Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco and Harry stared now at him and blinked. "..Shay...your frightening me a little." Draco admitted nervously. "what are you planning?" Harry tilted his head a little looking just as baffled as Draco as they followed the other into the bedroom, Draco settling himself onto the bed as Harry flopped onto the pillows. "will it be fun?" Harry asked grinning a little.
Shayen grinned looking at them."Of course it'd be fun."He said looking at Draco."And if I tell you, you're liable to make fun of wanting to do it. So no, you don't get to know."He said giving the ex-blond a look.
Draco did the only thing he could think of, he used...the look. the look, was a perfected pout that Draco had often used on his mother, and harry, to get his way. it was a mix between a pout, a plead, and the look a person gets just before they are about to cry. it was a deadly weapon. Harry gasped and almost immediately went over to try and comfort the blond, who was aiming that deadly look straight at Shayne.
Shayne scowled at him beore walking over, cuddling against the man as he sat on the edge of the bed."That's not fair."He whined nuzzling the man's neck before sighing."I wanted to take you to the carnival. It's a muggle thing...but since your not the malfoy heir anymore, you can enjoy it. It'll be fun. I love going. The house of mirrors is good. And the ferris wheel. And and cotton candy."Shayne said starting to ramble on.
Malfoy blinked at the suggestion and then, amazingly, he looked overjoyed. "really!?" he demanded looking almost hopefully Harry practically bouncing on the bed. "can we ride the spinning rides? what did you call them harry?" "Tilt a Whirl! and the Gravatron! oh and spin the apple! and we need to eat doughnuts! and play the carnival games!" "and go on that tall ride! the one you showed me the picture of, the one that loop the loops!" Draco chirped bounding into the closet to get Dressed, almost getting run over by Harry who had the same thing in mind. "this is going to be awesome!" Harry chirped gleefully Draco nodding furiously. "i've never been to a carnival before!" Draco chirped eagerly. "me either!" harry admitted grinning brightly. "hurry Shayne i wanna go eat a Funnel Cake!!!"
Shayne stared at them, not quite believing they were this excited. And having a feeling by the end of the day he was going to regret talking them, but really. The look on their faces was enough to make up for the headache he'd have later.Getting up hegrinned as they got dressed, wrapping his arms around them and apparating to the carvinal. Smirking slightly as he looked at the rides surrounding them."Where two first you two?"
they where grinning like children when they finally apparated to the fair, Draco wearing shorts, Harry wearing an almost see through shirt as they looked around at all the fun rides and games, both of them pointing, yelling 'that way' in unison turning to glare at each other when they realized they where pointing in the completely opposite was rather amusing to watch Draco and Harry duking it out silently for domination, so that they could have their own way.
Shayne winced seperating them."No!I am going to decide, since neither of you want to do the same thing."He said smirking as he looked at them both, daring them to disagree.
they both pouted at him but nodded waiting to see where they would go, both of there eyes suddenly fixing on a game stand that was selling stuffed dragons and snakes and lions and other animals. "THERE!" they both yelled, pointing at the game stand and tossing each other a grin as they grabbed Shayne's hands and started dragging him over to the game stand eager to win stuffed prizes.

it was one of those shooting games, where you had to aim at the bulls eye and hit it as many times as you could in the space of a minute. Harry tried first and won a key chain, Draco went second and didn't win anything...they sucked at that came. they turned to shayne with pouty looks hoping he could win them better prizes.
Shayne smirked looking at the two."What do I get for winning you things?"He asked before taking the gun, picking off the targets with skill. Not that he'd ever tell anyone, but he'd come here on most of his weekends off, just to relax...and play this game. Smirking as he handed a lion and serpent to his boyfriends.
they both smirked at the same time and offered him a wink before he went up to the game. Harry squealed happily as he cuddled the lion and Draco laughed wrapping the Snake around his Neck harry grinning brightly. "you know, i think we should get a pet." he admitted grinning Draco lifting an eyebrow. "i'm allergic to dogs, and i can't stand cats." "i wasn't thinking anything with Fur, they require too much maintenance." harry admitted looking amused. "or feathers, their too...well, feathery." "so..a fish then?" "no you moron." "don't call me a moron! i'll beat you with my snake!" "oooh promise?" Harry teased Draco going bright red. "that wasn't what i meant you perv!....but yes i promise." they both laughed and wrapped their fingers in Shayne's pulling him towards the Tilt a Whirl.
Shayne laughed as he let himself get pulled along, smirking."Hey!Why's he the only one who gets to be beat with your snake?"He said wrapping his arms around the blond as they stopped in the line of the tilt a whirl, pressing a kiss to the man's neck as he cuddled him against his chest.
