Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco groaned softly and smirked a little the plant pressing harder against the others entrance, almost as if in warning. "a..aaah c..careful there Shayne." Draco warned panting hard. "wouldn't want that plant to think your attacking me." he teased his eyes narrowed as he made a waving motion, the thick vine slipping away from Shayne's ass, almost looking as if it was sulking. the others though, continued to rub and stroke and squeeze Shayne's cock, balls, and nipples. "better?" Draco taunted, looking far too amused.
Shayne snarled softly, biting down on his shoulder."Get it away from me malfoy."He growled, for once not even noticing the slip up. shocked enough, reeling from a memory enough that he'd been totally knocked out of lust and working his way into a fine temper.
Draco yelped a little and almost immediately switched to submissive, the vines pulling away from Shayne quickly Draco whimpering a little as he cringed from the Bite, never realizing that he had touched a nerve and had upset Shayne, Draco was too concerned with the pain in his shoulder to realize why he was being bitten.
Shayne winced as he pulled away, wiping blood away from his mouth."Thank you."He muttered drawing away before heading out of the room. Within a few minutes the slamming of the bathroom door was heard, quickly followed by the shower. Shayne shivered despite the burning hot shower, feeling the water strip off a layer of skin and though his skin pinkened he refused to turn it off, at least until he felt clean again.
Draco groaned a little and laid his forehead on the bed and shook his head before he got up and followed after Shayne, stepping into the bathroom. "Shayne, you need to stop running away every time i cross a line." Draco complained softly. "how am i supposed to learn how to live with you if you never tell me when i'm doing something wrong!?" he demanded softly. "it's not fair to me, and it's not fair to harry either."
"Go oaway draco, I mean it.I told you I wouldn't enjoy it. Drop it."Shayne snarled from in side of the shower. Knowing he wasn't being fair, but he couldn't be fair not when all he could remember was Lucius's torture."Go away Draco."He growled again wincing as the water slid over blistering skin. Yet, he didn't relent, letting the hot water pound him, letting the pain wash away a rememered one.
Draco stayed there silent and then. "so you will talk to Harry, but you won't talk to me?" Draco demanded, his insecurities showing once more. "why do you flinch away from me!?" Draco demanded, pain in his voice. "when you look at me, when your upset like this why do you look at me as if i am a monster!?" he demanded, it wasn't fair...that Draco should look like a little copy of lucius, even without the blond hair, even without the genetics, Draco would always look like lucius. "you know what! fuck you then! if you don't want to work with me then you can just live your happy little life with harry!" he spat. words of anger, of pain, but right then he meant it. he turned on his heal and was a loud CRACK of dispelled air, the once malfoy, was gone.
"Fuck!"Shayne's fist shattered the tile under his hand as he lost his temper, the pain only adding to his foul mood as he sank to the bottom on the shower, wrapping his arms around his knees as he rested his forehead on his knees. Turning off the water he yelled to harry."I'll be back in awhile."

Swallowing hard before the crack of a apparation sounded, leaving harry to the vako estates as he retreated to the one place no one would think to look for him at.Malfoy manor. Pausing long enough to realze he was in Draco's old rooms he pulled on a pair of jeans before going in search of the one fight he could pick without feeling bad about it he headed into Lucius's office, glaring at the man.

"I hate you. You fucking bastard. You screwed me with a fucking plant, you twisted fuck. You let fenrir have me, you raped my mother, you made me watch. You polyjuiced into Draco to torture me, because you knew I loved him. You fucking asshole. I really should kill you. You're son disinherinted himself to be with me yet...some times I look at him and I still see you. I want nothing more then to not see you anymore."He growled, at first angry then slowly losting it, looking torn and lost. Red hair still sopping wet. He wanted this fight, because he needed to get rid of the memories, if he wanted to move on, he needed to finally confront the man who was more a nightmare then he was worth.

