Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Lady luck? Shayne snickered looking over at him, pulling on his boots as he waited for harry to be ready to go. Amused at the two's bantering. REally, they were good to be around.
Harry rushed back into the room, dressed for practice and grinning brightly. "by the way Shayne you look DASHING." he purred grinning and Draco looked FAR too proud of himself. "of course he does! i can make even YOU look good potter, finding clothes for someone as naturally good looking as Shayne was simple." "....i'd deck you if you weren't fucking me." Harry growled glaring at the once blond who snickered. "your going to be late." "OH SHIT!" harry cursed shaking his head. "Come on Shayne we have to go!" harry complained grabbing the mans hand and rushing for the fireplace so he could Floo to the quidditch pitch, arriving quickly and rushing to the Locker rooms where everyone was waiting for him. "YOUR ALL LATE!" Harry accused breathlessly making the entire team laugh at him.
Shayne frowned shifting nervously.No, woudln't they all be early? He asked tentatively, for once the lawyer was off his game and seemingly unsure of how to approach the men surrounding him. Absently rubbing his hand at the scars on his arm, he fidgeted nervously.
Harry sulked at Draco. "no their all late!" he protested two of the teammates rolling their eyes. "alright alright we're late." they chorused, like twins though they looked nothing alike. and in fact where different nationalities and the entire team stared at them. "right, they need new roommates." another one mumbled making the team laugh again. "alright guys! this is Shayne!" harry introduced tugging Shayne closer. "he's to be our new legal adviser, don't bother him, don't hit on him, don't LOOK at him..." "relax Harry were not gonna take your man!" one of the guys in back promised laughing. "are you done being possessive or..." "no i am NOT done being possessive!" harry complained scowling at them making them all laugh again one of them glancing at Shayne. "it's nice to have you aboard. someone skilled as you can definitely be a good thing for this team, you GOTTA be better than the last idget we had." "a monkey in a suit could do better than Blaise!"
Shayne snickered, giving harry a look before looking at the other before making a obscene hand gesture,Only thing Blaise was good at required him being on his knees. I wipe the floor with his ass.I am amazing. he snickered before realizing they couldn't hear them, giving harry a hesitant look,hoping he'd explain.
Harry snickered a little and the team stared at him Harry blinking. "ah, well Blaise attacked Shayne and, well he...was hurt pretty bad." Harry admitted taking Shayne's hand trying to calm the other down. "Shayne can't physically talk." they all blinked and glanced at each other wondering how Harry had been able to understand the mute man and Harry smirked a little. "anyway! get off your asses! it's time to practice!" "FINALLY!" "yeah harry, you talk a lot!" "still, Shayne is kinda hot.." "I HEARD THAT!" Harry squealed furiously making the team laugh as they streamed out of the locker room. "...even if it is true." harry muttered flashing Shayne a grin.
Shayne snickered shrugging.I can't help it if I'm amazing. he said watching them walk out. AFter practice he frowned a little as everyone trailed in, having busied himself going over the team's finances and legal things, and found...some odd things.Hey!Did any of you know Wood and Zabini own the team? he said whistling through his teeth as he broadcasted the thought to everyone. Wincing after because he knew he should have asked first.
there was no fuss about the talking int heir heads, they where too outraged about Wood and Zabini owning the team. there was a unanimous. "I QUIT!" and harry burst into laughter at that shaking his head. "you can't just quit, that won't solve the problem..." he paused turning to Shayne. "will it?" the team slumped into their seats, groaning a little from the rough practice that Harry had put them all through. "i don't see why not, we can all quit...or maybe if we all pitch in a certain amount of money we can buy the team back from them." "actually, shouldn't their rights to the team be null, when Wood attacked Harry?" "i don't think that's how it works." and the debate started, harry rolled his eyes as everyone squabbled with each other and he shook his head turning to Shayne. "ignore them, how DO we fix this problem?"
