Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Harry shuddered a little at the sound of Woods name Draco gently running his fingers over the brunettes arm. "i doubt the doctors are going to let me out of the hospital today Shay." harry pointed out softly, a hint of panic in his voice at the thought of the doctors his eyes flicking to the doorway, tensing anytime he saw someone, as if he was waiting for Oliver or Blaise to come in. "is it ok if i'm not there?" he asked softly, hopefully..he didn't know if he could actually face wood now, the things he'd said, the things he did... it had gotten to the point that harry had actually bleived him. and the golden boy knew for a fact it was only luck, and probably Draco, that he was alive right then.
Shay growled softly at the idea of Harry showing up with him."Perfectly fine."he said getting up, leaning down to kiss him."I'll be back as soon as I can."He said kissing Harry's head, having seen it in the brunette's face, before leaning across and kisisng Draco to."Come get me if you have to."He said before walking out whistling softly as he apparated to the courthouse.

Walking into the courtroom, he smirked as he walked to the front, giving Oliver a look."You look pathetic."He said sounding cold and amused. And despite looking amazing, he did look like he'd been staying in the hospital.
Wood smirked at Shayne looking FAR too pleased with himself. "you look like you spent the night in the streets." he retorted coldly, a new lawyer at his side, probably hired last minute as he didn't look familiar to anyone. Wood was certainly making sure that this one didn't get fired on him, the man was certainly homely. "were's potter? late for his own divorce?" Wood demanded, sounding annoyed. probably that he'd left the brunette alive, or that it hadn't reached the papers yet.
"Don't worry, you'll find out."Shayne smirked, tilting his head as the judge took her place.

"Mr. Vako, where is your client?"

"Mr. Potter is indisposed at the moment, he's been checked into ST. Mungo's for rape and a severe beating your honor. Those who took the actions are to much of a coward to claim responisblity for them at this moment, though in our next proceeding I am bringing charges against... well those responsible."He said, leaving no doubt who he held responisble.