"You know the worst of it?You've fucked me over hard enough I can't be normal with draco, I can't talk to him because to tell him...would hurt worse then not telling him.Despite everything you've done. He loves you, you fucking moronic asshole."He growled softly, knowing he was going to get his ass kicked for this talk, yet it still needed said.
Lucius never even blinked at the others intrusion, never once paused in his work as the other screamed and yelled, he didn't flinch at the others accusations or rages, and when Shayne had finally finished yelling he looked up at the other. "do you feel better now?" he demanded, sounding as if Shayne was an annoying child throwing a temper tantrum, rather than a grown man finally trying to make things right in his own life. "i don't care about you or my son, get out of my house before i call Fenrir in here to finish what we started." he demanded flicking his finger at the door. "go on, or we'll cut the skin from your flesh, like you did to Blaise." so the word was leaking around, what Shayne had done to Blaise and Wood. "tell Draco or not, your a nuisance no matter what your doing."
Shayne sighed, shaking his head.That hadn't been the reaction he wanted. Shivering a little at the mention of Fenrir he apparated to the bar near his home, and was well on his way to being drunk before he stumbled back into his own home, not even making it to the couch before he collapsed, laying in the middle of the floor and drunkenly wndering how to get up. Shifting he curled up, pressing his forehead against his knees as he curled up in the fetal positon, shivering as the thought of losing Draco ripped his heart apart. But because he loved him he couldn't tell draco what his father had done, because it would hurt the blond that he'd been the weapon used to break shayne. Shivering as he curled up more he cried not even noticing if the others were there, all he knew was that draco had left.
there was a soft Noise as Harry slowly walked down the stairs and turned to watch Shayne for a long moment. "why did Draco burst into the room and start sobbing?" he demanded softly watching Shayne closley. "it took me almost ten minutes to get him to stop crying, did something happen while i was unconscious?" he asked looking over Adrien's figure. "Shayne what happened?" he demanded gently wrapping his arms around the other pulling him close, comforting him just like he had comforted Draco. who had apparently run another part of the house...
Shayne cuddled close to him, crying softly."I made draco run away."He sniffled, and yes, he was stupidly drunk enough to tell him what happened."He was upset when I wouldn't talk to him. I couldn't talk to him!H-how do you tell your lover his father's the one who tortured you. That he polyjuiced into your love because lucius knew I was in love with him. How can I tell him lucius used that damned plant, used fenrir, used everything, and did it wearing Draco's face?I can't.Wont."Shayne cried softly, amazingly lucid for being drunk, but the tears were getting worse as he clung to the brunette."I can't tell him. and I'm going to make him leave because of it. he'll want to leave."Shayne whispered going silent as he sobbed
Harry swallowed thickly and wrapped his arms tightly around Shayne, simply holding him and comforting him never realizing that Draco had been sitting just inside the stairwell, listening to Shayne talk, a hand over his mouth in Horror as Harry murmured soft comforting things to Shayne. "Draco's not going to leave you." he promised softly. "i'll explain to him." he promised. "i won't tell him anything...he'd feel too guilty, but we can explain that... i don't know but he hasn't left you yet, and he won't now, i promise." Draco swallowed thickly and turned away slipping out the back was time he dealt with the pains his father had caused.
Shyne sighed softly, cuddling against Harry, passing out.

Narcissa looked up from her book as she watched her son step into Lucius's office, watching him from her seat by the fire, enjoying a quiet evening with her husband. Yet...she didn't like the look on his face, and it worried her."Draco..."She said setting the book aside as she stood, moving to stop him before he could say something stupid.
Draco turned and gave her a leveled glare, his silver eyes swimming with Fury and a determination that the once Malfoy had never before shown. he had been disinherited a broken boy...but he had come back a man with a mission. "do not interfere." Draco demanded to her turning back to thee doors and slamming them open with his magic, stepping into the room, cutting off Lucius's fury filled comments with a silencing spell, the doors slamming shut and locking, keeping Narcissa out. for almost two hours Draco was in there with his father, only Merlin knew what was going on in there, finally the doors swung open, a CRACK of dispelling air indicated that Draco had left leaving Lucius pale, broken, and on the floor. Lucius, nor Draco would ever talk about what had gone on in that room.

