Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Shayne raised a eyebrow, wrapping a arm around draco's waist as he sat down, pressing a kiss to Draco's head."I'll just have to inform everyone your a vako now....we could tell skeeter."He said thoughtfully watching the woman of the hour come in.

Rita smiled, looking at the three, a smirk on her face as she sat down."So. What's the story boys?A hour in Vako's office to just talk?Harry's divorce barely through?Is wood not the only one cheating?"
Harry smirked a little as he hailed the bartender before turning to skeeter. "you want the whole story?" he demanded lifting a little glass jar. "don't forget, i know your dirty little secrete skeeter." he teased giving the bottle a shake, a few twigs and leaves lay inside. "and don't forget, i know the very spell to use it against you." he admitted snickering a little, setting the bottle on the desk. "now then, are you going to behave and let me tell my story, or are you going to be a bitch and make me humiliate you in front of the world like you humiliated me time and time again throughout my school years?" he demanded a smirk on his face as he tapped the lid of the jar his eyebrow raised as he awaited her response.
Skeeter swallowed hard, staring at it before nodding."I'll write it just as you tell me."she said paling a little as she looked at the jar, then the two men with Harry.She might be able to put up with potter and write what she wanted, but Draco and Shayne would never stand for their private lives twisted around. "What happened?"She said before returning her eyes to the boy who lived.

Shayne tilted his head eating his food, sipping his drink. Wondering what it was about the jar that made Skeeter behave. Biting his lip a little, against the urge to question it. slipping a arm around draco's waist he held him cloer, turning to whisper in his ear."You know, you were responsible for a few of those humilating moments in school dray."He teased biting his ear amused. Knowing he was being flirty and outrageous for skeeter, but he was to content with his life to care what she'd write about them.
Harry smirked a little, pleased that she was behaving and sighed a little his smug smirk dropping into a bit of a frown. "Wood wasn't in love with me." he admitted simply. "he admitted it himself that he only married me for the fame and the money that went with it." he snorted a little. "one of his 'flings' called me, told me about Wood sleeping with no less than fourteen other men on the side, sometimes three at a time." he admitted his eyes narrowed a little. "so i called for a divorce. we went in for the hearing and things did not go the way that Wood wanted it to, in revenge he and his ex lawyer attacked me in my home, beat, and raped me and attempted to kill me." he admitted his eyes flicking to Skeeter, pain in those emerald green orbs. "Shayne and Draco where the only people who got me through that, and i love them both very much. yes, we are having a three person relationship, Shayne and i both loved Draco during school, and i have begun to love Shayne a great deal as well."

"i even gave up my Malfoy status to be with them." Draco supplied a smirk on his lips. "which is why i'm dark haired all of a sudden. "my father 'stripped' me when i informed him i would be pursuing a relationship with Harry and Shayne." he admitted glancing at Shayne with a small snicker. "and yes i know, i was a horrible little ass to harry. i'm much better now." Harry snorted a little and smirked. "not much." Harry teased Draco who pouted a little.
"No, he really isn't."Shayne said with a smirk watching skeeter who looked amazed. And shocked as he gaped. Smiling slightly,"Thank you harry. That will be a good article."She looked at Shayne, who raised his eyebrows.

