Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"your very lucky." the nurse admitted softly as Draco gulped down the potion. "it's a common strain of Acid, easily fixed." she admitted Draco gasping softly as he sagged against Shayne Harry sighing softly as he realized that Draco was going to be alright, the nurses starting to run diagnostic tests and healing spells along the blond, one of them gently murmuring that Draco was safe now, and that Shayne had to let go so they could fix the damage.
Shayne growled softly at the demand that he had to let go, before letting them take the man out of his arms, sighing as he sagged back against the wall, wrapping his arms around harry. Giving the blond a look,Damn you and your stomach.Next time, no eating anything. he growled.
Draco grimaced as one of the nurses took an 'xray' spell on his stomach, showing the torn and eaten bits of his insides. if Draco hadn't been a wizard, he'd have been dead. "ouch." Draco groaned making a face, one of the nurses chuckling. "don't worry, we'll patch those together in no time. you'll need to stay here for a few days, to make sure all of the poison is gone, but you'll be fine and eating pumkin pie again in no time." "i think i'm off pumkin from now on." Draco admitted with a wince glancing at Shayne and Harry. "this was a rather pathetic attempt at my life." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "their getting desperate. i think you should go find them before their desperation gets the better of us."
Shayne smiled slowly. Taking the words as he wanted them to mean. Given free rein to let his viciousness slip the collar, let him be the storm lord he was born to be, instead of the civilized person he usually was. Standing he bent down to kiss Draco."I will.Don't worry princess."He said before kissing harry, "You staying with him?"He asked. Wondering what was going to come next, and worried they'd try to hurt draco here wihtout some protection.
Harry nodded. "all night." Harry promised softly smiling at Shayne. "you go on, i'll bring Draco home." he promised softly, gently nuzzling his lover before kissing his forehead. "go have fun Shayne, rip off their dicks for me." Draco nodded. "and cut off their fingers for me." he ordered weekly. "one nuckle at a time." Harry smirked a little and glanced at Shayne. "you heard the almighty Lord Serpis."
Shayne snickered."Yes m'lord."He said smiling, knowing the nurses were staring at him in horror as he walked out. To amused, and to pissed off to be offended. Scowling a little as he headed for Wood's. For the next four hours he desperately searched for the men, before going to the one place he thought they'd be...even if their protector was dead. Malfoy manor. Walking inside he smiled, as he heard them talkin in the dining hall. Glad that it had paid off. Slamming the wards up so they couldn't escape he walked in, looking at ease and happy to see them."Good evening gentlemen."
Blase turned his eyes wide before he turned into a mirk flicking his wand at Shayne, using a binding curse to compleatly immobalize the other. "i told you it would work Malfoy." he stated licking his lips. "we just have to keep Mr. Vako here busy, while Blai..i mean, I go out and take care of Potter and that blond Faggot." something seamed a about Blaise though, the black man wasn't as stioc as he normally was.
Sahyne smiled slightly at the spell, "Whatever is wrong with you blaise?"He asked. For a minute letting the spell hold him. And because he'd walked in expecting something like this, and coud fight it. He smirked wider as the spell broke on his shields."You're going to have to do better than that."He said worried about the others. But not letting it show.
Blaise smirked a little as he flicked his wand again, a flash of emerald green filling the air. the Avada kedavra curse! he was all out trying to kill Shayne, not Blaise's style at if it wasn't blaise at all....oh hell. "your going to have to learn to quit talking, and start dueling properly."
Shayne laughed softly raising a hand as the curse stopped in front of him."Why should I duel properly Lucius, when you're not worth my time?"He said slamming the curse away from him.Glad that being a storm lord gave him some leeway in things. Cursing as he tossed another killing curse at the other man.
the fake blaise laughed as he dove away from teh return spell licking his lips. "my, you guessed so quickly, of course i wasn't trying to make you think i was blaise, just distract you." he admitted staggering and falling onto one knee panting hard. "you thought that poison would really kill me so quickly?" he demanded grinning visciously. "on't be a fool. i might die, but i'm going to make sure that filthy fucking potter dies with me! Blaise should already be taking care of it now." he smirked a little. "did you like my pie? how much did Draco eat before he realized that it was poisoned?" it was like he was TRYING to piss Shayne off.
Sayne snarled softly, letting his temper get the better of him, wincing a little as he heard the lightening and thunder crash outside."Enough."He said studying the other man before lunging for him, body slamming him as he shoved his hand against his chest, using a touch of power to burn skin, letting his hand slip through his rib cage and skin, wrapping his hand around the other's heart."Are you so eager to die?"He said squeezing, knowing he had to end this now.
Lucius howled in pain as he felt the hand sliding through his rib cage, a look of madness crossing over Blais's face as the Malfoy laughed visciously. "i am eager to die." Lucius admitted grabbing Shaynes neck, struggling through the pain that the other was giving him, choking on his own pain panting hard. "you ruined my i'll ruin yours. Blaise should have already delt with your lovers by now. better hurry home, before Draco does something he'll regrete."