Shayne smirked a little as he watched everyone squabble, sighing ever so softly. We can buy them out, get them convicted for what they've done...or wait until their wills are read. You see...harry's still on Oliver's will as his husband, and oh... he glanced at his watch. Truly enjoying the idea of what was to come. "any minute now they should be getting reports of Lucius Malfoy's untimely demise. They should be running scared, and I'll force them to give it back to me, or I'll let Draco's more...intresting relatives have at it."
Harry paused looking startled. "Lucius is dead?" he asked under his breath so that only Shayne could hear him. "was it you or the lestrange brothers?" he asked looking a little startled, he hadn't expected them to kill so quickly. harry paused and then smirked a little. "that's right, i AM still on Oliver's will." he admitted licking his lips. "and with as serious as Draco is about this, it should be read fairly soon." he admitted smirking a little. "i'm shocked we didn't find this during the divorce. he must have hidden it damn well. i didn't even know he owned it when we where married, how long has he had ownership?"
Shayne sighed a little, smirking easily.Lucius should have known better then play games with a storm lord. I posioned him, but no, by now the LeStrange's caught up to him. They reported in while you were practicing...and he's had it for a few months. I can't tell if he swindled his way into owning it, or if he lawfully bought it, but you will get everything. And Draco will have fun announcing the two are dead. He shuddered a little rubbing his eyes.
Harry gently took the others hand and smiled at him. "don't worry Shay." he murmured softly. "whatever happens, if they die and i'm not in the will, the three of us together should at least have enough money to buy it back, or we leave it up to fate and wait for someone else to buy the team. it means we still get paid anyway." he admitted shrugging a little as the team started getting rowdy wrestling with each other Harry scowling. "well now, i thought you where all TIRED!" he stated glaring out at the team which froze. "maybe we need one more hour of practice?" they all groaned and Harry snorted. "oh go home, your worse than children." Harry stated rolling his eyes the team laughing as they vanished into thin air, or headed for the Floo.
Shayne smirked a little.You are amazing.Come on, lets go see how our own overgrown child is doing. he said snickering as he wrapped his arms around Harry, apparating home looking around for the former blond, wondering what would come
Draco was in the kitchen when they got home, trying and failing miserably to make himself something to eat, scowling darkly at what harry assumed was supposed to be a sandwich, which was really just a mess of mayonnaise, ripped apart sandwich meat, disemboweled tomato's, and bread that looked like it had been hacked up. "FEED MEEE!!!" Draco wined hanging off of Harry's shoulders, the brunette gryfindor looking about two seconds from busting into laughter.
Shayne bit his lip to keep from laughing, looking at the man. Why is it you beg him and not me huh? he teased before setting about making himself a sandwich. After all, draco hadn't asked him to make one. So he wouldn't feed the ex-blond...well not yet anyways.
Draco blinked at Shayne. "sorry i keep forgetting you know how to make food too. i guess i keep assuming that with you being so dashingly handsome and a pure blood you where waited on hand and foot like i was." Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes looking amused. "your pathetic Draco." harry teased. "come here." he ordered gathering all the sandwich materials. "i am going to Teach you, how to make a sandwich." "" Draco grumbled but paid attention when Harry smacked the once malfoy. Draco obediently followed in Harry's steps and created a sloppy looking sandwich, but at least this one looked edible.
Shayne snickered as he sat at the table watching them, pointing at Draco's sandwich.You are so eating that one potter. I'm not letting another malfoy to cause me injury. he said arrogantly, reaching out and pullign the once blond into his lap.I want you to be my food for the day. he said nibbling at the blond's neck.
Draco sneered at his own sandwitch Harry klaughing brightly at the sloppy job. "you'll get better at it." he promised Draco smiling a little as the blond pouted and snuggled into Shayne before his expression brightened. "no, i think i'll just eat more of that pumpkin pie you guys made." he chirped grinning happily as he looked up at Shayne. "oooh now theres an idea i like." he purred Harry looking baffled. "Shayne when did you make pumpkin pie?" harry certainly hadn't so it had to have been Shayne...right?
