Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Shayne smiled laying the blond down, letting him cuddle up against harry before giving tamwin a look, two to having becoming good friends inthe last few days as they took care of the two injured ones."I'll get groped."He whined moving to lay on Harry's other side, yawning. He hadn't been sleeping ,only really sleeping when tamwin and the nurses drugged him.
Tamwin smirked a little and shrugged. "so? you know you like it, why fight it?" he asked smirking a little as harry sighed, relaxing a little now that he was holding his two lovers. "would you like me to leave so you can have some privacy?" Tamwin teased a playful smirk on his face, mostly because everyone in there knew that while he was gay, he had no interest in any one of the people in that room, being that he was married to the team Keeper.
Shayne snickered looking at him,"Yes, unless you want a kiss. Cause I might indulge youre need to know if I am as amazing as I look."Shayne tease closing his eyes, finally relaxing and giving into his body's need to sleep. Asleep before tamwin even responded.
Tamwin snorted a little and shook his head as Harry sighed softly and drifted off to sleep as well, Draco smiling as he snuggled in tight to harry and drifted off to sleep, looking relaxed and at peace.

they where both awakened by a nurse who was looking a great deal amused. "Mr potter is well enough to leave the bed." she informed Adrien, quietly so as to make sure Harry and Draco didn't wake up. "and Draco has completely stabilized and he may also go home." she promised him pausing before pointing her finger at him sternly. "but neither of them are to participate in anything strenuous for at least two more days, are we clear?"
shayne pouted but nodded."Nothing strenous."He grinned getting up, "I'll finish the paperwork then we'll get them out of here."He muttered before walking out with her. Returning in about a hour to wake them, smiling as he leaned down to kiss them both."come on you two, time to go home."
Harry groaned as he was kissed awake, sitting up and rubbing his eyes and Draco whined and rolled over, dragging a pillow over his head, not yet ready to wake up. "i can finally get out of bed!?" harry demanded hopefully looking almost immediately energized. "WOO! lets get the hell OUT of here!" (if you don't mind, can i take over Wood for a while?)
(fine by me :))

Shayne laughed softly as he shook the blond awake, smirking as he kissed them both again."Yes yes you can go home.Come on then.Lets wake sleeping beauty and we'll go."He said amused that harry was so excited to be getting out of bed.
Harry grinned and practically did a swan leap out of bed beaming excitedly as he stomped his feet on the floor. "I"M PUT OF BED! AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" he roared pointing at his 'evil' nurse who lifted an eyebrow. "on second thought Mr. Vako i think Mr. Potter had better stay with us one more day." "what!? no no i'll be good i swear!!!!" Harry pleaded the nurse snickering as she left Harry sulking a little as he grabbed Shayne's hand. "get us out of here before she comes back, we can wake Draco at home!"
Shayne snickered as he touched them both, apparating to the house as he kissed the blond's head, holding him close to his body. Glad that he'd gotten the guys from the team take careof cleaning up."So how's it feel to be home?"He said smiling at harry as he leaned over to steal a kiss.
Harry didn't bother returning the kiss, he was too busy gaping. "uuh...did you have a party?" he asked hopefully, the house was completely trashed, everything that could be broken was, there where even holes in the wall, large letters lay everywhere 'whore' 'slut' 'i'm coming to get you' 'you'll pay' 'your ass is mine'. it almost looked written in blood, but a quick sniff assured anyone that it was just red paint. Harry swallowed thickly as he hesitantly took a step into the kitchen grimacing a little. there where snakes everywhere, and every last one of them had been disemboweled with Harry's cooking utensils...ok they where really Shayne's but harry used them too. "is it ok if i'm a little scared right now?"
Shayne stared, nearly dropping the blond in his arms as his face flushed, going from happy to pissed off in 2.5 seconds. Snarling he shoved the blond into Harry's arms."Wake him up, and get the wards up.I need to go see tamwin."He growled, apparating out before harry could respond taking a moment to make sure the wards were up. Snarling as he walked into tamwin's place."Tamwin!Where's oliver?I'm going to nail his hide to my wall and throw darts at him."
Harry swallowed thickly as he shook Draco awake the blond groaning and then Gasping in horror as he took in the house looking terrified when Shayne vanished.

