Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Shyne snorted laughing." should recover."He said tucking his hair behind his ears before looking at the two. Snickering."You could both come be my secretaries."He said raising a eyebrow.
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "no, because i fully intend to go back to quidditch." he admitted. "Wood be damned." he admitted smirking a little. "i might show up in your office one day though." he teased smirking, Draco snickering as he nodded. "i'll be your secretary if you can get me one of those cute dress uniforms their always wearing."
Shayne choked a little on the water he was drinking, looking at the other man before nodding."I think I can manage getting you that."He said shifting a little. "Your going to be the death of me."He growled smiling at the former blond.
Draco smirked a little at Shayne and Harry snickered a little looking amused. "alright, you be the assistant and i'll be the sexy intern." harry purred smirking a little. "and we'll take turns sucking him off under his desk."
Shayne groaned."Guys, thats not fair."He muttered lowering a hand, pressing against his cock, trying to make it go down, to not be thinking about the images."My desk isn't that big."He growled softly.
they snickered a little. "well fine." Draco decided. "i'll suck you off while Harry runs around getting you coffee. and he'll suck you off when i have to deliver things to other people." they nodded to each other, pleased with this idea.
Shayne whined, looking at them. "Damn."he swallowed, "I have to work."He said getting up, needing to think about something else, anything but the idea of them bent over his desk as he screwed them.
Harry smirked a little. "i'll stop by later and bring you some special lunch." he purred winking at the other Draco snickering a little. "and i'll distract the secretary so she doesn't realize that Harry's fucking you."
"Stop it you two!"Shayne yelled back from the bedroom as he got dressed, before walking back in kissing them both."I'll see you two for lunch then."He said before apparating out.

That afternoon Shayne growled as he glanced at the clock, and prayed the two would be in for lunch soon. Resting his head on his desk he wondered if his headache would ever go away. After a morning of fielding questions about harry, about what he'd done to blaise and oliver, and if he was seeing Drao, he was tired. And not in a good mood."Go away."He growled as he heard the door open, not looking up to see it was the boys, not his secretary.
they paused and then Harry sulked. "well fine then." Harry whined. "i'll go find a closet and screw Draco instead." he stated leading the way into the room and setting his hands on Shayne's shoulders, pressing down gently as he began to massage, trying to ease the others bad mood Draco scoffing a little. "you look like hell Shayne."
Shayne sighed softly as harry's fingers dug into tight muscles, turning his head a little to look at Draco."Thanks, love you to."He growled, head resting on his arms."I do not appericiate having someone but into my life. If I wnated someone to know why I decided to gut someone beyond the reasons I gave, I will let them know. I do not appericiate being asked if I like it up the ass!"He growled angrily, pissed that no one else had the sense to leave him to his privacy. Knowing Draco would understand. Because despite being a playboy for most of his adult life, shayne was a extremely private person who didn't appericate the boundaries being crossed.
Harry growled lightly as he massaged Shayne's neck, trying to sooth the tense muscles Draco snorting a little. "Reporters where never well known for their tact." he pointed out shaking his head. "Harry went through all that when he married olliver, and again when he walked into the door half an hour ago." it only took five minutes to get from the front of the building to Shayne's office, the two must have been detained by reporters. "i told em all to fuck off." harry admitted snickering. "his exact words where, 'fuck the hell off and go suck that jackass wood's cock while your at it!' they all looked rather shell shocked." Draco admitted chuckling a little.
Shayne snorted laughing."As well the should. I told them to get away from my door I was feeding the next bastard who asked me how good potter was, his heart and taking his cock as a trophy."Shayne said starting to relax.
Harry snorted a little looking amused as Draco leaned in and gently kissed Shayne. "well then, in order to get them to leave we should decide on a story and send someone out to tell it to them." he pointed out Harry sighing dramatically. "he has a point, they'll just make shit up if we don't give them something."
Shayne laughed softly, sighing."Go tell them I'm dating you both and the mehanics of my sex life are off limits if they want to kieep their cocks."Shayne said looking at Draco."Go. You said you'd go distract everyone while I fucked Harry."He reminded him.
Harry choked a little and then smiled a little nervously and Draco snorted a little. "no i said i'd keep everyone distracted while harry fucked you." he reminded the other heading out the door. "i am best in front of the camera though." he smirked a little. "but you better have a good round for me when i come back!"
"We will, don't worry."Shayne said watching him go before pushing his chair back, pulling the brunette into his lap."So, where do you want me?"He said sounding better then he had.
harry smiled a little and gently kissed Shayne's neck. "i...i want to try." he murmured softly, stroking and feeling the other. "i want to... to bottom." he admitted softly. " slow, ok?" he pleaded softly. "i want you, to bend me over your desk, and take me, and make me yours."
Shayne shuddered a little kissing him as he reached down, stroking the man through his pants."Okay."He said, hands settling on Harry's hips, lifting him up to undo his pants, slowly stroking the mans cock, a hand sliding down his back.Soothing, wanting to keep him close.and worried about going to far.
Harry shuddered a little at the hand on his crotch, moaning softly, a silencing spell snapping into place around them, harry didn't want anyone else to hear them after all. he groaned again as he carefully shimmied out of his pants blushing hard as he tossed his underwear to the side as well. "if... i panic.. if i get scared you''ll stop right?"
Shayne gave him a look, slightly offended he'd even asked, nodding slightly as sat the man up on his desk."Yes."He growled lowering his head as he slid the man into his mouth, sucking him off as he scooted him cloer to the edge, muttering a lube spell, gently easing a finger into him.
Harry relaxed and nodded gasping loudly at the mouth on his cock, arching lightly into it a shudder falling from him, fighting back the fear as he felt the lubing spell, tensing as the finger slid in, fighting back the memories, it was a lot easier than he'd expected when the pleasure rushed over him once more. "ah.."
Shyne smirked, taking his time giving the man a blow job and stretching him, fingers brushing over the man's prostate before raising his head, looking at the man drawing his fingers out, resting his hands on Harry's thighs."You sure?"He asked.
Harry moaned again arching into the prostate touch blushing hard as he nodded and flipped around on the desk before his courage, and the pleasure, faded away, bending along the desk standing on his tiptoes so that his cock was just brushing the others cock. "take me." harry whispered softly, letting the pleasure guide his motions, forcing the fear out of his mind.
Shayne groaned softly, easing into him. Fucking him slowly and gently, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades."I love you."He muttered as he slowly increased the pace, but stayed gentle. Hands resting on harry's hips.
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