"Don't even think about it, I have no desire to give you an exclusive. And no, you can't have the story of my mother. Thats personal Skeeter."He growled, knowing he drove the woman insane because he wouldn't tell her how the beloved lady of vako manor had ended up dead. "And I didn't kill her. Go away."He growled, shivering a little bit, watching her leave. Because he did blame himself, but he wasn't the reason she'd died. He just had to keep telling herself that.
Harry snorted a little and grabbed Skeeters shoulder tightly. "i want you to leave out anything that might make Shayne look bad. i asked him, not the other way around." he ordered her smirking a little before leaning forward. "and let all your little buddies at the papers know, that if they bother Shayne at work again, they'll have me personally to deal with. in fact from now on, Draco will probably be the only person informing any of you on anything." he settled back into his seat and yawned a little. "i'm starved, whats for eats?"
Shayne relaxed, smirking a little."I want to so fuck you right now."He muttered studying the man, smiling as he waved the waitress over."I want a steak and fries. And a tall lager."He said closing his eyes as he rested his head back on the booth.
Harry paused and then. "i want the chef salad, grilled chicken on it and a strawberry shake, Italian dressing on the side thanks." Harry chirped to the waitress glancing at Skeeter. "why are you still here? scat! Scram!" he demanded shooing her off like she was a mangy stray Draco snickering as he ordered himself a small glass of wine and a stuffed pepper. as Harry smirked at Shayne and ran his suddenly bare foot along Shayne's inner thigh.
Shayne snorted into his drink as Skeeter left, giving Harry a look as he sipped his beer."Stop."He growled studying the table, thinking about it. Before looking around. Deciding that no, he couldn't fuck harry on the table. Though that did have appeal."Why are your feet bare?"He said trying to think of something else.
Harry smirked at Shane and pressed his foot into the others crotch before pulling away and shrugging. "i took my shoe off." "duh." Draco teased before tensing a little. "h..Harry that's not nice." Draco complained breathlessly and Harry snickered a little. "i love sitting on this side of the table." Harry decided cheerfully.
Shayne smirked, relaxing. Glad it wasnt him harry was torturing anymore."I do to. As long as its not me your torturing."He said smiling brightly at the waitress as she brought their food laughing as she blushed leaving.
Harry snickered a little as Draco gasped and slapped his hands down on the Table, curling his fingers into the wood as Harry snickered a little. "you alright there Draco?" "f...fuck you p..potter!" Draco complained squeezing his eyes shut hard as he tried to control himself.
Shayne laughed shifting so he could watch what harry was doing while he ate."Having problems draco?"He asked kissing the man's cheek.
Harry's foot was pressing and rubbing into the blonds crotch, causing all sorts of issues for poor Draco who was panting like a whore until Harry finally pulled his foot away and smirked a little as he began to eat. "yum." Harry purred nodding. "you where right, this is good food!"
"Great food and good entertainment."Shayne grinned eating, enjoying the lunch with them. Sighing as he finished eating, closing his eyes."I don't want to go back to work.Though hopefully, you threatening Skeeter gets everyone off my back."
Harry snickered again and Draco coughed a little, going to work on his meal as harry smirked a little and glanced down at Shayne's cock. "you know, i bet if i crawled under the table, no one could see me from around Draco." harry teased wagging his eyebrows at Shayne playfully. harry was just suddenly very horny, and he wasn't sure why. all he knew was that he needed sex.
Shayne looked at him, raising his eyebrows."Bet you can't suck me off and make me lose control."he said smirking as he looked at the other man, more then willing to do what harry wanted, knowing what Harry's mood was. He was feeling it to he wanted sex, and he wanted it now.
Harry smirked and glanced around before he vanished under the table and settled in between Shayne's knees, running his tongue along the cloth Draco coughing a little as he tried to ignore the two. Harry sucked on Shayne through the cloth of his pants, pressing down with his teeth for more pressure and pleasure before he slowly, silently began to shift the others pants so that he could get to his prize.
Shayne swallowed hard, resting his head back on the back of the booth as he sighed, closing his eyes as he took a sip of his lager, looking over at Draco."Have you talked to your mother since..."He trailed off, trying to distract himself. And truly wondering. willing to go talk to the woman because he knew, even if Lucius told her to, or draco wanted her to leave him alone, she wouldn't abandon her only child.
Draco shook his head. "no, Father probably has her tied up again... i mean...Lucius...probably..." Draco fell silent and stared into his drink swirling it around with his Straw as harry paused for a moment until Draco snorted a little and took a small sip of the wine. "in any case i would rather not speak to her." he admitted and Harry sighed softly, the warm breath fluttering around the base of Shayne's cock as the tip of his tongue traced a small pattern onto the others balls.
Shayne winced a little,"I didn't want to know about your family's sex life."He said swallowing hard as Harry touche him, his hand tightening around his glass as the brunette went down on him."I want to go to a quidditch game sometime soon."
Draco snickered a little and watched the other. "a quidditch game? one of harry's or someone else's?" he asked looking Far too amused at Shayne's difficulties as harry nipped at the others tip and ran his tongue along the shaft before slowly, so very slowly he began to engulf the cock in a hot, sucking mouth as he went down and down and down on the other.
"D-dont care. You should invite your cousin, maybe give your father some hope that you're straighter then you look."He growled nearly choking on his drink as Harry sucked him, moaning softly. Giving draco a look, smirking a little, trying to distract himself."Your cousin was hot. And a redhead. Were you pissed I went home with a blond the night before?"He asked curious.Having meant to ask earlier.
Draco's fingers twitched at the mention of his cousin. "she', eloping." he admitted sounding amused. "with a muggle..." he looked close to bursting into laughter, both at the thought of a pure blood eloping with a muggle, and Shayne's reactions at Harry's attentions. Harry hummed back, swallowing down the others cock sucking harder and faster as he buried the other up to his balls in the hot, wet, sucking mouth. Draco growled a little and narrowed his eyes. "i always hated it when you took people home." he admitted. "but when you took that blond woman... i guess i felt a little more insulted." he admitted sipping at his champagne again.
Shayne smirked a little, shifting his hips a little, thrusting up into Harrys mouth, trying to keep from pulling him out from under the table and fuck him. Glad that he had enough self control to keep this from ending to soon."Why?You know if I ever slept with a woman she was blond."His smirk widened."Must be something about you looking pretty, princess, that made me want a girl and a blond."
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