Love and Lies Lady/Moon

" you get off on the fact that you can be your son?"Shayne muttered mostly unconscious, his defenses as a storm lord were fighting to keep him awake. Swallowing hard as he struggled to keep his eyes open, to face Lucius and the other's with the same arrogance he always had.
Lucius laughed darkly as he dropped the boy onto the ground and kicked him hard in the ribs. "you know, i never did like my son. he was weak willed, pathetic, never willing to test the boundaries. he was always such a filthy little good boy." Lucius snarled kicking Shayne again as Blaise lifted a wand and cast a silencing charm over Shayne so he couldn't use magic. "but the other day, he found out what i did to you all those years ago." Lucius admitted bending down and yanking Shayne's head back violently. "and you know what he did? he stormed into my office, and punished me for it." Lucius laughed Darkly as Blaise handed the Malfoy lord a knife, the silver gleaming darkly in the bright light as Lucius muttered a spell to make sure that Shayne had to stay awake during every single moment of the following torture. "yes, all i have to do is kill you, and Draco will come back and be the proper Malfoy Heir he was born to be, now that he's proven himself capable. and you Shayne, you will be a message to Mr. Potter." he smirked darkly. "how's that sound?"
Shayne's eyes went wide at the idea of Draco knowing what had happened. Shame showing in his eyes, shivering as he looked at the blond, whimpering softly at the feel of the man holding his hair. Reaching for the other man's mind, He'll never come back to you.Not even for me. he trembled harder as he watched the knife flash in the light, for once afraid of what was coming.
Lucius snickered darkly as he set the blade along the others belly, carving letters into the Skin, SLUT was carved deep into the flesh. even magic wouldn't be able heal the cuts without leaving a scar behind. "Tom, Blaise. feel free to use him as you please." Lucius ordered smirking Darkly, Blaise snickering viciously as he watched the other bleed. "you ruined my life you little fucker." he stated kicking Shayne in the face, breaking his nose with a single kick glancing at Lucius. "do you really think Draco will come?" "no." Lucius admitted. "but it doesn't matter so long as this little bitch dies for taking my son away from me." he admitted smirking darkly. "and slit his throat when you've finished. even if he does survive, i want to make sure he can never utter another word again."
Hours later shayne whimpered softly as he curled up, looking up at the woman stepping into the room. Glad that her husband and the other's had already left."Ah shay, even now you still fight."Narcissa whispered as she crouched down in front of him, gently touching his neck healing the worst. Knowing he would survive, but never speak again.Closing her eyes as she made her choice. Knowing she'd never be able to return home, but Draco deserved this happiness. Deserved shayne. Apparating them unto the front steps of the Vako mansion she knocked on the door, floating the man's broken body in front of her on air, waiting for someone to answer.
the door slammed open, Draco standing there with a furious snarl on his lips, his wand out, aimed at Narcissa's throat as harry rushed out gathering Shayne into his arms. "Shayne, oh god Shayne i'm so sorry! i tried! i tried i really did but i couldn't get in!" in the background you could hear the head of the Auror department demanding to know what was happening. "you get the fuck away!" Draco demanded, the end of his wand sparking with his Fury as Harry carefully carried Shayne into the house glaring viciously at Narcissa. "just hex her scrawny ass Draco and then we can get down to murdering your fuck of a father!"
Narcissa winced at her son's anger, swallowing hard as she stepped away. Sadness in her eyes."Goodbye draco."she said before apparating away.

Shayne whimpered silently turning his head to press his face against harry's chest, the scars of the men slitting his throat, and the words written showing as he closed his eyes, reaching for the other's mind. Harry...home....?he struggled to think clearly through the pain.
Draco snarled darkly before he rushed inside to finish talking to the head of the aurors, who sent a team right away to collect Wood, Zabini, and Mr. Malfoy. Harry carefully set about trying to heal Shayne, tears falling from his eyes as he worked, apologizing over and over for not being there, for not saving Shayne, and assuring the other that he was at home, Draco gently taking Shayne's hand and kissing the knuckles. "don't worry lover." Draco whispered, his voice pained. "i'll personally make sure they pay for this."
