Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco scowled darkly his fingers tapping the table as harry began to bob his head along the others shaft, suck pull wiggle the tongue, suck down bite the cock, harry had a rhythm going. "Because i was supposed to be the only blond thing you where supposed to take home." Draco growled possessively his eyes narrowed. "now if we may change the damn topic!?" he demanded tossing a glare at Shayne, harry never pausing. he was too immersed in his task to hear anything, not even their food arriving.
Shayne laughed softly, reaching down to tangle his fingers in harry's hair as he came with a soft sigh, "If I didn't know better princess, I'd think you were trying to be dominate. But you make such a pretty little uke."He said as he started eating, knowing he was pushing Draco's buttons, but he was having to much fun doing it.
Draco scowled darkly at nothing and then looked away from Shayne, almost as if he was intending to ignore the other. Draco didn't want to think about all the other lovers Shayne had been with...for as long as Draco had known Shayne the man had slept around, and every one of the strangers, and sometimes even freinds, that had 'tapped Shayne' Draco's heart had suffered another blow of depression and hatred for the people who could be with Shayne while he was under the oppression of his father. no Draco did not want to remember all the people who had been with Shayne before him, all the people who had gotten to have Shayne for themselves for a day, a week, however long, while Draco had to share constantly. even now Draco had to share. somehow, that just didn't seam fair.
Shayne sighed softly, gently pushing Harry away as he looked at his watch, doing up his pants with a flick of a wrist."Shit. I gotta go."He muttered having noticed the blond's look, and having only meant to tease him a little, not give him a hard time. Shifting away he stood, tilting his head."I'll see you two at home."He muttered before walking out, heading for his office before the other two could say anything. His heart hurting because he felt bad for draco. And for himself, because the years he'd slept around had been trying to forget Draco, to forget that he was in love with him.Stepping into his office he sighed, wondering if it would just be better to leave Harry and Draco to their bliss together instead of being with them. After all, he just kept hurting them both.
Draco hummed a little and Harry poked his head out of the booth looking puzzled. they went home together and when Shayne got home Harry was reading a book and silently petting Draco's hair, who was asleep on the couch with his head on Harry's lap. "welcome home!" Harry chirped happily at Shayne. "i made you some dinner but i wasn't sure when you'd be home so i put it on stasis on the table, it should still be hot." he promised gently setting Draco's head onto a pillow looking worried at the blond. "his mother firecalled about three hours ago." he admitted once they where both in the kitchen.
Shayne nodded slightly before sitting at the table after getting the food, starting to eat."Not surprising.Narcissa isn't one to take no for a answer if she wanted to talk to him."He sighed, trying not to think about what he'd spent his afternoon obsessing over. Wondering if he was doing more harm then good at being with draco. Wondering if he was hurting him because of his past, because of what he'd done to keep from wanting Drco. Wondered if Draco blamed him for trying to distract himself.
Harry bit his lip hard. "Draco's worried." Harry admitted suddenly setting his hand on Shayne's knee. "he's..afraid that the reason you slept around was because he wasn't good enough for you." he admitted softly shaking his head. "he's afraid that i'm going to be better than him, and that one day were just going to shove him out...Shayne you need to talk to him." Harry admitted. "you know how draco obsesses over things like this..."
Shayne sighed,"I know."He said eating before pushing food around his plate,"I slept around because it hurt less then to be alone and think of him. He was strongly against being gay, and got bent out of shape anytime I brought up the idea of dating men...I thought hell, why should I admit to beng in love with him when all he'll do is laugh at me."He shook his head a little, running his fingers through his hair."I just can't help thinking he'd want to be alone with you."
Harry smiled a little. "that's part of the problem now isn't it?" he asked simply. "you both think that the other will leave for me." he smirked a little. "i know i'm perfect and all but really." he teased sighing a little taking a hold of Shayne's chin. "i will never leave you for Draco, Draco will never leave you for me, and we both know you love Draco too much to run off with me... we just have to make sure you and Draco realize that."
"I'll talk to him."Shayne said smiling at he looked at the brunette, starting to eat again. finishing his food he stood, kissing Harry softly before walking back to the living room, crouching by the couch, gently running his hand through Draco's hair, kissing him softly."Sweetheart, time to wake up."
Harry grinned a little and nodded. "good." Harry chirped simply moving to wash the dishes as Shayne moved into the living room, Draco groaning softly as he shifted on the couch his eyes fluttering open, a small smile lifting his lips. "hey." he murmured, still half asleep. "did work go ok?" determined to never talk about what was bothering him. stubborn little twerp that he was.