Shayne frowned, tilting his head, as he clamped his hands down on the blond's hips turning him to face him.What pumpkin pie malfoy? he growled, worry and fear making him forget, overriding everything, and the idea of being kind about Draco's change in status. And forgetting they changed their names. Reverting to a lifetime of habit in fear. Because he might be a better cook then draco, but a pumpkin pie was way out of his repitore of cooking skills.
Draco blinked looking from one lover to the other looking a little worried himself. "the pie... in the fridge.. it's my favorite kind i thought Harry made it... it was in with all the other stuff he made.." Draco admitted rubbing at his throat, it was starting to burn a little as Harry yanked the door of the fridge open screaming in surprise as the tun that had held the now dissolved pie slipped onto the floor like water, silver and orange mixing on the floor as part of the fridge also begane to dissolve Harry's eyes wide as he turned to stare at Shayne. "Draco how long ago did you eat that pie?" Harry demanded Draco staring at the mess of melted goop on the floor, as pale as the walls. "i don't feel so good..." Draco whispered softly Harry going just as pale. "we need to get him to Mungos..."
Get the pie.Meet us there. Shayne scowled slightly as he wrapped his arms around the blond, apparating them to the hospital, looking around as the nurses approached them, tightening his grip on the blond in his arms.He's been posioned...Harry's bringing the pie. He needs looked at. Now. He's not feeling good.[/]Shayne rambled a bit as the nurses got them into a exam room, starting to look over the blond who was still snuggled into the lawyer's arms, because he refused to let him go. It was easier working around the bulky man then argue about him letting Draco go. Rambling and coming apart, for once in his life the man was coming undone in a way that wasn't him normally. Even with his own torture and harry's,he'd been more together than this.
Harry nodded and grabbed one of Draco's potion vials, hoping they would be strong enough to contain the bits of poisoned pie Draco moaning in pain now as the acid ate at him, the Serpis turning and puking all over the floor, red blood mixing witht eh chunks of sandwitch he had eaten the nurses rushing foreward trying to heal the internal damage with spells as they waited for the poison to be identified and an antivenom created, one of them trying to get Draco to stop puking long enough to eat what looked like a rock.
Shayne swallowed hard, gently rubbing Draco's back, taking the rock from the nurse, raising Draco's face to him,ignoring harry when he came in with the potion, and the nurses rushing around trying to get the posion identified.Gently easing the rock into his mouth.Swallow princess. he said gently massaging his throat, smiling as the actions urged the man to swallow.It's okay sweetie. You'll be fine. He said before letting the man return to his puking, giving Harry a panicked look. Because he was so not good at this. He couldn't lose draco after he'd found him.
Draco obediantly swallowed the stone, gagging lightly as he tried to hurl again, blood splattering the bucket that a nurse held out for him as harry handed the Vial of acid to one of the nurses who rushed off with it. Harry had a strange look in his eyes, one that was rather frightening as he gently took both Draco's and Shaynes hand. "it'll be alright." harry promised, that look in the brunettes eyes growing. it was one that Draco knew well, harry wanted revenge, and he was going to obsess over it to the point where he ignored everything. harry had gotten that way over voldemort, and one of the men who had raped olliver... so the man claimed anyway. it was not a sane look, and Harry fully intended to find, and murder the men responsible, akakaban be damned.
Shayne raised his eyes to look at him to. Because like harry, there wasn't sanity in that look. He wasn't one to take things laying dwn. and this was to much...he was going to destroy them now. He'd thought that letting them go was the right thing to do, but this was...this was to much to handle. To nearly deprieve him of Draco when he'd just gotten the man to admit to loving him. No.No that was a unforgivable crime.Tightening his arms around Draco he shuddered, resting his head against Harry's chest. Trying not to panic at the thought of losing draco, barely noticing when the nurse gave draco the antiposion potion.
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