Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco wrapped his arms around Shayne tightly and smiled a little. "go ahead." he murmured softly. "Cry if you need to, yell, scream.. let it out Shayne, harry would say the same thing." actually draco was stealing harry's lines, but Shayne didn't need to know that.
Shayne swallowed hard, starting to cry. Not slow gentle tears, but whole body wracking sobs as he clung to him not only crying for what he'd just done, but for everything he'd ever done. Trembling hard, so hard he totally missed his face as he tried to wipe his tears away.
Draco held Shayne tightly as a callused thumb gently wiped Shayne's tears away, the hand belonging to harry who looked worried, but said nothing as he let Shayne cry, Draco gently rubbing Shayne's back as he rocked him slowly, harry gently singing a soft lullaby hoping to help Shayne calm down a little faster not sure what was wrong, but trying to offer comfort anyway.
Shayne swallowed hard after about a hour, trembling in their arms, slowly calming. His eyes bloodshot and tired, as he turned to look at Harry, a wan smile on his face."...I went to let Oliver and Blaise go."He muttered, fear showing on his face. Afraid if he told the man what he'd done, he'd pull away. Pressing close to Draco to take comfort.
Harry nodded, fear showing at the names, but the need to comfort Shayne over rode any lingering terror over his rape. "you where supposed to." harry reminded him, Draco snuggling Shayne intently glancing at harry, trying to tell the golden boy not to worry with just his eyes. Harry bit his lip a little as he watched the others, his head tilted a bit. "want me to make you a milkshake? or a cup of tea?" he asked hesitantly, that was harry, when in doubt, make food.
"A milkshake sounds good."Shayne sniffled pressing his face against Draco's chest, cuddling against him as he turned his head to look at harry. Smiling slightly."A milkshake would be nice."He said giving him a hesitant smile, as if he wasn't sure it would be, but he wanted to try.
Harry smiled back and hesitantly leaned forward, brushing his lips against the others temple before he headed down the stairs on shaky legs to make a good and proper milk shake Draco chuckling a little. "Shayne... Harry isn't going to hate you for what you did, Harry has that same street in him as you and i do, he's just better at hiding it." he pointed out. "if someone was to hurt you or me, he'd do the same thing you did, only worse. i've seen him do it."
Shayne laughed softly closing his eyes, "Good."He muttered relaxing even more, looking content to hold the man while he waited for his milkshake. turning his head to look at harry as he came back in with the milkshake. Sitting up slowly.
Harry smiled as he handed the milkshake over, handing Draco a breakfast pastry, keeping a slice of what looked like strawberry pie for himself as he snuggled into Adrien a little. "are you ok?" he asked hopefully, still very worried about the other. "do i need to kill someone?" he asked, hoping to lighten the mood making draco sputter with silent laughter, because he knew very well if Shayne nodded Harry was going to go hunting for whoever had hurt Shayne.
Shayne laughed softly, shaking his head, "No...I..."He bit his lip thinking about it."I made a torture the men, without killing them. The only command I gave to the spell was to give what they gave. They suffered just as much as you did...probably more because they knew the pain was real, but they wouldn't die from it."
harry paused a little looking confused. "so... you raped them?" he asked sounding rather...amused. "good, they deserved it those bastards!" he hissed darkly baring his teeth. "they threatening me you know." harry admitted shuddering. "they said they where going to cut me open, and let my guts spill across the floor, and skin me alive and let me bleed to death." he shuddered again and whimpered lightly Draco gently pulling Harry into a tender hug, the golden boy calming down. "they where going to too." he admitted. "they had the knife and everything, if you hadn't shown up..."
Shayne growled softly, anger in the sound, anger bordering on rage."Well I did, and I assume the spell did so. I wasn't present. I didn't want to watch."HE said shuddering, smiling slightly as he kissed the man, wrapping his arms around Harry. Once again the calm confident pissed off man. If they hadn't seen him break down, there would have been no evidence to say he had. Which led to question, just how much Shayne had broken down and no one had seen.