The judge gave him a look, because she had known his mother, and knew what that kind of rage could do to a person."As you please mr. Vako. And...I wish you well when you go ahunting traitors. We will delay this until Mr. Potter can attend."She said standing and leaving.
Oliver had gone pale at the mention of Hunting and he glanced at Shayne before vanishing completely with a loud CRACK, as if fearful the man might come after him in the courtroom, the Lawyer jumping and looking startled when his client vanished a scowl on his face. "Oliver sure is jumpy." he grumbled rolling his eyes smiling pleasantly at Shayne. "have a good day Mr. Vako." well the lawyer certainly was pleasant, he clearly had no knowledge of Woods sour personality yet.
The simle Shayne gave the lawyer was as sharp and deadly as a razorblade kissing skin, sharp enough it could make air bleed."As well he should be,after all he attacked my client...."He said after a long moment, "Him and his former lawyer Mr. Zabini have had a...indiscretion that they know will come to the surface. They should have killed him. Now....I get to deal with it."He said, the words cold and pleasant, a reminder that this was a man who'd been a death eater, a man who'd walked across a field soaked in blood and left nothing but corpses in his wake.
the lawyer froze at Shayne's cold smile, a spark of fear flickered in his eyes before he scowled. "wait... are you saying that my client has attacked Mr. Potter, raped and beaten him in fact? do you have proof?" he demanded, he clearly didn't want to believe the accusations, but a lawyer was a man of fact, if there was proof, he was going to believe Vako, hell he already believed Vako, even if it was just harry potters word, everyone knew that Harry would never lie about something just to get even. the man was pure gryffindor. and the lawyer was a griffindor, and gryffindors stuck together. probably something Wood had been counting on.
"Yes I am."He said tilting his head,"And there's proof."He said, his voice leaving the fact that even if there hadn't been, there was enough evidence on Potter's body to leave Wood's reputation in pieces."Keep his as a client, I want to know what he's up to....and if he's under your control I'm less likely to rip him to shreds."He said, because he had worked with the other lawyer before, and sincerely liked him, so he was less likely to go through him to get to wood.
the man nodded looking a great deal troubled. "this is going to destroy my reputation as a good defence." he groaned shaking his head. "damn you Wood, if Vako doesn't get you i will!" he complained, good mood soured. "have a good day Shayne, send Potter my well wishes.." he paused then. "ah he probably doesn't even remember me but i used to hang out with Fred and George a lot before they..." he silenced himself and shook his head. "anyway have a good one." Lee Thomas, who would have thought someone like him would end up as a lawyer?
"Thomas, if he doesn't remember you, I'll kiss some sense into him."Shayne grinned a little, "And don't worry, I'm going to get wood. One way or the other.And don't worry about your rep I'll make sure you don't suffer for running corral on Wood."He said with that razorsharp grin again before apparating back to St. Mungo's, whistling softly as he walked, looking a good deal more pleased with himself then he did when he left. Stepping into the hospital room he smirked, "I am a genius."He announced to the other two.
Harry was sleeping again, curled up on Draco's lap who looked mildly uncomfortable as he tried to wiggle his toes, his legs had fallen asleep. "we already knew that." he pointed out lifting an eyebrow. "did you strip wood of every knut he had?" he asked smirking a little as Harry shifted on Draco's lap and whimpered a little, Draco wrapping his arms around harry gently. "shh, shh your alright." he murmured softly, cutting off the nightmare threatening to emerge. "Harry's been having nightmares again. even when i'm holding onto him."
"Damn."Shay sighed softly sliding into bed with them, cuddling up to the other man, shifting him so he was laying in his lap to give Draco's legs a break."And no, but I did scare the living shit out of him. He apparated out without waiting long enough to see if I was going to take everything. Which I am.Eventually."
Draco nodded as he slid out of the bed stretching out his legs and wincing at the tingles as harry snuggled tightly into Shayne, refusing to be woken by such a minimal thing as getting moved around. "so why are you a genius then? i know you enough to know that shit eating grin you walked in with means more than just fucking with Woods head."
"Hey, I don't have a shit eating grin.That's gross."Shay said before giving the same grin as kissed Harry's head, holding him tightly."I told his lawyer what he did. It seems gryffindor loyalty doesn't go far enough to cover this sort of thing...but does go far enough to keep me informed as what Wood's up to so I don't kill him. His lawyer hates him, he's not going to even try to stop me from tearing WOod apart. It's going to be glorious to see woods face when he realizes that."
Draco snorted a little at the others grin shaking his head a little as he slumped into a chair next to the bed looking at the two of them with longing in his eyes. he knew they would probably never love him again, or even trust him but he couldn't help but hope. "you my friend, are an evil bastard." Draco purred grinning. "it's your best feature."
Shay grinned shifting a little."Thanks, I worked hard at being a bastard.But are you saying I have no other redeeming features?"He said seeing the other's look he smiled, shifting harry."Get up here."He growled reacing out, wanting to hold them both, even if they were going to put his legs to sleep/
Draco grinned at the other. "i said it was your best feature, not that it was the only one." he stated simply before hesitating a moment biting his lip before he got up and settled down next to Shay on the bed so that he wouldn't squash his poor freinds legs. "you know it would never work." he murmured softly closing his eyes as he leaned into the other. "we shouldn't even pretend that it would..."
"Shut up. If we're willing to try...we can."He muttered kissing Draco's head."I love you, and I'm falling in love with him, so just....don't worry it to death like you do everything."Shayne said closin his eyes, "Now shut up, I want to enjoy having you two here, and my victory."
Draco smiled a little. "i can't help it." he mumbled softly. "when has anything in my life ever gone right for me?" he asked. he did have a good point, but he said nothing further, he just snuggled tighter into Shayne and sighed softly. "so." he stated suddenly. "if we do manage to all work together... who's the top?"
"You have any question that I'd be topping?"He said not saying anything about things going right for him.Because well, this was going to. Shayne was just that confident. "Get some sleep. We could all use it."He said running his fingers through the man's black hair, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Draco snorted a little. "Harry is surprisingly dominant." Draco pointed out. "i've walked in on a few of his trysts at school you know, he has a thing for grabbing Dominant men and dominating them." he snorted. "i still remebure the day i walked in on him and that Slytherin seventh year." he chuckled a little. "yeah that was hot."
Shayne pinched him."And I have no recollections?You've walked in on me.I'm hurt."He pouted kissing the man softly, pulling him closer."And maybe I will be bottoming then."He siad with a slight smirk.
Draco snorted looking rather amused. "we all know i'm the bottom." he admitted smirking a little. "i love cock crammed up my ass." he admitted yawning a little. "but i don't think harry meant what he said." he admitted sounding sleepy now as he started to drift off. "it would be nice if he did though."
"It would."Shay smiled slightly goign to sleep.

A few days later Shayne was fretting as he watched harry get out of bed, "Are you sure your up for going to court?I know Draco's going with us, but you are just leaving the hospital.I can delay another day."He fretted, wringing his hands, decidely less calm and collected then he normally was. Fretting because he was worried about Oliver and Blaise-the black man having been summoned to court just for the day- being anywhere near harry.
Harry nodded using Draco as support as he struggled to get his pants on the muggle way. "i want to." harry stated simply. "if i don't do it now then i'll lose my courage and i'll never go." he admitted Draco finally rolling his eyes and flicking his wand, Dressing Harry in an instant. "thanks Dray... and anyway i want them to see me." he admitted brushing his much longer hair, the regenerating potions had really did a number on his hair. "i need another haircut..."
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