Shayne cringed away from the once malfoy, tears shining in his eyes as he pressed back against the bed, looking up at the once malfoy with wide eyes before looking at harry, tugging his hand out of Draco's, but not strong enoough to do it, he laid compliant in the other men's care, closing his eyes. Waiting for the torture to start again.
Draco's face went pale as he felt the other cringe away from him and he closed his eyes and bowed his head, releasing Shayne's hand as Harry swallowed thickly. " know he..." " going to kill them." Draco hissed softly. "i'm going to kill them all for doing this to Shayne...for making me a weapon against him." Draco had tears running down his face. "i am going to make them suffer for this!" "Draco stop!" Harry demanded groaning as Draco vanished with a loud CRACK, determined to find his father, and murder him. "oh shit..."
Shayne swallowed crying softly as he rubbed at his eyes, tugging on Harry's arm to get his attention.Go after him.I'll...I'll be fine here by myself. he said fear in his voice, for both being left alone and for draco. When the man was in front of him, he struggled to remember that this was his draco, not Lucius. His draco would never hurt him. Swallowing he curled up on his side, not wanting Draco to get in a mess because of him, the move revealing the words carved into his skin, the cruelest blow that blaise had inflicted. Lucius' willing slut. Forever would the words be carved into his skin.
Harry shook his head and gently cradled Shayne. "there's no stopping him." Harry whispered softly closing his eyes. "don't worry, i might have cut off most of my ties with the blood sucking leaches at the ministry, but i still have a pretty massive pull, being that i'm 'He-Who-Killed-Him." Harry pointed out shaking his head a little. "even if Draco does completely slaughter Lucius and Zabini and Wood, i can get him off on a self defense plea." he smirked a little. "no ones ever gonna call ME a liar after all. just rest." he ordered gently kissing Shayne's forehead. "Draco will come back when he's done doing whatever he's doing." Harry highly doubted Draco would actually be able to kill someone, no he bet all the gold in his vault that Draco was hiring an assassin. Harry gasped his eyes wide as he caught sight of the word and he gritted his teeth his vision going black with rage for a moment before he shook his head and set his hand over the word, hiding it for Shayne. Harry had worked with a tattoo gun before, if Shayne wanted, Harry could easily hide the scars.
Shayne sighed softly as the other man touched him, before giving into the pain that was dragging him under. Relaxing against the brunette and closing his eyes.

Within a few hours Shayne whimpered softly at the sound of the door opening pressing his face harder against Harry's chest as he opened his eyes to look at Draco.Fear, hard instinctive fear tightened his stomach before he swallowed. This was his draco, not lucius....dray?He muttered softly, glad that the blanket was wrapped around his naked form, not wanting the other man to see the pale scarred words on his skin. Afraid Draco wouldn't want him anymore.
Draco stepped into the room looking rather tired now as he sat down and set an arm over his eyes, hiding the light, and his own tears. "it's been done." "hired an assassin?" "...i hired....i hired the lestrange brothers." Draco admitted softly Harry flinching violently before staring at Draco wide eyed. "Draco are you serious? they don't kill people they torture people!" "it's no worse than what they did to you and Shayne!" Draco bit out, snarling a little before looking down at his hands. "besides they where...the only ones i knew who aren't terrified of Lucius... i can trust them to kill him."
shayne swallowed hard,shifting a little, biting his lip as he slowly wrapping his arms around the blond, nuzzling the man's neck.Love you. he muttered nuzzling his neck, holding him tightly. Not upset about what had happened to him, not about what draco had done, but scared on how the man was going to be hurt because of it. Worried about how it would affect draco to have done this.
