it tightly. "let's go."
Shay smiled taking harry's other hand, apparating to the courthouse, giving Harry's hand a tight squeeze before letting go, walking into the courtroom, and planting himelf between the two tables, letting Draco and Harry take the farthest seats from Oliver and Bliase."Goodmorning gentlemen."He said looking at the two, his voice and actions giving no hint to the rage burning under his skin.
Wood, Thomas and Zabini stood on the other side, Oliver smirking at harry, mouthing something to the brunette, Harry just smiled at the ex quidditch captain and mouthed something back, making Oliver go pale as harry slid into the seat next to Draco, "Good evening." Lee spoke up, making sure Wood and Zabini stayed silent. "my client offers his sincerest apologies for you clients recent misfortunes." Lee lied, pretending to know nothing of Woods raping Harry, tossing a sly, mischievous wink to Shayne.
Shayne smirked slightly at the wink, tilting his head."We accept the condolences. It has been a tramatic experience."He said smiling at the judge as she took her seat.

"Mr.'s Vako, wood, potter, and thomas, its good to see you again."she said smiling."Mr. Potter, Mr. Vako said you were going to bring charges? I would like to take care of those before we proceed with your divorce."She said, also acting like she had no idea who had touched Harry. Shayne after all had asked her not to tell. After all, Shayne could be a vicious bastard if he wanted to be.
Harry nodded. "yes your honer." he admitted straight faced. "i would like to press charges against my assailants, but i would rather do it after the divorce is finalized." he admitted. "i would rather deal with the unpleasantries so i can prepare myself for the more traumatic parts." he admitted shuddering a little. if he pressed charges first, then he might not be able to get divorced, and he was NOT going to be married to a rapist! Harry didn't know much about how the court system worked but he didn't want to risk it.
The judge nodded."As you wish Mr. Potter.Mr. Vako, your arguments please."

Shayne stood pacing in front of the room before stopping in front of the table, giving the judge his back, because he cared more that Oliver got the point."Your honor, Mr. Wood has admitted to marrying Harry James Potter for the fame and fortune, for the prestige of being a hero's husband. Hasn't Harry suffered enough in his short life that he shouldn't have to suffer a unfaithful husband, one who hires a lover as a lawyer, and tries to take everything he holds dear?No he shouldn't. I therefore are pleading begging that he be awarded everything in this marriage... including the qudditch team, their home, and every last galleon, knut, and sickle Harry and Oliver have earned."He said. Eat that bitch he smirked as he thought to himself, the smirk as cold and deadly as a sword.

The judge tilted her head,"Granted. Any other requests, Mr. Wood, Mr. Potter?"She asked hiding a smile. Shayne Vako really was brilliant. He'd just taken everything Oliver held dear, held it in front of his face, and crushed it under his boots.
Wood was sputtering his protests but Lee shook his head. "Oliver wood has no statements your honor, and no protests, he fully agreed to everything Mr. Vako has stated." "I WHAT!?" Oliver demanded leaping to his feat. "YOU FUCKING TRAITOR! YOUR FIRED!" "you cannot fire me Mr. Wood we are in the middle of a hearing. now sit down or you'll be removed." Lee warned Oliver roaring with rage and bursting into a string of curses and cusses, all aimed at Lee, Shayne, and harry.
Shayne laughed softly, smacking the ex-qudditch captain with a silencing charm then a curse so hard he knocked him back into his seat."Ah, better.Sorry your honor, I dislike doing magic in court, but sometimes it's necsarry."

The judge nodded smiling."It's fine Mr. Vako. I appericiate the restraint, I have difficulties with your temper."

"So I do."Shay smirked looking at harry."is there anything else you wanted from him, or Blaise?"He said, because of the crimes against him, harry could claim part of blaise's estate.
Harry nodded. "yes." he admitted standing up his hands trembling with terror. "i would like to press charges against Oliver Wood, and Blaise Zabini, for beating me, scarring me, and Raping me for almost twelve hours." Harry admitted, his voice strong, but terror in his eyes. "I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!" Zabini roared, yanking his wand out, trying to strike harry with a spell, the two guards in the room acting faster, binding and silencing Zabini before he could even utter another syllable.
the judge nodded giving him a sympathic look before looking at Shayne."As requested, you're being given a hour Shayne. Use it wisely. Guards, please see Mr's. Potter, thomas and Malfoy out."

Shayne smirked slightly moving to stand in front of the spell bound men, waiting for the others to leave. A evil little smirk curling his lips, letting every vicious thought show in his eyes. Wanting to destroy them,really really wanting to.
Wood tried to whimper and Blaise tried to Run, Harry hesitated looking at Shayne. "Shay....don't kill them.." he pleaded softly before leaving with Draco, trembling after his statement Draco gently supporting him as Wood tried to take a step back, rooted to the floor in fear as he looked up at the judge to see if she was honestly serious, pleading with his eyes.
"Your will is my command."Shayne smiled at Harry, before looking at the men in front of him, there was so much he could do."This room won't be able to be used for the next 24 hours."

