Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco grinned a little leaning back into Shayne, sighing softly. "i won't want you to leave." he admitted softly kissing back before he paused as he heard a thud from the bedroom and then a great deal of cussing. "harry fell out of bed again."
"YEa well, maybe he'll come down and enjoy the kitchen table like you refused to."Shayne said sitting the spagetti as he held the man against him, resting his head against Draco's shoulder, holding him close.
Draco snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "i was just scared ok?" he complained pouting a little. "it's not like i'm used to this whole sex thing." he pouted as harry stumbled into view, looking disgruntled. "someone care to explain why i woke up alone?" harry demanded, sounding grumpy, probably from falling out of bed.
"Food?"Adrien said grinning as he looked at the brunette, leaning over to kiss him."Sleep well?"Shayne asked looking at the man, studying him Needing to know that they all were still okay, that nothing had changed with having sex.
Harry scowled at him a little then. "i slept fine, my Wake up was a little rocky though." he stated Grouchily Draco snickering a little as he leaned over to Shayne. "he just needs coffee." he informed the other. "but i don't know how to work a coffee machine." he admitted Harry slumping over the Table to try and catch some more Z's while shayne cooked.
Shyne laughed softly, starting the coffee,"Poor baby.I vote for dinner in bed."He said stretching,rubbing his eyes as he let his thoughts wander. Wondering if he really would have to worry about zabini and wood, if they would come back for revenge. A angry little growl escaping without him noticing.
Both Harry and Draco turned to stare at him looking concerned. "shayne? love... you alright?" Harry asked hesitantly Draco gently touching the others shoulder worry in his eyes, a touch of fear, wondering what was wrong. Harry smiled a little and got up, wrapping his arms around Shayne's belly. "aaw Shayne, if your still angry about me completely owning your ass last night, i bet i could make it up to you."
Shayne jmped, startled to be touched looking at the two. "I, I'm good."He stuttered a little, leaning into them both, smiling slightly. Looking calmer, though he was still worried about wood and zabini.
Harry smirked a little and pressed his hips into the Other, Draco turning bright red. "jesus potter...are you EVER satisfied?" "nope." Harry admitted snickering a little as he bucked into Shayne's ass a little. "besides, since shayne has so lovingly declared that he doesn't mind being my bitch." he snickered a little as Draco's blush grew even ore. "your just TRYING to get him pissed off aren't you!?" he demanded Harry smirking a little. "of course! it's no fun topping someone who's docile."
Shayne snarled twisting, grabbing harry, rougher then he usually was, and way, way rougher then he had been with Draco, smacking the brnette down hard onto the table, pining him there with his hands pined to the bed fingers biting into his neck as he held him down."I am no one's bitch."He growled, the memory riding him hard. Because the last tiem anyone had declared him his had been the night his mother died, ripped apart because he couldn't submit enough to satisfy lucius and fenrir.
Harry yelped loudly as he hit the table, snarling lightly back as Draco gasped, his hands over his mouth eyes wide in Terror as Harry gasped, trying to get his breath back from having all his air forced out by the Table bruises cropping up under Shayne's fingers as Harry went completely limp, trembling violently underneath Shayne as the images of wood and Zabini rode up in his mind as he found himself trapped, unable to defend himself, unable to even scream. "Shayne stop it!" Draco demanded, grabbing the other tightly. "your making him remember! your going to throw him into another flashback!"
Shayne didn't respond, hsi own flashback riding him hard before he let go, horror filling his eyes before he apparated away. The sound of him in the bedroom coming a few moments before the door slammed shut wards settling in place to keep them both out, but still able to talk, should they want to.
Harry whimpered lightly as he crawled under the table curling up. "h..harry?" he asked softly the brunette flinching away from him and Draco groaned softly, closing his eyes as he looked over at the bedroom moving over to the room. "Shayne?" Draco called out softly, trying to open the door and break the wards, but Draco wasn't good at magic the way Harry was. "shayne, lover what's wrong? please let me in.." there was no point trying to comfort harry, he would just make the golden boy panic even more.
Shay let the wards fall after a minute, looking haunted as he laid back on the bed, staring at the cieling. Waiting for the blond to come in. Knowing Draco didn't know what had made him snap, it wasn't any better. And he had no intention of ever telling Draco what his father had done. Some horrors, were to bloody, to private to share.
Draco came in, looking hesitantly at shayne before crossing the room and pulling the man into a tight hug, closing his eyes. "i'm sorry." he murmured softly. "i don't know, why your so upset but i'm sorry anyway." he murmured rocking the other gently. "i'm sure that whatever it was that made you upset, if you explain Harry won't do it again." he promised gently stroking the others hair. "we just have to all start calming down, and recognizing when were crossing lines, that's all..."
Shayne sighed softly as he leaned into the man, tears falling onto pale skin, shivering a little."The night my mother died....when.."he shuddered harder, knowing he didn't have to explain, even if he didn't know his father's part in it, Draco'd seen the results of the torture."Fenrir declared that I was his bitch and no other. That I was so weak I was a female."He shuddered a little
Draco shuddered a little and pulled him into a tighter hug, gently rocking him back and forth. "i'm so sorry Shyane, i'm so sorry.." he murmured softly, gently stroking the others forehead. "harry won't do it again, i'll explain to him myself." he promised softly kissing his forehead. "Harry and i will never hurt you, ever,and were going to work hard to make sure of that."
"I'll work hard on not hurting you guys either..."He muttered slowly being eased to sleep, the emotional exhaustion pulling him under as he fell asleep curled up against Draco. Even knowing he should check on harry, should eat, wasn't enough to keep the exhausted man awake
when Adrien woken up, Harry was curled up with him and Draco was downstairs just a cussing away as he struggled to make some semblance of dinner. Harry's chest was bruised, as where his wrists and the back of his neck, but it looked as if he had come out of his flashback, and the fact that he was curled up with Shayne meant that he had already forgiven the other for being so rough.
Shayne nuzzled the other man, gently kissing him."Harry?"He muttered looking him over, wincing at the sight of bruises, hating himself for being the cause.
Harry groaned and clung tighter his eyes fluttering open. "'s the house on fire?" he asked sounding a little baffled, it did smell like something was burning, Draco's cursing growing a great deal louder as the fire alarm went off driving Harry out of the bed in an instant, scrambling to the door to try and put out whatever mess Draco had caused.
Shayne didnt bother scrambling, just apparated into the kitchen, staring at the mess the man had made he started laughing as he vanished the burnt food and opened the window to let out the smoke."Making sure we can still hear Draco?"He teased.
Draco was scowling at the stove, covered in what looked like pancake batter, flour, and egg shells. "it's not like potions at ALL!" he complained with a small Growl harry bursting into laughter at the stairwell pointing at Draco and just laughing his ass off as the blond shook his head. "i think i better leave the cooking to you and harry." Draco grumbled scowling at the stove Harry giggling as he wrapped his arms around Draco. "it was a sweet thought though." he admitted smiling a little. "it was nice of you to try and make us feel better."
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