Shayne swallowed hard, tearing out the other's heart, dropping it to the floor with a wet splat, apparting back home, rushing inside. "Draco?Harry?"He yelled looking for them. His rage given voice as he felt the house shake as lightening crashed, looking for his lovers.
Lucius sputtered his fingers convulsing against the others neck before he callapsed a smirk still on his lips, dead...finally. but the trouble wasn't over. the hallway was smeared with blood when Shayne apparated into it, but who's blood was it? there was a smashing sound inside the kitchen and laughter, Blaise's. "good bye Mr. Potter." he chirped sounding smug. "it was apleasure doing buisness with you. Draco, why don't you go and greet your other lover?" Draco moved out into the hallway, smeared with blood holding a butcher knife in hand, his eyes blank from the imperius spell. "hello Shayne.." Draco mumbled blinking slowly. you could see the flickers of horror as Draco struggled against the spell that forced him to do Blaise's bidding.
rage flashed in Shayne's eyes as he stepped closer, deftly avoiding the butcher's knife as he wrapped his hand around the man's wrist, pulling him close."Sleep."He growled smacking him hard enough with pure power that he felt the spell shatter under the weight of his temper, felt it knock the man unconsicious. Before moving to the kitchen, staring in horror before he reached for Blaise. intent in adding more blood to what already covered him, slamming into the black man,wrapping his hands around the man's throat."Lucius is dead. Die yourself."He said not looking at harry, he couldn't. Not if he wanted to deal with Bliase.
Draco lunged, trying to stab Shayne in the side struggling against the others gripbefore he groaned and sagged, compleatly out cold under the force of shayne's magic Blaise laughing as he kicked harry's bloody body. Harry didn't even make a noise, he looked like he was already dead. Blaise gagged as the hands wrapped around his neck and he stumbled backwards, a shine of metal in his hands as he slammed another butcher knife into Shaynes stomach, wheezing against the others grip. "you did...lucius....favor...idiot..."
Shayne gasped as the knife sunk home,"I know. And I'm doing the same for you."He said squeezing, smirking as he felt the bones snap in his fingers, gripping and pulling, feeling the blood coat his hand as he ripped out the other's throat. Gasping as he stumbled back, he wrapped a hand around Harry's arm, apparating to the hospital, leaving the man who was to still in their care befor egoing after Draco. Within minutes both were in the care of professionals, and the storm lord was left to rage over what was going to come next. Because there was one person left in this equation that he was going to rip apart. Wood. As soon as he knew the other two would be fine. Collapsing into the seat near the door, he waited for news on how they were. Not even noticing he was still bleeding until he collapsed himself, and all three were under the care of doctor's. Though Shayne was still aware enough he was waiting news on what happened.
one of the nurses came in, looking a little worried. "i'm sorry Mr. Vako." she whispered softly. " young Draco has fallen into a coma, and Mr. Potter isn't healing properly." she warned biting her lip. "i don't want to worry you but...they might not make it..." she admitted softly setting a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Potter is awake, he want's to talk to you..."
Shayne looked at her, nodding slightly as he got up. Still covered in his own blood and other's, he made his way to harry's room, swallowing hard as he moved to Harry's side."Hey..."She said softly looking at him
Harry blinked awake and turned to smile at Shayne,grimacing as he tried to lift his hand, wanting to touch his lover. "hurts." harry admitted panting hard closing his eyes again. "i'" he promised. "had...worse." he had had worse, after he'd killed Voldemort harry's skin had all but been peeled compleatly off. he'd spend almost a year in the hospital trying to get his body to work again. "draco?" harry asked hopefully. he wanted to talk to his lover, tell him that it was ok, that it wasn't Draco's fault.
Shayne's eyes were sad as he slid his hand into Harry's, squeezing lightly."In a coma."he said softly tears falling onto the other man's hand, sighing softly as he sat beside the bed. Truly fearful that draco wouldnt make it. That harry wouldn't. that he'd be alone when he'd just found them.
Harry blinked, astonished before he closed his eyes again holding Shaynes hand as tightly as he could manage, it wasn't much. "Draco struggled." he admitted softly. "he missed all my vitals, blaise didn't notice." he admitted coughing a little a nurse coming in to hook an IV to harry's arm. "tis willstop the pain." she explained. "but it might make him fall asleep so try to be quick."
Shayne nodded bending over to kiss the brunette."Don't worry. He'll be fine.Sleep..."He said straightening, watching the other man fall asleep before walking out. Pacing for a littlte while as he tried to do what next.
Harry sighed softly and went back to sleep the nurse gently setting her hand on Shayne's shoulder. "i'm sure they will be alright." she tried to reassure him biting her lip a little. "i'll stay with Mr. Potter and Mr...erm, Draco to make sure nothing hppens." she promised offering him a small smile. "you should get some rest."
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