Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"But I think I like my house standing princess. We'll cook."Shayne said kissing Draco softly as he wrapped his arms around the man's waist, resting his head on Draco's shoulder, laughing softly, it was taking alot to not laugh totally at him.The man looked riddiculous covered in everything.
Draco snorted a little but like always said nothing against the princess comment, he was beautiful and they all knew it, so why argue? "oh haha, laugh if you must." Draco grumbled stomping his way to the shower leaving Harry and Shayne to clean up the mess, harry snickering a little. "oh man, that was funny."
Shayne snickered, watching him go."It was."He said smiling as he gently drew the man into a hug, kissing him softly."I'm sorry."He whispered holding him close,resting his forehead against harry's.
Harry smiled a little gently trailing his hand down the others arm. "i am too, i didn't know." he mumbled softly. "i won't say anything like that again, i promise." he muttered kissing the others neck before nibbling on it a little simply enjoying being held by Shayne sighing softly. "it's strange isn't it?" he asked softly. "all of us have hurt each other pretty badly and yet we're so madly in love with each other that we just bowl right over the problems like a mad rampaging Gryffindor. even though were all slytherins at heart...who knew snakes could be so stubborn?"
"Draco."Shayne said wisely."He was determinedly straight for awhile there. And me. I didn't get to be the best crimminal lawyer for not beig stubborn."He said smirking as he nuzzled the man's neck."I was worrying about...wood and zabini, if I hadn't already been in a bad frame of mind I might not have reacted that way. But...yea. It was bad."He shuddered a little smiling as Harry nibbled on him.
Harry chuckled a little as he laid his head against the others shoulder, closing his eyes. "they worry me too." he admitted shuddering lightly in Shayne's grip. "i have to admit i am afraid they might come back and finish me off." he admitted closing his eyes. "i'm scared that they'll hurt me again, or worse, hurt you or Draco just to make me suffer even more... i couldn't live with myself if you guys got hurt because of me."
Shayne snorted."Well, I'm sure they now have a bigger issue with me, after all I locked them in with their worst nightmare for a day."He said kissing the brunette softly."Don't worry, and I'll try not to worry,and we better go make sure Draco didn't drown himself."
Harry snorted a little and nodded. "yeah." he agreed pulling away from Shayne and taking a small deep inhale. "listen...Shayne for a while..." he bit his lip hard and looked down and away. "i'm... scared to bottom." he admitted softly. "so... do you think, maybe once and a while you might...might help me...get used to it?" he asked his eyes flicking to the other. "i know it can feel good but every time i've ever just hurt..."
Shayne smirked a little, kissing him hard,"Of course I can."He said slidding a hand down harry's back as they walked out of the room, heading for the bathroom."It'll be fun."He said knocking on the door."Draco?"
Harry smiled a little as he followed the other pausing for a moment. "Shayne, i don't hear the shower running." he pointed out looking a little worried as he carefully opened the door gasping as he saw nothing but an empty bathroom. "DRACO!?" "what?" an irritable voice demanded as a blond head, still wet from the shower poked his head out of the bedroom making Harry gape a little. "...damn you shower fast.."
"He does alot of things fast."Shayne snickered as he turned his head to look at the blond, crossing over to push open the door a little bit, his mouth drying at the sight of the still damp blond.
Draco was wrapped in a towel, leaving his chest and rather feminine legs for for viewing pleasure, beads of water trailed down the blonds body, just begging to be licked up and Harry licked his lips as Draco flicked black strands of hair out of his face. "...what!? why are you looking at me like i'm a steak?"
"Cause your dinner now."Shayne purred walking over, tugging him to stand between him and harry, before lowering his head and licking the water off his skin."He tastes like pancakes."He said amused looking at harry.
Harry laughed and settled lower running his tongue up Draco's inner thigh his tongue lapping up a bead of water. "mmm he does." harry agreed Draco moaning softly, blushing brightly. "h..hey now i...j..just got clean." he protested weakley, his legs spreading his head moving out of Shayne's way.
Shayne smirked as he moved over Draco's chest, absently biting his nipples."Hmmm we're making sure you got everything."He said before straightening to kiss the an softly, biting down gently on his lip.
Draco groaned lightly as harry's tongue ran along one of his firm butt cheeks shuddering into Adrien's nibbles, panting softly. "it's n..not, ah fair... ganging up on me." Draco wined, his cock beginning to lift the towel in which it was hidden, harry chuckling as he licked at a ball, humming happily. "his balls taste more like fresh baked bread." harry admitted smirking. "the really buttery kind."
"You ganged up on me last night."Shayne pointed out as he tugged the towel off, sinking to his knees as he licked Draco's cock."He tastes like butter.And eggs."He said smirking a little.
Draco moaned softly panting softly as his fingers gripped Shayne's hair tightly Harry snickering as he ran his tongue up the others ass stroking along the entrance making Draco whimper and moan and buck backwards, and then forwards, trying to get more stimulation on both ends. "heh, if you fuck him, i'll suck him off." harry offered a wicked grin on his face. he liked sucking people off, there was nothing more satisfying than having a cock in his mouth.
Shayne smirked,"Fine by me."He said getting up, sliding a hand down the blond's back before sliding his fingers into him after muttering a lubing spell. Smirking at harry."He's so responsive."He said pressing a kiss to Draco's shoulder."Wonder if I can make his knees weak."He said brushing his fingers over the man's prostate.
Draco mewled softly as the fingers wormed their way in as harry moved over to start licking and nibbling at the blonds cock, Draco Crying out loudly, his legs nearly collapsing at the touch to his prostate, panting hard as Harry helped Draco support himself. "well that wasn't hard." Harry snickered grinning as Draco whimpered again. "please.. please don't tease... aaha please, i want it." he pleaded panting hard, red faced with embarrassment at begging.
"No, that wasn't hard, but he is."Shayne teased as he shifted his hold,wrapping a arm around the blond's waist to hold him up as he drew his fingers out of him, before easing his cock in."You're so easy to please."He teased nipping at his ear.
Draco panted hard arching into the others cock, crying out in pleasure as Harry's mouth engulfed his entire cock at the same pace that Shayne was slipping in, the black haired Black squealing in pleasure as harry sucked, wriggling madly in the two's grip as he bucked and gasped, shuddering with the pleasure as Harry moaned and unbuttoned his pants, touching himself to Draco's noises of pleasure and lust. Shayne was right, Draco was very responsive, and even more vocal.
"Such a loud little slut."Shayne teased nuzzling the man's neck, fucking him harder, lowering his eyes moaning softly at the sight of Harry touch himself."Hmmmm harry, just think about what my mouth could be doing ot you...sucking you down my throat..."Shayne moaned biting at Draco's ear."You enjoying him sucking you off?"
Harry moaned softly around Draco's cock, the blond wailing at the increased pace his legs week, only Harry's hot sucking mouth, and Shayne's tight grasp kept him standing as he wriggled and writhed, panting hard. "s..a..aah c...cant... n..nug!" Draco tried to protest that he didn't want it to end already, his fingers gripping Harry's head tightly, forcing the brunettes movements to slow as Harry whined in protest at not being allowed to do as he pleased.
Shayne growled, smirking as he more then made up for the man's prostests as he fucked him as hard as he wanted, hands tight on his waist as he moved in him, cock brushing against his prostate with every thrust.
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