Draco had gone to the bar right after, and had gotten himself so drunk, that someone else had to apparate him to Shayne's house, harry had opened the door with a snap, and let out a shriek of relief as he caught the staggering blond. "oh god Draco you REEK!" harry complained wrinkling his nose a little as he half carried Draco into the house.
Shayne stirred as Harry put him in to bed, cuddling against him before raising his head to look at Harry."He smells."He whined sighing softly. Rubbing his eyes, becase he was starting to sober up and he was really surprised to find the man there.Though he was drunk so that was a oddity. "Draco..."He said slowly gently touching the man, before shaking his head."might as well let him sleep. He might drown himself if we tried to shower him now."
Harry nodded gently stroked Draco's hair as the blond whimpered and leaned into the touch. "n..nn...Shayne.." draco whined, a tear slipping down his face Making Harry smile gently. "just sleep Dray." he ordered softly kissing the blonds forehead. "Shayne is right here." the blond sighed and relaxed falling into sleep effortlessly, far too drunk to do anything else. "christ..i've never seen Draco get drunk before.." Harry admitted softly shaking his head. "sure sometimes he get's a little tipsy but never drunk..."
"I did once in school after pansy broke up with him. We went on a binge. "He smiled softly nuzzling the drunk before shifting to pull harry done next to him."We'll ask him what happened in the morning, for now we need to get some sleep."
Harry nodded and snuggled into the blond from the other side smiling a little. "i'm sure he was just upset." harry murmured softly shaking his head. "you know how he is, he..he's just not used to this.. he's never been loved before and he doesn't know how to react to any of this." he admitted softly, gently stroking Draco's forehead before kissing Shayne's cheek and smiled a little. "we'll fix everything in the morning."
"We will."Shayne smiled falling asleep,holding draco close.

The next morning Shayne smiled as he set a tray of food on the nightstand, gently shaking draco's shoulders. The tray filled with all of Draco's favorite foods, and some of harry's hot cocoa...or at least Shayne's version of it.
Draco groaned a little his eyes fluttering open at the shake a low whimper falling from his lips. "turn out the light." he pleaded pulling the pillow over his eyes, being that Draco never got drunk, his hangovers where really a bitch. he poked his head back out when he smelled the food and blinked at it. "oh..." he mumbled his stomach growling loudly his eyes flicking up, expecting to see harry, startled when he saw Shayne. " it edible?" he asked lightly teasing the other, looking rather, happy that Shayne could be so happy. "i'm sorry, i wasn't really going to run away... i was just upset." it was better to not mention Lucius. ever. he reached over and picked up his most favorite thing ever, strawberry ice cream, and huddled down int he blankets to nibble on it.
"Hey, I can make edible foods.Just not alot of them."Shayne grinned before shifting around, cuddling against the man as he ate, resting his cheek on Draco's stomach."I know..I'm sorry to."He said,"I'll try to talk to you...just...please bear with me when I set the boundaries of what I'll talk about. Some ones I don't want to share."He said not realizing Draco had already heard.
Draco smiled a little looking sad. "i know, i just..hate it." Draco admitted looking upset still. "when you look at me like i'm something terrible, even before, when i was pretending to not be gay you'd get that far off look, and then when you saw me it was almost like you where afraid of me..."
Shayne swallowed hard, shuddering a little. Because he had been, still was as much as he hated to admit to it. Struggling to come up with a way to explain without telling him."You're nothing terrible. I was...just afraid of losing you."He swallowing knowing he was making a mess, and wishing harry was around to explain. Harry'd promised he'd explain.
Draco smiled and rolled over so that he was facing Shayne and snuggled into him sighing softly. "i love you Shayne." he murmured softly his eyes closed as he started to drift off to sleep again, Harry walking in and blinking at the food before smiling at Shayne. "see, i told you he was just upset. come on Draco, you need a shower, you stink." Draco groaned a little but sat up and staggered after harry who smirked a little. "he's always so obedient and ukish when he doesn't feel well." he admitted his head tilted. "i have this sudden urge to pay him back for that damn plant trick he pulled last night." he admitted licking his lips. "you wanna come with?" he asked a lopsided mischievous grin on his lips.
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