Harry smiled a little as he closed his eyes. "thank you for saving me." he murmured softly. "i'm going to marry you." he decided. "both of you, because i love you both so much." "harry... i don't think that's legall..." "fuck that shit, i'm He-Who-Killed-The-Fucking-Dark-Lord, Because everyone else was too cowardly to do it, i can marry two guys at the same time if i bloody well want to!" Draco looked an inch from laughter. "well... you might have a point there..."
Shayne bit his lip to keep from laughing."He does. And even if it's not a law, I'll write one to make it legal."He said kissing harry and draco, tugging the brunette closer."Feeling any better?"He said with a smirk.
Harry nodded. "yeah." he admitted grinning up at Shayne. "you? feeling better now?" he asked hopefully gently wiping away a missed tear and then licking it off his thumb. "i say Draco has to carry the babies." "WHAT!? why me!?" "your totally the bitch here Draco." harry informed Draco shaking his head. "But Shayne is WAY more maternal!"
"What?!No I'm not!When have you EVER seen me maternal!"Shayne protested twisted his head to look at the man, making a face. Definately feeling better now that Draco'd given him something else to think about."I bottom for no one."He growled, daring Draco to try it.
it was Harry who growled, his hand tangling in Shayne's hair and forcing the head back. "Draco is too much of an uke to top." he snarled looking sadistic and dominant and just plain old sexy. "me on the other hand, am the top in this relashionship0." he growled forcing Shayne's head back a little more. for a sick guy harry was sure strong!
Shayne moaned softly jerking his head back up, growling at him."You're going to have to fight for it."He growled kissing the brunette hard, tangling his hands in brunette hair, holding him close. To much of a fighter to give up being top without a fight.
Harry growled back, his teeth suddenly sinking into the others lip, drawing the tiniest drops of blood as he pushed himself forward his hand moving quickly to cup Adrien's crotch and squeeze tightly, almost painfully. "your gonna be my pretty little uke." harry growled, smirking a little Draco blushing a little as he watched, waiting for the chains and the ropes that Harry was so fond of.
Shayne whimpered softly in the painful grip, giving harry little before kissing harry back just as hard, feeling his teeth cut harry's lip, moaning softly at the taste of blood. Smirking cause he knew they were giving hrry a show."I might be pretty but I am no uke."He growled.
Harry growled at the bite, his hand growing tighter on Shayne's crotch panting softly as he pressed the other down onto the bed, pinning his thighs with his legs as he grabbed the others wrists tightly and yanked them over the others head, Draco making a noise in the back of his throat as he watched the sheets of the bed begin to crawl over Shayne's wrists, pinning him to the bed Harry's evil smirk growing. "your my own little uke." Harry growled tauntingly, snickering a little.
Shayne glared at him, yanking at his hands, whimpering ever so slighly when he was trapped, shifting, his cock hard and aching as he looked at Harry."Fine.Take me!Now!"He growled, even as a uke, he was a demanding bitch.
Harry smirked and ran his fingers down the others body, his clothes vanishing without a word, leaving harry to stroke soft flesh of the others ribs and abs a smirk on his lips. "am i going to have to silence you?" he demanded his eyes narrowed a little. "because i will." he warned licking his lips before trailing his tongue along the others neck, taking his time in touching and feeling and tasting.
shayne growled softly, biting his lip to keep quiet as he squirmed, whimpering as harry touched him. Tilting his head to see Draco, he smirked."Come here, I want a kiss."He said, not wanting to leave out the thin man, raising his head to look at him, shiftnig under the brunette's fingers
Draco smirked a little. "no you want someone to dominate." he corrected, not moving as Harry snickered, nipping and biting down the others neck and over the collar bone, pausing to suck a hickey there before traveling down to nip and tug at the left nipple with his teeth and tongue his hands trailing along Shayne's belly. "Draco is going to sit there like a good boy, and wait his turn." harry growled his eyes daring Shayne to protest.
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