Draco laughed a little. "please Shayne, we both know that your never going to let me top." Draco teased smirking Harry laughing a little and shaking his head grabbing the blond by the hair and tipping his head back, making Draco moan a little. "only because you make such a good bitch Draco." Harry teased smirking a little as the blond blushed a bit. "shut up potter your MY bitch, don't forget that!" he demanded smirking as harry blushed and dropped the blonds hair. "t..that didn't count! you where cheating!" "well you didn't seam to mind at the time."
Shayne laughed softly cuddling against the other man. A soft frown on his face as he raised his head to look down at the former blond. He knew why he didn't want Draco topping him...a soft worried frown as he thought about the night before. Curiousity in his look as he studied his lover, growing serious as they neared the front of the line. "And why are you so sure I wont let you top?"He asked curious.
Draco grinned up at Shayne. "because we all know your not the bitch." Draco teased winking at him. "besides, Harry likes being the uke of the uke, and i like being uke and dom, and you obviously like being the dom, so it works." Draco pointed out grinning at the other. "of course, if your not carefully i might take control of you now and again." he teased cocking his hip at Shayne as Harry laughed and hook his head. "Draco your ridiculous you know that?"
Shayne smirked kissing the man's forehead looking at harry."Most definately he does. He plays up being a perfect little whiney bitch."He smirked wider as they were let on the ride, making draco get in first sliding in next to him then pulling in harry after him."Okay, this is going to be amazing."He grinned, he'd been so long since he'd been on the ride.and never with a date.
Harry laughed as Draco smirked and flipped his hair, in a perfect mimic of a pretty blond popular woman as he crawled into the Ferris wheel humming happily as he settled into the seat, Harry laughing a little as he slid in as well watching Draco intently, as if plotting something. which was never good, harry could get damn creative when he wanted to.
"Potter, what are you thinking about?"Shayne asked looking at the brunette, snickering lightly at the blond man's antics. Really, draco was to much of a drama queen for his own good.
Harry just smirked and shrugged a little as Draco grimaced a bit. "i can guess what he's thinking...potter if you break this ride with me inside it i'm liable to have a panic attack and you won't be able to molest me even int he slightest." he warned and Harry pouted but nodded in agreement..he wouldn't break the ride, well not with Draco still inside it anyway.
Shayne grinned as the ride started, closing his eyes as they went around and around. Feeling his head spin after a few minutes when it ended, stumbling a few steps as they got out."Dammit."he growled softly as he walked sideways.
Harry snickered as he walked out, looking perfectly fine, Draco stumbling a few steps before he too was perfectly fine. "that was fun." Draco slurred, still a little Dizzy making Harry laugh. "you guys look like kids that just got off the Merry go round! you'll never survive the Gravitron! or the tilt a whirl! pansies!" "shut up potter before i barf on your shoes!"
Shayne growled."I am NOT a pansy. Shut up potter."He growled, snickering as he pulled the two towards his favorite attraction of the park. The maze of mirrors."Come on. We I want to see you sweaty and cute pressed up against a mirror."He said snickering as he shoved at Draco's shoulder, kissing him lightly as he stepped into the front hall of mirrors. Smirking as they were reflected over and over.
Harry laughed as he raced forward, running smack into a mirror with a loud curse clutching his nose. "that's a dirty trick!" Harry complained turning to glare at Shayne, blinking as he didn't see the other right away, Draco laughing as he darted away from Shayne as well. "Catch us if you can Shayne!" Draco teased grinning brightly as Harry laughed, reaching out for a reflected Draco touching only glass. "damn! this is confusing!" Harry chirped laughing a little.
Shayne grinned,"I'm going to get you princess."Shayne grinned as he followed them inside, resting a hand on the mirrors as he walked to keep from running into them. Smirking a little as he approached the blond, sliding his arms around the slim waist, kissing his head. Not realizing the draco he held, wasn't the only one reflected in the mirrors.
Draco froze his eyes widening as he watched as the fake Draco turned and smiled at Shayne. "close." the fake whispered tauntingly, a sick tone to his voice his hand reaching up and grabbing a tight hold of Shayne's hair. "right face, wrong person, i am glad that you fell for my trap so easily Mr. Vako." "Shayne!" Draco's voice fluttering through the air. "Shayne run!" an image of Draco rushed in, only to rebound backwards as he hit a mirror Harry yelling in horror as he realized what was happening. but by that time, it was too late, Shayne and the fake Draco had vanished with a loud CRACK, making Draco roar in anger and rage Harry shrieking in pain as Shayne was delivered to a very familiar white manor, a muttered spell and his entire body, went limp. the fake Draco was not taking any chances. two familiar faces sneered at him, Wood, and Zabini. which meant the fake Draco had to be... "Lucius, that didn't take you long at all."
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