Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Harry and Draco just looked highly amused as Alex went a deep shade of red. "i..i..i...i.." Tamwin snickered a little and stole his husband back from Shayne. "please! i could out fuck you any day!" he purred, only making Alex blush harder and squeak in surprise as his husband sucked on his ear. "t..this is....mortifying Tamwin!" it was strange that such a pervert like Tamwin, was married to someone so shy, but Alex's blush was soooo adorable.
Shayne smiled stepping closer to alex, cupping the man's face in his hands,"I'd never embarass you like this nethandral alex."He smiled kissing the man's forehead,"Tamwin, you're so cruel to your husband."He said wrapping his arms around draco, fingers playing over the senstive parts of his body.
Tamwin laughed brightly. "your the one that embarrassed him in the first place you oaf!" he complained grinning brightly as Axel went even more red at the kiss to his forehead, burying his face in Tamwin's chest to hide his ever so adorable blush, Tamwin laughing. "besides you already have two husbands! leave mine alone!" he demanded snickering a little as Draco moaned softly leaning into Shayne, he had long ago stopped caring what other people thought of him and just enjoyed letting Shayne touch him, Tamwin watching or not, Draco didn't care. hell it was pretty hot having someone watch.
Shayne snickered a little."I know..I'm sorry alex."He said kissing draco's head."You feeling okay honeybuns?"He teased looking down at draco's face, running his fingers through draco's hair."And I'm not a oaf.You're an oaf."He said looking at tamwin.
Draco nodded looking sleepy still and Harry chuckled a little. "i think Draco needs a nap." Harry pointed out, Draco nodding in agreement as Alex looked over at Shayne sticking his tongue out at him playfully before leaning up to kiss Tamwin. "he's not an Oaf, he's a dick." Alex chirped smirking at his own little pun making Tamwin burst into his own laughter, Alex blushing hard at his own statement as harry gaped at the shy and reserved Keeper.
Shayne stared before grinning, picking up the blond."No. I have a dick, I'm not one."He said before heading to the bedroom, laying the blond down and cuddling into him. Wrapping his arms around him, preparing to take a nap to.
Draco snickered a little as Tamwin laughed a little and shook his head, offering the way too hyper to take a nap Harry a cup of tea and a rowdy' game of poker, to which Harry eagerly agreed bounding into the kitchen, determined to make use of his final freedom. Draco on the other hand seamed very content to simply rest in Shayne's arms sighing softly. "i live you." Draco murmured as he was laid out on the bed, already half asleep, a contented smile on his lips. everyone was alive, harry was fine, and Draco couldn't even begin to express how relieved he was.
"I love you to.Now sleep."The sleepy red head demanded, yawning as he fell asleep himself.

Hours later Shayne gently eased out of the bed, walking out to the living room to see what the other's were doing, smiling slightly at the sight of harry cooking."You know it's not your house harry.You don't have to cook."He teased.
Harry turned and looked at Shayne blinking a little before. "yes i do! Tamwin was making nasty shit and Alex can't cook." "my cooking is NOT nasty! it's just a different culture than yours! there is NOTHING wrong with Curry!" "it's GROSS!" harry spat sulking at Tamwin who tossed his hands in the air. "i give up." the man complained, though he looked more amused than anything else. "it looks like vomit! i do not eat things that look like vomit!" Harry continued Tamwin turning to glare at Harry. "i am going to tickle you again." harry whipped out a wooden spoon and adopted a fencing position. "you wouldn't dare!" "wouldn't i?" they where both hyper now it seemed, poor Alex was sleeping on the chair next to the couch, tuckered out by the two's energy levels.
Sayne smiled slightly tilting his head"It's like seeing two five year olds. Where's draco when you need him?At least he's a respectable 6."He sinckered shaking his head."Behave you two."He said watching the spoon.