"Yea."Shayne smiled resting his chin on the couch cushion as he watched the blond,"You know I love you right?"He asked biting his lip. Amused that he was trying not to talk about it. Finding the sleepy draco adorable..
Draco paused and bit his lip a little dropping his gaze as the topic shifted to what he wants to ignore. "yeah, i know." but... there was always that hidden but...'but you love harry more right?' Draco didn't even have to say it, you could see it on his face.
Shayne made a face at him,"Your kidding right?I've spent more of my life in love with you then not. You gotta be tripping if you think I could love someone more then I love you. He has part of my heart now, but you've had it for years. There's no competing with that."He said softly, wanting to get the truth through to him.
Draco hesitated and then those silver eyes flicked up to meet Shayne's and before the blond could stop himself he had gathered Shayne up in his arms and had started crying into the others chest. "i j..just don't want to loose you.. i thought i was never good enough for you and that was w..why you n..never tried to f..flirt with me or to me and went out with o..other people instead." he admitted hiccuping a little. "i know it was my fault you never...but i was...still scared."
Shayne sighed softly, shifting to sit on the couch, cuddling him close, gently kissing his head. "I didn't flirt with you because it hurt ot much to know you weren't gay...well at least I thought you weren't..."He smiled sadly, "I talked to you all the time, you were my best friend. Don't be scared of me leaving, even when it hurt to be around you, I loved you to much to leave."
Draco sniffled a little as he curled into Shayne as tightly as he could. "and don't think harry is better than me?" he felt bad even saying it, he knew he shouldn't be jealous of Harry, who loved them both, Draco loved them both...but the little insecure voice in the back of his head said that Shayne liked harry more. even if draco knew it wasn't true the thought was still there.
Shayne frowned."No. though if you keep obsessing over this I might start to."Shayne teased before kissing him."No draco no. I love you. You don't have to worry about it."He said kissing his head holding him close, glancing towards the door, wondering if harry was listening.
harry was and he smiled once they got it all worked out. it almost seamed like Harry was the only one not worried about this three way relationship of course harry was also a lot more down to earth than the other two. "anyone want hot cocoa?" Harry offered heading out into the room with three huge mugs filled with Harry's special cocoa. "hell yes!" Draco chirped eagerly he loved Harry's cocoa the only person harry hadn't made it for yet was Shayne. it was Draco's favorite and got annoyed when harry didn't want to make it.
Shayne raised a eyebrow as he took the glass of hot cocoa, tilting his head at Draco. Really, that was such a over the top reaction to hot cocoa. "What did you do to it?"He asked, knowing there had to be a reason Draco reacted that way."If you've put cum or something in it, please tell me now."He said with a smirk, settling bak on the couch.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "i use real chocolate and melt it down and put milk in it, along with a bit of white chocolate, vanilla, a dash of peppermint, and i sprinkle the top with chopped up Dark chocolate." so much effort for a cup of hot chocolate, no wonder Draco was flipping his lid, the once blond groaning softly as he took a small sip. "fuck harry i hate you." Draco complained Harry smirking as he took a drink of his own. "only because you can't leave me for risk of loosing your precious cocoa." harry teased smirking. "that's how i won almost ever argument we ever had." Harry admitted snickering as he winked at Adrien.
Shayne laughed as he sipped the hot cocoa, moaning softly as he melted."That's almost-almost as good as sex."He moaned sipping it again."And you'll never have to worry about him not making it for you anymore.You're livign with him."he added, loving it nearly as much as draco did
Harry smirked a little as he took another swallow of his own hot chocolate. "i bet this would taste even better smeared all over Draco." harry admitted the blond going beat red making Harry snicker again. "and besides, just because i live here doesn't mean i have to make it." he warned smirking. "piss me off enough and i might just make only one cup and drink it in front of you, just to watch you suffer." "he's done it." Draco grumbled tossing harry an amused glare. "and besides Harry tastes better we should smear the hot cocoa all over him instead."
"So I don't get to be rated in the tasting contest?"Shayne sulked dipping his fingers in his glass, before smearing it on Draco's neck, lowering his head to lick it off."You're right he does taste good.And he blushes so nicely."Shayne smirked looking at harry as he sipped his glass.
Draco went beat red as the chocolate was licked off him and Harry smirked a little. "your not in the running because we all know that theres no way you would uke out enough to allow it." he teased shayne smirking a little as he took another sip of his chocolate and sighing softly. "besides, we all know Draco wants to be covered in chocolate and pleasured almost to death.
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