Draco smiled a little and wrapped his arms around the other gently kissing him. "i love you too." he whispered softly, gently nuzzling the other a relieved look on his face. "i'm just glad you don't hate me." he admitted softly shaking his head. "i was so scared that you where going to hate me..." he admitted letting out a tiny little sob, Harry getting up and heading into the other room to make his special hot Cocoa. it would make everyone feel better. It wasn't you. he mutered shuddering a little, sitting up. Taking his time, because he needed to go to the bathroom. Kissing the blond lightly he got up, forgetting just how scarred his body was. What they had written in his skin.Stumbling to the bathroom, taking a piss before heading back to the bedroom. Collapsing back down next to Draco, nuzzling his neck.
Draco had held in his anger at seeing the marks and scars and worse, the WORD that had been carved into Shayne's skin and he glanced at Harry who shook his head hard as they waited for Shayne to come back Draco gathering the man into his arms and simply holding him as Harry offered Shayne a cup of hot Chocolate, Draco smiling as he accepted his own. "and how many cakes do you have going?" "...three....and a pie...uhm, and a few pastries..." Harry cooked when he was scared or nervous or worried. it helped put him at ease, but at least it wasn't too many things this time.
Shayne laughed softly as he sipped his cocoa, closing his eyes before cracking a eye to look at the brunette.I'm sorry...for worrying you...I.. I'm sorry... he whimpered starting to cry as he set his glass down, burying his face in his hands.
Harry smiled at him hoping to reassure him and gasped when the other burst into tears and Draco cooed gently at Shayne, gently running his fingers through the others hair shaking his head. "now now." he murmured softly. "you have nothing to be sorry for." "that's right!" Harry growled softly, gently taking Shayne's hand and kissing his knuckles. "your not the person at fault here love, that i promise you." he admitted shaking his head. "your not the person i blame." he promised gently cupping the others face. "i worry, because that's just what i where worried when i was attacked weren't you? this is the same thing."
Shayne rembled slightly as he relaxed, closing his eyes as he leaned int the two, opening his mouth to say something, but let out a frustrated growl.but...yes it is...I'm a...slut... he said, te words having crashed through him.Because he had been, in the effort to outrun being in love with Draco, he'd slept his way through the wizarding population. Which made lucius's acusations even worse, his heart breaking.
Draco snorted a little and gave Shayne a look. "your not the only person who's slept with a lot of people Shayne. besides, that was clearly just practice." he teased smirking as he lifted his nose loftily into the air. "after all, i will never allow someone to touch me, unless they have had plenty of practice, and now exactly how to pleasure me." Harry snorted and pushed Draco off the chair, gathering Shayne into his arms insted as Draco sulked at Harry who smirked at him before siling at shayne.

"the past, is the past Shayne, there's nothing we can do to stop it. the past is not what makes us who we are, it is the decisions we make when they really matter...and now is when they matter. you CHOSE to help me when i was attacked." "you CHOSE to love us both." Draco pointed out smiling a little. "you CHOSE to be with us, and only us." "so what if it took you a while to get here, mostly my fault." Draco admitted coughing a little Harry snorting. "what matters now, is that we love you, no matter how many people you've slept with, sucked off, convicted, or even murdered. your ours." "always." "forever." "and your never getting rid of us."
Shayne snickered, Have you two ever thought about writing books?You have the emotional scene down pat. he teased relaxing more, snuggling against the man holding him, smiling peacefully at Draco. Glad that they hadn't changed, that what happened hadn't affect them at all.
they both smirked a little. "that would make an excellent book." Harry agreed Draco nodding tossing a hand in the air, as if reciting a popular hit screen movie. "Harry Potter and his ruined, put back together, ruined again, and then fixed completely life!" "or how about 'draco malfoy is a git?'" harry suggested looking amused as Draco smirked. "or 'Shayne Vako and his claim to fame and happiness!'" "wheres the fame?" "he's a lawyer, who worked on YOUR divorce case, and is now dating THE harry potter..." "...ok, good point, claim to fame works."
....morons.It would be 'shayne vako, the amazing sex god. he said snickering as he watched the two. Slowly becoming more of himself the longer they were themselves instead of fussing over him.
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