Harry giggled and turned the spoon on Shayne, aiming it at him. "En Guard! ye scurvy bat!" "Harry that doesn't make ANY sense!" Tamwin complained looking close to bursting into laughter as he leaped over the couch his own wooden spoon in hand. "en Guard ye mangy Cat!" "that doesn't make sense either!" Harry complained back both of them laughing as they had a mock sword fight in the kitchen, the soup on the stove staying at a nice simmer. "are they going at it AGAIN!?" Alex demanded looking adorably sleepy, and slightly amused. "well at least there having fun." (they are now, four year old's XDD)
Shayne snickered as he sat down next to alex."Yea they started again when I walked in."He smiled a little, tilting his head. Amused because the two seemed so entertained by fighting with wooden spoons.
they where giggling madly as they whacked their spoons together both of them pausing and looking over at Alex and Shayne with a wicked amusement in their eyes. "Avast! stowaways!" Harry chirped Tamwin snickering a little. "aye stowaways, and do ye know what we do with stowaways?" Tamwin asked Axel groaning a little. "we plunder them!" the two chorused laughing as they tackled their respective lovers and kissed them intently.
Shayne laughed as he kissed his lover back, before pulling away, smirking a little as he looked at the laughing brunette."So, if this is how you greet all stowaways, I don't want you riding any ships."He said pouting a little as he pulled the man into his lap.
Harry giggled a little and licked his lips. "your the only stowaway i would ever plunder." he purred smirking as Alex squeaked, embarrassed as Tamwin molested him. "tam...Tamwin not in front of the guests!" the boy protested Tamwin giggling a little as Harry snorted. "now your just being cruel Tamwin, you know i'm not allowed to have sex yet." "say's who!?" "says the guy who fucks me."
Shayne snickered."He's right. No sex for at least two days. Maybe you and draco can mourn your sex lives together."Shayne sid running a hand down harry's back, kissing him softly.
Harry snorted a little. "i think Draco is just going to sleep for two days, he's not going to have time to mourn." he whined pouting pathetically as Tamwin laughed and let Alex up, the guy blushing violently. "well Shayne, i could borrow you Axel for a while?" "TAMWIN!!!" Alex roared blushing furiously. "we agreed only one stranger a week!" "but...but..." "besides i highly doubt Draco and Harry would appreciate him mounting their friend!" "i think it'd be kinda hot." "shut up Harry!" Alex demanded glaring at the Boy Who Lived, Tamwin and Harry bursting into laughter.
Shayne blushed, looking totally out of his element, and for once, the lawyer was out of words."Uh...uh..."He stuttered before staring at the table."I well...I'm flattered but uh..."He stuttered. Poor poor shayne...totally at a loss on how to say no without insulting any of them.
Tamwin and Alex both laughed at that and Alex shook his head. "don't worry about it." he ordered smiling at Shayne. "your hot and all but i only let one person fuck me." he admitted grinning a little. "Tamwin is just being an ass." "an ass that you love." "....we'll see." Tamwin looked horrified and he leaped to his feet pointing at Alex. "i will MAKE you love me! i'm gonna go get you some roses stay here!" he demanded racing for the door Alex looking rather pleased. "i have him trained so well." Harry couldn't take it anymore. he burst into laughter.
"You really do."Shayne snickered watching the other man for a moment before smiling."It's kinda like me having my two trained.I whine and they do everything to make it better."He smiled hugging harry."Isnt that right sweetie?"
Harry grinned and nodded. "that's right." he purred softly. "but Draco is more trained than i am." he admitted laughing a little leaning into Adrien with a small happy sigh. "in any case, none of you can beat my cooking so even if i wasn't trained you'd still need me."
"True. And draco slaughter's tomatos, so we couldn't even trust him to even try cooking."Shayne snickered, closing his eyes as he rested his cheek on harry's shoulder. Holding him close.
Harry snickered a little and nodded Alex chuckling a little. "you guys are so cute." he chirped Harry sticking his tongue out at the other as Tamwin rushed back in with a dozen roses and a badly wrote poem that made harry gag Draco stumbling down the stairs looking sleepy, but much healthier. "i'm hungry." he complained flopping down next to Shayne and snuggling in. "feed me..."
Shayne laughed, wrapping his arm around draco, kissing his head before pushing harry to his feet."You heard the man. Food."He demanded leaning up to kiss him softly.
Harry laughed and shook his head. "the other day you where bitching that Draco never went to you for food!" Harry protested, already heading into the kitchen to dish up several bowls of a now thick stew, perfect for a recovering Draco and Shayne. harry too but Harry prefurred to pretend he wasn't injured.
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