Tamwin opened his door looking startled as he blinked at Shayne. "uh, dude why would i know where that fuckhead is?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. being one of Harry's only freinds he was privy to information like harry being raped by his ex. there was no way Tamwin would ever let Oliver hide if he knew where the bastard was. "come inside and try to calm down, i'll make some tea and you can explain what's got your knickers in a knot." he stated calmly yanking Shayne in before he could protest shaking his head. "harry and Draco are ok right?" he asked looking worried that somehow Oliver had gotten to them at the hospital.
"they're fine.My house however is not."Shayne growled pacing in the living room."Because you were searching for him. I was hoping you ofund him."He sighed a little.Its one thing to scar me up with this shit, but did he have to ruin my paint job?Fuck I'm going to feed him his heart for fucking up my house."He growled a little, more angry over what the other two would be going through then the house. Because he wasn't lying, he really would keep wood alive long enough to feed him chucks of his heart.
Tamwin looked a little grossed out about that but said nothing. "well a house is just a house Shayne." he stated simply offering the other some tea. "if you need to you guys could come live with me while their fixing your house." he offered shrugging his shoulder. "and in any case, Oliver's dropped from the radar, i don;t know where the hell he's gone. i was hoping someone else had killed him." he admitted scowling a little. "i was wrong apparently.
"Apparently."He said slowly, wondering how long it would take him to convince the ministry and everyone in the wizarding underworld that oliver was off limits, and would be dealt with by a storm lord. Sighing softly he sipped his tea."I'll ask them if they want to.Thanks tamwin."He said kissing the other's cheek before apparating home, looing for the other two.
Tamwin smiled a little and patted Shayne's hand. "just be careful." he ordered softly. "i'll let my husband know so he doesn't panic when he finds strangers in the house." he teased winking at his new friend.

Harry and Draco where trying to patch the house back together, but they weren't fairing well, even WITH magic. "i don't think we can fix this.." Draco muttered panting softly from the effort of trying to piece back together a wall Harry shaking his head and ordering Draco to sit down before the blond overworked himself. Draco did unwillingly and then grinned as he spotted Shayne. "hey! welcome tried to fix the house.." he admitted sheepishly.
Shayne frowned at them both, "You two aren't supposed to being doing any work."He said sulking because he didn't want them to injure themselves over the house."We're going to go stay with Tamwin till I can find Oliver. Come on, pack bags."He said dragging the two upstairs.
they blinked. "'s not work!" harry whined a little, pouting a bit. "it's only a little magic." "yeah right, i'm tired." Draco stated glaring at Harry who shrugged but gave in and headed upstairs to find some cloths that weren't smeared in serpent blood. "Tamwin sure is a nice Guy." harry chirped smiling at Shayne. "i'm glad you two like each other." honestly harry had been a little worried that Shayne wouldn't like any of his freinds.
Shayne snckered a little."He amuses me.And was good while you two were out.And....he agrees we're going to bury wood in the near future."He smiled slowly packing some clothes, before kissing draco."How are you feeling?"He asked gently stroking his hair.
Draco smiled a little. "i'm still really tired." he admitted softly rubbing his eyes. "the nurse said that it's my way of dealing with the psychological trauma but i think that it's just because i'm tired." he admitted shaking his head. "which is why i'm making Harry pack all of my clothes." "there isn't much, everything's practically soaked in snake blood."
"We'll make tamwin go shopping for some clothes."Shayne said picking up the bags after harry was done apparating to tamwin's, smiling slightly."Come on sweetling, we'll see if tamwin has a bed for you to take a nap."
Draco nodded rubbing his eyes leaning into Shayne as Harry tackled a laughing Tamwin and Alex who had gotten home from shopping, the Team Keeper simply laughing as Tamwin and Harry wrestled around on the floor careful not to damage Harry. "hey guys!" Tamwin chirped his voice muffled as Harry pinned him to the floor, crowing his victory. "make yourselves at home, i'm sorry but we only have the one guest room, but the bed should be big enough for all three of you."
If not, I guess I can always sleep on the floor.Can't have the injured ones on the floor."Shayne said sounding amused as he headed for the guest bedroom to put their bags down
both harry and Draco looked horrified and then Harry, the ever clever one. "you know, we could just magic the bed bigger." he pointed out lifting an eyebrow at Shayne and Tamwin and Alex laughed at Harry's wit and nodded. "he has a point Shayne." Tamwin chirped a lopsided smirk on his face. "and you know whats even better? i can have sex, and you can't!" Draco snorted a little, resisting the urge to laugh at that as Alex smacked his husband over the head.
Shayne raised a eyebrow as he walked bak out,"I can fix that problem for you tam."He said studying the man, a slow smirk on his face. moving over to wrap a arm around alex's shoulder."I don't understand why you stay married to him. I can offer so much more."He said, the playboy he'd once been alive and well in that look, more to give tamwin a hard time and see what harry and raco would say.
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