"As you requested, it is off limits Mr. Vako."The judge smiled slightly."Mr. Wood, you forieted any rights you had when you raped him. And pissed off a storm lord....your punishment is his domain now."Tthe judge said before leaving.

Shayne smirked slightly, leaning across the table, gently touching Wood's face, "There are so many ways I could kill you..."he said before his hand went down, talons ripping at the man's skin. The pain excuritating and exacting, watching his guts bulge out over his pants. Before smirking as he leaned back, before letting the spell snap, showing him unharmed. Like he had been, before shaping a shadow of himself, he was going to let the shadow lord slip the leash, the truly vicious side of his temper given form."You see...the wounds wont be real, but the pain will be."He said smiling as he walked towards the door, smilign at Blaise as he past."Goodbye Gentlemen.I'll be back in a day to end this."He said before walking out, gliding out with his hands in his pockets, wardng the doors to make sure they wouldn't get out he went to catch up to Draco and Harry.
Wood and Blaise howled with terror, both of them silenced by the spells placed on them, blaise couldn't even struggle, Wood struggled as hard as he could, only making the pain and torment worse, they would never forget the pain and disgusting things that had happened to them.

Harry had collapsed halfway down the hallway, trembling violently as draco gently held him, not strong enough to pick Harry up, and not willing to try to apparate them both to shayne's house, fearful of the protection spells that he might have put up.
Shay tutted as he neared them, bending and picking Harry up before wrapping a arm around Draco, apparating them to his house without waiting to talk, setting the brunette on his bed before he looked at Draco."It's done."He said with a small smile, tilting his head, before looking at Harry,bending, holding his face in his hands."It's done."He said kissing him softly.
Harry was trembling still as Draco sighed softly, looking relieved at the end of the trouble. Harry didn't return the kiss, in fact he recoiled with it and Draco gently set his hand on Shay's shoulder. "flashback." he murmured softly. "it's probably best not to touch him till he comes out of it... the healer warned us remember? he doesn't see us..." trying to sooth the hurt before it even registered.
Shay nodded a little, even though it hurt he straightened, before looking at the blond."Come on, we'll go get some food, and I want to tell you whats going on,cause I want you to go with me tomorrow when I end the spell."he said before walking out the room, heading down to the kitchen, starting to make some food.
Draco hesitated looking down at harry who had curled up into a ball to tremble before he nodded and headed out with Shay to pretend to be helpful. "what did you do to them?" Draco asked hesitantly. "crucio? it didn't take all that long..."
Shay smirked a little, "They wish.I created...a shadow of myself...and left him to torture them for the next day. They wont suffer any actual wounds, just the pain. I don't want to go by myself tomorrow, cause they're liable to go for my throat when I walk in."He said, well pleased with himself, and proving once again, he was a evil bastard.
Draco shuddered a little. "if i know you, their probably going to bee too traumatized to do ANYTHING tomorrow." he admitted yelping as he cut up some carrots, working far too slowly and precisely to be any good at cooking, working on the carrots like they where going into a potion. "i'm worried about harry." he finally admitted pausing in his cutting as his hand began to tremble.
"Probably, but I'd rather be safe then sorry."Shay said before swalowing hard, setting down the knife he was using to cut up the meat he pulled the blond into him, wrapping his arms around him tightly."Me to, but we'll take care of him.He'll be fine."He said, only thing could be said for the man. He had confidence that he could make anything better in spades.
Draco sighed a little leaning into the other pressing his face into Shayne's neck, for comfort of course, though he was taking a good few sniffs of the mans neck. "how can you be so damned certain of everything?"
"Because I am that amazing, and I settle for nothing less then what I want."He said kissing the man's head, smirking as he felt Draco sniff his neck. Well, okay, so he'd lied. He'd settled for someone less then draco for years, but that was something totally different."He'll be fine."
Draco nodded a little. "your right." he agreed jumping when he heard someone clear their throat, Harry standing at the doorway, looking very tired, but back to himself. "hey if you guys are gonna fuck, i at least get to watch." he complained Draco gaping at him. "you should be in bed! your still weak!" he ordered rushing over to help Harry into a chair the Brunette groaning a little. "yes mother." he stated sarcastically.
Shay smirked, "He does make a good mother doesn't he?"He said before walking up behind the blond, wrapping his arms around the man,pressing him back against his hardenig cock, lowering his head to bite the man's shoulder."So, harry, any requests on what I bend him over?"He asked trapping the blond between the two of them.
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