Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco went beat red as he felt Shays hard cock pressing into him from behind, harry's growing length pressing into him from the front. "mm i dunno." harry growled looking playful. "how about you bend him over that table, and we take turns fucking him?" he teased Draco shuddering before moaning softly at the image of being uke to both of them at the same time. he could handle that.
"fine by me."Shay smirked drawing back, sliding a hand down Draco's front, undoing his pants, gently stroking him before vanishing the man's pants and his own, shoving the blond down onto the bed, pausing to admire the sight of Draco bent over, before casting the lubing spell, slowly stretching him.
Draco moaned again panting softly his nostrils flaring to catch a good sniff of harry before he found himself bucking into Shayne's hand moaning again shuddering as he found himself pinned to the table. "s..stop." Draco pleaded panting softly. "a...aah g..god, w..wait!" he pleaded, sounding nervous. "i don't know what i'm doing!" "easy Draco." harry murmured softly. "you don't have to do anything, just relax, we won't hurt you, you know that right?"
Shay stopped, bending down to press a kiss between the blond's shoulderblades as he vanished the rest of their clothes, backing away. A pained look on his face as he dropped his hand, turning away, stepping towards the door.
Draco nodded. "i know." he whispered smiling sheepishly. "but couldn't we do this on a bed? please?" he asked hopefully. "this is only my second time you know..." he murmured softly grabbing Shayne's wrist. "i wanna...wanna do it like lovers.." he admitted biting his lip. "i.. i don't..." his eyes dropped. "i wanna have something to remember if you guys decide i'm no good in bed." harry paused and then snorted. "your over worrying again Draco." he pointed out and Draco blushed hard. "sorry..."
Shayne trembled slightly in his hold, not turning back to look at him, staring stubbornly at the ground, tears in his eyes."...You idiot. As if I could let you go."He said gently pulling his hand away before walking out of the room, hurt Draco thought he could be that shallow. Heading for the bedroom, wanting to change into something more comfortable.
Draco bit his lip. "i wasn't afraid that you would abandon me shayne!" he yelled out sounding hurt as well. "i was worried that..." he fell silent and he looked down at the table harry smiling a little. "he was worried that we all wouldn't feel the same about each other after we all had sex." harry enlightened. "that i would stop loving, you would stop loving... it's happened to him before, hell it's happened to me before." harry admitted. "i'm a little worried about it myself." harry admitted before shrugging. "but it won't stop me, and it won't stop draco, he's just over worrying again."
Shay sighed softly, walking back into the room in a few minutes, shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants."Would you get your ass in bed m-Vako, before I haul you into it?"he ordered, correcting himself before he called Draco Malfoy, adding his own last name before he thoght better of it. A hopeful and hurt look to his face, as he waited to see if Draco would refuse the gift. Having had it happen before, he didn't trust easily
Draco blinked, looking startled and hesitant at the name before he relaxed completely and looked almost...pleased. "Draco Vako." he snorted a ;ittle grinning. "sounds a little corny but it's better than Draco Black." he decided as he stood up completely nakid and suddenly noticing, blushing hard as he cupped his fingers over himself, shy and embarrassed. "c..could i have... pants or..something to..." "no, get to the bed!" Harry demanded smirking Draco's blush growing. "f...fine but...d..don't look!"
Shay relaxed as draco accepted it, covering his eyes, though he peeked through his fingers as the blond walked past him."Get in bed, and play with yourself. I'll be up in a second.We'll be up in a second."He said waiting till the blond was gone before leaning down, kissing harry hard and skillfully. before drawing away."Thought you deserved a real kiss if we're going to go sex up the pretty boy."He said pulling harry to his feet.
Harry smirked a little as he watched Draco flee up the stairs. "he's still not used to being ..." he was cut off by the kiss, leaning into it for a moment before smirking a little. "yeah that was nice." harry growled, pleased as he looked over Adrien's body lifting an eyebrow. "but you kissed me like you where expecting to top." he taunted looking almost dangerous, seductive and dangerous. "i never bottom." harry hissed smirking at Shayne as he turned and headed up to the bedroom where Draco was blushing violently and hiding under the sheets.
"Neither do I."Shayne growled as he stepped into the bedroom, biting his lip as he studied the blond. Not sure how to ask...his heart hurting becase the man was actually sober,and in his bed. He wanted....even if harry was there, he wanted to enjoy touching Draco by himself while the man was aware of it. Studying the shy blond he smiled lazily, none of the fear and anxiety going on behind his eyes showing on his face."He's adorable isn't he?"He said looking at harry.
Draco blushed harder when they walked into the door and sputtered when he was called adorable Harry snickering and nodding. "he is." he admitted staggering suddenly, gripping onto Shayne. "but i don't think i can join you." he admitted finding himself a chair and sighing in relief. "Draco's right, i'm too weak yet." he admitted Draco letting out a loud HA! of victory.
Shayne laughed softly,kissing harry."That's okay, you can still watch, and listen.Cause I intend on making blondie scream."He teased before drawing away crawling in bed with Draco, sliding under the sheets, wrapping his arms around him, "A kiss."He said drawing the man close, intent on taking his time. Before looking at harry,"If you wanted you could lay down here with us..."He said not wanting to make the man feel excluded
Draco went even more red as he watched Shayne join him in the bed. "i..uhm..." he stuttered Harry chuckling. "i get a better angle from over here." Harry admitted smirking as he watched. "Draco calm down, we know that you have no idea what your doing, Shayne will teach you alright?" Draco relaxed at Harry's promised and nodded glancing at Shayne and bursting into a blush again but this time gently reached for the other, stroking the others cheek smiling a little, looking a bit frightened, but very trusting. he was well aware that there was pain sometimes, but he knew shayne wouldn't hurt him on purpose.
Shay smiled soflty turning his face to kiss Draco's fingers, gently easing the man on top of him as he leaned back on the pillows, cupping his face in his hands, kissing him slowly and gently, his hands hard on the man's face, but gentle, wiling to let him go if he drew away. Afraid, truly afraid that he would run, and it would break Shayne's heart. Sliding a hand down draco's back he silently cast a lubing spell, drawing back, resting his forehad against Draco's."I'm going to ease my fingers into you okay?Just relax..."He muttered running a finger along the crack of his ass. Fear in the words fear and comfort, trying ot make him relax, and afraid he'd draw away.
Draco panted softly as he felt the fingers stroking along his back, trembling lightly the closer they got to his ass. "do it." draco pleaded, dipping his hips down to rub his cock along the others. "i... want to feel it, and remember it this time." he admitted kissing along the others neck, still sounding afraid, but also sounding like he really did want it, "please just...slow ok?" Draco pleaded hopefully.
"Always."Shay said easing his fingers into the blond slowly, lowering his free hand to close around the man's cock to distract him, shifting him back so he could lower his mouth around him as he gently stretching him, losing himself in making draco come. Fingers brushing against his prostate with every shift, his tongue swirling around him.
Draco gasped softly and arched into the fingers his hands digging into the bed as Harry moaned softly from the corner, too weak to even get a hard on, but clearly enjoying the show. it didn't take Draco long to start moaning like a wanton whore, bucking into fingers and mouth, shivering and shuddering. "s..shay, o..oh g...god stop! can't take it." Draco whined his balls quivering, his ass tightening. Draco was going to cum, and it sounded like he was going to cum hard. "t..too good, a..aah."
Shay moaned, shifting his hold on the man, but not letting up. Enjoying to much making the man sound like a wanton whore. Swallowing around him hard as he raised his eyes to look at him through his bangs, wanting to see his face when he came. Needing to hear it, some of the scars healing on his heart to hear Draco moaning his name.
Draco was moaning, his face crossed with intense pleasure wriggling in the others grip. "s..shay! shay shay, aaah SHAYNE!" he screamed arching hard against the other, his cock pulsing as he spilled himself deep into the others mouth, trembling from the pleasure his face mixed with the intense pleasure and the bordering of exhaustion. Draco wasn't used to sex, and his stamina was low, Shayne was going to have a real job trying to make Draco cum again.
Shayne smiled softly, as he raised his head, wiping his mouth with a pleased smirk on his lips. "Ah, that was amazing sweetheart."He muttered pulling his fingers out of the blond, laying him back on the bed, kissing him softly, "This may hurt..."He said softly before starting to gently ease his length inside.Shivering at the pleasure of being in Draco/
Draco panted softly his eyes closed, looking well pleased and almost sated, lifting his hips with a long, loud moan at the pleasure/pain of being filled tossing his head back his fingers digging into the bed. "a..aah! b..big!" he groaned pressing backwards, wanting more, even if he was tired he wanted more and more and more. "please, o..ooooh more!" Draco was so hot, and tight, it was clear he had not been fucked before Shayne that first time, and it wasn't clear if either of them clearly remembered that. Draco didn't anyway.
Shayne moaned, "So tight..."He muttered kissing the blond hard, before trailing his lips down the man's neck gently biting down as he rode the blond, losing himself in the extreme pleasure, because though he did remember the last time, it had been dulled by alcohol, this was...amazing."Draco..."He muttered taking his time making love to the blond, trying to make it last, trying to strive off the orgasm that was riding his body hard, and he wanted to come and didn't. He wanted to stay in this heaven as long as he could.
Draco was moaning softly, leaning into the others thrusts eager for more, murmuring and whispering Shayne's name often, through the moans and whimpers of pleasure as he wriggled and writhed underneath the other panting hard. "a..aah Shayne, please, faster." Draco finally begged. "so close, i've been so close for so long and your going to SLOW!" he whined struggling to get off, to cum, but the stimulation just wasn't enough. "pleease shayne, please!"
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